janwas a69ac0dee9 - fix w4 warnings
- add convenience macros for config_db(CFG_GET_SYS_VAL)
- VFSUtil::EnumDirEnts now uses flags instead of bool recursive
- UNUSED() for params, UNUSED2 (<- need better name) for variables
- config.h defines must be tested with #if (always defined) -> allows
detecting misspellings thanks to compiler warnings
- replace debug_assert(0) with debug_warn (its sole purpose)
- replace ScriptingHost::ValueToInt et al with ToPrimitive
- use nommgr.h to disable both mmgr and VC debug heap

This was SVN commit r2585.
2005-08-09 15:55:44 +00:00

532 lines
13 KiB
Executable File

GUI utilities
by Gustav Larsson
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "GUI.h"
#include "Parser.h"
#include "i18n.h"
extern int g_yres;
using namespace std;
template <>
bool __ParseString<bool>(const CStr& Value, bool &Output)
if (Value == "true")
Output = true;
if (Value == "false")
Output = false;
return false;
return true;
template <>
bool __ParseString<int>(const CStr& Value, int &Output)
Output = Value.ToInt();
return true;
template <>
bool __ParseString<float>(const CStr& Value, float &Output)
Output = Value.ToFloat();
return true;
template <>
bool __ParseString<CRect>(const CStr& Value, CRect &Output)
// Use the parser to parse the values
CParser& parser (CParserCache::Get("_$value_$value_$value_$value_"));
string str = Value;
CParserLine line;
line.ParseString(parser, str);
if (!line.m_ParseOK)
// Parsing failed
return false;
float values[4];
for (int i=0; i<4; ++i)
if (!line.GetArgFloat(i, values[i]))
// Parsing failed
return false;
// Finally the rectangle values
Output = CRect(values[0], values[1], values[2], values[3]);
return true;
template <>
bool __ParseString<CClientArea>(const CStr& Value, CClientArea &Output)
return Output.SetClientArea(Value);
template <>
bool GUI<int>::ParseColor(const CStr& Value, CColor &Output, float DefaultAlpha)
// First, check our database in g_GUI for pre-defined colors
// If we find anything, we'll ignore DefaultAlpha
#ifdef g_GUI
// If it fails, it won't do anything with Output
if (g_GUI.GetPreDefinedColor(Value, Output))
return true;
#endif // g_GUI
return Output.ParseString(Value, DefaultAlpha);
template <>
bool __ParseString<CColor>(const CStr& Value, CColor &Output)
// First, check our database in g_GUI for pre-defined colors
#ifdef g_GUI
// If it fails, it won't do anything with Output
if (g_GUI.GetPreDefinedColor(Value, Output))
return true;
#endif // g_GUI
return Output.ParseString(Value, 255.f);
template <>
bool __ParseString<CSize>(const CStr& Value, CSize &Output)
// Use the parser to parse the values
CParser& parser (CParserCache::Get("_$value_$value_"));
string str = Value;
CParserLine line;
line.ParseString(parser, str);
if (!line.m_ParseOK)
// Parsing failed
return false;
float x, y;
// x
if (!line.GetArgFloat(0, x))
// TODO Gee: Parsing failed
return false;
// y
if (!line.GetArgFloat(1, y))
// TODO Gee: Parsing failed
return false;
Output.cx = x;
Output.cy = y;
return true;
template <>
bool __ParseString<CPos>(const CStr& Value, CPos &Output)
CSize temp;
if (__ParseString<CSize>(Value, temp))
Output = CPos(temp);
return true;
return false;
template <>
bool __ParseString<EAlign>(const CStr &Value, EAlign &Output)
if (Value == "left")
Output = EAlign_Left;
if (Value == "center")
Output = EAlign_Center;
if (Value == "right")
Output = EAlign_Right;
return false;
return true;
template <>
bool __ParseString<EVAlign>(const CStr &Value, EVAlign &Output)
if (Value == "top")
Output = EVAlign_Top;
if (Value == "center")
Output = EVAlign_Center;
if (Value == "bottom")
Output = EVAlign_Bottom;
return false;
return true;
template <>
bool __ParseString<CGUIString>(const CStr& Value, CGUIString &Output)
// Translate the Value and retrieve the localised string in
// Unicode.
return true;
template <>
bool __ParseString<CStr>(const CStr& Value, CStr &Output)
// Do very little.
Output = Value;
return true;
template <>
bool __ParseString<CStrW>(const CStr& Value, CStrW &Output)
// Translate the Value and retrieve the localised string in
// Unicode.
Output = I18n::translate((CStrW)Value);
return true;
template <>
bool __ParseString<CGUISpriteInstance>(const CStr& Value, CGUISpriteInstance &Output)
Output = Value;
return true;
template <>
bool __ParseString<CGUIList>(const CStr& UNUSED(Value), CGUIList& UNUSED(Output))
//LOG(WARNING, LOG_CATEGORY, "Cannot set a 'list' from a string.");
return false;
void guiLoadIdentity()
glTranslatef(0.0f, (GLfloat)g_yres, -1000.0f);
glScalef(1.0f, -1.f, 1.0f);
// Help Classes/Structs for the GUI implementation
CClientArea::CClientArea() : pixel(0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f), percent(0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f)
CClientArea::CClientArea(const CStr& Value)
CRect CClientArea::GetClientArea(const CRect &parent) const
// If it's a 0 0 100% 100% we need no calculations
if (percent == CRect(0.f,0.f,100.f,100.f) && pixel == CRect(0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f))
return parent;
CRect client;
// This should probably be cached and not calculated all the time for every object.
client.left = parent.left + (parent.right-parent.left)*percent.left/100.f + pixel.left;
client.top = parent.top + (parent.bottom-parent.top)*percent.top/100.f + pixel.top;
client.right = parent.left + (parent.right-parent.left)*percent.right/100.f + pixel.right;
client.bottom = parent.top + (parent.bottom-parent.top)*percent.bottom/100.f + pixel.bottom;
return client;
bool CClientArea::SetClientArea(const CStr& Value)
// Get value in STL string format
string _Value = Value;
// This might lack incredible speed, but since all XML files
// are read at startup, reading 100 client areas will be
// negligible in the loading time.
// Setup parser to parse the value
// One of the four values:
// will give outputs like (in argument):
// (200) <== no percent, just the first $value
// (200) (percent) <== just the percent
// (200) (percent) (100) <== percent PLUS pixel
// (200) (percent) (-100) <== percent MINUS pixel
// (200) (percent) (100) (-100) <== Both PLUS and MINUS are used, INVALID
string one_value = "_[-_$arg(_minus)]$value[$arg(percent)%_[+_$value]_[-_$arg(_minus)$value]_]";
string four_values = one_value + "$arg(delim)" +
one_value + "$arg(delim)" +
one_value + "$arg(delim)" +
one_value + "$arg(delim)_"; // it's easier to just end with another delimiter
// Don't use the above strings, because they make this code go very slowly
const char* four_values =
"_[-_$arg(_minus)]$value[$arg(percent)%_[+_$value]_[-_$arg(_minus)$value]_]" "$arg(delim)"
"_[-_$arg(_minus)]$value[$arg(percent)%_[+_$value]_[-_$arg(_minus)$value]_]" "$arg(delim)"
"_[-_$arg(_minus)]$value[$arg(percent)%_[+_$value]_[-_$arg(_minus)$value]_]" "$arg(delim)"
"_[-_$arg(_minus)]$value[$arg(percent)%_[+_$value]_[-_$arg(_minus)$value]_]" "$arg(delim)"
CParser& parser (CParserCache::Get(four_values));
CParserLine line;
line.ParseString(parser, _Value);
if (!line.m_ParseOK)
return false;
int arg_count[4]; // argument counts for the four values
int arg_start[4] = {0,0,0,0}; // location of first argument, [0] is always 0
// Divide into the four piles (delimiter is an argument named "delim")
for (int i=0, valuenr=0; i<(int)line.GetArgCount(); ++i)
string str;
line.GetArgString(i, str);
if (str == "delim")
if (valuenr==0)
arg_count[0] = i;
arg_start[1] = i+1;
if (valuenr!=3)
debug_assert(valuenr <= 2);
arg_start[valuenr+1] = i+1;
arg_count[valuenr] = arg_start[valuenr+1] - arg_start[valuenr] - 1;
arg_count[3] = (int)line.GetArgCount() - arg_start[valuenr] - 1;
// Iterate argument
// This is the scheme:
// 1 argument = Just pixel value
// 2 arguments = Just percent value
// 3 arguments = percent and pixel
// 4 arguments = INVALID
// Default to 0
float values[4][2] = {{0.f,0.f},{0.f,0.f},{0.f,0.f},{0.f,0.f}};
for (int v=0; v<4; ++v)
if (arg_count[v] == 1)
string str;
line.GetArgString(arg_start[v], str);
if (!line.GetArgFloat(arg_start[v], values[v][1]))
return false;
if (arg_count[v] == 2)
if (!line.GetArgFloat(arg_start[v], values[v][0]))
return false;
if (arg_count[v] == 3)
if (!line.GetArgFloat(arg_start[v], values[v][0]) ||
!line.GetArgFloat(arg_start[v]+2, values[v][1]))
return false;
else return false;
// Now store the values[][] in the right place
pixel.left = values[0][1];
pixel.top = values[1][1];
pixel.right = values[2][1];
pixel.bottom = values[3][1];
percent.left = values[0][0];
percent.top = values[1][0];
percent.right = values[2][0];
percent.bottom = values[3][0];
return true;
// Utilities implementation
IGUIObject * CInternalCGUIAccessorBase::GetObjectPointer(CGUI &GUIinstance, const CStr& Object)
// if (!GUIinstance.ObjectExists(Object))
// return NULL;
return GUIinstance.m_pAllObjects.find(Object)->second;
const IGUIObject * CInternalCGUIAccessorBase::GetObjectPointer(const CGUI &GUIinstance, const CStr& Object)
// if (!GUIinstance.ObjectExists(Object))
// return NULL;
return GUIinstance.m_pAllObjects.find(Object)->second;
void CInternalCGUIAccessorBase::QueryResetting(IGUIObject *pObject)
GUI<>::RecurseObject(0, pObject, &IGUIObject::ResetStates);
void CInternalCGUIAccessorBase::HandleMessage(IGUIObject *pObject, const SGUIMessage &message)
#ifndef NDEBUG
#define TYPE(T) \
template<> void CheckType<T>(const IGUIObject* obj, const CStr& setting) { \
if (((IGUIObject*)obj)->m_Settings[setting].m_Type != GUIST_##T) \
{ \
/* Abort now, to avoid corrupting everything by invalidly \
casting pointers */ \
debug_warn("FATAL ERROR: Inconsistent types in GUI"); \
throw "FATAL ERROR: Inconsistent types in GUI"; /* TODO: better reporting */ \
} \
#include "GUItypes.h"
#undef TYPE
#include "ps/CLogger.h"
template <typename T>
PS_RESULT GUI<T>::GetSettingPointer(const IGUIObject *pObject, const CStr& Setting, T* &Value)
if (pObject == NULL)
if (!pObject->SettingExists(Setting))
if (!pObject->m_Settings.find(Setting)->second.m_pSetting)
return PS_FAIL;
#ifndef NDEBUG
CheckType<T>(pObject, Setting);
// Get value
Value = (T*)pObject->m_Settings.find(Setting)->second.m_pSetting;
return PS_OK;
template <typename T>
PS_RESULT GUI<T>::GetSetting(const IGUIObject *pObject, const CStr& Setting, T &Value)
T* v;
PS_RESULT ret = GetSettingPointer(pObject, Setting, v);
if (ret == PS_OK)
Value = *v;
return ret;
template <typename T>
PS_RESULT GUI<T>::SetSetting(IGUIObject *pObject, const CStr& Setting,
const T &Value, const bool& SkipMessage)
if (pObject == NULL)
if (!pObject->SettingExists(Setting))
#ifndef NDEBUG
CheckType<T>(pObject, Setting);
// Set value
*(T*)pObject->m_Settings[Setting].m_pSetting = Value;
// Some settings needs special attention at change
// If setting was "size", we need to re-cache itself and all children
if (Setting == "size")
RecurseObject(0, pObject, &IGUIObject::UpdateCachedSize);
if (Setting == "hidden")
// Hiding an object requires us to reset it and all children
//RecurseObject(0, pObject, IGUIObject::ResetStates);
if (!SkipMessage)
HandleMessage(pObject, SGUIMessage(GUIM_SETTINGS_UPDATED, Setting));
return PS_OK;
// Instantiate templated functions:
#define TYPE(T) \
template PS_RESULT GUI<T>::GetSettingPointer(const IGUIObject *pObject, const CStr& Setting, T* &Value); \
template PS_RESULT GUI<T>::GetSetting(const IGUIObject *pObject, const CStr& Setting, T &Value); \
template PS_RESULT GUI<T>::SetSetting(IGUIObject *pObject, const CStr& Setting, const T &Value, const bool& SkipMessage);
#define GUITYPE_IGNORE_CGUISpriteInstance
#include "GUItypes.h"
// Don't instantiate GetSetting<CGUISpriteInstance> - this will cause linker errors if
// you attempt to retrieve a sprite using GetSetting, since that copies the sprite
// and will mess up the caching performed by DrawSprite. You have to use GetSettingPointer
// instead. (This is mainly useful to stop me accidentally using the wrong function.)
template PS_RESULT GUI<CGUISpriteInstance>::GetSettingPointer(const IGUIObject *pObject, const CStr& Setting, CGUISpriteInstance* &Value);
template PS_RESULT GUI<CGUISpriteInstance>::SetSetting(IGUIObject *pObject, const CStr& Setting, const CGUISpriteInstance &Value, const bool& SkipMessage);