
78 lines
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# ifndef SR_RANDOM_H
# define SR_RANDOM_H
/** \file sr_random.h
* Random number generation */
//================================= SrRandom ====================================
/*! Random methods use a custom random generator with resolution of 2^32-1 */
class SrRandom
{ private:
double _inf, _sup, _dif;
char _type; // 'd', 'f', or 'i'
public :
/*! Default constructor sets the random generator to have
limits [0,1] and type float */
SrRandom ();
/*! Constructor with given limits in type double, with 53-bit resolution */
SrRandom ( double inf, double sup ) { limits(inf,sup); }
/*! Constructor with given limits in type float, with 32-bit resolution */
SrRandom ( float inf, float sup ) { limits(inf,sup); }
/*! Constructor with given integer limits. */
SrRandom ( int inf, int sup ) { limits(inf,sup); }
/*! Sets limits in type double, with 53-bit resolution */
void limits ( double inf, double sup );
/*! Sets limits in type float, with 32-bit resolution. */
void limits ( float inf, float sup, int br=15 );
/*! Sets integer limits.. */
void limits ( int inf, int sup );
/*! Returns the type on which the limits were set: 'd', 'f', or 'i' */
char type () { return _type; }
/*! Returns the superior limit. */
double inf () { return _inf; }
/*! Returns the inferior limit. */
double sup () { return _sup; }
/*! Returns a random integer number in [inf,sup]. */
int geti ();
/*! Returns a random float number in [inf,sup], with 32-bit resolution. */
float getf ();
/*! Returns a random double number in [inf,sup], with 53-bit resolution. */
double getd ();
/*! Set limits and returns one corresponding random value. */
int get ( int inf, int sup ) { limits(inf,sup); return geti(); }
/*! Set limits and returns one corresponding random value, with 32-bit resolution. */
float get ( float inf, float sup ) { limits(inf,sup); return getf(); }
/*! Set limits and returns one corresponding random value, with 53-bit resolution. */
double get ( double inf, double sup ) { limits(inf,sup); return getd(); }
/*! Sets the starting point for generating random numbers. The seed is 1 by default. */
static void seed ( unsigned long seed );
/*! Returns a random float in [0,1], with 32-bit resolution */
static float randf ();
//============================== end of file ======================================
# endif // SR_RANDOM_H