WhiteTreePaladin 5ee7f7b178 Reworked selection details and rank code
Added rank tag to templates to avoid string parsing

This was SVN commit r7995.
2010-08-17 13:37:46 +00:00

170 lines
6.1 KiB

const RESOURCE_ICON_CELL_IDS = {food : 0, wood : 1, stone : 2, metal : 3};
function layoutSelectionMultiple()
getGUIObjectByName("sdSpecific").hidden = true;
getGUIObjectByName("sdIcon").hidden = true;
getGUIObjectByName("sdStatsArea").hidden = true;
getGUIObjectByName("sdHealth").hidden = true;
getGUIObjectByName("sdStamina").hidden = true;
function layoutSelectionSingle(entState)
getGUIObjectByName("sdSpecific").hidden = false;
getGUIObjectByName("sdIcon").hidden = false;
getGUIObjectByName("sdStatsArea").hidden = false;
if (entState.hitpoints != undefined)
getGUIObjectByName("sdHealth").hidden = false;
getGUIObjectByName("sdHealth").hidden = true;
var player = Engine.GetPlayerID();
if (entState.player == player || g_DevSettings.controlAll)
if (entState.stamina != undefined)
getGUIObjectByName("sdStamina").hidden = false;
getGUIObjectByName("sdStamina").hidden = true;
// Fills out information that most entities have
function displayGeneralInfo(entState, template)
// Get general unit and player data
var specificName = "[font=\"serif-bold-18\"]" + template.name.specific + "[/font]";
var genericName = template.name.generic != template.name.specific? template.name.generic : "";
var rank = entState.identity.rank? "[font=\"serif-bold-18\"]" + entState.identity.rank + " [/font]" : "";
var civName = getFormalCivName(toTitleCase(g_Players[entState.player].civ));
var playerName = g_Players[entState.player].name;
var playerColor = g_Players[entState.player].color.r + " " + g_Players[entState.player].color.g + " " +
g_Players[entState.player].color.b+ " " + g_Players[entState.player].color.a;
// Hitpoints
var hitpoints = "";
if (entState.hitpoints)
var unitHealthBar = getGUIObjectByName("sdHealthBar");
var healthSize = unitHealthBar.size;
healthSize.rright = 100*Math.max(0, Math.min(1, entState.hitpoints / entState.maxHitpoints));
unitHealthBar.size = healthSize;
hitpoints = "[font=\"serif-bold-13\"]Hitpoints [/font]" + entState.hitpoints + "/" + entState.maxHitpoints;
getGUIObjectByName("sdHealth").tooltip = hitpoints;
// Resource stats
var resources = "";
var resourceType = "";
var resourceCellID = -1;
if (entState.resourceSupply)
resources = Math.ceil(+entState.resourceSupply.amount) + "/" + entState.resourceSupply.max + " ";
resourceType = entState.resourceSupply.type["generic"];
resourceCellID = RESOURCE_ICON_CELL_IDS[resourceType];
getGUIObjectByName("sdResources").hidden = false;
getGUIObjectByName("sdAttack").hidden = true;
getGUIObjectByName("sdArmour").hidden = true;
getGUIObjectByName("sdResources").hidden = true;
getGUIObjectByName("sdAttack").hidden = false;
getGUIObjectByName("sdArmour").hidden = false;
// Set Captions
getGUIObjectByName("sdSpecific").caption = rank + specificName;
getGUIObjectByName("sdPlayer").caption = playerName;
getGUIObjectByName("sdPlayer").textcolor = playerColor;
getGUIObjectByName("sdAttackStats").caption = damageTypesToTextStacked(entState.attack);
getGUIObjectByName("sdArmourStats").caption = damageTypesToTextStacked(entState.armour);
getGUIObjectByName("sdResourceStats").caption = resources;
getGUIObjectByName("sdResourceIcon").cell_id = resourceCellID;
// Icon image
if (template.icon_sheet && typeof template.icon_cell)
getGUIObjectByName("sdIconImage").sprite = template.icon_sheet;
getGUIObjectByName("sdIconImage").cell_id = template.icon_cell;
// TODO: we should require all entities to have icons, so this case never occurs
getGUIObjectByName("sdIconImage").sprite = "bkFillBlack";
// TODO: need to change color of icon outline with the playerColor
// Tooltips
getGUIObjectByName("sdSpecific").tooltip = genericName;
getGUIObjectByName("sdPlayer").tooltip = civName != GAIA? civName : ""; // Don't need civ tooltip for Gaia Player - redundant
getGUIObjectByName("sdHealth").tooltip = hitpoints;
// Icon Tooltip
var iconTooltip = "[font=\"serif-bold-16\"]" + rank + specificName + "[/font]";
if (template.tooltip)
iconTooltip += " - [font=\"serif-13\"]" + template.tooltip + "[/font]";
if (entState.hitpoints)
iconTooltip += "\n" + hitpoints;
if (entState.attack)
iconTooltip += "\n[font=\"serif-bold-13\"]Attack: [/font]" + damageTypesToText(entState.attack);
if (entState.armour)
iconTooltip += "\n[font=\"serif-bold-13\"]Armour: [/font]" + damageTypesToText(entState.armour);
if (entState.resourceSupply)
iconTooltip += "\n[font=\"serif-bold-13\"]Resources: [/font]" + resources + "[font=\"serif-12\"]" + resourceType + "[/font]";
getGUIObjectByName("sdIcon").tooltip = iconTooltip;
// Updates middle entity Selection Details Panel
function updateSelectionDetails()
var detailsPanel = getGUIObjectByName("selectionDetails");
var commandsPanel = getGUIObjectByName("unitCommands");
var selection = g_Selection.toList();
if (selection.length == 0)
detailsPanel.hidden = true;
commandsPanel.hidden = true;
/* If the unit has no data (e.g. it was killed), don't try displaying any
data for it. (TODO: it should probably be removed from the selection too;
also need to handle multi-unit selections) */
var entState = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetEntityState", selection[0]);
if (!entState)
// Choose the highest ranked version of the primary selection
// Different selection details are shown based on whether multiple units or a single unit is selected
if (selection.length > 1)
var template = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetTemplateData", entState.template);
// Fill out general info and display it
displayGeneralInfo(entState, template); // must come after layout functions
// Show Panels
detailsPanel.hidden = false;
// Fill out commands panel for specific unit selected (or first unit of primary group)
updateUnitCommands(entState, commandsPanel, selection);