janwas 7838627cd2 - vfs_load now returns error code and takes FileIOBuf; that must be freed via file_buf_free. if Handle is needed, use mem_wrap.
- remove ScEd hacks and CFont et al macro rename
- fix accursed bug in VFS buffer management that was causing ReadFile to
fail without error (not allocating enough padding)
- vfs_tree: bugfix in tree_lookup
- waio: temporarily disable sector size determination (pending better
approach - need to determine if using DVD drive)

This was SVN commit r3421.
2006-01-24 08:16:29 +00:00

792 lines
22 KiB
Executable File

// virtual file system - transparent access to files in archives;
// allows multiple mount points.
// this file provides a Handle-based interface on top of the vfs_tree
// API and implements I/O for the various MountType file sources.
// Copyright (c) 2004 Jan Wassenberg
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// Contact info:
// Jan.Wassenberg@stud.uni-karlsruhe.de
// http://www.stud.uni-karlsruhe.de/~urkt/
#include "precompiled.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <map>
#include <list>
#include <deque>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include "lib.h"
#include "adts.h"
#include "timer.h"
#include "../res.h"
#include "zip.h"
#include "file.h"
#include "file_cache.h"
#include "file_internal.h"
#include "sysdep/dir_watch.h"
#include "vfs_path.h"
#include "vfs_tree.h"
#include "vfs_mount.h"
#include "vfs_optimizer.h"
// not safe to call before main!
// pathnames are case-insensitive.
// implementation:
// when mounting, we get the exact filenames as reported by the OS;
// we allow open requests with mixed case to match those,
// but still use the correct case when passing to other libraries
// (e.g. the actual open() syscall, called via file_open).
// rationale:
// necessary, because some exporters output .EXT uppercase extensions
// and it's unreasonable to expect that users will always get it right.
// rationale for no forcibly-close support:
// issue:
// we might want to edit files while the game has them open.
// usual case: edit file, notify engine that it should be reloaded.
// here: need to tell the engine to stop what it's doing and close the file;
// only then can the artist write to the file, and trigger a reload.
// work involved:
// since closing a file with pending aios results in undefined
// behavior on Win32, we would have to keep track of all aios from each file,
// and cancel them. we'd also need to notify the higher level resource user
// that its read was cancelled, as opposed to failing due to read errors
// (which might cause the game to terminate).
// this is just more work than benefit. cases where the game holds on to files
// are rare:
// - streaming music (artist can use regular commands to stop the current
// track, or all music)
// - if the engine happens to be reading that file at the moment (expected
// to happen only during loading, and these are usually one-shot anway,
// i.e. it'll be done soon)
// - bug (someone didn't close a file - tough luck, and should be fixed
// instead of hacking around it).
// - archives (these remain open. allowing reload would mean we'd have to keep
// track of all files from an archive, and reload them all. another hassle.
// anyway, if files are to be changed in-game, then change the plain-file
// version - that's what they're for).
// directory
struct VDir
TreeDirIterator it;
uint it_valid : 1; // <it> will be closed iff == 1
// safety check
const char* filter;
// has filter been assigned? this flag is necessary because there are no
// "invalid" filter values we can use.
uint filter_latched : 1;
static void VDir_init(VDir* UNUSED(vd), va_list UNUSED(args))
static void VDir_dtor(VDir* vd)
// note: TreeDirIterator has no way of checking if it's valid;
// we must therefore only free it if reload() succeeded.
vd->it_valid = 0;
static LibError VDir_reload(VDir* vd, const char* path, Handle UNUSED(hvd))
// add required trailing slash if not already present to make
// caller's life easier.
char V_path_slash[PATH_MAX];
RETURN_ERR(vfs_path_append(V_path_slash, path, ""));
RETURN_ERR(tree_dir_open(V_path_slash, &vd->it));
vd->it_valid = 1;
return ERR_OK;
static LibError VDir_validate(const VDir* vd)
// note: <it> is opaque and cannot be validated.
if(vd->filter && !isprint(vd->filter[0]))
return ERR_1;
return ERR_OK;
static LibError VDir_to_string(const VDir* d, char* buf)
const char* filter = d->filter;
filter = "?";
filter = "*";
snprintf(buf, H_STRING_LEN, "(\"%s\")", filter);
return ERR_OK;
// open a directory for reading its entries via vfs_next_dirent.
// <v_dir> need not end in '/'; we add it if not present.
Handle vfs_dir_open(const char* v_dir)
// must disallow handle caching because this object is not
// copy-equivalent (since the iterator is advanced by each user).
return h_alloc(H_VDir, v_dir, RES_NO_CACHE);
// close the handle to a directory.
LibError vfs_dir_close(Handle& hd)
return h_free(hd, H_VDir);
// retrieve the next (order is unspecified) dir entry matching <filter>.
// return 0 on success, ERR_DIR_END if no matching entry was found,
// or a negative error code on failure.
// filter values:
// - 0: anything;
// - "/": any subdirectory;
// - "/|<pattern>": any subdirectory, or as below with <pattern>;
// - <pattern>: any file whose name matches; ? and * wildcards are allowed.
// note that the directory entries are only scanned once; after the
// end is reached (-> ERR_DIR_END returned), no further entries can
// be retrieved, even if filter changes (which shouldn't happen - see impl).
// rationale: we do not sort directory entries alphabetically here.
// most callers don't need it and the overhead is considerable
// (we'd have to store all entries in a vector). it is left up to
// higher-level code such as VfsUtil.
LibError vfs_dir_next_ent(const Handle hd, DirEnt* ent, const char* filter)
H_DEREF(hd, VDir, vd);
// warn if scanning the directory twice with different filters
// (this used to work with dir/file because they were stored separately).
// it is imaginable that someone will want to change it, but until
// there's a good reason, leave this check in. note: only comparing
// pointers isn't 100% certain, but it's safe enough and easy.
vd->filter = filter;
vd->filter_latched = 1;
if(vd->filter != filter)
debug_warn("filter has changed for this directory. are you scanning it twice?");
bool want_dir = true;
// directory
if(filter[0] == '/')
// .. and also files
if(filter[1] == '|')
filter += 2;
// file only
want_dir = false;
// loop until ent matches what is requested, or end of directory.
RETURN_ERR(tree_dir_next_ent(&vd->it, ent));
// (note: filter = 0 matches anything)
if(match_wildcard(ent->name, filter))
return ERR_OK;
// file
// return actual path to the specified file:
// "<real_directory>/fn" or "<archive_name>/fn".
LibError vfs_realpath(const char* v_path, char* realpath)
TFile* tf;
CHECK_ERR(tree_lookup(v_path, &tf));
const Mount* m = tfile_get_mount(tf);
const char* V_path = tfile_get_atom_fn(tf);
return x_realpath(m, V_path, realpath);
// does the specified file exist? return false on error.
// useful because a "file not found" warning is not raised, unlike vfs_stat.
bool vfs_exists(const char* V_fn)
TFile* tf;
return (tree_lookup(V_fn, &tf) == 0);
// get file status (mode, size, mtime). output param is zeroed on error.
LibError vfs_stat(const char* v_path, struct stat* s)
memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s));
TFile* tf;
CHECK_ERR(tree_lookup(v_path, &tf));
return tree_stat(tf, s);
struct VFile
XFile xf;
// current file pointer. this is necessary because file.cpp's interface
// requires passing an offset for every VIo; see file_io_issue.
off_t ofs;
uint is_valid : 1;
// be aware when adding fields that this struct is quite large,
// and may require increasing the control block size limit.
static void VFile_init(VFile* vf, va_list args)
uint flags = va_arg(args, int);
x_set_flags(&vf->xf, flags); // can't fail
static void VFile_dtor(VFile* vf)
// note: checking if reload() succeeded is unnecessary because
// x_close and mem_free_h safely handle 0-initialized data.
static LibError VFile_reload(VFile* vf, const char* V_path, Handle)
const uint flags = x_flags(&vf->xf);
// we're done if file is already open. need to check this because
// reload order (e.g. if resource opens a file) is unspecified.
return ERR_OK;
TFile* tf;
uint lf = (flags & FILE_WRITE)? LF_CREATE_MISSING : 0;
LibError err = tree_lookup(V_path, &tf, lf);
if(err < 0)
// don't CHECK_ERR - this happens often and the dialog is annoying
debug_printf("lookup failed for %s\n", V_path);
return err;
const Mount* m = tfile_get_mount(tf);
return ERR_LOGIC;
RETURN_ERR(x_open(m, V_path, flags, tf, &vf->xf));
FileCommon& fc = vf->xf.u.fc;
FILE_STATS_NOTIFY_OPEN(fc.atom_fn, fc.size);
vf->is_valid = 1;
return ERR_OK;
static LibError VFile_validate(const VFile* vf)
// <ofs> doesn't have any invariant we can check.
return ERR_OK;
static LibError VFile_to_string(const VFile* UNUSED(vf), char* buf)
strcpy(buf, ""); // safe
return ERR_OK;
// return the size of an already opened file, or a negative error code.
ssize_t vfs_size(Handle hf)
H_DEREF(hf, VFile, vf);
return x_size(&vf->xf);
// open the file for synchronous or asynchronous VIo. write access is
// requested via FILE_WRITE flag, and is not possible for files in archives.
// file_flags: default 0
// on failure, a debug_warn is generated and a negative error code returned.
Handle vfs_open(const char* V_fn, uint file_flags)
// keeping files open doesn't make sense in most cases (because the
// file is used to load resources, which are cached at a higher level).
uint res_flags = RES_NO_CACHE;
if(file_flags & FILE_CACHE)
res_flags = 0;
// res_flags is for h_alloc and file_flags goes to VFile_init.
// h_alloc already complains on error.
return h_alloc(H_VFile, V_fn, res_flags, file_flags);
// close the handle to a file.
LibError vfs_close(Handle& hf)
// h_free already complains on error.
return h_free(hf, H_VFile);
// transfer the next <size> bytes to/from the given file.
// (read or write access was chosen at file-open time).
// if non-NULL, <cb> is called for each block transferred, passing <ctx>.
// it returns how much data was actually transferred, or a negative error
// code (in which case we abort the transfer and return that value).
// the callback mechanism is useful for user progress notification or
// processing data while waiting for the next I/O to complete
// (quasi-parallel, without the complexity of threads).
// p (value-return) indicates the buffer mode:
// - *p == 0: read into buffer we allocate; set *p.
// caller should mem_free it when no longer needed.
// - *p != 0: read into or write into the buffer *p.
// - p == 0: only read into temp buffers. useful if the callback
// is responsible for processing/copying the transferred blocks.
// since only temp buffers can be added to the cache,
// this is the preferred read method.
// return number of bytes transferred (see above), or a negative error code.
ssize_t vfs_io(const Handle hf, const size_t size, FileIOBuf* pbuf,
FileIOCB cb, uintptr_t cb_ctx)
debug_printf("VFS| io: size=%d\n", size);
H_DEREF(hf, VFile, vf);
off_t ofs = vf->ofs;
vf->ofs += (off_t)size;
return x_io(&vf->xf, ofs, size, pbuf, cb, cb_ctx);
// load the entire file <fn> into memory.
// p and size are filled with address/size of buffer (0 on failure).
// flags influences IO mode and is typically 0.
// when the file contents are no longer needed, call file_buf_free(buf).
LibError vfs_load(const char* V_fn, FileIOBuf& buf, size_t& size, uint flags /* default 0 */)
debug_printf("VFS| load: V_fn=%s\n", V_fn);
const char* atom_fn = file_make_unique_fn_copy(V_fn, 0);
buf = file_cache_retrieve(atom_fn, &size);
return ERR_OK;
buf = 0; size = 0; // initialize in case something below fails
Handle hf = vfs_open(atom_fn, flags);
// necessary because if we skip this and have H_DEREF report the
// error, we get "invalid handle" instead of vfs_open's error code.
H_DEREF(hf, VFile, vf);
size = x_size(&vf->xf);
ssize_t nread = vfs_io(hf, size, &buf);
// IO failed
if(nread < 0)
buf = 0, size = 0; // make sure they are zeroed
return (LibError)nread;
debug_assert(nread == (ssize_t)size);
(void)file_cache_add(buf, size, atom_fn);
return ERR_OK;
// caveat: pads file to next max(4kb, sector_size) boundary
// (due to limitation of Win32 FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING I/O).
// if that's a problem, specify FILE_NO_AIO when opening.
ssize_t vfs_store(const char* V_fn, const void* p, const size_t size, uint flags /* default 0 */)
Handle hf = vfs_open(V_fn, flags|FILE_WRITE);
// necessary because if we skip this and have H_DEREF report the
// error, we get "invalid handle" instead of vfs_open's error code.
// don't CHECK_ERR because vfs_open already did.
H_DEREF(hf, VFile, vf);
FileIOBuf buf = (FileIOBuf)p;
const ssize_t ret = vfs_io(hf, size, &buf);
return ret;
// asynchronous I/O
// we don't support forcibly closing files => don't need to keep track of
// all IOs pending for each file. too much work, little benefit.
struct VIo
Handle hf;
size_t size;
void* buf;
XIo xio;
static void VIo_init(VIo* vio, va_list args)
vio->hf = va_arg(args, Handle);
vio->size = va_arg(args, size_t);
vio->buf = va_arg(args, void*);
static void VIo_dtor(VIo* vio)
// note: checking if reload() succeeded is unnecessary because
// x_io_discard safely handles 0-initialized data.
// we don't support transparent read resume after file invalidation.
// if the file has changed, we'd risk returning inconsistent data.
// doesn't look possible without controlling the AIO implementation:
// when we cancel, we can't prevent the app from calling
// aio_result, which would terminate the read.
static LibError VIo_reload(VIo* vio, const char* UNUSED(fn), Handle UNUSED(h))
size_t size = vio->size;
void* buf = vio->buf;
H_DEREF(vio->hf, VFile, vf);
off_t ofs = vf->ofs;
vf->ofs += (off_t)size;
return x_io_issue(&vf->xf, ofs, size, buf, &vio->xio);
static LibError VIo_validate(const VIo* vio)
if(vio->hf < 0)
return ERR_21;
// <size> doesn't have any invariant we can check.
return ERR_22;
return x_io_validate(&vio->xio);
static LibError VIo_to_string(const VIo* vio, char* buf)
snprintf(buf, H_STRING_LEN, "buf=%p size=%d", vio->buf, vio->size);
return ERR_OK;
// begin transferring <size> bytes, starting at <ofs>. get result
// with vfs_io_wait; when no longer needed, free via vfs_io_discard.
Handle vfs_io_issue(Handle hf, size_t size, void* buf)
const char* fn = 0;
int flags = 0;
return h_alloc(H_VIo, fn, flags, hf, size, buf);
// finished with transfer <hio> - free its buffer (returned by vfs_io_wait)
LibError vfs_io_discard(Handle& hio)
return h_free(hio, H_VIo);
// indicates if the VIo referenced by <xio> has completed.
// return value: 0 if pending, 1 if complete, < 0 on error.
int vfs_io_has_completed(Handle hio)
H_DEREF(hio, VIo, vio);
return x_io_has_completed(&vio->xio);
// wait until the transfer <hio> completes, and return its buffer.
// output parameters are zeroed on error.
LibError vfs_io_wait(Handle hio, void*& p, size_t& size)
H_DEREF(hio, VIo, vio);
return x_io_wait(&vio->xio, p, size);
// memory mapping
// map the entire (uncompressed!) file <hf> into memory. if currently
// already mapped, return the previous mapping (reference-counted).
// output parameters are zeroed on failure.
// the mapping will be removed (if still open) when its file is closed.
// however, map/unmap calls should still be paired so that the mapping
// may be removed when no longer needed.
LibError vfs_map(const Handle hf, const uint UNUSED(flags), void*& p, size_t& size)
p = 0;
size = 0;
// need to zero these here in case H_DEREF fails
H_DEREF(hf, VFile, vf);
return x_map(&vf->xf, p, size);
// decrement the reference count for the mapping belonging to file <f>.
// fail if there are no references; remove the mapping if the count reaches 0.
// the mapping will be removed (if still open) when its file is closed.
// however, map/unmap calls should still be paired so that the mapping
// may be removed when no longer needed.
LibError vfs_unmap(const Handle hf)
H_DEREF(hf, VFile, vf);
return x_unmap(&vf->xf);
// hotloading
// called by vfs_reload and vfs_reload_changed_files (which will already
// have rebuilt the VFS - doing so more than once a frame is unnecessary).
static LibError reload_without_rebuild(const char* fn)
// invalidate this file's cached blocks to make sure its contents are
// loaded anew.
return ERR_OK;
// called via console command.
LibError vfs_reload(const char* fn)
// if <fn> currently maps to an archive, the VFS must switch
// over to using the loose file (that was presumably changed).
return reload_without_rebuild(fn);
// get directory change notifications, and reload all affected files.
// must be called regularly (e.g. once a frame). this is much simpler
// than asynchronous notifications: everything would need to be thread-safe.
LibError vfs_reload_changed_files()
// array of reloads requested this frame (see 'do we really need to
// reload' below). go through gyrations to avoid heap allocs.
const size_t MAX_RELOADS_PER_FRAME = 12;
typedef char Path[VFS_MAX_PATH];
typedef Path PathList[MAX_RELOADS_PER_FRAME];
PathList pending_reloads;
uint num_pending = 0;
// process only as many notifications as we have room for; the others
// will be handled next frame. it's not imagineable that they'll pile up.
while(num_pending < MAX_RELOADS_PER_FRAME)
// get next notification
char N_path[PATH_MAX];
LibError ret = dir_get_changed_file(N_path);
if(ret == ERR_AGAIN) // none available; done.
// convert to VFS path
char P_path[PATH_MAX];
CHECK_ERR(file_make_full_portable_path(N_path, P_path));
char* V_path = pending_reloads[num_pending];
CHECK_ERR(mount_make_vfs_path(P_path, V_path));
// do we really need to reload? try to avoid the considerable cost of
// rebuilding VFS and scanning all Handles.
// note: be careful to avoid 'race conditions' depending on the
// timeframe in which notifications reach us.
// example: editor deletes a.tga; we are notified; reload is
// triggered but fails since the file isn't found; further
// notifications (e.g. renamed a.tmp to a.tga) come within x [ms] and
// are ignored due to a time limit.
// therefore, we can only check for multiple reload requests a frame;
// to that purpose, an array is built and duplicates ignored.
const char* ext = strrchr(V_path, '.');
// .. directory change notification; ignore because we get
// per-file notifications anyway. (note: assume no extension =>
// it's a directory). this also protects the strcmp calls below.
// .. compiled XML files the engine writes out by the hundreds;
// skipping them is a big performance gain.
if(!stricmp(ext, ".xmb"))
// .. temp files, usually created when an editor saves a file
// (delete, create temp, rename temp); no need to reload those.
if(!stricmp(ext, ".tmp"))
// .. more than one notification for a file; only reload once.
// note: this doesn't suffer from the 'reloaded too early'
// problem described above; if there's more than one
// request in the array, the file has since been written.
for(uint i = 0; i < num_pending; i++)
if(!strcmp(pending_reloads[i], V_path))
// path has already been written to pending_reloads,
// so just mark it valid.
// rebuild VFS, in case a file that has been changed is currently
// mounted from an archive (reloading would just grab the unchanged
// version in the archive). the rebuild sees differing mtimes and
// always choses the loose file version. only do this once
// (instead of per reload request) because it's slow (> 1s)!
if(num_pending != 0)
// now actually reload all files in the array we built
for(uint i = 0; i < num_pending; i++)
return ERR_OK;
inline void vfs_display()
// allow init more complicated than merely calling mount_init by
// splitting this into a separate function.
static void vfs_init_once(void)
// make the VFS tree ready for use. must be called before all other
// functions below, barring explicit mentions to the contrary.
// rationale: initialization could be done implicitly by calling this
// from all VFS APIs. we refrain from that and require the user to
// call this because a central point of initialization (file_set_root_dir)
// is necessary anyway and this way is simpler/easier to maintain.
void vfs_init()
static pthread_once_t once = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
WARN_ERR(pthread_once(&once, vfs_init_once));
void vfs_shutdown()