
652 lines
15 KiB

#include "precompiled.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include "lib/allocators.h"
#include "lib/adts.h"
#include "file_internal.h"
// we add/cancel directory watches from the VFS mount code for convenience -
// it iterates through all subdirectories anyway (*) and provides storage for
// a key to identify the watch (obviates separate TDir -> watch mapping).
// define this to strip out that code - removes .watch from struct TDir,
// and calls to res_watch_dir / res_cancel_watch.
// *: the add_watch code would need to iterate through subdirs and watch
// each one, because the monitor API (e.g. FAM) may only be able to
// watch single directories, instead of a whole subdirectory tree.
//#define NO_DIR_WATCH
// Mount = location of a file in the tree.
// TFile = all information about a file stored in the tree.
// TDir = container holding TFile-s representing a dir. in the tree.
static void* node_alloc();
// locking
// these are exported to protect the vfs_mount list; apart from that, it is
// sufficient for VFS thread-safety to lock all of this module's APIs.
static pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
void tree_lock()
void tree_unlock()
enum TNodeType
class TNode
TNodeType type;
// rationale: we store both entire path and name component.
// this increases size of VFS (2 pointers needed here) and
// filename storage, but allows getting path without having to
// iterate over all dir name components.
//we could retrieve name via strrchr(path, '/'), but that is slow.
PathName V_path;
TNode(TNodeType type_, PathName V_path_)
: type(type_), V_path(V_path_) {}
class TFile : public TNode
// required:
const Mount* m;
// allocated and owned by caller (mount code)
off_t size;
time_t mtime;
uintptr_t memento;
TFile(PathName V_path, const Mount* m_)
: TNode(NT_FILE, V_path)
m = m_;
size = 0;
mtime = 0;
memento = 0;
template<> class DHT_Traits<const char*, TNode*>
static const size_t initial_entries = 16;
size_t hash(const char* key) const
return (size_t)fnv_lc_hash(key);
bool equal(const char* k1, const char* k2) const
// exact match
if(!strcmp(k1, k2))
return true;
#ifndef NDEBUG
// matched except for case: this can have 2 causes:
// - intentional. that would be legitimate but doesn't make much
// sense and isn't expected.
// - bug, e.g. discarding filename case in a filelist.
// this risks not being able to find the file (since VFS and
// possibly OS are case-sensitive) and wastes memory here.
// what we'll do is warn and treat as separate filename
// (least surprise).
// if(!stricmp(k1, k2))
// debug_warn("filenames differ only in case: bug?");
return false;
const char* get_key(TNode* t) const
return t->V_path.name;
typedef DynHashTbl<const char*, TNode*, DHT_Traits<const char*, TNode*> > TChildren;
typedef TChildren::iterator TChildrenIt;
enum TDirFlags
class TDir : public TNode
int flags; // enum TDirFlags
RealDir rd;
TChildren children;
TDir(PathName V_path)
: TNode(NT_DIR, V_path), children()
flags = 0;
rd.m = 0;
rd.watch = 0;
TNode* find(const char* name) const { return children.find(name); }
TChildrenIt begin() const { return children.begin(); }
TChildrenIt end() const { return children.end(); }
// non-const - caller may change e.g. rd.watch
RealDir& get_rd() { return rd; }
void populate()
// the caller may potentially access this directory.
// make sure it has been populated with loose files/directories.
if(!(flags & TD_POPULATED))
WARN_ERR(mount_populate(this, &rd));
flags |= TD_POPULATED;
LibError add(const char* name_tmp, TNodeType type, TNode** pnode)
char V_new_path_tmp[VFS_MAX_PATH];
vfs_path_append(V_new_path_tmp, V_path.path, name_tmp);
PathName V_new_path;
pathname_split(V_new_path_tmp, &V_new_path);
const char* name = V_new_path.name;
TNode* node = children.find(name);
if(node->type != type)
return (type == NT_FILE)? ERR_NOT_FILE : ERR_NOT_DIR;
*pnode = node;
// note: if anything below fails, this mem remains allocated in the
// pool, but that "can't happen" and is OK because pool is big enough.
void* mem = node_alloc();
return ERR_NO_MEM;
#include "nommgr.h"
if(type == NT_FILE)
node = new(mem) TFile(V_new_path, rd.m);
node = new(mem) TDir(V_new_path);
#include "mmgr.h"
children.insert(name, node);
*pnode = node;
return ERR_OK;
// empty this directory and all subdirectories; used when rebuilding VFS.
void clearR()
// recurse for all subdirs
// (preorder traversal - need to do this before clearing the list)
for(TChildrenIt it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it)
TNode* node = *it;
if(node->type == NT_DIR)
// wipe out this directory
// the watch is restored when this directory is repopulated; we must
// remove it in case the real directory backing this one was deleted.
static Pool node_pool;
static inline void node_init()
const size_t el_size = MAX(sizeof(TDir), sizeof(TFile));
(void)pool_create(&node_pool, VFS_MAX_FILES*el_size, el_size);
static inline void node_shutdown()
static void* node_alloc()
return pool_alloc(&node_pool, 0);
static inline void node_free_all()
static void displayR(TDir* td, int indent_level)
const char indent[] = " ";
TChildrenIt it;
// list all files in this dir
for(it = td->begin(); it != td->end(); ++it)
TNode* node = (*it);
if(node->type != NT_FILE)
const char* name = node->V_path.name;
TFile& file = *((TFile*)node);
char file_location = mount_get_type(file.m);
char* timestamp = ctime(&file.mtime);
timestamp[24] = '\0'; // remove '\n'
const off_t size = file.size;
// build format string: tell it how long the filename may be,
// so that it takes up all space before file info column.
char fmt[25];
int chars = 80 - indent_level*(sizeof(indent)-1);
sprintf(fmt, "%%-%d.%ds (%%c; %%6d; %%s)\n", chars, chars);
for(int i = 0; i < indent_level; i++)
printf(fmt, name, file_location, size, timestamp);
// recurse over all subdirs
for(it = td->begin(); it != td->end(); ++it)
TNode* node = (*it);
if(node->type != NT_DIR)
const char* subdir_name = node->V_path.name;
// write subdir's name
// note: do it now, instead of in recursive call so that:
// - we don't have to pass dir_name parameter;
// - the VFS root node isn't displayed.
for(int i = 0; i < indent_level; i++)
printf("[%s/]\n", subdir_name);
TDir* subdir = ((TDir*)node);
displayR(subdir, indent_level+1);
static LibError lookup(TDir* td, const char* path, uint flags, TNode** pnode)
// early out: "" => return this directory (usually VFS root)
if(path[0] == '\0')
*pnode = (TNode*)td; // HACK: TDir is at start of TNode
return ERR_OK;
debug_assert( (flags & ~(LF_CREATE_MISSING|LF_START_DIR)) == 0 );
// no undefined bits set
const bool create_missing = !!(flags & LF_CREATE_MISSING);
// copy into (writeable) buffer so we can 'tokenize' path components
// by replacing '/' with '\0'.
char V_path[VFS_MAX_PATH];
strcpy_s(V_path, sizeof(V_path), path);
char* cur_component = V_path;
TNodeType type = NT_DIR;
// successively navigate to the next component in <path>.
TNode* node = 0;
// "extract" cur_component string (0-terminate by replacing '/')
char* slash = (char*)strchr(cur_component, '/');
// all other node assignments are checked, so this must have
// been the first iteration and there's no slash =>
// pathname is incorrect.
// string ended in slash => return the current dir node.
if(*cur_component == '\0')
// it's a filename
type = NT_FILE;
// normal operation (cur_component is a directory)
*slash = '\0';
// create <cur_component> (no-op if it already exists)
RETURN_ERR(td->add(V_path, type, &node));
node = td->find(cur_component);
if(node->type != type)
return slash? ERR_NOT_DIR : ERR_NOT_FILE;
// cur_component was a filename => we're done
// else: it was a directory; advance
// .. undo having replaced '/' with '\0' - this means V_path will
// store the complete path up to and including cur_component.
*slash = '/';
cur_component = slash+1;
td = (TDir*)node;
// success.
*pnode = node;
return ERR_OK;
static TDir* tree_root;
// rationale: can't do this in tree_shutdown - we'd leak at exit.
// calling from tree_add* is ugly as well, so require manual init.
void tree_init()
void* mem = node_alloc();
const PathName V_root_path = { "", "" };
#include "nommgr.h"
tree_root = new(mem) TDir(V_root_path);
#include "mmgr.h"
void tree_shutdown()
void tree_clear()
// write a representation of the VFS tree to stdout.
void tree_display()
displayR(tree_root, 0);
LibError tree_add_file(TDir* td, const char* name,
const Mount* m, off_t size, time_t mtime, uintptr_t memento)
TNode* node;
LibError ret = td->add(name, NT_FILE, &node);
// assume they're the same if size and last-modified time match.
// note: FAT timestamp only has 2 second resolution
TFile* tf = (TFile*)node;
const bool is_same = (tf->size == size) &&
fabs(difftime(tf->mtime, mtime)) <= 2.0;
if(!mount_should_replace(tf->m, m, is_same))
TFile* tf = (TFile*)node;
tf->m = m;
tf->mtime = mtime;
tf->size = size;
tf->memento = memento;
return ERR_OK;
LibError tree_add_dir(TDir* td, const char* name, TDir** ptd)
TNode* node;
RETURN_ERR(td->add(name, NT_DIR, &node));
*ptd = (TDir*)node;
return ERR_OK;
LibError tree_lookup_dir(const char* path, TDir** ptd, uint flags)
// path is not a directory; TDir::lookup might return a file node
if(path[0] != '\0' && path[strlen(path)-1] != '/')
return ERR_NOT_DIR;
TDir* td = (flags & LF_START_DIR)? *ptd : tree_root;
TNode* node;
CHECK_ERR(lookup(td, path, flags, &node));
// directories should exist, so warn if this fails
*ptd = (TDir*)node;
return ERR_OK;
LibError tree_lookup(const char* path, TFile** pfile, uint flags)
// path is not a file; TDir::lookup might return a directory node
if(path[0] == '\0' || path[strlen(path)-1] == '/')
return ERR_NOT_FILE;
TNode* node;
LibError ret = lookup(tree_root, path, flags, &node);
*pfile = (TFile*)node;
return ERR_OK;
// rationale: see DirIterator definition in file.h.
struct TreeDirIterator_
TChildren::iterator it;
// cache end() to avoid needless copies
TChildren::iterator end;
// the directory we're iterating over; this is used to lock/unlock it,
// i.e. prevent modifications that would invalidate the iterator.
TDir* td;
cassert(sizeof(TreeDirIterator_) <= sizeof(TreeDirIterator));
LibError tree_dir_open(const char* path_slash, TreeDirIterator* d_)
TreeDirIterator_* d = (TreeDirIterator_*)d_;
TDir* td;
CHECK_ERR(tree_lookup_dir(path_slash, &td));
// we need to prevent modifications to this directory while an iterator is
// active, otherwise entries may be skipped or no longer valid addresses
// accessed. blocking other threads is much more convenient for callers
// than having to check for ERR_AGAIN on every call, so we use a mutex
// instead of a simple refcount. we don't bother with fine-grained locking
// (e.g. per directory or read/write locks) because it would result in
// more overhead (we have hundreds of directories) and is unnecessary.
d->it = td->begin();
d->end = td->end();
d->td = td;
return ERR_OK;
LibError tree_dir_next_ent(TreeDirIterator* d_, DirEnt* ent)
TreeDirIterator_* d = (TreeDirIterator_*)d_;
if(d->it == d->end)
return ERR_DIR_END;
const TNode* node = *(d->it++);
ent->name = node->V_path.name;
// set size and mtime fields depending on node type:
case NT_DIR:
ent->size = -1;
ent->mtime = 0; // not currently supported for dirs
case NT_FILE:
TFile* tf = (TFile*)node;
ent->size = tf->size;
ent->mtime = tf->mtime;
debug_warn("invalid TNode type");
return ERR_OK;
LibError tree_dir_close(TreeDirIterator* UNUSED(d))
// no further cleanup needed. we could zero out d but that might
// hide bugs; the iterator is safe (will not go beyond end) anyway.
return ERR_OK;
// get/set
const Mount* tfile_get_mount(const TFile* tf)
return tf->m;
uintptr_t tfile_get_memento(const TFile* tf)
return tf->memento;
const char* tfile_get_atom_fn(const TFile* tf)
return ((TNode*)tf)->V_path.path;
void tree_update_file(TFile* tf, off_t size, time_t mtime)
tf->size = size;
tf->mtime = mtime;
// get file status (mode, size, mtime). output param is undefined on error.
LibError tree_stat(const TFile* tf, struct stat* s)
// all stat members currently supported are stored in TFile, so we
// can return them directly without having to call file|zip_stat.
s->st_mode = S_IFREG;
s->st_size = tf->size;
s->st_mtime = tf->mtime;
return ERR_OK;
RealDir* tree_get_real_dir(TDir* td)
return &td->get_rd();