vladislavbelov c17e7ee92f Adds a helper function to pick entities with a given component and a given filter on screen.
Reviewed By: wraitii
Commented By: Stan, elexis
Differential Revision: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2207
This was SVN commit r22939.
2019-09-20 07:45:55 +00:00

838 lines
27 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2019 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "simulation2/system/Component.h"
#include "ICmpObstruction.h"
#include "ps/CLogger.h"
#include "simulation2/MessageTypes.h"
#include "simulation2/components/ICmpObstructionManager.h"
#include "simulation2/components/ICmpTerrain.h"
#include "simulation2/components/ICmpUnitMotion.h"
#include "simulation2/components/ICmpWaterManager.h"
#include "simulation2/serialization/SerializeTemplates.h"
* Obstruction implementation. This keeps the ICmpPathfinder's model of the world updated when the
* entities move and die, with shapes derived from ICmpFootprint.
class CCmpObstruction : public ICmpObstruction
static void ClassInit(CComponentManager& componentManager)
typedef ICmpObstructionManager::tag_t tag_t;
typedef ICmpObstructionManager::flags_t flags_t;
// Template state:
EObstructionType m_Type;
entity_pos_t m_Size0; // radius or width
entity_pos_t m_Size1; // radius or depth
flags_t m_TemplateFlags;
entity_pos_t m_Clearance;
typedef struct {
entity_pos_t dx, dz;
entity_angle_t da;
entity_pos_t size0, size1;
flags_t flags;
} Shape;
std::vector<Shape> m_Shapes;
// Dynamic state:
/// Whether the obstruction is actively obstructing or just an inactive placeholder.
bool m_Active;
/// Whether the entity associated with this obstruction is currently moving. Only applicable for
/// UNIT-type obstructions.
bool m_Moving;
/// Whether an obstruction's control group should be kept consistent and
/// used to set control groups for entities that collide with it.
bool m_ControlPersist;
* Primary control group identifier. Indicates to which control group this entity's shape belongs.
* Typically used in combination with obstruction test filters to have member shapes ignore each
* other during obstruction tests. Defaults to the entity's ID. Must never be set to INVALID_ENTITY.
entity_id_t m_ControlGroup;
* Optional secondary control group identifier. Similar to m_ControlGroup; if set to a valid value,
* then this field identifies an additional, secondary control group to which this entity's shape
* belongs. Set to INVALID_ENTITY to not assign any secondary group. Defaults to INVALID_ENTITY.
* These are only necessary in case it is not sufficient for an entity to belong to only one control
* group. Otherwise, they can be ignored.
entity_id_t m_ControlGroup2;
/// Identifier of this entity's obstruction shape, as registered in the obstruction manager. Contains
/// structure, but should be treated as opaque here.
tag_t m_Tag;
std::vector<tag_t> m_ClusterTags;
/// Set of flags affecting the behaviour of this entity's obstruction shape.
flags_t m_Flags;
static std::string GetSchema()
"<a:help>Causes this entity to obstruct the motion of other units.</a:help>"
"<element name='Static'>"
"<attribute name='width'>"
"<data type='decimal'>"
"<param name='minInclusive'>1.5</param>"
"<attribute name='depth'>"
"<data type='decimal'>"
"<param name='minInclusive'>1.5</param>"
"<element name='Unit'>"
"<element name='Obstructions'>"
"<attribute name='x'>"
"<data type='decimal'/>"
"<attribute name='z'>"
"<data type='decimal'/>"
"<attribute name='width'>"
"<data type='decimal'>"
"<param name='minInclusive'>1.5</param>"
"<attribute name='depth'>"
"<data type='decimal'>"
"<param name='minInclusive'>1.5</param>"
"<element name='Active' a:help='If false, this entity will be ignored in collision tests by other units but can still perform its own collision tests'>"
"<data type='boolean'/>"
"<element name='BlockMovement' a:help='Whether units should be allowed to walk through this entity'>"
"<data type='boolean'/>"
"<element name='BlockPathfinding' a:help='Whether the long-distance pathfinder should avoid paths through this entity. This should only be set for large stationary obstructions'>"
"<data type='boolean'/>"
"<element name='BlockFoundation' a:help='Whether players should be unable to place building foundations on top of this entity. If true, BlockConstruction should be true too'>"
"<data type='boolean'/>"
"<element name='BlockConstruction' a:help='Whether players should be unable to begin constructing buildings placed on top of this entity'>"
"<data type='boolean'/>"
"<element name='DeleteUponConstruction' a:help='Whether this entity should be deleted when construction on a buildings placed on top of this entity is started.'>"
"<data type='boolean'/>"
"<element name='DisableBlockMovement' a:help='If true, BlockMovement will be overridden and treated as false. (This is a special case to handle foundations)'>"
"<data type='boolean'/>"
"<element name='DisableBlockPathfinding' a:help='If true, BlockPathfinding will be overridden and treated as false. (This is a special case to handle foundations)'>"
"<data type='boolean'/>"
"<element name='ControlPersist' a:help='If present, the control group of this entity will be given to entities that are colliding with it.'>"
virtual void Init(const CParamNode& paramNode)
// The minimum obstruction size is the navcell size * sqrt(2)
// This is enforced in the schema as a minimum of 1.5
fixed minObstruction = (Pathfinding::NAVCELL_SIZE.Square() * 2).Sqrt();
m_TemplateFlags = 0;
if (paramNode.GetChild("BlockMovement").ToBool())
m_TemplateFlags |= ICmpObstructionManager::FLAG_BLOCK_MOVEMENT;
if (paramNode.GetChild("BlockPathfinding").ToBool())
m_TemplateFlags |= ICmpObstructionManager::FLAG_BLOCK_PATHFINDING;
if (paramNode.GetChild("BlockFoundation").ToBool())
m_TemplateFlags |= ICmpObstructionManager::FLAG_BLOCK_FOUNDATION;
if (paramNode.GetChild("BlockConstruction").ToBool())
m_TemplateFlags |= ICmpObstructionManager::FLAG_BLOCK_CONSTRUCTION;
if (paramNode.GetChild("DeleteUponConstruction").ToBool())
m_TemplateFlags |= ICmpObstructionManager::FLAG_DELETE_UPON_CONSTRUCTION;
m_Flags = m_TemplateFlags;
if (paramNode.GetChild("DisableBlockMovement").ToBool())
m_Flags &= (flags_t)(~ICmpObstructionManager::FLAG_BLOCK_MOVEMENT);
if (paramNode.GetChild("DisableBlockPathfinding").ToBool())
m_Flags &= (flags_t)(~ICmpObstructionManager::FLAG_BLOCK_PATHFINDING);
if (paramNode.GetChild("Unit").IsOk())
m_Type = UNIT;
CmpPtr<ICmpUnitMotion> cmpUnitMotion(GetEntityHandle());
if (cmpUnitMotion)
m_Clearance = cmpUnitMotion->GetUnitClearance();
else if (paramNode.GetChild("Static").IsOk())
m_Type = STATIC;
m_Size0 = paramNode.GetChild("Static").GetChild("@width").ToFixed();
m_Size1 = paramNode.GetChild("Static").GetChild("@depth").ToFixed();
ENSURE(m_Size0 > minObstruction);
ENSURE(m_Size1 > minObstruction);
m_Type = CLUSTER;
CFixedVector2D max = CFixedVector2D(fixed::FromInt(0), fixed::FromInt(0));
CFixedVector2D min = CFixedVector2D(fixed::FromInt(0), fixed::FromInt(0));
const CParamNode::ChildrenMap& clusterMap = paramNode.GetChild("Obstructions").GetChildren();
for(CParamNode::ChildrenMap::const_iterator it = clusterMap.begin(); it != clusterMap.end(); ++it)
Shape b;
b.size0 = it->second.GetChild("@width").ToFixed();
b.size1 = it->second.GetChild("@depth").ToFixed();
ENSURE(b.size0 > minObstruction);
ENSURE(b.size1 > minObstruction);
b.dx = it->second.GetChild("@x").ToFixed();
b.dz = it->second.GetChild("@z").ToFixed();
b.da = entity_angle_t::FromInt(0);
b.flags = m_Flags;
max.X = std::max(max.X, b.dx + b.size0/2);
max.Y = std::max(max.Y, b.dz + b.size1/2);
min.X = std::min(min.X, b.dx - b.size0/2);
min.Y = std::min(min.Y, b.dz - b.size1/2);
m_Size0 = fixed::FromInt(2).Multiply(std::max(max.X, -min.X));
m_Size1 = fixed::FromInt(2).Multiply(std::max(max.Y, -min.Y));
m_Active = paramNode.GetChild("Active").ToBool();
m_ControlPersist = paramNode.GetChild("ControlPersist").IsOk();
m_Tag = tag_t();
if (m_Type == CLUSTER)
m_Moving = false;
m_ControlGroup = GetEntityId();
m_ControlGroup2 = INVALID_ENTITY;
virtual void Deinit()
struct SerializeTag
template<typename S>
void operator()(S& serialize, const char* UNUSED(name), tag_t& value)
serialize.NumberU32_Unbounded("tag", value.n);
template<typename S>
void SerializeCommon(S& serialize)
serialize.Bool("active", m_Active);
serialize.Bool("moving", m_Moving);
serialize.NumberU32_Unbounded("control group", m_ControlGroup);
serialize.NumberU32_Unbounded("control group 2", m_ControlGroup2);
serialize.NumberU32_Unbounded("tag", m_Tag.n);
serialize.NumberU8_Unbounded("flags", m_Flags);
if (m_Type == CLUSTER)
SerializeVector<SerializeTag>()(serialize, "cluster tags", m_ClusterTags);
if (m_Type == UNIT)
serialize.NumberFixed_Unbounded("clearance", m_Clearance);
virtual void Serialize(ISerializer& serialize)
virtual void Deserialize(const CParamNode& paramNode, IDeserializer& deserialize)
virtual void HandleMessage(const CMessage& msg, bool UNUSED(global))
switch (msg.GetType())
case MT_PositionChanged:
if (!m_Active)
const CMessagePositionChanged& data = static_cast<const CMessagePositionChanged&> (msg);
if (!data.inWorld && !m_Tag.valid())
break; // nothing needs to change
CmpPtr<ICmpObstructionManager> cmpObstructionManager(GetSystemEntity());
if (!cmpObstructionManager)
break; // error
if (data.inWorld && m_Tag.valid())
cmpObstructionManager->MoveShape(m_Tag, data.x, data.z, data.a);
if (m_Type == CLUSTER)
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Shapes.size(); ++i)
Shape& b = m_Shapes[i];
fixed s, c;
sincos_approx(data.a, s, c);
cmpObstructionManager->MoveShape(m_ClusterTags[i], data.x + b.dx.Multiply(c) + b.dz.Multiply(s), data.z + b.dz.Multiply(c) - b.dx.Multiply(s), data.a + b.da);
else if (data.inWorld && !m_Tag.valid())
// Need to create a new pathfinder shape:
if (m_Type == STATIC)
m_Tag = cmpObstructionManager->AddStaticShape(GetEntityId(),
data.x, data.z, data.a, m_Size0, m_Size1, m_Flags, m_ControlGroup, m_ControlGroup2);
else if (m_Type == UNIT)
m_Tag = cmpObstructionManager->AddUnitShape(GetEntityId(),
data.x, data.z, m_Clearance, (flags_t)(m_Flags | (m_Moving ? ICmpObstructionManager::FLAG_MOVING : 0)), m_ControlGroup);
AddClusterShapes(data.x, data.x, data.a);
else if (!data.inWorld && m_Tag.valid())
m_Tag = tag_t();
if(m_Type == CLUSTER)
case MT_Destroy:
if (m_Tag.valid())
CmpPtr<ICmpObstructionManager> cmpObstructionManager(GetSystemEntity());
if (!cmpObstructionManager)
break; // error
// Deactivate the obstruction in case PositionChanged messages are sent after this.
m_Active = false;
m_Tag = tag_t();
if(m_Type == CLUSTER)
virtual void SetActive(bool active)
if (active && !m_Active)
m_Active = true;
// Construct the obstruction shape
CmpPtr<ICmpObstructionManager> cmpObstructionManager(GetSystemEntity());
if (!cmpObstructionManager)
return; // error
CmpPtr<ICmpPosition> cmpPosition(GetEntityHandle());
if (!cmpPosition)
return; // error
if (!cmpPosition->IsInWorld())
return; // don't need an obstruction
// TODO: code duplication from message handlers
CFixedVector2D pos = cmpPosition->GetPosition2D();
if (m_Type == STATIC)
m_Tag = cmpObstructionManager->AddStaticShape(GetEntityId(),
pos.X, pos.Y, cmpPosition->GetRotation().Y, m_Size0, m_Size1, m_Flags, m_ControlGroup, m_ControlGroup2);
else if (m_Type == UNIT)
m_Tag = cmpObstructionManager->AddUnitShape(GetEntityId(),
pos.X, pos.Y, m_Clearance, (flags_t)(m_Flags | (m_Moving ? ICmpObstructionManager::FLAG_MOVING : 0)), m_ControlGroup);
AddClusterShapes(pos.X, pos.Y, cmpPosition->GetRotation().Y);
else if (!active && m_Active)
m_Active = false;
// Delete the obstruction shape
// TODO: code duplication from message handlers
if (m_Tag.valid())
CmpPtr<ICmpObstructionManager> cmpObstructionManager(GetSystemEntity());
if (!cmpObstructionManager)
return; // error
m_Tag = tag_t();
if (m_Type == CLUSTER)
// else we didn't change the active status
virtual void SetDisableBlockMovementPathfinding(bool movementDisabled, bool pathfindingDisabled, int32_t shape)
flags_t *flags = NULL;
if (shape == -1)
flags = &m_Flags;
else if (m_Type == CLUSTER && shape < (int32_t)m_Shapes.size())
flags = &m_Shapes[shape].flags;
return; // error
// Remove the blocking / pathfinding flags or
// Add the blocking / pathfinding flags if the template had enabled them
if (movementDisabled)
*flags &= (flags_t)(~ICmpObstructionManager::FLAG_BLOCK_MOVEMENT);
*flags |= (flags_t)(m_TemplateFlags & ICmpObstructionManager::FLAG_BLOCK_MOVEMENT);
if (pathfindingDisabled)
*flags &= (flags_t)(~ICmpObstructionManager::FLAG_BLOCK_PATHFINDING);
*flags |= (flags_t)(m_TemplateFlags & ICmpObstructionManager::FLAG_BLOCK_PATHFINDING);
// Reset the shape with the new flags (kind of inefficiently - we
// should have a ICmpObstructionManager::SetFlags function or something)
if (m_Active)
virtual bool GetBlockMovementFlag() const
return (m_TemplateFlags & ICmpObstructionManager::FLAG_BLOCK_MOVEMENT) != 0;
virtual EObstructionType GetObstructionType() const
return m_Type;
virtual ICmpObstructionManager::tag_t GetObstruction() const
return m_Tag;
virtual bool GetPreviousObstructionSquare(ICmpObstructionManager::ObstructionSquare& out) const
return GetObstructionSquare(out, true);
virtual bool GetObstructionSquare(ICmpObstructionManager::ObstructionSquare& out) const
return GetObstructionSquare(out, false);
virtual bool GetObstructionSquare(ICmpObstructionManager::ObstructionSquare& out, bool previousPosition) const
CmpPtr<ICmpPosition> cmpPosition(GetEntityHandle());
if (!cmpPosition)
return false; // error
CmpPtr<ICmpObstructionManager> cmpObstructionManager(GetSystemEntity());
if (!cmpObstructionManager)
return false; // error
if (!cmpPosition->IsInWorld())
return false; // no obstruction square
CFixedVector2D pos;
if (previousPosition)
pos = cmpPosition->GetPreviousPosition2D();
pos = cmpPosition->GetPosition2D();
if (m_Type == UNIT)
out = cmpObstructionManager->GetUnitShapeObstruction(pos.X, pos.Y, m_Clearance);
out = cmpObstructionManager->GetStaticShapeObstruction(pos.X, pos.Y, cmpPosition->GetRotation().Y, m_Size0, m_Size1);
return true;
virtual entity_pos_t GetUnitRadius() const
if (m_Type == UNIT)
return m_Clearance;
return entity_pos_t::Zero();
virtual entity_pos_t GetSize() const
if (m_Type == UNIT)
return m_Clearance;
return CFixedVector2D(m_Size0 / 2, m_Size1 / 2).Length();
virtual void SetUnitClearance(const entity_pos_t& clearance)
if (m_Type == UNIT)
m_Clearance = clearance;
virtual bool IsControlPersistent() const
return m_ControlPersist;
virtual bool CheckShorePlacement() const
ICmpObstructionManager::ObstructionSquare s;
if (!GetObstructionSquare(s))
return false;
CFixedVector2D front = CFixedVector2D(s.x, s.z) + s.v.Multiply(s.hh);
CFixedVector2D back = CFixedVector2D(s.x, s.z) - s.v.Multiply(s.hh);
CmpPtr<ICmpTerrain> cmpTerrain(GetSystemEntity());
CmpPtr<ICmpWaterManager> cmpWaterManager(GetSystemEntity());
if (!cmpTerrain || !cmpWaterManager)
return false;
// Keep these constants in agreement with the pathfinder.
return cmpWaterManager->GetWaterLevel(front.X, front.Y) - cmpTerrain->GetGroundLevel(front.X, front.Y) > fixed::FromInt(1) &&
cmpWaterManager->GetWaterLevel( back.X, back.Y) - cmpTerrain->GetGroundLevel( back.X, back.Y) < fixed::FromInt(2);
virtual EFoundationCheck CheckFoundation(const std::string& className) const
return CheckFoundation(className, false);
virtual EFoundationCheck CheckFoundation(const std::string& className, bool onlyCenterPoint) const
CmpPtr<ICmpPosition> cmpPosition(GetEntityHandle());
if (!cmpPosition)
if (!cmpPosition->IsInWorld())
CFixedVector2D pos = cmpPosition->GetPosition2D();
CmpPtr<ICmpPathfinder> cmpPathfinder(GetSystemEntity());
if (!cmpPathfinder)
// required precondition to use SkipControlGroupsRequireFlagObstructionFilter
if (m_ControlGroup == INVALID_ENTITY)
LOGERROR("[CmpObstruction] Cannot test for foundation obstructions; primary control group must be valid");
// Get passability class
pass_class_t passClass = cmpPathfinder->GetPassabilityClass(className);
// Ignore collisions within the same control group, or with other non-foundation-blocking shapes.
// Note that, since the control group for each entity defaults to the entity's ID, this is typically
// equivalent to only ignoring the entity's own shape and other non-foundation-blocking shapes.
SkipControlGroupsRequireFlagObstructionFilter filter(m_ControlGroup, m_ControlGroup2,
if (m_Type == UNIT)
return cmpPathfinder->CheckUnitPlacement(filter, pos.X, pos.Y, m_Clearance, passClass, onlyCenterPoint);
return cmpPathfinder->CheckBuildingPlacement(filter, pos.X, pos.Y, cmpPosition->GetRotation().Y, m_Size0, m_Size1, GetEntityId(), passClass, onlyCenterPoint);
virtual bool CheckDuplicateFoundation() const
CmpPtr<ICmpPosition> cmpPosition(GetEntityHandle());
if (!cmpPosition)
return false; // error
if (!cmpPosition->IsInWorld())
return false; // no obstruction
CFixedVector2D pos = cmpPosition->GetPosition2D();
CmpPtr<ICmpObstructionManager> cmpObstructionManager(GetSystemEntity());
if (!cmpObstructionManager)
return false; // error
// required precondition to use SkipControlGroupsRequireFlagObstructionFilter
if (m_ControlGroup == INVALID_ENTITY)
LOGERROR("[CmpObstruction] Cannot test for foundation obstructions; primary control group must be valid");
return false;
// Ignore collisions with entities unless they block foundations and match both control groups.
SkipTagRequireControlGroupsAndFlagObstructionFilter filter(m_Tag, m_ControlGroup, m_ControlGroup2,
if (m_Type == UNIT)
return !cmpObstructionManager->TestUnitShape(filter, pos.X, pos.Y, m_Clearance, NULL);
return !cmpObstructionManager->TestStaticShape(filter, pos.X, pos.Y, cmpPosition->GetRotation().Y, m_Size0, m_Size1, NULL );
virtual std::vector<entity_id_t> GetEntitiesByFlags(flags_t flags) const
std::vector<entity_id_t> ret;
CmpPtr<ICmpObstructionManager> cmpObstructionManager(GetSystemEntity());
if (!cmpObstructionManager)
return ret; // error
// Ignore collisions within the same control group, or with other shapes that don't match the filter.
// Note that, since the control group for each entity defaults to the entity's ID, this is typically
// equivalent to only ignoring the entity's own shape and other shapes that don't match the filter.
SkipControlGroupsRequireFlagObstructionFilter filter(false, m_ControlGroup, m_ControlGroup2, flags);
ICmpObstructionManager::ObstructionSquare square;
if (!GetObstructionSquare(square))
return ret; // error
cmpObstructionManager->GetUnitsOnObstruction(square, ret, filter, false);
cmpObstructionManager->GetStaticObstructionsOnObstruction(square, ret, filter);
return ret;
virtual std::vector<entity_id_t> GetEntitiesBlockingConstruction() const
return GetEntitiesByFlags(ICmpObstructionManager::FLAG_BLOCK_CONSTRUCTION);
virtual std::vector<entity_id_t> GetEntitiesDeletedUponConstruction() const
return GetEntitiesByFlags(ICmpObstructionManager::FLAG_DELETE_UPON_CONSTRUCTION);
virtual void SetMovingFlag(bool enabled)
m_Moving = enabled;
if (m_Tag.valid() && m_Type == UNIT)
CmpPtr<ICmpObstructionManager> cmpObstructionManager(GetSystemEntity());
if (cmpObstructionManager)
cmpObstructionManager->SetUnitMovingFlag(m_Tag, m_Moving);
virtual void SetControlGroup(entity_id_t group)
m_ControlGroup = group;
virtual void SetControlGroup2(entity_id_t group2)
m_ControlGroup2 = group2;
virtual entity_id_t GetControlGroup() const
return m_ControlGroup;
virtual entity_id_t GetControlGroup2() const
return m_ControlGroup2;
void UpdateControlGroups()
if (m_Tag.valid())
CmpPtr<ICmpObstructionManager> cmpObstructionManager(GetSystemEntity());
if (cmpObstructionManager)
if (m_Type == UNIT)
cmpObstructionManager->SetUnitControlGroup(m_Tag, m_ControlGroup);
else if (m_Type == STATIC)
cmpObstructionManager->SetStaticControlGroup(m_Tag, m_ControlGroup, m_ControlGroup2);
cmpObstructionManager->SetStaticControlGroup(m_Tag, m_ControlGroup, m_ControlGroup2);
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_ClusterTags.size(); ++i)
cmpObstructionManager->SetStaticControlGroup(m_ClusterTags[i], m_ControlGroup, m_ControlGroup2);
void ResolveFoundationCollisions() const
if (m_Type == UNIT)
CmpPtr<ICmpObstructionManager> cmpObstructionManager(GetSystemEntity());
if (!cmpObstructionManager)
CmpPtr<ICmpPosition> cmpPosition(GetEntityHandle());
if (!cmpPosition)
return; // error
if (!cmpPosition->IsInWorld())
return; // no obstruction
CFixedVector2D pos = cmpPosition->GetPosition2D();
// Ignore collisions within the same control group, or with other non-foundation-blocking shapes.
// Note that, since the control group for each entity defaults to the entity's ID, this is typically
// equivalent to only ignoring the entity's own shape and other non-foundation-blocking shapes.
SkipControlGroupsRequireFlagObstructionFilter filter(m_ControlGroup, m_ControlGroup2,
std::vector<entity_id_t> collisions;
if (cmpObstructionManager->TestStaticShape(filter, pos.X, pos.Y, cmpPosition->GetRotation().Y, m_Size0, m_Size1, &collisions))
std::vector<entity_id_t> persistentEnts, normalEnts;
if (m_ControlPersist)
for (std::vector<entity_id_t>::iterator it = collisions.begin(); it != collisions.end(); ++it)
entity_id_t ent = *it;
if (ent == INVALID_ENTITY)
CmpPtr<ICmpObstruction> cmpObstruction(GetSimContext(), ent);
if (!cmpObstruction->IsControlPersistent())
// The collision can't be resolved without usable persistent control groups.
if (persistentEnts.empty())
// Attempt to replace colliding entities' control groups with a persistent one.
for (std::vector<entity_id_t>::iterator it = normalEnts.begin(); it != normalEnts.end(); ++it)
entity_id_t ent = *it;
CmpPtr<ICmpObstruction> cmpObstruction(GetSimContext(), ent);
for (std::vector<entity_id_t>::iterator it = persistentEnts.begin(); it != persistentEnts.end(); ++it)
entity_id_t persistent = *it;
entity_id_t group = cmpObstruction->GetControlGroup();
// Only clobber 'default' control groups.
if (group == ent)
else if (cmpObstruction->GetControlGroup2() == INVALID_ENTITY && group != persistent)
inline void AddClusterShapes(entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z, entity_angle_t a)
CmpPtr<ICmpObstructionManager> cmpObstructionManager(GetSystemEntity());
if (!cmpObstructionManager)
return; // error
flags_t flags = m_Flags;
// Disable block movement and block pathfinding for the obstruction shape
flags &= (flags_t)(~ICmpObstructionManager::FLAG_BLOCK_MOVEMENT);
flags &= (flags_t)(~ICmpObstructionManager::FLAG_BLOCK_PATHFINDING);
m_Tag = cmpObstructionManager->AddStaticShape(GetEntityId(),
x, z, a, m_Size0, m_Size1, flags, m_ControlGroup, m_ControlGroup2);
fixed s, c;
sincos_approx(a, s, c);
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Shapes.size(); ++i)
Shape& b = m_Shapes[i];
tag_t tag = cmpObstructionManager->AddStaticShape(GetEntityId(),
x + b.dx.Multiply(c) + b.dz.Multiply(s), z + b.dz.Multiply(c) - b.dx.Multiply(s), a + b.da, b.size0, b.size1, b.flags, m_ControlGroup, m_ControlGroup2);
inline void RemoveClusterShapes()
CmpPtr<ICmpObstructionManager> cmpObstructionManager(GetSystemEntity());
if (!cmpObstructionManager)
return; // error
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_ClusterTags.size(); ++i)
if (m_ClusterTags[i].valid())