wraitii 58018a1056 UnitMotion - rename CheckTargetMovement to PathingUpdateNeeded for clarity, and improve the logic.
This new version compares the final waypoint with the target's
obtruction shape and uses reachability checks to know if we will be in
range or not.

Differential Revision: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1983
This was SVN commit r22430.
2019-07-03 18:06:53 +00:00

546 lines
21 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2019 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "simulation2/system/Interface.h"
#include "simulation2/helpers/Pathfinding.h"
#include "maths/FixedVector2D.h"
class IObstructionTestFilter;
* Obstruction manager: provides efficient spatial queries over objects in the world.
* The class deals with two types of shape:
* "static" shapes, typically representing buildings, which are rectangles with a given
* width and height and angle;
* and "unit" shapes, representing units that can move around the world, which have a
* radius and no rotation. (Units sometimes act as axis-aligned squares, sometimes
* as approximately circles, due to the algorithm used by the short pathfinder.)
* Other classes (particularly ICmpObstruction) register shapes with this interface
* and keep them updated.
* The @c Test functions provide exact collision tests.
* The edge of a shape counts as 'inside' the shape, for the purpose of collisions.
* The functions accept an IObstructionTestFilter argument, which can restrict the
* set of shapes that are counted as collisions.
* Units can be marked as either moving or stationary, which simply determines whether
* certain filters include or exclude them.
* The @c Rasterize function approximates the current set of shapes onto a 2D grid,
* for use with tile-based pathfinding.
class ICmpObstructionManager : public IComponent
* Standard representation for all types of shapes, for use with geometry processing code.
struct ObstructionSquare
entity_pos_t x, z; // position of center
CFixedVector2D u, v; // 'horizontal' and 'vertical' orthogonal unit vectors, representing orientation
entity_pos_t hw, hh; // half width, half height of square
* External identifiers for shapes.
* (This is a struct rather than a raw u32 for type-safety.)
struct tag_t
tag_t() : n(0) {}
explicit tag_t(u32 n) : n(n) {}
bool valid() const { return n != 0; }
u32 n;
* Boolean flags affecting the obstruction behaviour of a shape.
enum EFlags
FLAG_BLOCK_MOVEMENT = (1 << 0), // prevents units moving through this shape
FLAG_BLOCK_FOUNDATION = (1 << 1), // prevents foundations being placed on this shape
FLAG_BLOCK_CONSTRUCTION = (1 << 2), // prevents buildings being constructed on this shape
FLAG_BLOCK_PATHFINDING = (1 << 3), // prevents the tile pathfinder choosing paths through this shape
FLAG_MOVING = (1 << 4), // indicates this unit is currently moving
FLAG_DELETE_UPON_CONSTRUCTION = (1 << 5) // this entity is deleted when construction of a building placed on top of this entity starts
* Bitmask of EFlag values.
typedef u8 flags_t;
* Set the bounds of the world.
* Any point outside the bounds is considered obstructed.
* @param x0,z0,x1,z1 Coordinates of the corners of the world
virtual void SetBounds(entity_pos_t x0, entity_pos_t z0, entity_pos_t x1, entity_pos_t z1) = 0;
* Register a static shape.
* @param ent entity ID associated with this shape (or INVALID_ENTITY if none)
* @param x,z coordinates of center, in world space
* @param a angle of rotation (clockwise from +Z direction)
* @param w width (size along X axis)
* @param h height (size along Z axis)
* @param flags a set of EFlags values
* @param group primary control group of the shape. Must be a valid control group ID.
* @param group2 Optional; secondary control group of the shape. Defaults to INVALID_ENTITY.
* @return a valid tag for manipulating the shape
* @see StaticShape
virtual tag_t AddStaticShape(entity_id_t ent, entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z, entity_angle_t a,
entity_pos_t w, entity_pos_t h, flags_t flags, entity_id_t group, entity_id_t group2 = INVALID_ENTITY) = 0;
* Register a unit shape.
* @param ent entity ID associated with this shape (or INVALID_ENTITY if none)
* @param x,z coordinates of center, in world space
* @param clearance pathfinding clearance of the unit (works as a radius)
* @param flags a set of EFlags values
* @param group control group (typically the owner entity, or a formation controller entity
* - units ignore collisions with others in the same group)
* @return a valid tag for manipulating the shape
* @see UnitShape
virtual tag_t AddUnitShape(entity_id_t ent, entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z, entity_pos_t clearance,
flags_t flags, entity_id_t group) = 0;
* Adjust the position and angle of an existing shape.
* @param tag tag of shape (must be valid)
* @param x X coordinate of center, in world space
* @param z Z coordinate of center, in world space
* @param a angle of rotation (clockwise from +Z direction); ignored for unit shapes
virtual void MoveShape(tag_t tag, entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z, entity_angle_t a) = 0;
* Set whether a unit shape is moving or stationary.
* @param tag tag of shape (must be valid and a unit shape)
* @param moving whether the unit is currently moving through the world or is stationary
virtual void SetUnitMovingFlag(tag_t tag, bool moving) = 0;
* Set the control group of a unit shape.
* @param tag tag of shape (must be valid and a unit shape)
* @param group control group entity ID
virtual void SetUnitControlGroup(tag_t tag, entity_id_t group) = 0;
* Sets the control group of a static shape.
* @param tag Tag of the shape to set the control group for. Must be a valid and static shape tag.
* @param group Control group entity ID.
virtual void SetStaticControlGroup(tag_t tag, entity_id_t group, entity_id_t group2) = 0;
* Remove an existing shape. The tag will be made invalid and must not be used after this.
* @param tag tag of shape (must be valid)
virtual void RemoveShape(tag_t tag) = 0;
* Returns the distance from the obstruction to the point (px, pz), or -1 if the entity is out of the world.
virtual fixed DistanceToPoint(entity_id_t ent, entity_pos_t px, entity_pos_t pz) const = 0;
* Calculate the largest straight line distance between the entity and the point.
virtual fixed MaxDistanceToPoint(entity_id_t ent, entity_pos_t px, entity_pos_t pz) const = 0;
* Calculate the shortest distance between the entity and the target.
virtual fixed DistanceToTarget(entity_id_t ent, entity_id_t target) const = 0;
* Calculate the largest straight line distance between the entity and the target.
virtual fixed MaxDistanceToTarget(entity_id_t ent, entity_id_t target) const = 0;
* Calculate the shortest straight line distance between the source and the target
virtual fixed DistanceBetweenShapes(const ObstructionSquare& source, const ObstructionSquare& target) const = 0;
* Calculate the largest straight line distance between the source and the target
virtual fixed MaxDistanceBetweenShapes(const ObstructionSquare& source, const ObstructionSquare& target) const = 0;
* Check if the given entity is in range of the other point given those parameters.
* @param maxRange - if -1, treated as infinite.
virtual bool IsInPointRange(entity_id_t ent, entity_pos_t px, entity_pos_t pz, entity_pos_t minRange, entity_pos_t maxRange, bool opposite) const = 0;
* Check if the given entity is in range of the target given those parameters.
* @param maxRange - if -1, treated as infinite.
virtual bool IsInTargetRange(entity_id_t ent, entity_id_t target, entity_pos_t minRange, entity_pos_t maxRange, bool opposite) const = 0;
* Check if the given point is in range of the other point given those parameters.
* @param maxRange - if -1, treated as infinite.
virtual bool IsPointInPointRange(entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z, entity_pos_t px, entity_pos_t pz, entity_pos_t minRange, entity_pos_t maxRange) const = 0;
* Check if the given shape is in range of the target shape given those parameters.
* @param maxRange - if -1, treated as infinite.
virtual bool AreShapesInRange(const ObstructionSquare& source, const ObstructionSquare& target, entity_pos_t minRange, entity_pos_t maxRange, bool opposite) const = 0;
* Collision test a flat-ended thick line against the current set of shapes.
* The line caps extend by @p r beyond the end points.
* Only intersections going from outside to inside a shape are counted.
* @param filter filter to restrict the shapes that are counted
* @param x0 X coordinate of line's first point
* @param z0 Z coordinate of line's first point
* @param x1 X coordinate of line's second point
* @param z1 Z coordinate of line's second point
* @param r radius (half width) of line
* @param relaxClearanceForUnits whether unit-unit collisions should be more permissive.
* @return true if there is a collision
virtual bool TestLine(const IObstructionTestFilter& filter, entity_pos_t x0, entity_pos_t z0, entity_pos_t x1, entity_pos_t z1, entity_pos_t r, bool relaxClearanceForUnits) const = 0;
* Collision test a static square shape against the current set of shapes.
* @param filter filter to restrict the shapes that are being tested against
* @param x X coordinate of center
* @param z Z coordinate of center
* @param a angle of rotation (clockwise from +Z direction)
* @param w width (size along X axis)
* @param h height (size along Z axis)
* @param out if non-NULL, all colliding shapes' entities will be added to this list
* @return true if there is a collision
virtual bool TestStaticShape(const IObstructionTestFilter& filter,
entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z, entity_pos_t a, entity_pos_t w, entity_pos_t h,
std::vector<entity_id_t>* out) const = 0;
* Collision test a unit shape against the current set of registered shapes, and optionally writes a list of the colliding
* shapes' entities to an output list.
* @param filter filter to restrict the shapes that are being tested against
* @param x X coordinate of shape's center
* @param z Z coordinate of shape's center
* @param clearance clearance of the shape's unit
* @param out if non-NULL, all colliding shapes' entities will be added to this list
* @return true if there is a collision
virtual bool TestUnitShape(const IObstructionTestFilter& filter,
entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z, entity_pos_t clearance,
std::vector<entity_id_t>* out) const = 0;
* Convert the current set of shapes onto a navcell grid, for all passability classes contained in @p passClasses.
* If @p fullUpdate is false, the function will only go through dirty shapes.
* Shapes are expanded by the @p passClasses clearances, by ORing their masks onto the @p grid.
virtual void Rasterize(Grid<NavcellData>& grid, const std::vector<PathfinderPassability>& passClasses, bool fullUpdate) = 0;
* Gets dirtiness information and resets it afterwards. Then it's the role of CCmpPathfinder
* to pass the information to other components if needed. (AIs, etc.)
* The return value is false if an update is unnecessary.
virtual void UpdateInformations(GridUpdateInformation& informations) = 0;
* Find all the obstructions that are inside (or partially inside) the given range.
* @param filter filter to restrict the shapes that are counted
* @param x0 X coordinate of left edge of range
* @param z0 Z coordinate of bottom edge of range
* @param x1 X coordinate of right edge of range
* @param z1 Z coordinate of top edge of range
* @param squares output list of obstructions
virtual void GetObstructionsInRange(const IObstructionTestFilter& filter, entity_pos_t x0, entity_pos_t z0, entity_pos_t x1, entity_pos_t z1, std::vector<ObstructionSquare>& squares) const = 0;
virtual void GetStaticObstructionsInRange(const IObstructionTestFilter& filter, entity_pos_t x0, entity_pos_t z0, entity_pos_t x1, entity_pos_t z1, std::vector<ObstructionSquare>& squares) const = 0;
virtual void GetUnitObstructionsInRange(const IObstructionTestFilter& filter, entity_pos_t x0, entity_pos_t z0, entity_pos_t x1, entity_pos_t z1, std::vector<ObstructionSquare>& squares) const = 0;
virtual void GetStaticObstructionsOnObstruction(const ObstructionSquare& square, std::vector<entity_id_t>& out, const IObstructionTestFilter& filter) const = 0;
* Returns the entity IDs of all unit shapes that intersect the given
* obstruction square, filtering out using the given filter.
* @param square the Obstruction squre we want to compare with.
* @param out output list of obstructions
* @param filter filter for the obstructing units
* @param strict whether to be strict in the check or more permissive (ie rasterize more or less). Default false.
virtual void GetUnitsOnObstruction(const ObstructionSquare& square, std::vector<entity_id_t>& out, const IObstructionTestFilter& filter, bool strict = false) const = 0;
* Get the obstruction square representing the given shape.
* @param tag tag of shape (must be valid)
virtual ObstructionSquare GetObstruction(tag_t tag) const = 0;
virtual ObstructionSquare GetUnitShapeObstruction(entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z, entity_pos_t clearance) const = 0;
virtual ObstructionSquare GetStaticShapeObstruction(entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z, entity_angle_t a, entity_pos_t w, entity_pos_t h) const = 0;
* Set the passability to be restricted to a circular map.
virtual void SetPassabilityCircular(bool enabled) = 0;
virtual bool GetPassabilityCircular() const = 0;
* Toggle the rendering of debug info.
virtual void SetDebugOverlay(bool enabled) = 0;
* Interface for ICmpObstructionManager @c Test functions to filter out unwanted shapes.
class IObstructionTestFilter
typedef ICmpObstructionManager::tag_t tag_t;
typedef ICmpObstructionManager::flags_t flags_t;
virtual ~IObstructionTestFilter() {}
* Return true if the shape with the specified parameters should be tested for collisions.
* This is called for all shapes that would collide, and also for some that wouldn't.
* @param tag tag of shape being tested
* @param flags set of EFlags for the shape
* @param group the control group of the shape (typically the shape's unit, or the unit's formation controller, or 0)
* @param group2 an optional secondary control group of the shape, or INVALID_ENTITY if none specified. Currently
* exists only for static shapes.
virtual bool TestShape(tag_t tag, flags_t flags, entity_id_t group, entity_id_t group2) const = 0;
* Obstruction test filter that will test against all shapes.
class NullObstructionFilter : public IObstructionTestFilter
virtual bool TestShape(tag_t UNUSED(tag), flags_t UNUSED(flags), entity_id_t UNUSED(group), entity_id_t UNUSED(group2)) const
return true;
* Obstruction test filter that will test only against stationary (i.e. non-moving) shapes.
class StationaryOnlyObstructionFilter : public IObstructionTestFilter
virtual bool TestShape(tag_t UNUSED(tag), flags_t flags, entity_id_t UNUSED(group), entity_id_t UNUSED(group2)) const
return !(flags & ICmpObstructionManager::FLAG_MOVING);
* Obstruction test filter that reject shapes in a given control group,
* and rejects shapes that don't block unit movement, and optionally rejects moving shapes.
class ControlGroupMovementObstructionFilter : public IObstructionTestFilter
bool m_AvoidMoving;
entity_id_t m_Group;
ControlGroupMovementObstructionFilter(bool avoidMoving, entity_id_t group) :
m_AvoidMoving(avoidMoving), m_Group(group)
virtual bool TestShape(tag_t UNUSED(tag), flags_t flags, entity_id_t group, entity_id_t group2) const
if (group == m_Group || (group2 != INVALID_ENTITY && group2 == m_Group))
return false;
if (!(flags & ICmpObstructionManager::FLAG_BLOCK_MOVEMENT))
return false;
if ((flags & ICmpObstructionManager::FLAG_MOVING) && !m_AvoidMoving)
return false;
return true;
* Obstruction test filter that will test only against shapes that:
* - are part of neither one of the specified control groups
* - AND, depending on the value of the 'exclude' argument:
* - have at least one of the specified flags set.
* - OR have none of the specified flags set.
* The first (primary) control group to reject shapes from must be specified and valid. The secondary
* control group to reject entities from may be set to INVALID_ENTITY to not use it.
* This filter is useful to e.g. allow foundations within the same control group to be placed and
* constructed arbitrarily close together (e.g. for wall pieces that need to link up tightly).
class SkipControlGroupsRequireFlagObstructionFilter : public IObstructionTestFilter
bool m_Exclude;
entity_id_t m_Group;
entity_id_t m_Group2;
flags_t m_Mask;
SkipControlGroupsRequireFlagObstructionFilter(bool exclude, entity_id_t group1, entity_id_t group2, flags_t mask) :
m_Exclude(exclude), m_Group(group1), m_Group2(group2), m_Mask(mask)
SkipControlGroupsRequireFlagObstructionFilter(entity_id_t group1, entity_id_t group2, flags_t mask) :
m_Exclude(false), m_Group(group1), m_Group2(group2), m_Mask(mask)
virtual bool TestShape(tag_t UNUSED(tag), flags_t flags, entity_id_t group, entity_id_t group2) const
// Don't test shapes that share one or more of our control groups.
if (group == m_Group || group == m_Group2 || (group2 != INVALID_ENTITY &&
(group2 == m_Group || group2 == m_Group2)))
return false;
// If m_Exclude is true, don't test against shapes that have any of the
// obstruction flags specified in m_Mask.
if (m_Exclude)
return (flags & m_Mask) == 0;
// Otherwise, only include shapes that match at least one flag in m_Mask.
return (flags & m_Mask) != 0;
void Init()
// the primary control group to filter out must be valid
// for simplicity, if m_Group2 is INVALID_ENTITY (i.e. not used), then set it equal to m_Group
// so that we have fewer special cases to consider in TestShape().
if (m_Group2 == INVALID_ENTITY)
m_Group2 = m_Group;
* Obstruction test filter that will test only against shapes that:
* - are part of both of the specified control groups
* - AND have at least one of the specified flags set.
* The first (primary) control group to include shapes from must be specified and valid.
* This filter is useful for preventing entities with identical control groups
* from colliding e.g. building a new wall segment on top of an existing wall)
* @todo This filter needs test cases.
class SkipTagRequireControlGroupsAndFlagObstructionFilter : public IObstructionTestFilter
tag_t m_Tag;
entity_id_t m_Group;
entity_id_t m_Group2;
flags_t m_Mask;
SkipTagRequireControlGroupsAndFlagObstructionFilter(tag_t tag, entity_id_t group1, entity_id_t group2, flags_t mask) :
m_Tag(tag), m_Group(group1), m_Group2(group2), m_Mask(mask)
virtual bool TestShape(tag_t tag, flags_t flags, entity_id_t group, entity_id_t group2) const
// To be included in testing, a shape must not have the specified tag, and must
// match at least one of the flags in m_Mask, as well as both control groups.
return (tag.n != m_Tag.n && (flags & m_Mask) != 0 && ((group == m_Group
&& group2 == m_Group2) || (group2 == m_Group && group == m_Group2)));
* Obstruction test filter that will test only against shapes that do not have the specified tag set.
class SkipTagObstructionFilter : public IObstructionTestFilter
tag_t m_Tag;
SkipTagObstructionFilter(tag_t tag) : m_Tag(tag)
virtual bool TestShape(tag_t tag, flags_t UNUSED(flags), entity_id_t UNUSED(group), entity_id_t UNUSED(group2)) const
return tag.n != m_Tag.n;
* Obstruction test filter that will test only against shapes that:
* - do not have the specified tag
* - AND have at least one of the specified flags set.
class SkipTagRequireFlagsObstructionFilter : public IObstructionTestFilter
tag_t m_Tag;
flags_t m_Mask;
SkipTagRequireFlagsObstructionFilter(tag_t tag, flags_t mask) : m_Tag(tag), m_Mask(mask)
virtual bool TestShape(tag_t tag, flags_t flags, entity_id_t UNUSED(group), entity_id_t UNUSED(group2)) const
return (tag.n != m_Tag.n && (flags & m_Mask) != 0);