WhiteTreePaladin 0b0cd938d5 Made settings and menu use new dialog
Made chat and ESC hotkey interact better with the dialog
Made command icons reference individual icons rather than sheets
Removed menu object cache

This was SVN commit r8715.
2010-11-27 19:46:12 +00:00

360 lines
9.3 KiB

const GEOLOGY = "geology";
const FLORA = "flora";
const FAUNA = "fauna";
const SPECIAL = "special";
//-------------------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
// Session Dialog (only one at a time)
//-------------------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
var g_SessionDialog = new SessionDialog();
function SessionDialog()
this.referencedPanel = {};
SessionDialog.prototype.open = function(title, message, referencedPanel, x, y, confirmFunction)
// hide previous panel referencedPanel if applicable
if (this.referencedPanel)
this.referencedPanel.hidden = true
// set dialog title if applicable
getGUIObjectByName("sessionDialogTitle").caption = title? title : "";
// set dialog message if applicable
getGUIObjectByName("sessionDialogMessage").caption = message? message : "";
// set panel reference if applicable
referencedPanel.size = "50%-" + ((x/2)-30) + " 50%-" + ((y/2)-44) + " 50%+" + ((x/2)-30) + " 50%+" + ((y/2)-52);
referencedPanel.hidden = false;
this.referencedPanel = referencedPanel;
// set confirm function if applicable
if (confirmFunction)
var buttonFunction = function () {
this.close(referencedPanel); // "this" is defined as SessionDialog in this context
var dialog = this;
var confirmButton = getGUIObjectByName("sessionDialogConfirm");
confirmButton.onpress = function() { buttonFunction.call(dialog); };
confirmButton.hidden = false;
confirmButton.size = "32 100%-44 144 100%-12";
getGUIObjectByName("sessionDialogCancel").size = "100%-144 100%-44 100%-32 100%-12";
getGUIObjectByName("sessionDialogCancel").caption = "Cancel";
getGUIObjectByName("sessionDialogConfirm").hidden = true;
getGUIObjectByName("sessionDialogCancel").size = "50%-56 100%-44 50%+56 100%-12";
getGUIObjectByName("sessionDialogCancel").caption = "Close";
getGUIObjectByName("sessionDialog").size = "50%-" + x/2 + " 50%-" + y/2 + " 50%+" + x/2 + " 50%+" + y/2;
getGUIObjectByName("sessionDialog").hidden = false;
SessionDialog.prototype.close = function()
getGUIObjectByName("sessionDialog").hidden = true;
if (this.referencedPanel)
this.referencedPanel.hidden = true;
//-------------------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
// Utility functions
//-------------------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
// Get the basic player data
function getPlayerData(playerAssignments)
var players = [];
var simState = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetSimulationState");
if (!simState)
return players;
for (var i = 0; i < simState.players.length; i++)
var playerState = simState.players[i];
var name = playerState.name;
var civ = playerState.civ;
var color = {"r": playerState.colour.r*255, "g": playerState.colour.g*255, "b": playerState.colour.b*255, "a": playerState.colour.a*255};
var player = {
"name": name,
"civ": civ,
"color": color,
"team": playerState.team,
"diplomacy": playerState.diplomacy,
"state": playerState.state,
"guid": undefined, // network guid for players controlled by hosts
"disconnected": false, // flag for host-controlled players who have left the game
// Overwrite default player names with multiplayer names
if (playerAssignments)
for (var playerGuid in playerAssignments)
var playerAssignment = playerAssignments[playerGuid];
if (players[playerAssignment.player])
players[playerAssignment.player].guid = playerGuid;
players[playerAssignment.player].name = playerAssignment.name;
return players;
// Update player data when a host has connected
function updatePlayerDataAdd(players, hostGuid, playerAssignment)
if (players[playerAssignment.player])
players[playerAssignment.player].guid = hostGuid;
players[playerAssignment.player].name = playerAssignment.name;
// Update player data when a host has disconnected
function updatePlayerDataRemove(players, hostGuid)
for each (var player in players)
if (player.guid == hostGuid)
player.offline = true;
function isUnit(entState)
if (entState.identity)
var classes = entState.identity.classes;
if (classes && classes.length)
for (var i = 0; i < classes.length; i++)
if (classes[i] == "Unit")
return true;
return false;
function isAnimal(entState)
if (entState.identity)
var classes = entState.identity.classes;
if (classes && classes.length)
for (var i = 0; i < classes.length; i++)
if (classes[i] == "Animal")
return true;
return false;
function isStructure(entState)
if (entState.identity)
var classes = entState.identity.classes;
if (classes && classes.length)
for (var i = 0; i < classes.length; i++)
if (classes[i] == "Structure")
return true;
return false;
function isDefensive(entState)
if (entState.identity)
var classes = entState.identity.classes;
if (classes && classes.length)
for (var i = 0; i < classes.length; i++)
if (classes[i] == "Defensive")
return true;
return false;
function damageTypesToTextStacked(dmg)
if (!dmg)
return "(None)";
return dmg.hack + " Hack\n" + dmg.pierce + " Pierce\n" + dmg.crush + " Crush";
function damageTypesToText(dmg)
if (!dmg)
return "[font=\"serif-12\"](None)[/font]";
var hackLabel = "[font=\"serif-12\"] Hack[/font]";
var pierceLabel = "[font=\"serif-12\"] Pierce[/font]";
var crushLabel = "[font=\"serif-12\"] Crush[/font]";
var hackDamage = dmg.hack;
var pierceDamage = dmg.pierce;
var crushDamage = dmg.crush;
var dmgArray = [];
if (hackDamage) dmgArray.push(hackDamage + hackLabel);
if (pierceDamage) dmgArray.push(pierceDamage + pierceLabel);
if (crushDamage) dmgArray.push(crushDamage + crushLabel);
return dmgArray.join("[font=\"serif-12\"], [/font]");
function getFormationCellId(formationName)
switch (formationName)
case "Formation0":
return 0;
case "Formation1":
return 1;
case "Formation2":
return 2;
case "Formation3":
return 3;
case "Formation4":
return 4;
case "Formation5":
return 5;
case "Formation6":
return 6;
case "Formation7":
return 7;
case "Formation8":
return 8;
case "Formation9":
return 9;
case "Formation10":
return 10;
case "Formation11":
return 11;
case "Formation12":
return 12;
return -1;
function getCommandImage(commandName)
switch (commandName)
case "delete":
return "kill_small.png";
case "unload-all":
return "garrison.png";
return "";
function getEntityFormationsList(entState)
var formations = [];
return formations;
function getEntityCommandsList(entState)
var commands = [];
if (entState.garrisonHolder)
return commands;
function getEntityCost(template)
if (template.cost)
var costs = [];
if (template.cost.food) costs.push("[font=\"serif-bold-13\"]Food:[/font] " + template.cost.food);
if (template.cost.wood) costs.push("[font=\"serif-bold-13\"]Wood:[/font] " + template.cost.wood);
if (template.cost.metal) costs.push("[font=\"serif-bold-13\"]Metal:[/font] " + template.cost.metal);
if (template.cost.stone) costs.push("[font=\"serif-bold-13\"]Stone:[/font] " + template.cost.stone);
if (template.cost.population) costs.push("[font=\"serif-bold-13\"]Population:[/font] " + template.cost.population);
if (costs.length)
return costs.join(", ");
return "";
function getPopulationBonus(template)
var popBonus = "";
if (template.cost.populationBonus)
popBonus = "[font=\"serif-bold-13\"]Population Bonus:[/font] " + template.cost.populationBonus;
return popBonus;
function getEntityName(template)
return template.name.specific || template.name.generic || "???";
function getEntityNameWithGenericType(template)
var name;
if ((template.name.specific && template.name.generic) && (template.name.specific != template.name.generic))
name = template.name.specific + " (" + template.name.generic + ")";
name = template.name.specific || template.name.generic || "???";
return "[font=\"serif-bold-16\"]" + name + "[/font]";
function getEntityRankedName(entState)
var template = GetTemplateData(entState.template)
var rank = entState.identity.rank;
if (rank)
return rank + " " + template.name.specific;
return template.name.specific;
function getRankIconCellId(entState)
var template = GetTemplateData(entState.template)
var rank = entState.identity.rank;
if (rank)
if (rank == "Elite")
return 0;
else if (rank == "Advanced")
return 1;
return -1;