janwas 8667ea74c8 fixes and improvements
- directoryPosix: replace most methods with boost filesystem (but not
all: the latter cannot efficiently enumerate files AND query their
- AllocatorChecker: better name for member functions
- file: move the File class here
- trace: bugfix
- io: move UnalignedWriter to write_buffer.cpp (basically the same
- vfs: remove unnecessary "vfs" warts from variable names
- vfs_tree: VfsFile now stores single Name/Size/MTime fields instead of
the FileInfo record (less clunky)
- vfs_path: use boost filesystem's version of the basename/extension
- lf_alloc: remove (no longer necessary, won't be finished - not worth
the trouble)
- path_util: remove path_foreach_component (replaced by better path
traversal logic) and PathPackage (obsoleted by fs::path)

! resource loading code now receives VfsPath as its filename. there is
also OsPath (native absolute path) and Path (relative to binaries/data)

- tex is now independent of file loading code; it just en/decodes
in-memory buffers
- wdll_ver: clean up, use smart pointer to simplify bailout code
- wsdl: remove nonexistent failure path from calc_gamma (cruised by here
because SDL_SetGamme is failing once after a cold boot at work)
- wsnd: simplify OpenAL DLL search, use boost::filesystem
- wutil: Wow64 redirection is now packaged in a (RAII) class

This was SVN commit r5525.
2007-12-22 18:15:52 +00:00

129 lines
4.2 KiB

* =========================================================================
* File : wsdl.cpp
* Project : 0 A.D.
* Description : sound card detection on Windows.
* =========================================================================
// license: GPL; see lib/license.txt
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "lib/sysdep/snd.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include <set>
#include "lib/path_util.h"
#include "wdll_ver.h"
#include "win.h"
#include "wutil.h"
#include "wmi.h"
static LibError IsOpenAlDllName(const std::string& name)
// (matches "*oal.dll" and "*OpenAL*", as with OpenAL router's search)
return name.find("oal.dll") != std::string::npos || name.find("OpenAL") != std::string::npos;
// ensures each OpenAL DLL is only listed once (even if present in several
// directories on our search path).
typedef std::set<std::string> StringSet;
// find all OpenAL DLLs in a dir.
// call in library search order (exe dir, then win sys dir); otherwise,
// DLLs in the executable's starting directory hide those of the
// same name in the system directory.
static void add_oal_dlls_in_dir(const OsPath& path, StringSet& dlls)
for(OsDirectoryIterator it(path); it != OsDirectoryIterator(); ++it)
const OsPath& pathname = it->path();
const std::string& name = pathname.leaf();
// already in StringSet (i.e. has already been wdll_ver_list_add-ed)
std::pair<StringSet::iterator, bool> ret = dlls.insert(name);
if(!ret.second) // insert failed - element already there
// DirectSound driver version
// we've seen audio problems caused by buggy DirectSound drivers (because
// OpenAL can use them in its implementation), so their version should be
// retrieved as well. the only way I know of is to enumerate all DS devices.
// unfortunately this fails with Vista's DS emulation - it returns some
// GUID crap as the module name. to avoidc crashing when attempting to get
// the version info for that bogus driver path, we'll skip this code there.
// (delay-loading dsound.dll eliminates any overhead)
static char directSoundDriverPath[MAX_PATH+1];
// store sound card name and path to DirectSound driver.
// called for each DirectSound driver, but aborts after first valid driver.
static BOOL CALLBACK DirectSoundCallback(void* guid, const char* UNUSED(description),
const char* module, void* UNUSED(cbData))
// skip first dummy entry (description == "Primary Sound Driver")
if(guid == NULL)
return TRUE; // continue calling
// note: $system\\drivers is not in LoadLibrary's search list,
// so we have to give the full pathname.
snprintf(directSoundDriverPath, ARRAY_SIZE(directSoundDriverPath), "%s\\drivers\\%s", win_sys_dir, module);
// we assume the first "driver name" (sound card) is the one we want;
// stick with that and stop calling.
return FALSE;
static const char* GetDirectSoundDriverPath()
#define DS_OK 0
typedef BOOL (CALLBACK* LPDSENUMCALLBACKA)(void*, const char*, const char*, void*);
HMODULE hDsoundDll = LoadLibrary("dsound.dll");
*(void**)&pDirectSoundEnumerateA = GetProcAddress(hDsoundDll, "DirectSoundEnumerateA");
HRESULT ret = pDirectSoundEnumerateA(DirectSoundCallback, (void*)0);
debug_assert(ret == DS_OK);
return directSoundDriverPath;
LibError win_get_snd_info()
WmiMap wmiMap;
if(wmi_GetClass("Win32_SoundDevice", wmiMap) == INFO::OK)
sprintf_s(snd_card, SND_CARD_LEN, "%ls", wmiMap[L"ProductName"].bstrVal);
// find all DLLs related to OpenAL, retrieve their versions,
// and store in snd_drv_ver string.
wdll_ver_list_init(snd_drv_ver, SND_DRV_VER_LEN);
if(wutil_WindowsVersion() < WUTIL_VERSION_VISTA)
StringSet dlls; // ensures uniqueness
(void)add_oal_dlls_in_dir(win_exe_dir, dlls);
(void)add_oal_dlls_in_dir(win_sys_dir, dlls);
return INFO::OK;