janwas 5bf9bca9ef fix/disable warnings.
there are too many W4 and "potentially uninitialized", so those are
disabled by 0ad_warning_disable.h.

the silly "int x = strlen" and very dangerous "int x = (void*)p" (and
vice versa) problems are fixed.

This was SVN commit r5526.
2007-12-23 12:18:57 +00:00

665 lines
17 KiB

#include "precompiled.h"
#include "0ad_warning_disable.h"
# include <stdlib.h>
# include "sr_graph.h"
# include "sr_heap.h"
//============================== SrGraphLink ===============================================
//============================== SrGraphNode ===============================================
SrGraphNode::~SrGraphNode ()
SrClassManagerBase* lman = _graph->link_class_manager();
if ( _links.size()>0 )
lman->free ( _links.pop() );
SrGraphLink* SrGraphNode::linkto ( SrGraphNode* n, float cost )
SrGraphLink* l = (SrGraphLink*) _graph->link_class_manager()->alloc();
l->_node = n;
l->_index = 0;
l->_cost = cost;
_links.push () = l;
return l;
void SrGraphNode::unlink ( int ni )
SrClassManagerBase* lman = _graph->link_class_manager();
lman->free ( _links[ni] );
_links[ni] = _links.pop();
int SrGraphNode::search_link ( SrGraphNode* n ) const
int i;
for ( i=0; i<_links.size(); i++ )
if ( _links[i]->node()==n ) return i;
return -1;
void SrGraphNode::output ( SrOutput& o ) const
float cost;
int i, max;
max = _links.size()-1;
if ( max<0 ) return;
SrClassManagerBase* lman = _graph->link_class_manager();
for ( i=0; i<=max; i++ )
{ // output blocked status
o << _links[i]->_blocked << srspc;
// output index to target node
o << _links[i]->_node->_index << srspc;
// output link cost
cost = _links[i]->_cost;
if ( cost==SR_TRUNC(cost) ) o << int(cost);
else o << cost;
// output user data
o << srspc;
if ( i<max ) o<<srspc;
//============================== SrGraphPathTree ===============================================
class SrGraphPathTree
{ public :
struct Node { int parent; float cost; SrGraphNode* node; };
struct Leaf { int l; int d; }; // the leaf index in nodes array, and its depth
SrArray<Node> nodes;
SrHeap<Leaf,float> leafs;
SrGraphBase* graph;
SrGraphNode* closest;
int iclosest;
float cdist;
float (*distfunc) ( const SrGraphNode*, const SrGraphNode*, void* udata );
void *udata;
bool bidirectional_block;
public :
SrGraphPathTree ()
{ bidirectional_block = false;
void init ( SrGraphBase* g, SrGraphNode* n )
{ nodes.size(1);
nodes[0].parent = -1;
nodes[0].cost = 0;
nodes[0].node = n;
Leaf l;
l.l = l.d = 0;
leafs.insert ( l, 0 );
graph = g;
udata = 0;
closest = 0;
iclosest = 0;
cdist = 0;
bool has_leaf ()
{ return leafs.size()==0? false:true;
bool expand_lowest_cost_leaf ( SrGraphNode* goalnode )
{ int i;
int n = leafs.top().l;
int d = leafs.top().d;
leafs.remove ();
SrGraphNode* node = nodes[n].node;
Leaf leaf;
const SrArray<SrGraphLink*>& a = node->links();
for ( i=0; i<a.size(); i++ )
{ //sr_out<<a.size()<<srnl;
if ( graph->marked(a[i]) ||
a[i]->blocked() ||
a[i]->node()->blocked() ) continue;
if ( bidirectional_block )
{ if ( a[i]->node()->link(node)->blocked() ) continue; }
nodes.top().parent = n;
nodes.top().cost = nodes[n].cost + a[i]->cost();
nodes.top().node = a[i]->node();
leaf.l = nodes.size()-1;
leaf.d = d+1;
leafs.insert ( leaf, nodes.top().cost );
graph->mark ( a[i] );
if ( distfunc )
{ float d = distfunc ( nodes.top().node, goalnode, udata );
if ( !closest || d<cdist )
{ closest=nodes.top().node; iclosest=nodes.size()-1; cdist=d; }
if ( a[i]->node()==goalnode ) return true;
return false;
//============================== SrGraphBase ===============================================
# define MARKFREE 0
# define MARKING 1
# define INDEXING 2
SrGraphBase::SrGraphBase ( SrClassManagerBase* nm, SrClassManagerBase* lm )
_curmark = 1;
_mark_status = MARKFREE;
_pt = 0; // allocated only if shortest path is called
_lman = lm;
_lman->ref(); // nm is managed by the list _nodes
_leave_indices_after_save = 0;
SrGraphBase::~SrGraphBase ()
_nodes.init (); // Important: this ensures that _lman is used before _lman->unref()
delete _pt;
void SrGraphBase::init ()
_curmark = 1;
_mark_status = MARKFREE;
void SrGraphBase::compress ()
if ( _nodes.empty() ) return;
do { _nodes.cur()->compress();
} while ( _nodes.notlast() );
int SrGraphBase::num_links () const
if ( _nodes.empty() ) return 0;
int n=0;
SrGraphNode* first = _nodes.first();
SrGraphNode* cur = first;
do { n += cur->num_links();
cur = cur->next();
} while ( cur!=first );
return n;
//----------------------------------- marking --------------------------------
void SrGraphBase::begin_marking ()
if ( _mark_status!=MARKFREE ) sr_out.fatal_error("SrGraphBase::begin_mark() is locked!");
_mark_status = MARKING;
if ( _curmark==sruintmax ) _normalize_mark ();
else _curmark++;
void SrGraphBase::end_marking ()
bool SrGraphBase::marked ( SrGraphNode* n )
if ( _mark_status!=MARKING ) sr_out.fatal_error ( "SrGraphBase::marked(n): marking is not active!\n" );
return n->_index==_curmark? true:false;
void SrGraphBase::mark ( SrGraphNode* n )
if ( _mark_status!=MARKING ) sr_out.fatal_error ( "SrGraphBase::mark(n): marking is not active!\n" );
n->_index = _curmark;
void SrGraphBase::unmark ( SrGraphNode* n )
if ( _mark_status!=MARKING ) sr_out.fatal_error ( "SrGraphBase::unmark(n): marking is not active!\n");
n->_index = _curmark-1;
bool SrGraphBase::marked ( SrGraphLink* l )
if ( _mark_status!=MARKING ) sr_out.fatal_error ( "SrGraphBase::marked(l): marking is not active!\n" );
return l->_index==_curmark? true:false;
void SrGraphBase::mark ( SrGraphLink* l )
if ( _mark_status!=MARKING ) sr_out.fatal_error ( "SrGraphBase::mark(l): marking is not active!\n" );
l->_index = _curmark;
void SrGraphBase::unmark ( SrGraphLink* l )
if ( _mark_status!=MARKING ) sr_out.fatal_error ( "SrGraphBase::unmark(l): marking is not active!\n");
l->_index = _curmark-1;
//----------------------------------- indexing --------------------------------
void SrGraphBase::begin_indexing ()
if ( _mark_status!=MARKFREE ) sr_out.fatal_error("SrGraphBase::begin_indexing() is locked!");
_mark_status = INDEXING;
void SrGraphBase::end_indexing ()
_normalize_mark ();
sruint SrGraphBase::index ( SrGraphNode* n )
if ( _mark_status!=INDEXING ) sr_out.fatal_error ("SrGraphBase::index(n): indexing is not active!");
return n->_index;
void SrGraphBase::index ( SrGraphNode* n, sruint i )
if ( _mark_status!=INDEXING ) sr_out.fatal_error ("SrGraphBase::index(n,i): indexing is not active!");
n->_index = i;
sruint SrGraphBase::index ( SrGraphLink* l )
if ( _mark_status!=INDEXING ) sr_out.fatal_error ("SrGraphBase::index(l): indexing is not active!");
return l->_index;
void SrGraphBase::index ( SrGraphLink* l, sruint i )
if ( _mark_status!=INDEXING ) sr_out.fatal_error ("SrGraphBase::index(l,i): indexing is not active!");
l->_index = i;
//----------------------------------- construction --------------------------------
SrGraphNode* SrGraphBase::insert ( SrGraphNode* n )
_nodes.insert_next ( n );
n->_graph = this;
return n;
SrGraphNode* SrGraphBase::extract ( SrGraphNode* n )
return _nodes.extract();
void SrGraphBase::remove_node ( SrGraphNode* n )
int SrGraphBase::remove_link ( SrGraphNode* n1, SrGraphNode* n2 )
int i;
int n=0;
while ( true )
{ i = n1->search_link(n2);
if ( i<0 ) break;
while ( true )
{ i = n2->search_link(n1);
if ( i<0 ) break;
return n;
void SrGraphBase::link ( SrGraphNode* n1, SrGraphNode* n2, float c )
//----------------------------------- get edges ----------------------------------
void SrGraphBase::get_directed_edges ( SrArray<SrGraphNode*>& edges )
edges.size ( num_nodes() );
edges.size ( 0 );
int i;
SrGraphNode* n;
SrListIterator<SrGraphNode> it(_nodes);
for ( it.first(); it.inrange(); it.next() )
{ n = it.get();
for ( i=0; i<n->num_links(); i++ )
{ edges.push() = n;
edges.push() = n->link(i)->node();
void SrGraphBase::get_undirected_edges ( SrArray<SrGraphNode*>& edges )
edges.size ( num_nodes() );
edges.size ( 0 );
int i, li;
SrGraphNode* n;
SrListIterator<SrGraphNode> it(_nodes);
for ( it.first(); it.inrange(); it.next() )
{ n = it.get();
for ( i=0; i<n->links().size(); i++ )
{ if ( !marked(n->link(i)) )
{ edges.push() = n;
edges.push() = n->link(i)->node();
mark ( n->link(i) );
li = edges.top()->search_link(n);
if ( li>=0 ) mark ( edges.top()->link(li) );
//----------------------------------- components ----------------------------------
static void _traverse ( SrGraphBase* graph,
SrArray<SrGraphNode*>& stack,
SrArray<SrGraphNode*>& nodes )
int i;
SrGraphNode *n, *ln;
while ( stack.size()>0 )
{ n = stack.pop();
graph->mark ( n );
nodes.push() = n;
for ( i=0; i<n->num_links(); i++ )
{ ln = n->link(i)->node();
if ( !graph->marked(ln) ) stack.push()=ln;
void SrGraphBase::get_connected_nodes ( SrGraphNode* source, SrArray<SrGraphNode*>& nodes )
nodes.size ( num_nodes() );
nodes.size ( 0 );
SrArray<SrGraphNode*>& stack = _buffer;
stack.size ( 0 );
stack.push() = source;
_traverse ( this, stack, nodes );
void SrGraphBase::get_disconnected_components ( SrArray<int>& components, SrArray<SrGraphNode*>& nodes )
nodes.size ( num_nodes() );
nodes.size ( 0 );
components.size ( 0 );
SrArray<SrGraphNode*>& stack = _buffer;
stack.size ( 0 );
SrGraphNode* n;
SrListIterator<SrGraphNode> it(_nodes);
for ( it.first(); it.inrange(); it.next() )
{ n = it.get();
if ( !marked(n) )
{ components.push() = nodes.size();
stack.push() = n;
_traverse ( this, stack, nodes );
components.push() = nodes.size()-1;
//----------------------------------- shortest path ----------------------------------
float SrGraphBase::get_shortest_path ( SrGraphNode* n1,
SrGraphNode* n2,
SrArray<SrGraphNode*>& path,
float (*distfunc) ( const SrGraphNode*, const SrGraphNode*, void* udata ),
void* udata )
if ( n1==n2 ) { path.push()=n1; return 0; }
begin_marking ();
if ( !_pt ) _pt = new SrGraphPathTree;
_pt->init ( this, n2 );
if ( distfunc )
{ _pt->distfunc = distfunc;
_pt->udata = udata;
int i;
bool end = false;
while ( !end )
{ if ( !_pt->has_leaf() )
{ end_marking();
if ( !distfunc ) return 0;
i = _pt->iclosest;
float cost = _pt->nodes[i].cost;
while ( i>=0 )
{ path.push () = _pt->nodes[i].node;
i = _pt->nodes[i].parent;
return cost;
end = _pt->expand_lowest_cost_leaf ( n1 );
end_marking ();
i = _pt->nodes.size()-1; // last element is n1
float cost = _pt->nodes[i].cost;
while ( i>=0 )
{ path.push () = _pt->nodes[i].node;
i = _pt->nodes[i].parent;
return cost;
bool SrGraphBase::local_search
( SrGraphNode* startn,
SrGraphNode* endn,
int maxdepth,
float maxdist,
int& depth,
float& dist )
if ( startn==endn ) return true;
begin_marking ();
if ( !_pt ) _pt = new SrGraphPathTree;
_pt->init ( this, startn );
int i;
bool not_found = false;
bool end = false;
while ( !end )
{ if ( !_pt->has_leaf() ) { not_found=true; break; } // not found!
dist = _pt->nodes[_pt->leafs.top().l].cost;
depth = _pt->leafs.top().d;
if ( maxdepth>0 && depth>maxdepth ) { i=-1; break; } // max depth reached
if ( maxdist>0 && dist>maxdist ) { i=-1; break; } // max dist reached
end = _pt->expand_lowest_cost_leaf ( endn );
end_marking ();
if ( not_found ) return false; // not found!
return true;
void SrGraphBase::bidirectional_block_test ( bool b )
if ( !_pt ) _pt = new SrGraphPathTree;
_pt->bidirectional_block = b;
//------------------------------------- I/O --------------------------------
void SrGraphBase::output ( SrOutput& o )
SrListIterator<SrGraphNode> it(_nodes);
SrClassManagerBase* nman = node_class_manager();
// set indices
if ( _mark_status!=MARKFREE ) sr_out.fatal_error("SrGraphBase::operator<<(): begin_indexing() is locked!");
sruint i=0;
for ( it.first(); it.inrange(); it.next() ) index(it.get(),i++);
// print
for ( it.first(); it.inrange(); it.next() )
{ o << it->index() << srspc; // output node index
o << it->_blocked << srspc; // output node blocked status
nman->output ( o, it.get() ); // output user data
if ( it.get()->num_links()>0 ) // output node links (blocked, ids, cost, and udata)
{ o<<srspc;
it->SrGraphNode::output ( o );
if ( !it.inlast() ) o << srnl;
if ( !_leave_indices_after_save ) end_indexing();
_leave_indices_after_save = 0;
static void set_blocked ( int& blocked, const char* last_token )
if ( last_token[0]=='b' ) // back-compatibility
blocked = 1;
else if ( last_token[0]=='f' ) // back-compatibility
blocked = 0;
else // should be an integer
blocked = atoi(last_token);
void SrGraphBase::input ( SrInput& inp )
SrArray<SrGraphNode*>& nodes = _buffer;
SrClassManagerBase* nman = node_class_manager();
SrClassManagerBase* lman = link_class_manager();
init ();
inp.getd(); // [
inp.get_token(); // get node counter (which is not needed)
while ( inp.last_token()[0]!=']' )
nodes.push() = _nodes.insert_next(); // allocate one node
nodes.top()->_graph = this;
inp.get_token(); // get node blocked status
set_blocked ( nodes.top()->_blocked, inp.last_token() );
nman->input ( inp, nodes.top() ); // read node user data
inp.get_token(); // new node counter, or '(', or ']'
if ( inp.last_token()[0]=='(')
while ( true )
{ inp.get_token();
if ( inp.last_token()[0]==')' ) { inp.get_token(); break; }
SrArray<SrGraphLink*>& la = nodes.top()->_links;
la.push() = (SrGraphLink*) lman->alloc();
set_blocked ( la.top()->_blocked, inp.last_token() ); // get link blocked status
inp.get_token(); // get id
la.top()->_index = atoi(inp.last_token()); // store id
inp.getn(); // get cost
la.top()->_cost = (float) atof(inp.last_token()); // store cost
lman->input ( inp, la.top() );
// now convert indices to pointers:
int i, j;
for ( i=0; i<nodes.size(); i++ )
{ SrArray<SrGraphLink*>& la = nodes[i]->_links;
for ( j=0; j<la.size(); j++ )
{ la[j]->_node = nodes[ int(la[j]->_index) ];
//---------------------------- private methods --------------------------------
// set all indices (nodes and links) to 0 and curmark to 1
void SrGraphBase::_normalize_mark()
int i;
SrGraphNode* n;
if ( _nodes.empty() ) return;
do { n = _nodes.cur();
n->_index = 0;
for ( i=0; i<n->num_links(); i++ ) n->link(i)->_index=0;
} while ( _nodes.notlast() );
_curmark = 1;
//============================== end of file ===============================