janwas 9f909073b4 fixes from work
- file: prevent error when closing a file twice (e.g. close and dtor)
- file_system_posix: export from DLL
- path_util: add some unicode versions of functions
- ia32: robustify, prevent hook reentry due to failure in disassembly,
gracefully handle breakpoints that overwrite code
- wdbg_heap: fix wdbg_heap_Validate

This was SVN commit r6264.
2008-07-21 20:43:37 +00:00

290 lines
7.6 KiB

* =========================================================================
* File : path_util.cpp
* Project : 0 A.D.
* Description : helper functions for path strings.
* =========================================================================
// license: GPL; see lib/license.txt
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "path_util.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <cerrno>
ERROR_ASSOCIATE(ERR::PATH_EMPTY, "Path is an empty string", -1);
ERROR_ASSOCIATE(ERR::PATH_NOT_RELATIVE, "Path is not relative", -1);
ERROR_ASSOCIATE(ERR::PATH_NON_PORTABLE, "Path contains OS-specific dir separator", -1);
ERROR_ASSOCIATE(ERR::PATH_NON_CANONICAL, "Path contains unsupported .. or ./", -1);
ERROR_ASSOCIATE(ERR::PATH_COMPONENT_SEPARATOR, "Path component contains dir separator", -1);
bool path_is_dir_sep(char c)
// note: ideally path strings would only contain '/' or even SYS_DIR_SEP.
// however, windows-specific code (e.g. the sound driver detection)
// uses these routines with '\\' strings. converting them all to
// '/' and then back before passing to WinAPI would be annoying.
// also, the self-tests verify correct operation of such strings.
// it would be error-prone to only test the platform's separator
// strings there. hence, we allow all separators here.
if(c == '/' || c == '\\')
return true;
return false;
bool path_is_dir_sepw(wchar_t c)
// note: ideally path strings would only contain '/' or even SYS_DIR_SEP.
// however, windows-specific code (e.g. the sound driver detection)
// uses these routines with '\\' strings. converting them all to
// '/' and then back before passing to WinAPI would be annoying.
// also, the self-tests verify correct operation of such strings.
// it would be error-prone to only test the platform's separator
// strings there. hence, we allow all separators here.
if(c == L'/' || c == L'\\')
return true;
return false;
bool path_IsDirectory(const char* path)
if(path[0] == '\0') // root dir
return true;
const char lastChar = path[strlen(path)-1];
return true;
return false;
// is s2 a subpath of s1, or vice versa?
// (equal counts as subpath)
bool path_is_subpath(const char* s1, const char* s2)
// make sure s1 is the shorter string
if(strlen(s1) > strlen(s2))
std::swap(s1, s2);
int c1 = 0, last_c1, c2;
last_c1 = c1;
c1 = *s1++, c2 = *s2++;
// end of s1 reached:
if(c1 == '\0')
// s1 matched s2 up until:
if((c2 == '\0') || // its end (i.e. they're equal length) OR
path_is_dir_sep(c2) || // start of next component OR
path_is_dir_sep(last_c1)) // ", but both have a trailing slash
// => is subpath
return true;
// mismatch => is not subpath
if(c1 != c2)
return false;
bool path_is_subpathw(const wchar_t* s1, const wchar_t* s2)
// make sure s1 is the shorter string
if(wcslen(s1) > wcslen(s2))
std::swap(s1, s2);
wchar_t c1 = 0, last_c1, c2;
last_c1 = c1;
c1 = *s1++, c2 = *s2++;
// end of s1 reached:
if(c1 == L'\0')
// s1 matched s2 up until:
if((c2 == L'\0') || // its end (i.e. they're equal length) OR
path_is_dir_sepw(c2) || // start of next component OR
path_is_dir_sepw(last_c1)) // ", but both have a trailing slash
// => is subpath
return true;
// mismatch => is not subpath
if(c1 != c2)
return false;
// if path is invalid, return a descriptive error code, otherwise INFO::OK.
LibError path_validate(const char* path)
// disallow "/", because it would create a second 'root' (with name = "").
// root dir is "".
if(path[0] == '/')
// scan each char in path string; count length.
int c = 0; // current char; used for .. detection
size_t path_len = 0;
const int last_c = c;
c = path[path_len++];
// whole path is too long
if(path_len >= PATH_MAX)
// disallow:
// - ".." (prevent going above the VFS root dir)
// - "./" (security hole when mounting and not supported on Windows).
// allow "/.", because CVS backup files include it.
if(last_c == '.' && (c == '.' || c == '/'))
// disallow OS-specific dir separators
if(c == '\\' || c == ':')
// end of string, no errors encountered
if(c == '\0')
return INFO::OK;
// if name is invalid, return a descriptive error code, otherwise INFO::OK.
// (name is a path component, i.e. that between directory separators)
LibError path_component_validate(const char* name)
// disallow empty strings
if(*name == '\0')
const int c = *name++;
// disallow *any* dir separators (regardless of which
// platform we're on).
if(c == '\\' || c == ':' || c == '/')
// end of string, no errors encountered
if(c == '\0')
return INFO::OK;
// copy path strings (provided for convenience).
void path_copy(char* dst, const char* src)
strcpy_s(dst, PATH_MAX, src);
// combine <path1> and <path2> into one path, and write to <dst>.
// if necessary, a directory separator is added between the paths.
// each may be empty, filenames, or full paths.
// total path length (including '\0') must not exceed PATH_MAX.
void path_append(char* dst, const char* path1, const char* path2, int flags)
const size_t len1 = strlen(path1);
const size_t len2 = strlen(path2);
size_t total_len = len1 + len2 + 1; // includes '\0'
const bool no_end_slash1 = (len1 == 0 || !path_is_dir_sep(path1[len1-1]));
const bool no_end_slash2 = (len2 == 0 || !path_is_dir_sep(path2[len2-1]));
// check if we need to add '/' between path1 and path2
// notes:
// - the second can't start with '/' (not allowed by path_validate)
// - must check len2 as well - if it's empty, we'd end up
// inadvertently terminating the string with '/'.
bool need_separator = false;
if(len2 != 0 && len1 != 0 && no_end_slash1)
total_len++; // for '/'
need_separator = true;
// check if trailing slash requested and not already present
bool need_terminator = false;
if(flags & PATH_APPEND_SLASH && no_end_slash2)
total_len++; // for '/'
need_terminator = true;
if(total_len > PATH_MAX)
*dst = 0;
SAFE_STRCPY(dst, path1);
dst += len1;
*dst++ = '/';
SAFE_STRCPY(dst, path2);
SAFE_STRCPY(dst+len2, "/");
// return pointer to the name component within path (i.e. skips over all
// characters up to the last dir separator, if any).
const char* path_name_only(const char* path)
const char* slash1 = strrchr(path, '/');
const char* slash2 = strrchr(path, '\\');
// neither present, it's a filename only
if(!slash1 && !slash2)
return path;
// return name, i.e. component after the last portable or platform slash
const char* name = std::max(slash1, slash2)+1;
if(name[0] != '\0') // else path_component_validate would complain
return name;
// if <path> contains a name component, it is stripped away.
void path_strip_fn(char* path)
char* name = (char*)path_name_only(path);
*name = '\0'; // cut off string here
// return extension of <fn>, or "" if there is none.
// NOTE: does not include the period; e.g. "a.bmp" yields "bmp".
const char* path_extension(const char* fn)
const char* dot = strrchr(fn, '.');
return "";
const char* ext = dot+1;
return ext;