2005-12-16 07:22:40 +00:00

787 lines
26 KiB

// ====================================================================
function entityInit()
// Initialise an entity when it is first spawned (generate starting hitpoints, etc).
// Generate civ code (1st four characters of civ name, in lower case eg "Carthaginians" => "cart").
if (this.traits.id && this.traits.id.civ)
this.traits.id.civ_code = this.traits.id.civ.toString().substring (0, 4)
this.traits.id.civ_code = this.traits.id.civ_code.toString().toLowerCase()
// Exception to make the Romans into rome.
if (this.traits.id.civ_code == "roma") this.traits.id.civ_code = "rome"
// Exception to make the Hellenes into hele.
if (this.traits.id.civ_code == "hell") this.traits.id.civ_code = "hele"
// If entity can contain garrisoned units, empty it.
if (this.traits.garrison && this.traits.garrison.max)
this.traits.garrison.curr = 0
// If entity has health, set current to same.
if (this.traits.health && this.traits.health.max)
this.traits.health.curr = this.traits.health.max
if (this.traits.supply)
// If entity has supply, set current to same.
if (this.traits.supply.max)
this.traits.supply.curr = this.traits.supply.max
// If entity has type of supply and no subtype, set subtype to same
// (so we don't have to say type="wood", subtype="wood"
if (this.traits.supply.type && !this.traits.supply.subtype)
this.traits.supply.subtype = this.traits.supply.type
if (!this.traits.promotion)
this.traits.promotion = new Object();
// If entity becomes another entity after it gains enough experience points, set up secondary attributes.
if (this.traits.promotion.req)
// Get the name of the entity. (I wish there was a safer way of doing it, but currently unravelling the exported template string.)
entityName = this.template.toString()
entityName = entityName.substring (24, entityName.length - 1)
// Determine whether current is basic, advanced or elite, and set rank to suit.
switch (entityName.substring (entityName.length-2, entityName.length))
case "_b":
// Basic. Upgrades to Advanced.
nextSuffix = "_a"
case "_a":
// Advanced. Upgrades to Elite.
nextSuffix = "_e"
case "_e":
// Elite. Maximum rank.
nextSuffix = ""
// Does not gain promotions.
nextSuffix = ""
// The entity it should become (unless specified otherwise) is the base entity plus promotion suffix.
if (!this.traits.promotion.newentity && nextSuffix != "" && this.traits.promotion.rank != "0")
this.traits.promotion.newentity = entityName.substring (1, entityName.length-2) + nextSuffix
// If entity is an additional rank and the correct actor has not been specified
// (it's just inherited the Basic), point it to the correct suffix. (Saves us specifying it each time.)
actorStr = this.actor.toString();
if (this.traits.promotion.rank > "1"
&& actorStr.substring (actorStr.length-5, actorStr.length) != nextSuffix + ".xml")
this.actor = actorStr.substring (1,actorStr.length-5) + nextSuffix + ".xml";
// Attach Auras if the entity is entitled to them.
if ( this.traits.auras )
for ( name in this.traits.auras )
console.write ( "Creating " + name + " aura for " + this + ".");
switch ( name )
case "courage":
a = this.traits.auras.courage;
this.addAura ( name, a.radius, new DamageModifyAura( this, true, a.bonus ) );
case "fear":
a = this.traits.auras.fear;
this.addAura ( name, a.radius, new DamageModifyAura( this, false, -a.bonus ) );
case "infidelity":
a = this.traits.auras.infidelity;
this.addAura ( name, a.radius, new InfidelityAura( this ) );
console.write ( "Unknown aura: " + name + " on " + this + "; ignoring it." );
if (!this.traits.id)
this.traits.id = new Object();
// Generate entity's personal name (if it needs one).
if (this.traits.id.personal)
// todo
// Look in the appropriate array for a random string.
switch (this.traits.id.classes[])
case "Male":
this.traits.id.personal.table1 = "Male"
case "Female":
this.traits.id.personal.table1 = "Female"
this.traits.id.personal.table1 = "Gen"
this.traits.id.personal.name = getRandom (this.traits.id.civ_code + this.traits.id.personal.table1 + "1")
this.traits.id.personal.name = this.traits.id.personal.name + " " + getRandom (this.traits.id.civ_code + this.traits.id.personal.table1 + "2")
this.traits.id.personal.name = "";
// Log creation of entity to console.
//if (this.traits.id.personal && this.traits.id.personal.name)
// console.write ("A new " + this.traits.id.specific + " (" + this.traits.id.generic + ") called " + this.traits.id.personal.name + " has entered your dungeon.")
// console.write ("A new " + this.traits.id.specific + " (" + this.traits.id.generic + ") has entered your dungeon.")
// ====================================================================
function entityEventAttack( evt )
curr_hit = getGUIGlobal().newRandomSound("voice", "hit", this.traits.audio.path);
// Attack logic.
dmg = new DamageType();
dmg.crush = parseInt(this.actions.attack.damage * this.actions.attack.crush);
dmg.hack = parseInt(this.actions.attack.damage * this.actions.attack.hack);
dmg.pierce = parseInt(this.actions.attack.damage * this.actions.attack.pierce);
evt.target.damage( dmg, this );
// ====================================================================
function entityEventAttackRanged( evt )
// Create a projectile from us, to the target, that will do some damage when it hits them.
dmg = new DamageType();
dmg.crush = parseInt(this.actions.attack.damage * this.actions.attack.crush);
dmg.hack = parseInt(this.actions.attack.damage * this.actions.attack.hack);
dmg.pierce = parseInt(this.actions.attack.damage * this.actions.attack.pierce);
// The parameters for Projectile are:
// 1 - The actor to use as the projectile. There are two ways of specifying this:
// the first is by giving an entity. The projectile's actor is found by looking
// in the actor of that entity. This way is usual, and preferred - visual
// information, like the projectile model, should be stored in the actor files.
// The second way is to give a actor/file name string (e.g. "props/weapon/weap_
// arrow_front.xml"). This is only meant to be used for 'Acts of Gaia' where
// there is no originating entity. Right now, this entity is the one doing the
// firing, so pass this.
// 2 - Where the projectile is coming from. This can be an entity or a Vector3D.
// For now, that's also us.
// 3 - Where the projectile is going to. Again, either a vector (attack ground?)
// or an entity. Let's shoot at our target, lest we get people terribly confused.
// 4 - How fast the projectile should go. To keep things clear, we'll set it to
// just a bit faster than the average cavalry.
// 5 - Who fired it? Erm... yep, us again.
// 6 - The function you'd like to call when it hits an entity.
// There's also a seventh parameter, for a function to call when it misses (more
// accurately, when it hits the floor). At the moment, however, the default
// action (do nothing) is what we want.
// Parameters 5, 6, and 7 are all optional.
projectile = new Projectile( this, this, evt.target, 12.0, this, projectileEventImpact )
// We'll attach the damage information to the projectile, just to show you can
// do that like you can with most other objects. Could also do this by making
// the function we pass a closure.
projectile.damage = dmg;
// Finally, tell the engine not to send this event to anywhere else -
// in particular, this shouldn't get to the melee event handler, above.
console.write( "Fire!" );
// ====================================================================
function projectileEventImpact( evt )
console.write( "Hit!" );
evt.impacted.damage( this.damage, evt.originator );
// Just so you know - there's no guarantee that evt.impacted is the thing you were
// aiming at. This function gets called when the projectile hits *anything*.
// For example:
if( evt.impacted.player == evt.originator.player )
console.write( "Friendly fire!" );
// The three properties of the ProjectileImpact event are:
// - impacted, the thing it hit
// - originator, the thing that fired it (the fifth parameter of Projectile's
// constructor) - may be null
// - position, the position the arrow was in the world when it hit.
// The properties of the ProjectileMiss event (the one that gets sent to the
// handler that was the seventh parameter of the constructor) are similar,
// but it doesn't have 'impacted' - for obvious reasons.
// ====================================================================
function entityEventGather( evt )
if (this.actions.gather.resource[evt.target.traits.supply.type][evt.target.traits.supply.subtype])
gather_amt = parseInt( this.actions.gather.resource[evt.target.traits.supply.type][evt.target.traits.supply.subtype] );
gather_amt = parseInt( this.actions.gather.resource[evt.target.traits.supply.type] );
if( evt.target.traits.supply.max > 0 )
if( evt.target.traits.supply.curr <= gather_amt )
gather_amt = evt.target.traits.supply.curr;
// Remove amount from target.
evt.target.traits.supply.curr -= gather_amt;
// Add extracted resources to player's resource pool.
getGUIGlobal().giveResources(evt.target.traits.supply.type.toString(), parseInt(gather_amt));
// ====================================================================
function entityEventHeal( evt )
if ( evt.target.player != this.player )
console.write( "You have a traitor!" );
// Cycle through all resources.
pool = this.player.resource;
for( resource in pool )
switch( resource.toString().toUpperCase() )
// Make sure we have enough resources.
if ( pool[resource] - evt.target.actions.heal.cost * evt.target.traits.creation.cost[resource] < 0 )
console.write( "Not enough " + resource.toString() + " for healing." );
evt.target.traits.health.curr += this.actions.heal.speed;
console.write( this.traits.id.specific + " has performed a miracle!" );
if (evt.target.traits.health.curr >= evt.target.traits.health.max)
evt.target.traits.health.curr = evt.target.traits.health.max;
// Cycle through all resources.
pool = this.player.resource;
for( resource in pool )
switch( resource.toString().toUpperCase() )
// Deduct resources to pay for healing.
this.player.resource[resource]-= evt.target.actions.heal.cost * evt.target.traits.creation.cost[resource];
// ====================================================================
function entityEventTakesDamage( evt )
// Apply armour and work out how much damage we actually take
crushDamage = parseInt(evt.damage.crush - this.traits.armour.value * this.traits.armour.crush);
if ( crushDamage < 0 ) crushDamage = 0;
pierceDamage = parseInt(evt.damage.pierce - this.traits.armour.value * this.traits.armour.pierce);
if ( pierceDamage < 0 ) pierceDamage = 0;
hackDamage = parseInt(evt.damage.hack - this.traits.armour.value * this.traits.armour.hack);
if ( hackDamage < 0 ) hackDamage = 0;
totalDamage = parseInt(evt.damage.typeless + crushDamage + pierceDamage + hackDamage);
// Minimum of 1 damage
if( totalDamage < 1 ) totalDamage = 1;
this.traits.health.curr -= totalDamage;
if( this.traits.health.curr <= 0 )
// If the inflictor gains promotions, and he's capable of earning more ranks,
if (evt.inflictor.traits.up && evt.inflictor.traits.up.curr && evt.inflictor.traits.up.req
&& evt.inflictor.traits.up.newentity && evt.inflictor.traits.up.newentity != ""
&& this.traits.loot && this.traits.loot.up)
// Give him the fallen's upgrade points (if he has any).
if (this.traits.loot.up)
evt.inflictor.traits.up.curr = parseInt(evt.inflictor.traits.up.curr) + parseInt(this.traits.loot.up);
// Notify player.
if (this.traits.id.specific)
console.write(this.traits.id.specific + " has earned " + this.traits.loot.up + " upgrade points!");
console.write("One of your units has earned " + this.traits.loot.up + " upgrade points!");
// If he now has maximum upgrade points for his rank,
if (evt.inflictor.traits.up.curr >= evt.inflictor.traits.up.req)
// Notify the player.
if (this.traits.id.specific)
console.write(this.traits.id.specific + " has gained a promotion!");
console.write("One of your units has gained a promotion!");
// Reset his upgrade points.
evt.inflictor.traits.up.curr = 0;
// Upgrade his portrait to the next level.
// Transmogrify him into his next rank.
evt.inflictor.template = getEntityTemplate(evt.inflictor.traits.up.newentity);
// If the fallen is worth any loot,
if (this.traits.loot)
// Cycle through all loot on this entry.
pool = this.traits.loot;
for( loot in pool )
switch( loot.toString().toUpperCase() )
case "up":
// Give the inflictor his resources.
getGUIGlobal().giveResources( loot.toString(), parseInt(pool[loot]) );
// Notify player.
console.write ("Spoils of war! " + pool[loot] + " " + loot.toString() + "!");
// Notify player.
if( evt.inflictor )
console.write( this.traits.id.generic + " got the point of " + evt.inflictor.traits.id.generic + "'s weapon." );
console.write( this.traits.id.generic + " died in mysterious circumstances." );
// Make him cry out in pain.
if (this.traits.audio && this.traits.audio.path)
curr_pain = getGUIGlobal().newRandomSound("voice", "pain", this.traits.audio.path);
if (curr_pain) curr_pain.play();
console.write ("Sorry, no death sound for this unit; you'll just have to imagine it ...");
// We've taken what we need. Kill the swine.
else if( evt.inflictor && this.actions.attack )
// If we're not already doing something else, take a measured response - hit 'em back.
// You know, I think this is quite possibly the first AI code the AI divlead has written
// for 0 A.D....
if( this.isIdle() )
this.order( ORDER_ATTACK, evt.inflictor );
// ====================================================================
function entityEventTargetChanged( evt )
// This event lets us know when the user moves his/her cursor to a different unit (provided this
// unit is selected) - use it to tell the engine what context cursor should be displayed, given
// the target.
// If we can gather, and the target supplies, gather. If it's our enemy, and we're armed, attack.
// If all else fails, move.
// ToString is needed because every property is actually an object (though that's usually
// hidden from you) and comparing an object to any other object in JavaScript (1.5, at least)
// yields false. ToString converts them to their actual values (i.e. the four character
// string) first.
evt.defaultAction = NMT_Goto;
evt.defaultCursor = "arrow-default";
if( evt.target && this.actions )
if( this.actions.attack &&
( evt.target.player != this.player ) )
evt.defaultAction = NMT_AttackMelee;
evt.defaultCursor = "action-attack";
g = this.actions.gather;
s = evt.target.traits.supply;
if( g && s && g.resource && g.resource[s.type] &&
( s.subtype==s.type || g.resource[s.type][s.subtype] ) &&
( s.curr > 0 || s.max == 0 ) )
evt.defaultAction = NMT_Gather;
// Set cursor (eg "action-gather-fruit").
evt.defaultCursor = "action-gather-" + evt.target.traits.supply.subtype;
// ====================================================================
function entityEventPrepareOrder( evt )
// This event gives us a chance to veto any order we're given before we execute it.
// Not sure whether this really belongs here like this: the alternative is to override it in
// subtypes - then you wouldn't need to check tags, you could hardcode results.
if( !this.actions )
switch( evt.orderType )
if( !this.actions.move )
if( !this.actions.patrol )
if( !this.actions.attack ||
!evt.target )
if( !this.actions.gather || !this.actions.gather.resource ||
!( this.actions.gather.resource[evt.target.traits.supply.type] ) ||
( ( evt.target.traits.supply.curr == 0 ) && ( evt.target.traits.supply.max > 0 ) ) )
// ====================================================================
function entityAddCreateQueue( template, tab, list )
// Make sure we have a queue to put things in...
if( !this.actions.create.queue )
this.actions.create.queue = new Array();
// Construct template object.
comboTemplate = template;
comboTemplate.list = list;
comboTemplate.tab = tab;
// Append to the end of this queue
this.actions.create.queue.push( template );
// If we're not already building something...
if( !this.actions.create.progress )
console.write( "Starting work on (unqueued) ", template.tag );
// Start the progress timer.
// - First parameter is target value (in this case, base build time in seconds)
// - Second parameter is increment per millisecond (use build rate modifier and correct for milliseconds)
// - Third parameter is the function to call when the timer finishes.
// - Fourth parameter is the scope under which to run that function (what the 'this' parameter should be)
this.actions.create.progress = new ProgressTimer( template.traits.creation.time, this.actions.create.construct / 1000, entityCreateComplete, this )
// ====================================================================
// This is the syntax to add a function (or a property) to absolutely every entity.
Entity.prototype.add_create_queue = entityAddCreateQueue;
// ====================================================================
function entityCreateComplete()
// Get the unit that was at the head of our queue, and remove it.
// (Oh, for information about all these nifty properties and functions
// of the Array object that I use, see the ECMA-262 documentation
// at http://www.mozilla.org/js/language/E262-3.pdf. Bit technical but
// the sections on 'Native ECMAScript Objects' are quite useful)
var template = this.actions.create.queue.shift();
// Code to find a free space around an object is tedious and slow, so
// I wrote it in C. Takes the template object so it can determine how
// much space it needs to leave.
position = this.getSpawnPoint( template );
// The above function returns null if it couldn't find a large enough space.
if( !position )
console.write( "Couldn't train unit - not enough space" );
// Oh well. The player's just lost all the resources and time they put into
// construction - serves them right for not paying attention to the land
// around their barracks, doesn't it?
created = new Entity( template, position );
// Above shouldn't ever fail, but just in case...
if( created )
console.write( "Created: ", template.tag );
// Entities start under Gaia control - make the controller
// the same as our controller
created.player = this.player;
// If there's something else in the build queue...
if( this.actions.create.queue.length > 0 )
// Start on the next item.
template = this.actions.create.queue[0];
console.write( "Starting work on (queued) ", template.tag );
this.actions.create.progress = new ProgressTimer( template.traits.creation.time, this.actions.create.construct / 1000, entityCreateComplete, this )
// Otherwise, delete the timer.
this.actions.create.progress = null;
// ====================================================================
function attemptAddToBuildQueue( entity, create_tag, tab, list )
result = entityCheckQueueReq (entity);
if (result == "true") // If the entry meets requirements to be added to the queue (eg sufficient resources)
// Cycle through all costs of this entry.
pool = entity.traits.creation.resource;
for( resource in pool )
switch( resource.toString().toUpperCase() )
// Deduct the given quantity of resources.
getGUIGlobal().deductResources(resource.toString(), parseInt(pool[resource].cost));
console.write("Spent " + pool[resource].cost + " " + resource + " to purchase " + getEntityTemplate( create_tag ).traits.id.generic);
// Add entity to queue.
console.write( "Adding ", create_tag, " to build queue..." );
entityAddCreateQueue( getEntityTemplate( create_tag ), tab, list );
else // If not, output the error message.
// ====================================================================
function entityCheckQueueReq (entry)
// Determines if the given entity meets requirements for production by the player, and returns an appropriate
// error string.
// A return value of 0 equals success -- entry meets requirements for production.
// Cycle through all resources that this item costs, and check the player can afford the cost.
resources = entry.traits.creation.resource;
for( resource in resources )
resourceU = resource.toString().toUpperCase();
switch( resourceU )
// If the item costs more of this resource type than we have,
if (resources[resource].cost > (localPlayer.resource["HOUSING"]-localPlayer.resource[resourceU]))
// Return an error.
return ("Insufficient Housing; " + (resources[resource].cost-localPlayer.resource["HOUSING"]-localPlayer.resource.valueOf()[resourceU].toString()) + " required.");
case "HOUSING": // Ignore housing. It's handled in combination with population.
// If the item costs more of this resource type than we have,
if (resources[resource].cost > localPlayer.resource[resourceU])
// Return an error.
return ("Insufficient " + resource + "; " + (localPlayer.resource[resourceU]-resources[resource].cost)*-1 + " required.");
console.write("Player has at least " + resources[resource].cost + " " + resource + ".");
// Check if another entity must first exist.
// Check if another tech must first be researched.
// Check if the limit for this type of entity has been reached.
// If we passed all checks, return success. Entity can be queued.
return "true";
// ====================================================================
function DamageModifyAura ( source, ally, bonus )
// Defines the effects of the DamageModify Aura. (Adjacent units have modified attack bonus.)
// The Courage Aura uses this function to give attack bonus to allies.
// The Fear Aura uses this function to give attack penalties to enemies.
this.source = source;
this.bonus = bonus;
this.ally = ally;
this.affects = function( e )
if( this.ally )
return ( e.player.id == this.source.player.id && e.actions && e.actions.attack );
return ( e.player.id != this.source.player.id && e.actions && e.actions.attack );
this.onEnter = function( e )
if( this.affects( e ) )
console.write( "DamageModify aura: giving " + this.bonus + " damage to " + e );
e.actions.attack.damage += this.bonus;
this.onExit = function( e )
if( this.affects( e ) )
console.write( "DamageModify aura: taking away " + this.bonus + " damage from " + e );
e.actions.attack.damage -= this.bonus;
// ====================================================================
function InfidelityAura ( source )
// Defines the effects of the Infidelity Aura. Changes ownership of entity when only one player's units surrounds them.
this.source = source;
this.count = new Array( 9 );
for( i = 0; i <= 8; i++ )
this.count[i] = 0;
this.affects = function( e )
return ( e.player.id != 0 && ( !e.traits.auras || !e.traits.auras.infidelity ) );
this.onEnter = function( e )
if( this.affects( e ) )
console.write( "Infidelity aura: adding +1 count to " + e.player.id );
this.onExit = function( e )
if( this.affects( e ) )
console.write( "Infidelity aura: adding -1 count to " + e.player.id );
this.changePlayerIfNeeded = function()
if( this.count[this.source.player.id] == 0 )
// switch ownership to whichever non-gaia player has the most units near us, if any
bestPlayer = 0;
bestCount = 0;
for( i = 1; i <= 8; i++ )
if( this.count[i] > bestCount )
bestCount = this.count[i];
bestPlayer = i;
if( bestCount > 0 )
console.write( "Infidelity aura: changing ownership to " + bestPlayer );
this.source.player = players[bestPlayer];
// ====================================================================