vladislavbelov b1a89fbd89 Replaces UNICODE characters in the code by consistent ASCII characters.
Beside consistency improves reading for such console tools like svn diff
or vim diff.

This was SVN commit r24625.
2021-01-15 10:07:36 +00:00

223 lines
7.1 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2021 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// Ooh, a file of keynames. Fun.
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "KeyName.h"
#include "lib/external_libraries/libsdl.h"
#include "ps/CStr.h"
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
// Some scancodes <-> names that SDL doesn't recognise.
// Those are tested first so they override SDL defaults (useful for UNIFIED keys).
static const std::unordered_map<int, std::vector<CStr>> scancodemap {{
{ SDL_SCANCODE_DOWN, { "DownArrow" } },
{ SDL_SCANCODE_UP, { "UpArrow" } },
{ SDL_SCANCODE_LEFT, { "LeftArrow" } },
{ SDL_SCANCODE_RIGHT, { "RightArrow" } },
{ SDL_SCANCODE_EQUALS, { "Plus" } },
{ SDL_SCANCODE_MINUS, { "Minus" } },
{ SDL_SCANCODE_KP_ENTER, { "NumEnter" } },
{ SDL_SCANCODE_KP_DIVIDE, { "NumDivide" } },
{ SDL_SCANCODE_KP_MULTIPLY, { "NumMultiply" } },
{ SDL_SCANCODE_KP_EQUALS, { "NumEquals" } },
{ SDL_SCANCODE_KP_PERIOD, { "NumDecimal" } },
{ SDL_SCANCODE_KP_PLUS, { "NumPlus" } },
{ SDL_SCANCODE_KP_MINUS, { "NumMinus" } },
{ SDL_SCANCODE_KP_0, { "Num0" } },
{ SDL_SCANCODE_KP_1, { "Num1" } },
{ SDL_SCANCODE_KP_2, { "Num2" } },
{ SDL_SCANCODE_KP_3, { "Num3" } },
{ SDL_SCANCODE_KP_4, { "Num4" } },
{ SDL_SCANCODE_KP_5, { "Num5" } },
{ SDL_SCANCODE_KP_6, { "Num6" } },
{ SDL_SCANCODE_KP_7, { "Num7" } },
{ SDL_SCANCODE_KP_8, { "Num8" } },
{ SDL_SCANCODE_KP_9, { "Num9" } },
{ SDL_SCANCODE_COMMA, { "Comma" } },
{ SDL_SCANCODE_PERIOD, { "Period" } },
{ SDL_SCANCODE_SEMICOLON, { "Semicolon" } },
{ SDL_SCANCODE_GRAVE, { "Backquote" } },
{ SDL_SCANCODE_LEFTBRACKET, { "LeftBracket" } },
{ SDL_SCANCODE_RIGHTBRACKET, { "RightBracket" } },
{ SDL_SCANCODE_BACKSLASH, { "Backslash" } },
{ SDL_SCANCODE_SLASH, { "Slash" } },
{ SDL_SCANCODE_RETURN, { "Enter" } },
{ SDL_SCANCODE_PAUSE, { "Break" } },
{ MOUSE_LEFT, { "MouseLeft" } },
{ MOUSE_RIGHT, { "MouseRight" } },
{ MOUSE_MIDDLE, { "MouseMiddle" } },
{ MOUSE_WHEELUP, { "WheelUp" } },
{ MOUSE_WHEELDOWN, { "WheelDown" } },
{ MOUSE_X1, { "WheelLeft", "MouseX1" } },
{ MOUSE_X2, { "WheelRight", "MouseX2" } },
{ UNIFIED_SHIFT, { "Shift", "Left Shift", "Right Shift" } },
{ UNIFIED_CTRL, { "Ctrl", "Left Ctrl", "Right Ctrl" } },
{ UNIFIED_ALT, { "Alt", "Left Alt", "Right Alt" } },
{ UNIFIED_SUPER, { "Super", "Left Gui", "Right Gui" } },
SDL_Scancode FindScancode(const CStr8& keyname)
// Find (ignoring case) a corresponding scancode, if one exists.
std::unordered_map<int, std::vector<CStr>>::const_iterator it =
std::find_if(scancodemap.begin(), scancodemap.end(), [&keyname](const std::pair<int, std::vector<CStr>>& names) {
return std::find_if(names.second.begin(), names.second.end(), [&keyname](const CStr& t) {
return t.LowerCase() == keyname.LowerCase();
})!= names.second.end();
if (it != scancodemap.end())
return static_cast<SDL_Scancode>(it->first);
SDL_Scancode code = SDL_GetScancodeFromName(keyname.c_str());
return code;
// Parse SYM_XX codes, see below.
if (keyname.size() > 4 && keyname.Left(4) == "SYM_")
return static_cast<SDL_Scancode>(CStr(keyname.substr(4)).ToInt());
CStr FindScancodeName(SDL_Scancode scancode)
if (scancodemap.find(scancode) != scancodemap.end())
return scancodemap.at(scancode).front();
const char* name = SDL_GetScancodeName(scancode);
// Some scancodes have no name, but we must have something to save/load/recognize it, so parse it as SYM_XX
if (strlen(name) == 0)
return CStr("SYM_") + CStr::FromInt(scancode);
return name;
// Rename some SDL key names (!scancodes) for easier readability.
// NB: this does not intend to be exhaustive, merely cover the usual suspects.
static const std::unordered_map<SDL_Keycode, CStr> keyNames {{
{ SDLK_COMMA, "Comma" },
{ SDLK_SEMICOLON, "Semicolon" },
{ SDLK_COLON, "Colon" },
{ SDLK_PERIOD, "Period" },
{ SDLK_EQUALS, "Equals" },
{ SDLK_PLUS, "Plus" },
{ SDLK_MINUS, "Minus" },
{ SDLK_QUOTE, "SingleQuote" },
{ SDLK_QUOTEDBL, "DoubleQuote" },
{ SDLK_BACKQUOTE, "BackQuote" },
{ SDLK_LEFTPAREN, { "LeftParen" } },
{ SDLK_LEFTBRACKET, { "LeftBracket" } },
{ SDLK_RIGHTBRACKET, { "RightBracket" } },
{ SDLK_BACKSLASH, { "Backslash" } },
{ SDLK_SLASH, { "Slash" } },
{ SDLK_KP_ENTER, "NumEnter" },
{ SDLK_KP_DIVIDE, "NumDivide" },
{ SDLK_KP_MULTIPLY, "NumMultiply" },
{ SDLK_KP_EQUALS, "NumEquals" },
{ SDLK_KP_PERIOD, "NumDecimal" },
{ SDLK_KP_PLUS, "NumPlus" },
{ SDLK_KP_MINUS, "NumMinus" },
{ SDLK_KP_0, "Num0" },
{ SDLK_KP_1, "Num1" },
{ SDLK_KP_2, "Num2" },
{ SDLK_KP_3, "Num3" },
{ SDLK_KP_4, "Num4" },
{ SDLK_KP_5, "Num5" },
{ SDLK_KP_6, "Num6" },
{ SDLK_KP_7, "Num7" },
{ SDLK_KP_8, "Num8" },
{ SDLK_KP_9, "Num9" },
{ SDLK_UP, "\xe2\x86\x91" },
{ SDLK_DOWN, "\xe2\x86\x93" },
{ SDLK_LEFT, "\xe2\x86\x90" },
{ SDLK_RIGHT, "\xe2\x86\x92" },
CStr FindKeyName(SDL_Scancode scancode)
// Mouse and unified modifiers are harcoded.
if (static_cast<int>(scancode) == UNIFIED_SHIFT)
return "Shift";
else if (static_cast<int>(scancode) == UNIFIED_ALT)
return "Alt";
else if (static_cast<int>(scancode) == UNIFIED_CTRL)
return "Ctrl";
else if (static_cast<int>(scancode) == UNIFIED_SUPER)
return "Super";
else if (static_cast<int>(scancode) == MOUSE_LEFT)
return "MouseLeft";
else if (static_cast<int>(scancode) == MOUSE_RIGHT)
return "MouseRight";
else if (static_cast<int>(scancode) == MOUSE_MIDDLE)
return "MouseMiddle";
else if (static_cast<int>(scancode) == MOUSE_WHEELUP)
return "WheelUp";
else if (static_cast<int>(scancode) == MOUSE_WHEELDOWN)
return "WheelDown";
else if (static_cast<int>(scancode) == MOUSE_X1)
return "WheelLeft";
else if (static_cast<int>(scancode) == MOUSE_X2)
return "WheelRight";
SDL_Keycode code = SDL_GetKeyFromScancode(scancode);
if (keyNames.find(code) != keyNames.end())
return keyNames.at(code);
if (code != SDLK_UNKNOWN)
const char* keyName = SDL_GetKeyName(code);
if (strlen(keyName) != 0)
return keyName;
// Try the scancode name.
const char* name = SDL_GetScancodeName(scancode);
// xxtreme hack: some SDLKeycodes map to chars, and we need to escape [ and \ .
if (keyNames.find(static_cast<SDL_Keycode>(*name)) != keyNames.end())
return keyNames.at(static_cast<SDL_Keycode>(*name));
if (strlen(name) != 0)
return name;
// Else, show something regardless, so the player knows it's at least recognized.
return CStr("SYM_") + CStr::FromInt(scancode);