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/** \file sr_bv_tree.h
* bounding volume tree */
# ifndef SR_BV_TREE_H
# define SR_BV_TREE_H
# include "sr_array.h"
# include "sr_bv_math.h"
# include "sr_class_manager.h"
class SrModel;
class SrBvTreeQuery;
/*! Encapsulates the coordinates of a triangle. */
struct SrBvTri
{ srbvvec p1, p2, p3; // the three coordinates
int id; // the id of the face of the original SrModel
/*! Encapsulates a bounding volume node.
Adapted from PQP, see the copyright notice in the source file. */
struct SrBv
{ srbvmat R; // orientation of RSS & OBB
srbvvec Tr; // RSS: position of rectangle
srbvreal l[2]; // RSS: side lengths of rectangle
srbvreal r; // RSS: radius of sphere summed with rectangle to form RSS
srbvvec To; // OBB: position of obb
srbvvec d; // OBB: (half) dimensions of obb
int first_child; // positive value is index of first_child bv
// negative value is -(index + 1) of triangle
SrBv() { first_child=0; }
bool leaf() const { return first_child<0? true:false; }
srbvreal size() const;
void fit ( srbvmat O, SrBvTri* tris, int num_tris );
static bool overlap ( srbvmat R, srbvvec T, const SrBv* b1, const SrBv* b2 );
static srbvreal distance ( srbvmat R, srbvvec T, const SrBv* b1, const SrBv* b2 );
/*! \class SrBvTree sr_bv_tree.h
\brief bounding volume tree
Manages a hierarchy of bounding volumes, both OBB and RSS are
maintained. OBBs are used for collision detection and RSSs are
used for distance computation.
Adapted from PQP, see the copyright notice in the source file. */
class SrBvTree
{ private:
SrArray<SrBvTri> _tris;
SrArray<SrBv> _bvs;
SrBvTri* _last_tri; // closest tri on this model in last distance test
friend class SrBvTreeQuery;
public :
/*! Constructor */
SrBvTree ();
/*! Destructor */
~SrBvTree ();
/*! Returns the number of bounding volumes in the current tree */
int nodes () const { return _bvs.size(); }
/*! Returns the triangle with index i */
const SrBvTri* tri ( int i ) const { return &_tris[i]; }
/*! Returns a const copy of the list of triangles */
const SrArray<SrBvTri>& tris () const { return _tris; }
/*! Returns the bounding volume node with index i */
SrBv* child ( int i ) { return &_bvs[i]; }
const SrBv* const_child ( int i ) const { return &_bvs[i]; }
/*! Empty the tree and frees all used memory */
void init ();
/*! Constructs the tree for the given model */
void make ( const SrModel& m );
private :
void _build_recurse ( int bn, int first_tri, int num_tris );
void _make_parent_relative ( int bn, const srbvmat parentR,
const srbvvec parentTr,
const srbvvec parentTo );
//============================== end of file ===============================
# endif // SR_BV_TREE_H