Ykkrosh 2d15c81313 # Updated autobuilder to build Atlas
(and also Collada), via options in the admin UI

This was SVN commit r6792.
2009-03-27 01:19:55 +00:00

341 lines
10 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI::Simple;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use DBI;
use Net::Amazon::EC2;
use DateTime::Format::ISO8601;
use Archive::Zip;
use MIME::Base64;
use IO::String;
use Data::Dumper;
my $root = '/var/svn/autobuild';
my %config = load_conf("$root/manage.conf");
my $cgi = new CGI::Simple;
my $user = $cgi->remote_user;
die unless $user;
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$root/$config{database}", '', '', { RaiseError => 1 });
my $ec2 = new Net::Amazon::EC2(
AWSAccessKeyId => $config{aws_access_key_id},
SecretAccessKey => $config{aws_secret_access_key},
my @build_options = (
{ name => 'atlas', title => 'Atlas DLL' },
{ name => 'collada', title => 'Collada DLL' },
my $action = $cgi->url_param('action');
if (not defined $action or $action eq 'index') {
} elsif ($action eq 'start') {
die "Must be POST" unless $cgi->request_method eq 'POST';
Only one instance may run at once, and we need to prevent race conditions.
* Use SQLite as a mutex, so only one CGI script can be trying to start at once
* If the last attempted start was only a few seconds ago, reject this one since
it's probably a double-click or something
* Check the list of active machines. If it's non-empty, reject this request.
* Otherwise, start the new machine.
die unless 1 == $dbh->do('UPDATE state SET value = ? WHERE key = ?', undef, $$, 'process_mutex');
my ($last_start) = $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT value FROM state WHERE key = ?', undef, 'last_start');
my $last_start_age = time() - $last_start;
die "Last start was only $last_start_age seconds ago - please try again later."
if $last_start_age < 10;
die unless 1 == $dbh->do('UPDATE state SET value = ? WHERE key = ?', undef, time(), 'last_start');
my $instances_status = get_ec2_status_table();
for (@$instances_status) {
if ($_->{instance_state} ne 'terminated') {
die "Already got an active instance ($_->{instance_id}) - can't start another one.";
# No instances are currently active, and nobody else is in this
# instance-starting script, so it's safe to start a new one
my $instances = start_ec2_instance();
for (@$instances) {
$dbh->do('INSERT INTO instances VALUES (?, ?)', undef, $_->{instance_id}, DateTime->now->iso8601);
print_index(generate_status_table($instances, 'Newly started instance') . '<hr>');
} elsif ($action eq 'stop') {
die "Must be POST" unless $cgi->request_method eq 'POST';
my $id = $cgi->url_param('instance_id');
$id =~ /\Ai-[0-9a-f]+\z/ or die "Invalid instance_id";
log_action('stop', $id);
print_index("<strong>Stopping instance $id</strong><hr>");
} elsif ($action eq 'console') {
my $id = $cgi->url_param('instance_id');
$id =~ /\Ai-[0-9a-f]+\z/ or die "Invalid instance_id";
log_action('console', $id);
my $output = get_console_output($id);
$output =~ s/</&lt;/g;
print_index("<strong>Console output from $id:</strong><pre>\n$output</pre><hr>");
} elsif ($action eq 'activity') {
my $days = int $cgi->url_param('days') || 7;
} else {
log_action('invalid', $action);
die "Invalid action '$action'";
sub print_index {
my ($info) = @_;
my $instances_status = get_ec2_status_table();
my $got_active_instance;
for (@$instances_status) {
if ($_->{instance_state} ne 'terminated') {
$got_active_instance = $_->{instance_id} || '?';
my $status = generate_status_table($instances_status, 'Current EC2 machine status');
print <<EOF;
Pragma: no-cache
Content-Type: text/html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>0 A.D. autobuild manager</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="manage.css">
<p>Hello <i>$user</i>.</p>
<a href="?action=index">Refresh status</a> |
<a href="http://wfg-autobuild-logs.s3.amazonaws.com/logindex.html">View build logs</a>
if ($got_active_instance) {
print qq{<button disabled title="Already running an instance ($got_active_instance)">Start new build</button>\n};
} else {
print qq{<form action="?action=start" method="post" onsubmit="return confirm('Are you sure you want to start a new build?')">\n};
print qq{<fieldset><legend>Build options</legend>\n};
for (@build_options) {
print qq{<label><input type="checkbox" name="option_$_->{name}">$_->{title}</label><br>};
print qq{<button type="submit">Start new build</button>\n};
print qq{</fieldset></form>\n};
sub log_action {
my ($action, $params) = @_;
$dbh->do('INSERT INTO activity (user, ip, ua, action, params) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',
undef, $user, $cgi->remote_addr, $cgi->user_agent, $action, $params);
sub print_activity {
my ($days) = @_;
print <<EOF;
Content-Type: text/html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>0 A.D. autobuild activity log</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="manage.css">
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM activity WHERE timestamp > datetime('now', ?) ORDER BY id DESC");
$sth->execute("-$days day");
while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
print '<tr>';
print '<td>'.$cgi->escapeHTML($row->{$_}) for qw(timestamp user ip action params ua);
print "\n";
print <<EOF;
sub generate_status_table {
my ($instances, $caption) = @_;
my @columns = (
[ reservation_id => 'Reservation ID' ],
[ instance_id => 'Instance ID' ],
[ instance_state => 'State' ],
[ image_id => 'Image ID '],
[ dns_name => 'DNS name' ],
[ launch_time => 'Launch time' ],
[ reason => 'Last change' ],
my $count = @$instances;
my $status = qq{<table id="status">\n<caption>$caption &mdash; $count instances</caption>\n<tr>};
for (@columns) { $status .= qq{<th>$_->[1]}; }
$status .= qq{\n};
for my $item (@$instances) {
$status .= qq{<tr>};
for (@columns) {
if ($_->[0] eq 'launch_time') {
my $t = DateTime::Format::ISO8601->parse_datetime($item->{$_->[0]});
my $now = DateTime->now();
my $diff = $now - $t;
my ($hours, $minutes) = $diff->in_units('hours', 'minutes');
my $age = "$minutes minutes ago";
$age = "$hours hours, $age" if $hours;
$status .= qq{<td>$item->{$_->[0]} ($age)};
} else {
$status .= qq{<td>$item->{$_->[0]}};
$status .= qq{<td><a href="?action=console;instance_id=$item->{instance_id}">Console output</a>\n};
$status .= qq{<td><form action="?action=stop;instance_id=$item->{instance_id}" method="post" onsubmit="return confirm('Are you sure you want to terminate this instance?')"><button type="submit">Terminate</button></form>\n};
$status .= qq{</table>};
return $status;
sub flatten_instance {
my ($reservation, $instance) = @_;
return {
reservation_id => $reservation->reservation_id,
instance_id => $instance->instance_id,
instance_state => $instance->instance_state->name,
image_id => $instance->image_id,
dns_name => $instance->dns_name,
launch_time => $instance->launch_time,
reason => $instance->reason,
sub get_ec2_status_table {
# return [ ];
# return [ {
# reservation_id => 'r-12345678',
# instance_id => 'i-12345678',
# instance_state => 'pending',
# image_id => 'ami-12345678',
# dns_name => '',
# launch_time => '2008-12-30T17:14:22.000Z',
# reason => '',
# } ];
my $reservations = $ec2->describe_instances();
my @ret = ();
for my $reservation (@$reservations) {
push @ret, map flatten_instance($reservation, $_), @{$reservation->instances_set};
return \@ret;
sub get_console_output {
my ($instance_id) = @_;
my $output = $ec2->get_console_output(InstanceId => $instance_id);
return "(Last updated: ".$output->timestamp.")\n".$output->output;
sub start_ec2_instance {
# return [ {
# reservation_id => 'r-12345678',
# instance_id => 'i-12345678',
# instance_state => 'pending',
# image_id => 'ami-12345678',
# dns_name => '',
# launch_time => '2008-12-30T17:14:22.000Z',
# reason => '',
# } ];
my $user_data = create_user_data();
my $reservation = $ec2->run_instances(
ImageId => $config{image_id},
MinCount => 1,
MaxCount => 1,
KeyName => $config{key_name},
SecurityGroup => $config{security_group},
UserData => encode_base64($user_data),
InstanceType => $config{instance_type},
'Placement.AvailabilityZone' => $config{availability_zone},
if (ref $reservation eq 'Net::Amazon::EC2::Errors') {
die "run_instances failed:\n".(Dumper $reservation);
return [ map flatten_instance($reservation, $_), @{$reservation->instances_set} ];
sub create_user_data {
my @files = qw(run.pl run.conf);
my $zip = new Archive::Zip;
for (@files) {
$zip->addFile("$root/$_", "$_") or die "Failed to add $root/$_ to zip";
my %options;
for (@build_options) {
$options{$_->{name}} = ($cgi->param('option_'.$_->{name}) ? 1 : 0);
my $options = Dumper \%options;
$zip->addString($options, 'options.pl') or die "Failed to add options.pl to zip";
my $fh = new IO::String;
if ($zip->writeToFileHandle($fh) != Archive::Zip::AZ_OK) {
die "writeToFileHandle failed";
return ${$fh->string_ref};
sub stop_ec2_instance {
my ($instance_id) = @_;
# return;
InstanceId => $instance_id,
sub load_conf {
my ($filename) = @_;
open my $f, '<', $filename or die "Failed to open $filename: $!";
my %c;
while (<$f>) {
if (/^(.+?): (.+)/) {
$c{$1} = $2;
return %c;