Ykkrosh f0d9806b3f # Restructured GUI implementation
CGUI now represents a single 'page'. CGUIManager maintains multiple
pages and switches between them.
Split the XML files into pregame, loading, session and messagebox pages.
Added hotloading of GUI pages.
Minor GUI cleanups.
(Merge from hg 81862d33780c)

This was SVN commit r7214.
2009-12-03 20:17:22 +00:00

419 lines
12 KiB

DESCRIPTION : Functions for "main game" session GUI.
// ====================================================================
function initSession()
// ============================================= CONSTANTS =================================================
snConst = new Object();
// Portraits (large and small).
snConst.Portrait = new Object();
snConst.Portrait.Sml = new Object();
snConst.Portrait.Sml.Width = 45;
snConst.Portrait.Sml.Height = snConst.Portrait.Sml.Width;
snConst.Portrait.Lrg = new Object();
snConst.Portrait.Lrg.Width = 64;
snConst.Portrait.Lrg.Height = snConst.Portrait.Lrg.Width;
// Small icons (eg Movement Rate, Food).
snConst.MiniIcon = new Object();
snConst.MiniIcon.Width = 30;
snConst.MiniIcon.Height = snConst.MiniIcon.Width;
// ============================================= GLOBALS =================================================
// Define cell reference constants for icon sheets.
// ====================================================================
function initCellReference()
cellGroup = new Array();
// Define categories of cell groups by checking their reference files in the same locations as the icon sheets.
addCellGroupCategory ("art/textures/ui/session/icons/sheets/");
// (Note that we don't use this and we probably shouldn't, since the entities state which icon cell they should use; it makes it easier to remember which icon is used
// for which unit if we have this reference sheet, though.)
addCellGroupCategory ("art/textures/ui/session/portraits/sheets/");
// ====================================================================
function addCellGroupCategory(iconSheetPath)
// Get array list of all icon sheet reference files.
var iconSheets = buildDirEntList (iconSheetPath, "*.txt", true);
// Alphabetically sort the array.
// Seek through all icon sheets.
for (var sheet = 0; sheet < iconSheets.length; sheet++)
// Get the current icon sheet name.
var groupName = iconSheets[sheet];
// Remove path and extension information so we just have the group name.
groupName = groupName.replace (iconSheetPath, "");
groupName = groupName.replace (".txt", "");
groupName = toTitleCase(groupName);
// Get the elements from the current icon sheet.
var iconArray = readFileLines (iconSheets[sheet]);
// For each row in the icon sheet file,
for (var row = 0; row < iconArray.length; row++)
// Get the individual fields in the array as another array.
var iconElements = iconArray[row].split (",");
// Add this cell to the current group.
addCell (groupName, iconElements[0], iconElements[1]);
// ====================================================================
function addCell (group, cellID, cellName)
// Add a cell ID to a cell container group.
// If this array does not exist,
if (!cellGroup[group])
// Create the container.
cellGroup[group] = new Array();
cellGroup[group].length = new Object(0);
cellGroup[group][cellID] = new Array();
cellGroup[group][cellID].id = new Object (cellGroup[group].length);
cellGroup[group][cellID].name = new Object (cellName);
// ====================================================================
function setPortrait(objectName, portraitString, portraitSuffix, portraitCell)
// Use this function as a shortcut to change a portrait object to a different portrait image.
// Accepts an object and specifies its default, rollover (lit) and disabled (gray) sprites.
// Sprite Format: "sn""portraitString""portraitSuffix"
// Sprite Format: "sn""portraitString""portraitSuffix""Over"
// Sprite Format: "sn""portraitString""portraitSuffix""Disabled"
// Note: Make sure the file follows this naming convention or bad things could happen.
// Get GUI object
setPortraitGUIObject = getGUIObjectByName(objectName);
// Report error if object not found.
if (!setPortraitGUIObject)
console.write ("setPortrait(): Failed to find object " + objectName + ".");
return 1;
// Set the three portraits.
if (portraitSuffix && portraitSuffix != "")
setPortraitGUIObject.sprite = "sn" + portraitString + portraitSuffix;
setPortraitGUIObject.sprite = "sn" + portraitString;
setPortraitGUIObject.sprite_over = setPortraitGUIObject.sprite + "Over";
setPortraitGUIObject.sprite_disabled = setPortraitGUIObject.sprite + "Disabled";
// If the source texture is a multi-frame image (icon sheet), specify correct cell.
if (portraitCell && portraitCell != "")
setPortraitGUIObject.cell_id = portraitCell;
setPortraitGUIObject.cell_id = "";
return 0;
// ====================================================================
function flipGUI (NewGUIType)
// Changes GUI to a different layout.
switch (NewGUIType)
// Set which GUI to use.
case rb:
case lb:
case lt:
case rt:
GUIType = NewGUIType;
// If no type specified, toggle.
if (GUIType == rb)
GUIType = lb;
if (GUIType == lb)
GUIType = lt;
if (GUIType == lt)
GUIType = rt;
GUIType = rb;
// Seek through all sizes created.
for (var i = 0; i <= Crd.last; i++)
// Set their sizes to the stored value.
getGUIObjectByName (Crd[i].name).size = Crd[i].size[GUIType];
writeConsole("GUI flipped to size " + GUIType + ".");
// ====================================================================
// Update-on-alteration trickery...
// We don't really want to update every single time we get a
// selection-changed or property-changed event; that could happen
// a lot. Instead, use this bunch of globals to cache any changes
// that happened between GUI updates.
// This boolean determines whether the selection has been changed.
var selectionChanged = false;
// This boolean determines what the template of the selected object
// was when last we looked
var selectionTemplate = null;
// This array holds the name of all properties that need to be updated
var selectionPropertiesChanged = new Array();
// This array holds a list of all the objects we hold property-change
// watches on
var propertyWatches = new Array();
// ====================================================================
// This function resets all the update variables, above
function resetUpdateVars()
if( selectionChanged )
for( watchedObject in propertyWatches )
propertyWatches[watchedObject].unwatchAll( selectionWatchHandler ); // Remove the handler
propertyWatches = new Array();
if( selection.length > 0 && selection[0] )
// Watch the object itself
selection[0].watchAll( selectionWatchHandler );
propertyWatches.push( selection[0] );
// And every parent back up the tree (changes there will affect
// displayed properties via inheritance)
var parent = selection[0].template
while( parent )
parent.watchAll( selectionWatchHandler );
propertyWatches.push( selection[0] );
parent = parent.parent;
selectionChanged = false;
if( selection.length > 0 && selection[0] )
selectionTemplate = selection[0].template;
selectionTemplate = null;
selectionPropertiesChanged = new Array();
// ====================================================================
// This function returns whether we should update a particular statistic
// in the GUI (e.g. "actions.attack") - this should happen if: the selection
// changed, the selection had its template altered (changing lots of stuff)
// or an assignment has been made to that stat or any property within that
// stat.
function shouldUpdateStat( statname )
if( selectionChanged || ( selectionTemplate != selection[0].template ) )
return( true );
for( var property in selectionPropertiesChanged )
// If property starts with statname
if( selectionPropertiesChanged[property].substring( 0, statname.length ) == statname )
return( true );
return( false );
// ====================================================================
// This function is a handler for the 'selectionChanged' event,
// it updates the selectionChanged flag
function selectionChangedHandler()
selectionChanged = true;
// ====================================================================
// Register it.
addGlobalHandler( "selectionChanged", selectionChangedHandler );
// ====================================================================
// This function is a handler for a watch event; it updates the
// selectionPropertiesChanged array.
function selectionWatchHandler( propname, oldvalue, newvalue )
selectionPropertiesChanged.push( propname );
// This bit's important (watches allow the handler to change the value
// before it gets written; we don't want to affect things, so make sure
// the value we send back is the one that was going to be written)
return( newvalue );
// ====================================================================
function snRefresh()
// Updated each tick to refresh session controls if necessary.
// Don't process GUI when we're full-screen.
if (getGUIObjectByName ("sn").hidden == false)
if (!selection.length) // If no entity selected,
// Hide Status Orb
guiHide ("snStatusPane");
// Hide Group Pane.
// guiHide ("snGroupPane");
getGlobal().MultipleEntitiesSelected = 0;
else // If at least one entity selected,
// Reveal Status Orb
guiUnHide ("snStatusPane");
// (later, we need to base this on the selected unit's stats changing)
// Check if a group of entities selected
if (selection.length > 1)
// If a group pane isn't already open, and we don't have the same set as last time,
if (selection.length != getGlobal().MultipleEntitiesSelected)
// (later, we need to base this on the selection changing)
// refreshGroupPane();
getGlobal().MultipleEntitiesSelected = selection.length;
getGlobal().MultipleEntitiesSelected = 0;
// Hide Group Pane.
// guiHide ("snGroupPane");
// Modify any resources given/taken
// (later, we need to base this on a resource-changing event).
// refreshResourcePool();
// Update Team Tray
// (later, we need to base this on the player creating a group).
// refreshTeamTray();
// Refresh handler that monitors whether property/selection has been updated.
// Refresh resources
if ( selectionChanged && getGUIObjectByName( "mn" ).hidden == false)
// Update manual if it's open.
// ====================================================================
function confirmLeave()
if (isGameRunning())
// ====================================================================
playersList_init = false;
function togglePlayersList()
//Initialization of names and colors.
if (!playersList_init)
playersList_init = true;
var trueLength = 0;
for (var i=1; i<=players.length-1; i++)
if (players[i].active)
for (var i=1; i<=trueLength; i++)
if (players[i].active)
getGUIObjectByName("Player_" + (i+8-trueLength)).caption = players[i].name;
getGUIObjectByName("PlayerShadow_" + (i+8-trueLength)).caption = players[i].name;
var col_r = parseInt(players[i].getColour().r * 255);
var col_g = parseInt(players[i].getColour().g * 255);
var col_b = parseInt(players[i].getColour().b * 255);
getGUIObjectByName("Player_" + (i+8-trueLength)).textcolor = col_r + " " + col_g + " " + col_b;
var pl = getGUIObjectByName("PlayersList");
pl.hidden = ! pl.hidden;
var pls = getGUIObjectByName("PlayersListShadow");
pls.hidden = ! pls.hidden;