prefect f25de48559 - Seperate ViewCamera (eye position) and CullCamera (model culling, shadow
calculations) internally. Use ?gameView.lockCullCamera = true in the
  to move around while the CullCamera stays in place
- add CCamera::Render to visualize a camera's frustum
- use ?renderer.debugFrustum = true in the console to visualize the
  of the CullCamera

This was SVN commit r3405.
2006-01-22 19:12:30 +00:00

121 lines
3.7 KiB
Executable File

// Name: Camera.H
// Last Update: 24/2/02
// Author: Poya Manouchehri
// Description: CCamera holds a view and a projection matrix.
// It also has a frustum which can be used to
// cull objects for rendering.
#ifndef CAMERA_H
#define CAMERA_H
#include "Frustum.h"
#include "Matrix3D.h"
extern int g_mouse_x, g_mouse_y;
// view port
struct SViewPort
unsigned int m_X;
unsigned int m_Y;
unsigned int m_Width;
unsigned int m_Height;
class CCamera
CCamera ();
~CCamera ();
// Methods for projection
void SetProjection (CMatrix3D *proj) { m_ProjMat = *proj; }
void SetProjection (float nearp, float farp, float fov);
void SetProjectionTile (int tiles, int tile_x, int tile_y);
CMatrix3D GetProjection () { return m_ProjMat; }
// Updates the frustum planes. Should be called
// everytime the view or projection matrices are
// altered.
void UpdateFrustum ();
CFrustum GetFrustum () { return m_ViewFrustum; }
void SetViewPort (SViewPort *viewport);
SViewPort GetViewPort () { return m_ViewPort; }
// getters
float GetNearPlane() const { return m_NearPlane; }
float GetFarPlane() const { return m_FarPlane; }
float GetFOV() const { return m_FOV; }
// calculate and return the position of the 8 points of the frustum in world space
void GetFrustumPoints(CVector3D pts[8]) const;
// return four points in camera space at given distance from camera
void GetCameraPlanePoints(float dist,CVector3D pts[4]) const;
// Build a ray passing through the screen coordinate (px, py) and the camera
// BuildCameraRay: calculate origin and ray direction of a ray through
// the pixel (px,py) on the screen
void BuildCameraRay(int px, int py, CVector3D& origin, CVector3D& dir);
// BuildCameraRay: as previous, using global mouse position
void BuildCameraRay(CVector3D& origin, CVector3D& dir)
BuildCameraRay(g_mouse_x, g_mouse_y, origin, dir);
// General helpers that seem to fit here
// Get the screen-space coordinates corresponding to a given world-space position
void GetScreenCoordinates(const CVector3D& world, float& x, float& y);
// Get the point on the terrain corresponding to pixel (px,py) (or the mouse coordinates)
CVector3D GetWorldCoordinates(int px, int py);
CVector3D GetWorldCoordinates() { return GetWorldCoordinates(g_mouse_x, g_mouse_y); }
// Get the point on the plane at height h corresponding to pixel (px,py)
CVector3D GetWorldCoordinates(int px, int py, float h);
// Get the point on the terrain the camera is pointing towards
CVector3D GetFocus();
// Build an orientation matrix from camera position, camera focus point, and up-vector
void LookAt(const CVector3D& camera, const CVector3D& orientation, const CVector3D& up);
// Build an orientation matrix from camera position, camera orientation, and up-vector
void LookAlong(CVector3D camera, CVector3D focus, CVector3D up);
* Render: Renders the camera's frustum in world space.
* The caller should set the color using glColorXy before calling Render.
* @param intermediates determines how many intermediate distance planes should
* be hinted at between the near and far planes
void Render(uint intermediates = 0) const;
// This is the orientation matrix. The inverse of this
// is the view matrix
CMatrix3D m_Orientation;
// keep the projection matrix private
// so others can't fiddle with it.
CMatrix3D m_ProjMat;
float m_NearPlane;
float m_FarPlane;
float m_FOV;
SViewPort m_ViewPort;
CFrustum m_ViewFrustum;