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# include "sr_input.h"
# include "sr_output.h"
# include "sr_class_manager.h"
typedef void srcfg;
class SrCfgManagerBase : protected SrClassManagerBase
public : // accesible members from SrSharedClass
/*! Returns the current reference counter value. */
int getref () const { return SrSharedClass::getref(); }
/*! Increments the reference counter. */
void ref () { SrSharedClass::ref(); }
/*! Decrements the reference counter (if >0), and if the
counter becomes 0, the class is automatically self deleted. */
void unref() { SrSharedClass::unref(); }
public : // virtual callbacks
/*! Returns a new configuration */
virtual srcfg* alloc ()=0;
/*! Returns a new configuration as a copy of c */
virtual srcfg* alloc ( const srcfg* c )=0;
/*! Deletes a configuration */
virtual void free ( srcfg* c )=0;
/*! Copy the contents of c2 into c1. Note: c1 and c2 will be equal
in several calls, so a test if(c1==c2) should be included here. */
virtual void copy ( srcfg* c1, const srcfg* c2 )=0;
/*! Outputs a configuration */
virtual void output ( SrOutput& o, const srcfg* c )=0;
/*! Inputs a configuration */
virtual void input ( SrInput& i, srcfg* c )=0;
/*! Returns a random configuration, not necessarily valid. */
virtual void random ( srcfg* c )=0;
/*! Returns if the configuration is valid. */
virtual bool valid ( const srcfg* c )=0;
/*! Returns a distance between the two configurations. */
virtual float dist ( const srcfg* c1, const srcfg* c2 )=0;
/*! Returns the interpolated configuration c between c1 and c2,
according to t in [0,1]. */
virtual void interp ( const srcfg* c1, const srcfg* c2, float t, srcfg* c )=0;
/*! Returns true if all nodes between the interpolation of ct0 and ct1 are
valid according to the given precision prec. Configuration ct is to be
used as a temporary variable. Note: ct0 and ct1 are already valid.
The default implementation for method visible performs recursive binary
subdivision untill reaching precision prec. */
virtual bool visible ( const srcfg* ct0, const srcfg* ct1, srcfg* ct, float prec );
/*! Returns true if the time encoded in c1 is smaller than in c2. This will be
only relevant to planning in time-varying conditions, if this is not the
case, true must always be returned */
virtual bool monotone ( const srcfg* c1, const srcfg* c2 )=0;
/*! This is called just to notify that node child has been added
as a child of node parent */
virtual void child_added ( srcfg* parent, srcfg* child )=0;
/*! The time() method returns the time associated with the given configuration c.
This method is only called when solving a time-varying problem */
virtual float time ( srcfg* c )=0;
/*! Template SrCfgManager makes automatic type casts to user-defined classes.
If needed in special cases, it can be further derived to rewrite/extend
method SrCfgManagerBase::visible().
Here is an example of implementations of a configuration class and a class manager that
can be directly used with template SrCfgManager<MyCfg,MyManager> : \code
class MyCfg
{ public :
MyCfg ();
MyCfg ( const MyCfg& c );
~MyCfg ();
void operator = ( const MyCfg& c );
void random ();
bool valid () const;
friend SrOutput& operator<< ( SrOutput& out, const MyCfg& c );
friend SrInput& operator>> ( SrInput& inp, MyCfg& c );
friend float dist ( const MyCfg& c1, const MyCfg& c2 );
friend float interp ( const MyCfg& c1, const MyCfg& c2, float t, MyCfg& c );
class MyManager
{ public :
MyCfg* alloc () { return new MyCfg; }
MyCfg* alloc ( const MyCfg* c ) { return new MyCfg(*c); }
void free ( MyCfg* c ) { delete c; }
void copy ( MyCfg* c1, const MyCfg* c2 ) { *c1=*c2; }
void output ( SrOutput& o, const MyCfg* c ) { o<<(*c); }
void input ( SrInput& i, MyCfg* c ) { i>>(*c); }
void random ( MyCfg* c ) { c->random(); }
bool valid ( const MyCfg* c ) { return c->valid(); }
float dist ( const MyCfg* c1, const MyCfg* c2 ) { return ::dist(*c1,*c2); }
void interp ( const MyCfg* c1, const MyCfg* c2, float t, MyCfg* c )
{ return ::interp(*c1,*c2,t,*c); }
void child_added ( MyCfg* parent, MyCfg* child ) {}
}; \endcode*/
template <class C, class M=SrCfgManagerBase>
class SrCfgManager : public SrCfgManagerBase, public M
{ public :
virtual srcfg* alloc ()
{ return (srcfg*) M::alloc(); }
virtual srcfg* alloc ( const srcfg* c )
{ return (srcfg*) M::alloc((const C*)c); }
virtual void free ( srcfg* c )
{ M::free ( (C*)c ); }
virtual void copy ( srcfg* c1, const srcfg* c2 )
{ M::copy ( (C*)c1, (const C*)c2 ); }
virtual void output ( SrOutput& o, const srcfg* c )
{ M::output ( o, (const C*)c ); }
virtual void input ( SrInput& i, srcfg* c )
{ M::input ( i, (C*)c ); }
virtual void random ( srcfg* c )
{ M::random ( (C*)c ); }
virtual bool valid ( const srcfg* c )
{ return M::valid ( (const C*)c ); }
virtual float dist ( const srcfg* c1, const srcfg* c2 )
{ return M::dist ( (const C*)c1, (const C*)c2 ); }
virtual void interp ( const srcfg* c1, const srcfg* c2, float t, srcfg* c )
{ M::interp ( (const C*)c1, (const C*)c2, t, (C*)c ); }
virtual bool monotone ( const srcfg* c1, const srcfg* c2 )
{ return M::monotone ( (const C*)c1, (const C*)c2 ); }
virtual void child_added ( srcfg* child, srcfg* parent )
{ M::child_added ( (C*)parent, (C*)child ); }
virtual float time ( srcfg* c )
{ return M::time ( (C*)c ); }
//============================== end of file ===============================
# endif // SR_CFG_MANAGER_H