forked from 0ad/0ad

1158 lines
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Raw Normal View History

// 2d texture format codecs
// Copyright (c) 2004 Jan Wassenberg
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// Contact info:
// Jan.Wassenberg@stud.uni-karlsruhe.de
// http://www.stud.uni-karlsruhe.de/~urkt/
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "lib.h"
#include "res.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <algorithm>
// supported formats:
//#define NO_DDS
//#define NO_TGA
//#define NO_BMP
//#define NO_PNG
#define NO_JP2
//#define NO_RAW
#ifndef NO_JP2
#include <jasper/jasper.h>
#ifndef NO_PNG
# ifdef _WIN32
# define _WINDOWS_ // prevent libpng from including windows.h
# define WINAPI __stdcall // .. and define what it needs
# define WINAPIV __cdecl
# include <libpng13/png.h>
# ifdef _MSC_VER
# ifdef NDEBUG
# pragma comment(lib, "libpng13.lib")
# else
# pragma comment(lib, "libpng13d.lib")
# endif
# endif
# else // _WIN32
# include <png.h>
# endif // _WIN32
#endif // NO_PNG
#define CODEC(name) { name##_fmt, name##_ext, name##_decode, name##_encode, #name}
struct Codec
// pointers aren't const, because the textures
// may have to be flipped (in-place).
// size is guaranteed to be >= 4.
// (usually enough to compare the header's "magic" field;
// anyway, no legitimate file will be smaller)
bool(*is_fmt)(u8* p, size_t size);
bool(*is_ext)(const char* ext);
int(*decode)(TexInfo* t, const char* fn, u8* file, size_t file_size);
int(*encode)(TexInfo* t, const char* fn, u8* img, size_t img_size);
// no get_output_size() function and central mem alloc / file write,
// because codecs that write via external lib or output compressed files
// don't know the output size beforehand.
const char* name;
void flip_tex_rows(void* tex, size_t pitch, size_t h)
size_t line = 0; // counter
char* src;
char* dst;
// L1 cache is typically A2 => swapping in-place with a line buffer
// leads to thrashing. if the whole texture fits in L1, we allocate
// a copy and transfer directly.
// document why can't return new buffer (refs, user assumes buffer addr unchanged)
size_t size = pitch * h;
void* clone_buf = mem_alloc(size, 32*KB);
memcpy(clone_buf, tex, size);
src = (char*)clone_buf + (h-1)*pitch;
dst = (char*)tex;
for(; line < h; line++)
memcpy(dst, src, pitch);
src -= pitch;
dst += pitch;
// rationale: allocate second buffer vs
we'll allocate
// forget memory usage
char* line1 = (char*)tex;
char* line2 = line1 + pitch*(h-1);
void* buf = mem_alloc(pitch, 4096);
for(size_t line = 0; line < h/2; line++)
memcpy(buf, line1, pitch); l1, buf -+
memcpy(line1, line2); l1, l2 +-
memcpy(line2, buf); buf, l2 -+
line1 += pitch;
line2 += pitch;
3 grab start+line put IN buf
2 copy last-line to start+line
// DDS
#ifndef NO_DDS
// NOTE: the convention is bottom-up for DDS, but there's no way to tell.
// defs modified from ddraw header
#pragma pack(push, 1)
#define DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS 0x00000001
typedef struct
u32 dwSize; // size of structure (32)
u32 dwFlags; // indicates which fields are valid
u32 dwFourCC; // (DDPF_FOURCC) FOURCC code, "DXTn"
u32 dwReserved1[5]; // reserved
typedef struct
u32 dwCaps[4];
#define DDSD_HEIGHT 0x00000002
#define DDSD_WIDTH 0x00000004
#define DDSD_PIXELFORMAT 0x00001000
#define DDSD_MIPMAPCOUNT 0x00020000
typedef struct
u32 dwSize; // size of structure (124)
u32 dwFlags; // indicates which fields are valid
u32 dwHeight; // height of main image (pixels)
u32 dwWidth; // width of main image (pixels)
u32 dwLinearSize; // (DDSD_LINEARSIZE): total image size
u32 dwDepth; // (DDSD_DEPTH) vol. textures: vol. depth
u32 dwMipMapCount; // (DDSD_MIPMAPCOUNT) total # levels
u32 dwReserved1[11]; // reserved
DDPIXELFORMAT ddpfPixelFormat; // pixel format description of the surface
DDSCAPS2 ddsCaps; // direct draw surface capabilities
u32 dwReserved2; // reserved
#pragma pack(pop)
static inline bool dds_fmt(u8* ptr, size_t size)
UNUSED(size) // only need first 4 chars
return *(u32*)ptr == FOURCC('D','D','S',' ');
static inline bool dds_ext(const char* const ext)
return !strcmp(ext, ".dds");
static int dds_decode(TexInfo* t, const char* fn, u8* file, size_t file_size)
const char* err = 0;
const DDSURFACEDESC2* surf = (const DDSURFACEDESC2*)(file+4);
const size_t hdr_size = 4+sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC2);
// make sure we can access all header fields
if(file_size < hdr_size)
err = "header not completely read";
debug_out("dds_decode: %s: %s\n", fn, err);
return -1;
const u32 sd_size = read_le32(&surf->dwSize);
const u32 sd_flags = read_le32(&surf->dwFlags);
const u32 h = read_le32(&surf->dwHeight);
const u32 w = read_le32(&surf->dwWidth);
const u32 img_size = read_le32(&surf->dwLinearSize);
u32 mipmaps = read_le32(&surf->dwMipMapCount);
const u32 pf_size = read_le32(&surf->ddpfPixelFormat.dwSize);
const u32 pf_flags = read_le32(&surf->ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags);
const u32 fourcc = surf->ddpfPixelFormat.dwFourCC;
// compared against FOURCC, which takes care of endian conversion.
// we'll use these fields; make sure they're present below.
// note: we can't guess image dimensions if not specified -
// the image isn't necessarily square.
const u32 sd_req_flags = DDSD_WIDTH | DDSD_HEIGHT | DDSD_PIXELFORMAT;
// make sure fields that aren't indicated as valid are zeroed.
if(!(sd_flags & DDSD_MIPMAPCOUNT))
mipmaps = 0;
// MS DXTex tool doesn't set the required dwPitchOrLinearSize field -
// they can't even write out their own file format correctly. *sigh*
// we need to pass it to OpenGL; it's calculated from w, h, and bpp,
// which we determine from the pixel format.
int bpp = 0;
int flags = 0;
if(pf_flags & DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS)
flags |= TEX_ALPHA;
case FOURCC('D','X','T','1'):
bpp = 4;
flags |= 1; // bits in TEX_DXT mask indicate format
case FOURCC('D','X','T','3'):
bpp = 8;
flags |= 3; // "
case FOURCC('D','X','T','5'):
bpp = 8;
flags |= 5; // "
if(file_size != hdr_size + img_size)
err = "file size mismatch";
if(w % 4 || h % 4)
err = "image dimensions not padded to S3TC block size";
if(!w || !h)
err = "width or height = 0";
if(mipmaps > 0)
err = "contains mipmaps";
if(bpp == 0)
err = "invalid pixel format (not DXT{1,3,5})";
if((sd_flags & sd_req_flags) != sd_req_flags)
err = "missing one or more required fields (w, h, pixel format)";
if(sizeof(DDPIXELFORMAT) != pf_size)
err = "DDPIXELFORMAT size mismatch";
if(sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC2) != sd_size)
err = "DDSURFACEDESC2 size mismatch";
goto fail;
t->ofs = hdr_size;
t->w = w;
t->h = h;
t->bpp = bpp;
t->flags = flags;
return 0;
static int dds_encode(TexInfo* t, const char* fn, u8* img, size_t img_size)
return -1;
// TGA
#ifndef NO_TGA
#pragma pack(push, 1)
enum TgaImgType
TGA_TRUE_COLOR = 2, // uncompressed 24 or 32 bit direct RGB
TGA_GRAY = 3 // uncompressed 8 bit direct grayscale
enum TgaImgDesc
typedef struct
u8 img_id_len; // 0 - no image identifier present
u8 color_map_type; // 0 - no color map present
u8 img_type; // see TgaImgType
u8 color_map[5]; // unused
u16 x_origin; // unused
u16 y_origin; // unused
u16 w;
u16 h;
u8 bpp; // bits per pixel
u8 img_desc;
// TGA file: header [img id] [color map] image data
#pragma pack(pop)
// the first TGA header doesn't have a magic field;
// we can only check if the first 4 bytes are valid
static inline bool tga_fmt(u8* ptr, size_t size)
TgaHeader* hdr = (TgaHeader*)ptr;
// not direct color
if(hdr->color_map_type != 0)
return false;
// wrong color type (not uncompressed grayscale or RGB)
if(hdr->img_type != TGA_TRUE_COLOR && hdr->img_type != TGA_GRAY)
return false;
return true;
static inline bool tga_ext(const char* const ext)
return !strcmp(ext, ".tga");
// requirements: uncompressed, direct color, bottom up
static int tga_decode(TexInfo* t, const char* fn, u8* file, size_t file_size)
const char* err = 0;
TgaHeader* hdr = (TgaHeader*)file;
const size_t hdr_size = 18 + hdr->img_id_len;
// make sure we can access all header fields
if(file_size < hdr_size)
err = "header not completely read";
debug_out("tga_decode: %s: %s\n", fn, err);
return -1;
const u8 type = hdr->img_type;
const u16 w = read_le16(&hdr->w);
const u16 h = read_le16(&hdr->h);
const u8 bpp = hdr->bpp;
const u8 desc = hdr->img_desc;
const u8 alpha_bits = desc & 0x0f;
const size_t pitch = w * bpp/8;
const size_t img_size = h * pitch;
void* img = file + hdr_size;
if(desc & TGA_TOP_DOWN)
flip_tex_rows(img, pitch, h);
int flags = 0;
if(alpha_bits != 0)
flags |= TEX_ALPHA;
if(type == TGA_TRUE_COLOR)
flags |= TEX_BGR;
// storing right-to-left is just stupid;
// we're not going to bother converting it.
if(desc & TGA_RIGHT_TO_LEFT)
err = "image is stored right-to-left";
if(bpp != 8 && bpp != 16 && bpp != 24 && bpp != 32)
err = "invalid bpp";
if(file_size < hdr_size + img_size)
err = "size < image size";
goto fail;
t->ofs = hdr_size;
t->w = w;
t->h = h;
t->bpp = bpp;
t->flags = flags;
return 0;
static int tga_encode(TexInfo* t, const char* fn, u8* img, size_t img_size)
return -1;
// BMP
#ifndef NO_BMP
#pragma pack(push, 1)
u16 bfType; // "BM"
u32 bfSize; // of file
u32 reserved;
u32 bfOffBits; // offset to image data
u32 biSize;
long biWidth;
long biHeight;
u16 biPlanes;
u16 biBitCount;
u32 biCompression;
u32 biSizeImage;
// unused; zeroed when writing
long biXPelsPerMeter;
long biYPelsPerMeter;
u32 biClrUsed;
u32 biClrImportant;
#pragma pack(pop)
#define BI_RGB 0 // bih->biCompression
static inline bool bmp_fmt(u8* p, size_t size)
// check header signature (BITMAPFILEHEADER.bfType == "BM"?).
// we compare single bytes to be endian-safe.
return p[0] == 'B' && p[1] == 'M';
static inline bool bmp_ext(const char* const ext)
return !strcmp(ext, ".bmp");
// requirements: uncompressed, direct color, bottom up
static int bmp_decode(TexInfo* t, const char* fn, u8* in, size_t file_size)
const char* err = 0;
const size_t hdr_size = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
// make sure we can access all header fields
if(file_size < hdr_size)
err = "header not completely read";
debug_out("bmp_decode: %s: %s\n", fn, err);
return -1;
const long w = (long)read_le32(&bih->biWidth);
long h = (long)read_le32(&bih->biHeight);
const u16 bpp = read_le16(&bih->biBitCount);
const u32 compress = read_le32(&bih->biCompression);
const u32 ofs = read_le32(&bfh->bfOffBits);
const bool top_down = (h < 0);
h = abs(h);
const size_t pitch = w * bpp/8;
const size_t img_size = h * pitch;
void* img = in + ofs;
flip_tex_rows(img, pitch, h);
int flags = TEX_BGR;
if(bpp == 32)
flags |= TEX_ALPHA;
if(compress != BI_RGB)
err = "compressed";
if(bpp != 24 && bpp != 32)
err = "invalid bpp (not direct color)";
if(file_size < ofs+img_size)
err = "image not completely read";
goto fail;
t->ofs = ofs;
t->w = w;
t->h = h;
t->bpp = bpp;
t->flags = flags;
return 0;
static int bmp_encode(TexInfo* t, const char* fn, u8* img, size_t img_size)
int flags = t->flags;
if((flags & TEX_DXT) || !(flags & TEX_BGR))
debug_warn("bmp: can't encode");
return -1;
const size_t hdr_size = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
const size_t file_size = hdr_size + img_size;
u8* file = (u8*)mem_alloc(hdr_size + img_size);
return -1;
bfh->bfType = 0x4d42; // 'B','M'
bfh->bfSize = (u32)file_size;
bfh->reserved = 0;
bfh->bfOffBits = hdr_size;
bih->biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
bih->biWidth = t->w;
bih->biHeight = t->h;
bih->biPlanes = 1;
bih->biBitCount = t->bpp;
bih->biCompression = BI_RGB;
bih->biSizeImage = (u32)img_size;
bih->biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
bih->biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
bih->biClrUsed = 0;
bih->biClrImportant = 0;
memcpy(file+hdr_size, img, img_size);
vfs_store(fn, file, file_size, FILE_NO_AIO);
return 0;
// RAW
#ifndef NO_RAW
// assume bottom-up
static inline bool raw_fmt(u8* p, size_t size)
return true;
static inline bool raw_ext(const char* const ext)
return !strcmp(ext, ".raw");
static int raw_decode(TexInfo* t, const char* fn, u8* in, size_t file_size)
// TODO: allow 8 bit format. problem: how to differentiate from 32? filename?
for(uint i = 2; i <= 4; i++)
const u32 dim = (u32)sqrtf((float)file_size/i);
if(dim*dim*i != file_size)
int flags = (i == 3)? 0 : TEX_ALPHA;
t->ofs = 0;
t->w = dim;
t->h = dim;
t->bpp = i*8;
t->flags = flags;
return 0;
debug_out("raw_decode: %s: %s\n", fn, "no matching format found");
return -1;
static int raw_encode(TexInfo* t, const char* fn, u8* img, size_t img_size)
return -1;
// PNG
#ifndef NO_PNG
static inline bool png_fmt(u8* ptr, size_t size)
return png_sig_cmp((u8*)ptr, 0, MIN(size, 8)) == 0;
static inline bool png_ext(const char* const ext)
return !strcmp(ext, ".png");
// note: it's not worth combining png_encode and png_decode, due to
// libpng read/write interface differences (grr). we at least split
// out alloc_rows, though.
// allocate and set up rows to point into image buffer.
// invert, because libpng stores as top-down and our convention is bottom-up.
static int alloc_rows(u8* img, size_t h, size_t pitch, png_bytepp& rows)
rows = (png_bytepp)malloc(h * sizeof(void*));
return -ENOMEM;
png_bytep pos = img + pitch*h;
for(size_t i = 0; i < h; i++)
pos -= pitch;
rows[i] = pos;
return 0;
struct PngMemFile
const u8* p;
size_t size;
size_t pos; // 0-initialized if no initializer
// pass data from PNG file in memory to libpng
static void png_read(png_struct* const png_ptr, u8* const data, const png_size_t length)
PngMemFile* const f = (PngMemFile*)png_ptr->io_ptr;
void* src = (u8*)(f->p + f->pos);
// make sure there's enough new data remaining in the buffer
f->pos += length;
if(f->pos > f->size)
png_error(png_ptr, "png_read: not enough data to satisfy request!");
memcpy(data, src, length);
// limitation: palette images aren't supported
static int png_decode(TexInfo* t, const char* fn, u8* file, size_t file_size)
const char* msg = 0;
int err = -1;
// freed when ret is reached:
png_structp png_ptr = 0;
png_infop info_ptr = 0;
png_bytepp rows = 0;
// freed when fail is reached:
u8* img = 0;
// allocate PNG structures; use default stderr and longjmp error handlers
png_ptr = png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, 0, 0, 0);
goto fail;
info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);
goto fail;
// setup error handling
debug_out("png_decode: %s: %s\n", fn, msg? msg : "unknown");
goto ret;
PngMemFile f = { file, file_size };
png_set_read_fn(png_ptr, &f, png_read);
// read header and determine format
png_read_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);
png_uint_32 w, h;
int bit_depth, color_type;
png_get_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, &w, &h, &bit_depth, &color_type, 0, 0, 0);
const size_t pitch = png_get_rowbytes(png_ptr, info_ptr);
const u32 bpp = (u32)(pitch / w * 8);
int flags = 0;
if(bpp == 32)
flags |= TEX_ALPHA;
// make sure format is acceptable
if(bit_depth != 8)
msg = "channel precision != 8 bits";
if(color_type & PNG_COLOR_MASK_PALETTE)
msg = "color type is invalid (must be direct color)";
goto fail;
const size_t img_size = pitch * h;
Handle img_hm;
// cannot free old t->hm until after png_read_end,
// but need to set to this handle afterwards => need tmp var.
img = (u8*)mem_alloc(img_size, 64*KB, 0, &img_hm);
goto fail;
// rows are flipped
CHECK_ERR(alloc_rows(img, h, pitch, rows));
png_read_image(png_ptr, rows);
png_read_end(png_ptr, info_ptr);
assert(f.p == file && f.size == file_size && f.pos == f.size);
// store image info
t->hm = img_hm;
t->ofs = 0; // libpng returns decoded image data; no header
t->w = w;
t->h = h;
t->bpp = bpp;
t->flags = flags;
err = 0;
// shared cleanup
png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, 0);
return err;
// write libpng output to PNG file
static void png_write(png_struct* const png_ptr, u8* const data, const png_size_t length)
void* p = (void*)data;
Handle hf = *(Handle*)png_ptr->io_ptr;
if(vfs_io(hf, length, &p) != length)
png_error(png_ptr, "png_write: !");
// limitation: palette images aren't supported
static int png_encode(TexInfo* t, const char* fn, u8* img, size_t img_size)
const char* msg = 0;
int err = -1;
// freed when ret is reached.
png_structp png_ptr = 0;
png_infop info_ptr = 0;
png_bytepp rows = 0;
Handle hf = 0;
// allocate PNG structures; use default stderr and longjmp error handlers
png_ptr = png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, 0, 0, 0);
goto fail;
info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);
goto fail;
// setup error handling
debug_out("png_encode: %s: %s\n", fn, msg? msg : "unknown");
goto ret;
const png_uint_32 w = t->w, h = t->h;
const size_t pitch = w * t->bpp / 8;
int color_type;
switch(t->flags & (TEX_GRAY|TEX_ALPHA))
case TEX_GRAY:
color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY;
color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB;
hf = vfs_open(fn, FILE_WRITE|FILE_NO_AIO);
if(hf < 0)
err = (int)hf;
goto fail;
png_set_write_fn(png_ptr, &hf, png_write, 0);
png_set_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, w, h, 8, color_type,
png_write_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);
CHECK_ERR(alloc_rows(img, h, pitch, rows));
png_write_image(png_ptr, (png_bytepp)rows);
png_write_end(png_ptr, info_ptr);
err = 0;
// shared cleanup
png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);
return err;
// JP2
#ifndef NO_JP2
static inline bool jp2_fmt(u8* p, size_t size)
jas_stream_t* stream = jas_stream_memopen((char*)p, size);
return jp2_validate(stream) >= 0;
static inline bool jp2_ext(const char* const ext)
return !strcmp(ext, ".jp2");
static int jp2_decode(TexInfo* t, const char* fn, u8* file, size_t file_size)
const char* err = 0;
jas_stream_t* stream = jas_stream_memopen((char*)file, file_size);
jas_image_t* image = jas_image_decode(stream, -1, 0);
return -1;
const int num_cmpts = jas_image_numcmpts(image);
jas_matrix_t* matr[4] = {0};
jas_seqent_t* rows[4] = {0};
const u32 w = jas_image_cmptwidth (image, 0);
const u32 h = jas_image_cmptheight(image, 0);
const int prec = jas_image_cmptprec (image, 0);
const u32 bpp = num_cmpts * 8;
const u32 ofs = 0; // jasper returns decoded image data; no header
int flags = 0;
if(depth != 8)
err = "channel precision != 8";
debug_out("jp2_decode: %s: %s\n", fn, err);
// TODO: destroy image
return -1;
size_t img_size = w * h * num_cmpts;
Handle img_hm;
u8* img = (u8*)mem_alloc(img_size, 64*KB, 0, &img_hm);
u8* out = img;
int cmpt;
for(cmpt = 0; cmpt < num_cmpts; cmpt++)
matr[cmpt] = jas_matrix_create(1, w);
for(int y = 0; y < h; y++)
for(cmpt = 0; cmpt < num_cmpts; cmpt++)
jas_image_readcmpt(image, cmpt, 0, y, w, 1, matr[cmpt]);
rows[cmpt] = jas_matrix_getref(matr[cmpt], 0, 0);
for(int x = 0; x < w; x++)
for(cmpt = 0; cmpt < num_cmpts; cmpt++)
*out++ = *rows[cmpt]++;
for(cmpt = 0; cmpt < num_cmpts; cmpt++)
t->hm = img_hm;
t->ofs = ofs;
t->w = w;
t->h = h;
t->bpp = bpp;
t->flags = flags;
return 0;
static int jp2_encode(TexInfo* t, const char* fn, const u8* img, size_t img_size)
return -1;
static Codec codecs[] =
#ifndef NO_DDS
#ifndef NO_PNG
#ifndef NO_JP2
#ifndef NO_BMP
#ifndef NO_TGA
#ifndef NO_RAW
static const int num_codecs = sizeof(codecs) / sizeof(codecs[0]);
int tex_load(const char* const fn, TexInfo* t)
// load file
void* _p = 0;
size_t size;
Handle hm = vfs_load(fn, _p, size);
if(hm <= 0)
return (int)hm;
// guarantee *_valid routines 4 header bytes
if(size < 4)
return -1;
t->hm = hm;
int err = -1;
// initial value, in case no codec is found
u8* p = (u8*)_p;
// more convenient to pass loaders u8 - less casting.
// not const, because image may have to be flipped (in-place).
// find codec that understands the data, and decode
Codec* c = codecs;
for(int i = 0; i < num_codecs; i++, c++)
if(c->is_fmt(p, size))
err = c->decode(t, fn, p, size);
if(err < 0)
return err;
return 0;
int tex_free(TexInfo* t)
return 0;
int tex_write(TexInfo* t, const char* fn)
u8* img = (u8*)mem_get_ptr(t->hm);
return -1;
const size_t img_size = t->w * t->h * t->bpp / 8;
char* ext = strrchr(fn, '.');
return -1;
Codec* c = codecs;
for(int i = 0; i < num_codecs; i++, c++)
c->encode(t, fn, img, img_size);
return 0;
// no codec found
return -1;
int tex_write(const char* fn, int w, int h, int bpp, int flags, void* img)
size_t img_size = w * h * bpp / 8;
const Handle hm = mem_assign(img, img_size);
TexInfo t = { hm, 0, w, h, bpp, flags };
return tex_write(&t, fn);