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function BuildRestrictions() {}
BuildRestrictions.prototype.Schema =
"<a:help>Specifies building placement restrictions as they relate to terrain, territories, and distance.</a:help>" +
"<a:example>" +
"<BuildRestrictions>" +
"<PlacementType>land</PlacementType>" +
"<Territory>own</Territory>" +
"<Category>Special</Category>" +
"<Distance>" +
"<FromCategory>CivilCentre</FromCategory>" +
"<MaxDistance>40</MaxDistance>" +
"</Distance>" +
"</BuildRestrictions>" +
"</a:example>" +
"<element name='PlacementType' a:help='Specifies the terrain type restriction for this building.'>" +
"<choice>" +
"<value>land</value>" +
"<value>shore</value>" +
"</choice>" +
"</element>" +
"<element name='Territory' a:help='Specifies territory type restrictions for this building.'>" +
"<list>" +
"<oneOrMore>" +
"<choice>" +
"<value>own</value>" +
"<value>ally</value>" +
"<value>neutral</value>" +
"<value>enemy</value>" +
"</choice>" +
"</oneOrMore>" +
"</list>" +
"</element>" +
"<element name='Category' a:help='Specifies the category of this building, for satisfying special constraints.'>" +
"<choice>" +
"<value>CivilCentre</value>" +
"<value>House</value>" +
"<value>DefenseTower</value>" +
"<value>Farmstead</value>" +
"<value>Market</value>" +
"<value>Barracks</value>" +
"<value>Dock</value>" +
"<value>Fortress</value>" +
"<value>Field</value>" +
"<value>Temple</value>" +
"<value>Wall</value>" +
"<value>Fence</value>" +
"<value>Mill</value>" +
"<value>Stoa</value>" +
"<value>Resource</value>" +
"<value>Special</value>" +
"</choice>" +
"</element>" +
"<optional>" +
"<element name='Distance' a:help='Specifies distance restrictions on this building, relative to buildings from the given category.'>" +
"<interleave>" +
"<element name='FromCategory'>" +
"<choice>" +
"<value>CivilCentre</value>" +
"</choice>" +
"</element>" +
"<optional><element name='MinDistance'><data type='positiveInteger'/></element></optional>" +
"<optional><element name='MaxDistance'><data type='positiveInteger'/></element></optional>" +
"</interleave>" +
"</element>" +
// TODO: add phases, prerequisites, etc
BuildRestrictions.prototype.Init = function()
this.territories = this.template.Territory.split(/\s+/);
* Returns true iff this entity can be built at its current position.
BuildRestrictions.prototype.CheckPlacement = function(player)
// TODO: Return error code for invalid placement, which can be handled by the UI
// Check obstructions and terrain passability
var passClassName = "";
switch (this.template.PlacementType)
case "shore":
passClassName = "building-shore";
case "land":
passClassName = "building-land";
var cmpObstruction = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Obstruction);
if (!cmpObstruction || !cmpObstruction.CheckFoundation(passClassName))
return false; // Fail
// Check territory restrictions
var cmpTerritoryManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TerritoryManager);
var cmpPlayer = QueryPlayerIDInterface(player, IID_Player);
var cmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Position);
if (!(cmpTerritoryManager && cmpPlayer && cmpPosition && cmpPosition.IsInWorld()))
return false; // Fail
var pos = cmpPosition.GetPosition2D();
var tileOwner = cmpTerritoryManager.GetOwner(pos.x, pos.y);
var isOwn = (tileOwner == player);
var isNeutral = (tileOwner == 0);
var isAlly = !isOwn && cmpPlayer.IsAlly(tileOwner);
var isEnemy = !isNeutral && cmpPlayer.IsEnemy(tileOwner);
if ((isAlly && !this.HasTerritory("ally"))
|| (isOwn && !this.HasTerritory("own"))
|| (isNeutral && !this.HasTerritory("neutral"))
|| (isEnemy && !this.HasTerritory("enemy")))
return false; // Fail
// Check special requirements
if (this.template.Category == "Dock")
// TODO: Probably should check unit passability classes here, to determine if:
// 1. ships can be spawned "nearby"
// 2. builders can pass the terrain where the dock is placed (don't worry about paths)
// so it's correct even if the criteria changes for these units
var cmpFootprint = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Footprint);
if (!cmpFootprint)
return false; // Fail
// Get building's footprint
var shape = cmpFootprint.GetShape();
var halfSize = 0;
if (shape.type == "square")
halfSize = shape.depth/2;
else if (shape.type == "circle")
halfSize = shape.radius;
var cmpTerrain = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Terrain);
var cmpWaterManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_WaterManager);
if (!cmpTerrain || !cmpWaterManager)
return false; // Fail
var ang = cmpPosition.GetRotation().y;
var sz = halfSize * Math.sin(ang);
var cz = halfSize * Math.cos(ang);
if ((cmpWaterManager.GetWaterLevel(pos.x + sz, pos.y + cz) - cmpTerrain.GetGroundLevel(pos.x + sz, pos.y + cz)) < 1.0 // front
|| (cmpWaterManager.GetWaterLevel(pos.x - sz, pos.y - cz) - cmpTerrain.GetGroundLevel(pos.x - sz, pos.y - cz)) > 2.0) // back
return false; // Fail
// Check distance restriction
if (this.template.Distance)
var nearest = 65535;
var ents = Engine.GetEntitiesWithInterface(IID_BuildRestrictions);
for each (var ent in ents)
var cmpBuildRestrictions = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_BuildRestrictions);
if (cmpBuildRestrictions.GetCategory() == this.template.Distance.FromCategory && IsOwnedByPlayer(player, ent))
{ // Find nearest building matching this category
var cmpEntPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Position);
if (cmpEntPosition && cmpEntPosition.IsInWorld())
var entPos = cmpEntPosition.GetPosition2D();
var dist = Math.sqrt((pos.x-entPos.x)*(pos.x-entPos.x) + (pos.y-entPos.y)*(pos.y-entPos.y));
if (dist < nearest)
nearest = dist;
if ((this.template.Distance.MinDistance && nearest < this.template.Distance.MinDistance)
|| (this.template.Distance.MaxDistance && nearest > this.template.Distance.MaxDistance))
return false; // Fail
// Success
return true;
BuildRestrictions.prototype.GetCategory = function()
return this.template.Category;
BuildRestrictions.prototype.GetTerritories = function()
return this.territories;
BuildRestrictions.prototype.HasTerritory = function(territory)
return (this.territories.indexOf(territory) != -1);
Engine.RegisterComponentType(IID_BuildRestrictions, "BuildRestrictions", BuildRestrictions);