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554 lines
15 KiB
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#include "precompiled.h"
#include "lib.h"
#include "lib/posix.h"
#include "lib/allocators.h"
#include "lib/adts.h"
#include "file_internal.h"
// async I/O
// rationale:
// asynchronous IO routines don't cache; they're just a thin AIO wrapper.
// it's taken care of by file_io, which splits transfers into blocks
// and keeps temp buffers in memory (not user-allocated, because they
// might pull the rug out from under us at any time).
// caching here would be more complicated: would have to handle "forwarding",
// i.e. recognizing that the desired block has been issued, but isn't yet
// complete. file_io also knows more about whether a block should be cached.
// disadvantages:
// - streamed data will always be read from disk. no problem, because
// such data (e.g. music, long speech) is unlikely to be used again soon.
// - prefetching (issuing the next few blocks from an archive during idle
// time, so that future out-of-order reads don't need to seek) isn't
// possible in the background (unless via thread, but that's discouraged).
// the utility is questionable, though: how to prefetch so as not to delay
// real IOs? can't determine "idle time" without completion notification,
// which is hard.
// we could get the same effect by bridging small gaps in file_io,
// and rearranging files in the archive in order of access.
static Pool aiocb_pool;
static inline void aiocb_pool_init()
(void)pool_create(&aiocb_pool, 32*sizeof(aiocb), sizeof(aiocb));
static inline void aiocb_pool_shutdown()
static inline aiocb* aiocb_pool_alloc()
return (aiocb*)pool_alloc(&aiocb_pool, 0);
static inline void aiocb_pool_free(void* cb)
pool_free(&aiocb_pool, cb);
// starts transferring to/from the given buffer.
// no attempt is made at aligning or padding the transfer.
LibError file_io_issue(File* f, off_t ofs, size_t size, void* p, FileIo* io)
// zero output param in case we fail below.
memset(io, 0, sizeof(FileIo));
debug_printf("FILE| issue ofs=%d size=%d\n", ofs, size);
// check params
if(!size || !p || !io)
const bool is_write = (f->fc.flags & FILE_WRITE) != 0;
// cut off at EOF.
const off_t bytes_left = f->fc.size - ofs;
if(bytes_left < 0)
size = MIN(size, (size_t)bytes_left);
size = round_up(size, AIO_SECTOR_SIZE);
// (we can't store the whole aiocb directly - glibc's version is
// 144 bytes large)
aiocb* cb = aiocb_pool_alloc();
io->cb = cb;
return ERR_NO_MEM;
memset(cb, 0, sizeof(*cb));
// send off async read/write request
cb->aio_lio_opcode = is_write? LIO_WRITE : LIO_READ;
cb->aio_buf = (volatile void*)p;
cb->aio_fildes = f->fd;
cb->aio_offset = ofs;
cb->aio_nbytes = size;
debug_printf("FILE| issue2 io=%p nbytes=%u\n", io, cb->aio_nbytes);
int err = lio_listio(LIO_NOWAIT, &cb, 1, (struct sigevent*)0);
if(err < 0)
debug_printf("lio_listio: %d, %d[%s]\n", err, errno, strerror(errno));
return ERR_OK;
// indicates if the IO referenced by <io> has completed.
// return value: 0 if pending, 1 if complete, < 0 on error.
int file_io_has_completed(FileIo* io)
aiocb* cb = (aiocb*)io->cb;
int ret = aio_error(cb);
if(ret == EINPROGRESS)
return 0;
if(ret == 0)
return 1;
LibError file_io_wait(FileIo* io, void*& p, size_t& size)
debug_printf("FILE| wait io=%p\n", io);
// zero output params in case something (e.g. H_DEREF) fails.
p = 0;
size = 0;
aiocb* cb = (aiocb*)io->cb;
// wait for transfer to complete.
const aiocb** cbs = (const aiocb**)&cb; // pass in an "array"
while(aio_error(cb) == EINPROGRESS)
aio_suspend(cbs, 1, (timespec*)0); // wait indefinitely
// query number of bytes transferred (-1 if the transfer failed)
const ssize_t bytes_transferred = aio_return(cb);
debug_printf("FILE| bytes_transferred=%d aio_nbytes=%u\n", bytes_transferred, cb->aio_nbytes);
// disabled: we no longer clamp to EOF
// // (size was clipped to EOF in file_io => this is an actual IO error)
// if(bytes_transferred < (ssize_t)cb->aio_nbytes)
// return ERR_IO;
p = (void*)cb->aio_buf; // cast from volatile void*
size = bytes_transferred;
return ERR_OK;
LibError file_io_discard(FileIo* io)
memset(io->cb, 0, sizeof(aiocb)); // prevent further use.
io->cb = 0;
return ERR_OK;
LibError file_io_validate(const FileIo* io)
const aiocb* cb = (const aiocb*)io->cb;
// >= 0x100 is not necessarily bogus, but suspicious.
// this also catches negative values.
if((uint)cb->aio_fildes >= 0x100)
return ERR_1;
return ERR_2;
if(cb->aio_lio_opcode != LIO_WRITE && cb->aio_lio_opcode != LIO_READ && cb->aio_lio_opcode != LIO_NOP)
return ERR_3;
// all other aiocb fields have no invariants we could check.
return ERR_OK;
// sync I/O
// the underlying aio implementation likes buffer and offset to be
// sector-aligned; if not, the transfer goes through an align buffer,
// and requires an extra memcpy2.
// if the user specifies an unaligned buffer, there's not much we can
// do - we can't assume the buffer contains padding. therefore,
// callers should let us allocate the buffer if possible.
// if ofs misalign = buffer, only the first and last blocks will need
// to be copied by aio, since we read up to the next block boundary.
// otherwise, everything will have to be copied; at least we split
// the read into blocks, so aio's buffer won't have to cover the
// whole file.
class IOManager
File* f;
bool is_write;
bool no_aio;
FileIOCB cb;
uintptr_t cb_ctx;
off_t start_ofs;
FileIOBuf* pbuf;
size_t user_size;
size_t ofs_misalign;
size_t size;
// (useful, raw data: possibly compressed, but doesn't count padding)
size_t total_issued;
size_t total_transferred;
// if callback, sum of what it reports; otherwise, = total_transferred
// this is what we'll return.
size_t total_processed;
struct IOSlot
FileIo io;
const void* cached_block;
u64 block_id;
// needed so that we can add the block to the cache when
// its IO is complete. if we add it when issuing, we'd no longer be
// thread-safe: someone else might find it in the cache before its
// transfer has completed. don't want to add an "is_complete" flag,
// because that'd be hard to update (on every wait_io).
void* temp_buf;
void reset()
memset(&io, 0, sizeof(io));
temp_buf = 0;
block_id = 0;
cached_block = 0;
static const uint MAX_PENDING_IOS = 4;
//RingBuf<IOSlot, MAX_PENDING_IOS> queue;
std::deque<IOSlot> queue;
// stop issuing and processing as soon as this changes
LibError err;
// bytes_processed is 0 if return value != { ERR_OK, INFO_CB_CONTINUE }
// note: don't abort if = 0: zip callback may not actually
// output anything if passed very little data.
static LibError call_back(const void* block, size_t size,
FileIOCB cb, uintptr_t ctx, size_t& bytes_processed)
LibError ret = cb(ctx, block, size, &bytes_processed);
// failed - reset byte count in case callback didn't
if(ret != ERR_OK && ret != INFO_CB_CONTINUE)
bytes_processed = 0;
return ret;
// no callback to process data: raw = actual
bytes_processed = size;
ssize_t lowio()
const int fd = f->fd;
lseek(fd, start_ofs, SEEK_SET);
// emulate temp buffers - we take care of allocating and freeing.
void* dst;
void* dst_mem = 0;
if(pbuf == FILE_BUF_TEMP)
dst_mem = malloc(size);
return ERR_NO_MEM;
dst = dst_mem;
dst = (void*)*pbuf;
ssize_t total_transferred;
total_transferred = write(fd, dst, size);
total_transferred = read (fd, dst, size);
if(total_transferred < 0)
size_t total_processed;
LibError ret = call_back(dst, total_transferred, cb, cb_ctx, total_processed);
return (ssize_t)total_processed;
// align and pad the IO to FILE_BLOCK_SIZE
// (reduces work for AIO implementation).
LibError prepare()
ofs_misalign = 0;
size = user_size;
if(!is_write && !no_aio)
// note: we go to the trouble of aligning the first block (instead of
// just reading up to the next block and letting aio realign it),
// so that it can be taken from the cache.
// this is not possible if we don't allocate the buffer because
// extra space must be added for the padding.
ofs_misalign = start_ofs % FILE_BLOCK_SIZE;
start_ofs -= (off_t)ofs_misalign;
size = round_up(ofs_misalign + user_size, FILE_BLOCK_SIZE);
RETURN_ERR(file_buf_get(pbuf, size, f->fc.atom_fn, is_write, cb));
return ERR_OK;
void issue(IOSlot& slot)
const off_t ofs = start_ofs+(off_t)total_issued;
size_t issue_size;
// write: must not issue beyond end of data.
issue_size = MIN(FILE_BLOCK_SIZE, size - total_issued);
// read: always grab whole blocks so we can put them in the cache.
// any excess data (can only be within first or last block) is
// discarded in wait().
issue_size = FILE_BLOCK_SIZE;
// check if in cache
slot.block_id = block_cache_make_id(f->fc.atom_fn, ofs);
slot.cached_block = block_cache_find(slot.block_id);
goto skip_issue;
// if using buffer, set position in it; otherwise, use temp buffer
void* buf;
if(pbuf == FILE_BUF_TEMP)
buf = slot.temp_buf = block_cache_alloc(slot.block_id);
buf = (char*)*pbuf + total_issued;
LibError ret = file_io_issue(f, ofs, issue_size, buf, &slot.io);
// transfer failed - loop will now terminate after
// waiting for all pending transfers to complete.
if(ret != ERR_OK)
err = ret;
total_issued += issue_size;
void wait(IOSlot& slot, void*& block, size_t& block_size)
block = (u8*)slot.cached_block;
block_size = FILE_BLOCK_SIZE;
// wasn't in cache; it was issued, so wait for it
LibError ret = file_io_wait(&slot.io, block, block_size);
if(ret < 0)
err = ret;
// first time; skip past padding
if(total_transferred == 0)
block = (u8*)block + ofs_misalign;
block_size -= ofs_misalign;
// last time: don't include trailing padding
if(total_transferred + block_size > user_size)
block_size = user_size - total_transferred;
// we have useable data from a previous temp buffer,
// but it needs to be copied into the user's buffer
if(slot.cached_block && pbuf != FILE_BUF_TEMP)
memcpy2((char*)*pbuf+ofs_misalign+total_transferred, block, block_size);
total_transferred += block_size;
void process(IOSlot& slot, void* block, size_t block_size, FileIOCB cb, uintptr_t ctx)
size_t bytes_processed;
err = call_back(block, block_size, cb, ctx, bytes_processed);
if(err == INFO_CB_CONTINUE || err == ERR_OK)
total_processed += bytes_processed;
// else: processing failed.
// loop will now terminate after waiting for all
// pending transfers to complete.
if(!slot.cached_block && pbuf == FILE_BUF_TEMP)
ssize_t aio()
// data remaining to transfer, and no error:
// start transferring next block.
if(total_issued < size && err == INFO_CB_CONTINUE && queue.size() < MAX_PENDING_IOS)
IOSlot& slot = queue.back();
goto again;
// IO pending: wait for it to complete, and process it.
IOSlot& slot = queue.front();
void* block; size_t block_size;
wait(slot, block, block_size);
process(slot, block, block_size, cb, cb_ctx);
goto again;
// (all issued OR error) AND no pending transfers - done.
debug_assert(total_issued >= total_transferred && total_transferred >= user_size);
return (ssize_t)total_processed;
IOManager(File* f_, off_t ofs_, size_t size_, FileIOBuf* pbuf_,
FileIOCB cb_, uintptr_t cb_ctx_)
f = f_;
is_write = (f->fc.flags & FILE_WRITE ) != 0;
no_aio = (f->fc.flags & FILE_NO_AIO) != 0;
cb = cb_;
cb_ctx = cb_ctx_;
start_ofs = ofs_;
user_size = size_;
pbuf = pbuf_;
total_issued = 0;
total_transferred = 0;
total_processed = 0;
// now we read the file in 64 KiB chunks, N-buffered.
// if reading from Zip, inflate while reading the next block.
ssize_t run()
ssize_t ret = no_aio? lowio() : aio();
/// FILE_STATS_NOTIFY_IO(fi, is_write? FO_WRITE : FO_READ, user_size, total_issued, start_time);
debug_printf("FILE| err=%d, total_processed=%u\n", err, total_processed);
// we allocated the memory: skip any leading padding
if(pbuf != FILE_BUF_TEMP && !is_write)
*pbuf = (u8*)*pbuf + ofs_misalign;
if(err != INFO_CB_CONTINUE && err != ERR_OK)
return (ssize_t)err;
return ret;
}; // IOManager
// transfer <size> bytes, starting at <ofs>, to/from the given file.
// (read or write access was chosen at file-open time).
// if non-NULL, <cb> is called for each block transferred, passing <ctx>.
// it returns how much data was actually transferred, or a negative error
// code (in which case we abort the transfer and return that value).
// the callback mechanism is useful for user progress notification or
// processing data while waiting for the next I/O to complete
// (quasi-parallel, without the complexity of threads).
// return number of bytes transferred (see above), or a negative error code.
ssize_t file_io(File* f, off_t ofs, size_t size, FileIOBuf* pbuf,
FileIOCB cb, uintptr_t ctx) // optional
debug_printf("FILE| io: size=%u ofs=%u fn=%s\n", size, ofs, f->fc.atom_fn);
IOManager mgr(f, ofs, size, pbuf, cb, ctx);
return mgr.run();
void file_io_shutdown()