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#include "precompiled.h"
#include "Stance.h"
#include "EntityManager.h"
#include "Entity.h"
#include "ps/Player.h"
#include "graphics/Terrain.h"
#include <algorithm>
// AggressStance ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void CAggressStance::onIdle()
CEntity* target = CStanceUtils::chooseTarget( m_Entity );
if( target )
CStanceUtils::attack( m_Entity, target );
void CAggressStance::onDamaged(CEntity *source)
if( source && m_Entity->m_orderQueue.empty()
&& m_Entity->GetPlayer()->GetDiplomaticStance(source->GetPlayer()) != DIPLOMACY_ALLIED )
CStanceUtils::attack( m_Entity, source );
// StandStance //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void CStandStance::onIdle()
CEntity* target = CStanceUtils::chooseTarget( m_Entity );
if( target )
CStanceUtils::attack( m_Entity, target );
void CStandStance::onDamaged(CEntity *source)
if( source && m_Entity->m_orderQueue.empty()
&& m_Entity->GetPlayer()->GetDiplomaticStance(source->GetPlayer()) != DIPLOMACY_ALLIED )
CStanceUtils::attack( m_Entity, source );
// DefendStance /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void CDefendStance::onIdle()
idlePos = CVector2D( m_Entity->m_position.X, m_Entity->m_position.Z );
CEntity* target = CStanceUtils::chooseTarget( m_Entity );
if( target )
CStanceUtils::attack( m_Entity, target );
void CDefendStance::onDamaged(CEntity *source)
if( source && m_Entity->m_orderQueue.empty()
&& m_Entity->GetPlayer()->GetDiplomaticStance(source->GetPlayer()) != DIPLOMACY_ALLIED )
// Retaliate only if we can reach the enemy unit without walking farther than our LOS
// radius away from idlePos.
int action = m_Entity->GetAttackAction( source->me );
if( action )
float range = m_Entity->m_actions[action].m_MaxRange;
if( ( range + m_Entity->m_los * CELL_SIZE ) >= m_Entity->distance2D( source ) )
CEntityOrder order( CEntityOrder::ORDER_GENERIC, CEntityOrder::SOURCE_UNIT_AI );
order.m_target_entity = source->me;
order.m_action = action;
m_Entity->pushOrder( order );
bool CDefendStance::checkMovement( CVector2D proposedPos )
float los = m_Entity->m_los*CELL_SIZE;
// Check that we haven't moved too far from the place where we were stationed.
if( (proposedPos - idlePos).length() > los )
// TODO: Make sure we don't clear any player orders here; the best way would be to make
// shift-clicked player orders either unqueue any AI orders or convert those AI orders
// to player orders (since the player wants us to finish our attack then do other stuff).
// Try to find some other nearby enemy to attack, provided it's also in range of our idle spot
// TODO: really we should be attack-moving to our spot somehow
std::vector<CEntity*> results;
g_EntityManager.GetInRange( m_Entity->m_position.X, m_Entity->m_position.Z, los, results );
float bestDist = 1e20f;
CEntity* bestTarget = 0;
for( size_t i=0; i<results.size(); i++ )
CEntity* ent = results[i];
float range = m_Entity->m_actions[m_Entity->GetAttackAction(ent->me)].m_MaxRange;
if( m_Entity->GetPlayer()->GetDiplomaticStance( ent->GetPlayer() ) == DIPLOMACY_ENEMY )
float distToMe = ent->distance2D( m_Entity );
float distToIdlePos = ent->distance2D( idlePos );
if( distToIdlePos <= los+range && distToMe < bestDist )
bestDist = distToMe;
bestTarget = ent;
if( bestTarget != 0 )
CStanceUtils::attack( m_Entity, bestTarget );
// Let's just walk back to our idle spot
CEntityOrder order( CEntityOrder::ORDER_GOTO, CEntityOrder::SOURCE_UNIT_AI );
order.m_target_location = idlePos;
m_Entity->pushOrder( order );
return false;
return true;
// StanceUtils //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void CStanceUtils::attack(CEntity* entity, CEntity* target)
int action = entity->GetAttackAction( target->me );
if( action )
CEntityOrder order( CEntityOrder::ORDER_GENERIC, CEntityOrder::SOURCE_UNIT_AI );
order.m_target_entity = target->me;
order.m_action = action;
entity->pushOrder( order );
CEntity* CStanceUtils::chooseTarget( CEntity* entity )
return chooseTarget( entity->m_position.X, entity->m_position.Z, entity->m_los*CELL_SIZE, entity->GetPlayer() );
CEntity* CStanceUtils::chooseTarget( float x, float z, float radius, CPlayer* myPlayer )
std::vector<CEntity*> results;
g_EntityManager.GetInRange( x, z, radius, results );
float bestDist = 1e20f;
CEntity* bestTarget = 0;
for( size_t i=0; i<results.size(); i++ )
CEntity* ent = results[i];
if( myPlayer->GetDiplomaticStance( ent->GetPlayer() ) == DIPLOMACY_ENEMY )
float dist = ent->distance2D( x, z );
if( dist < bestDist )
bestDist = dist;
bestTarget = ent;
return bestTarget;