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744 lines
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Raw Normal View History

function GuiInterface() {}
GuiInterface.prototype.Schema =
"<a:component type='system'/><empty/>";
GuiInterface.prototype.Serialize = function()
// This component isn't network-synchronised so we mustn't serialise
// its non-deterministic data. Instead just return an empty object.
return {};
GuiInterface.prototype.Deserialize = function(obj)
GuiInterface.prototype.Init = function()
this.placementEntity = undefined; // = undefined or [templateName, entityID]
this.rallyPoints = undefined;
this.notifications = [];
this.renamedEntities = [];
* All of the functions defined below are called via Engine.GuiInterfaceCall(name, arg)
* from GUI scripts, and executed here with arguments (player, arg).
* Returns global information about the current game state.
* This is used by the GUI and also by AI scripts.
GuiInterface.prototype.GetSimulationState = function(player)
var ret = {
"players": []
var cmpPlayerMan = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_PlayerManager);
var n = cmpPlayerMan.GetNumPlayers();
for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i)
var playerEnt = cmpPlayerMan.GetPlayerByID(i);
var cmpPlayerBuildLimits = Engine.QueryInterface(playerEnt, IID_BuildLimits);
var cmpPlayer = Engine.QueryInterface(playerEnt, IID_Player);
// store player ally/enemy data as arrays
var allies = [];
var enemies = [];
for (var j = 0; j <= n; ++j)
allies[j] = cmpPlayer.IsAlly(j);
enemies[j] = cmpPlayer.IsEnemy(j);
var playerData = {
"name": cmpPlayer.GetName(),
"civ": cmpPlayer.GetCiv(),
"colour": cmpPlayer.GetColour(),
"popCount": cmpPlayer.GetPopulationCount(),
"popLimit": cmpPlayer.GetPopulationLimit(),
"popMax": cmpPlayer.GetMaxPopulation(),
"resourceCounts": cmpPlayer.GetResourceCounts(),
"trainingQueueBlocked": cmpPlayer.IsTrainingQueueBlocked(),
"state": cmpPlayer.GetState(),
"team": cmpPlayer.GetTeam(),
"phase": cmpPlayer.GetPhase(),
"isAlly": allies,
"isEnemy": enemies,
"buildLimits": cmpPlayerBuildLimits.GetLimits(),
"buildCounts": cmpPlayerBuildLimits.GetCounts()
var cmpRangeManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_RangeManager);
if (cmpRangeManager)
ret.circularMap = cmpRangeManager.GetLosCircular();
// Add timeElapsed
var cmpTimer = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Timer);
ret.timeElapsed = cmpTimer.GetTime();
return ret;
GuiInterface.prototype.GetExtendedSimulationState = function(player)
// Get basic simulation info
var ret = this.GetSimulationState();
// Add statistics to each player
var cmpPlayerMan = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_PlayerManager);
var n = cmpPlayerMan.GetNumPlayers();
for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i)
var playerEnt = cmpPlayerMan.GetPlayerByID(i);
var cmpPlayerStatisticsTracker = Engine.QueryInterface(playerEnt, IID_StatisticsTracker);
ret.players[i].statistics = cmpPlayerStatisticsTracker.GetStatistics();
return ret;
GuiInterface.prototype.GetRenamedEntities = function(player)
return this.renamedEntities;
GuiInterface.prototype.ClearRenamedEntities = function(player)
this.renamedEntities = [];
GuiInterface.prototype.GetEntityState = function(player, ent)
var cmpTempMan = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager);
// All units must have a template; if not then it's a nonexistent entity id
var template = cmpTempMan.GetCurrentTemplateName(ent);
if (!template)
return null;
var ret = {
"id": ent,
"template": template
var cmpIdentity = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Identity);
if (cmpIdentity)
ret.identity = {
"rank": cmpIdentity.GetRank(),
"classes": cmpIdentity.GetClassesList(),
"selectionGroupName": cmpIdentity.GetSelectionGroupName()
var cmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Position);
if (cmpPosition && cmpPosition.IsInWorld())
ret.position = cmpPosition.GetPosition();
var cmpHealth = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Health);
if (cmpHealth)
ret.hitpoints = cmpHealth.GetHitpoints();
ret.maxHitpoints = cmpHealth.GetMaxHitpoints();
ret.needsRepair = cmpHealth.IsRepairable() && (cmpHealth.GetHitpoints() < cmpHealth.GetMaxHitpoints());
var cmpAttack = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Attack);
if (cmpAttack)
var type = cmpAttack.GetBestAttack(); // TODO: how should we decide which attack to show?
ret.attack = cmpAttack.GetAttackStrengths(type);
var cmpArmour = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_DamageReceiver);
if (cmpArmour)
ret.armour = cmpArmour.GetArmourStrengths();
var cmpBuilder = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Builder);
if (cmpBuilder)
ret.buildEntities = cmpBuilder.GetEntitiesList();
var cmpTrainingQueue = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_TrainingQueue);
if (cmpTrainingQueue)
ret.training = {
"entities": cmpTrainingQueue.GetEntitiesList(),
"queue": cmpTrainingQueue.GetQueue(),
var cmpFoundation = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Foundation);
if (cmpFoundation)
ret.foundation = {
"progress": cmpFoundation.GetBuildPercentage()
var cmpOwnership = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Ownership);
if (cmpOwnership)
ret.player = cmpOwnership.GetOwner();
var cmpResourceSupply = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_ResourceSupply);
if (cmpResourceSupply)
ret.resourceSupply = {
"max": cmpResourceSupply.GetMaxAmount(),
"amount": cmpResourceSupply.GetCurrentAmount(),
"type": cmpResourceSupply.GetType()
var cmpResourceGatherer = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_ResourceGatherer);
if (cmpResourceGatherer)
ret.resourceGatherRates = cmpResourceGatherer.GetGatherRates();
ret.resourceCarrying = cmpResourceGatherer.GetCarryingStatus();
var cmpResourceDropsite = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_ResourceDropsite);
if (cmpResourceDropsite)
ret.resourceDropsite = {
"types": cmpResourceDropsite.GetTypes()
var cmpRallyPoint = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_RallyPoint);
if (cmpRallyPoint)
ret.rallyPoint = { };
var cmpGarrisonHolder = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_GarrisonHolder);
if (cmpGarrisonHolder)
ret.garrisonHolder = {
"entities": cmpGarrisonHolder.GetEntities(),
"allowedClasses": cmpGarrisonHolder.GetAllowedClassesList()
var cmpPromotion = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Promotion);
if (cmpPromotion)
ret.promotion = {
"curr": cmpPromotion.GetCurrentXp(),
"req": cmpPromotion.GetRequiredXp()
var cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_UnitAI);
if (cmpUnitAI)
ret.unitAI = {
// TODO: reading properties directly is kind of violating abstraction
"state": cmpUnitAI.fsmStateName,
"orders": cmpUnitAI.orderQueue,
var cmpRangeManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_RangeManager);
ret.visibility = cmpRangeManager.GetLosVisibility(ent, player, false);
return ret;
GuiInterface.prototype.GetTemplateData = function(player, name)
var cmpTempMan = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager);
var template = cmpTempMan.GetTemplate(name);
if (!template)
return null;
var ret = {};
if (template.Armour)
ret.armour = {
"hack": +template.Armour.Hack,
"pierce": +template.Armour.Pierce,
"crush": +template.Armour.Crush,
if (template.Attack)
ret.attack = {};
for (var type in template.Attack)
ret.attack[type] = {
"hack": (+template.Attack[type].Hack || 0),
"pierce": (+template.Attack[type].Pierce || 0),
"crush": (+template.Attack[type].Crush || 0),
if (template.Cost)
ret.cost = {};
if (template.Cost.Resources.food) ret.cost.food = +template.Cost.Resources.food;
if (template.Cost.Resources.wood) ret.cost.wood = +template.Cost.Resources.wood;
if (template.Cost.Resources.stone) ret.cost.stone = +template.Cost.Resources.stone;
if (template.Cost.Resources.metal) ret.cost.metal = +template.Cost.Resources.metal;
if (template.Cost.Population) ret.cost.population = +template.Cost.Population;
if (template.Cost.PopulationBonus) ret.cost.populationBonus = +template.Cost.PopulationBonus;
if (template.Health)
ret.health = +template.Health.Max;
if (template.Identity)
ret.selectionGroupName = template.Identity.SelectionGroupName;
ret.name = {
"specific": (template.Identity.SpecificName || template.Identity.GenericName),
"generic": template.Identity.GenericName
ret.icon = template.Identity.Icon;
ret.tooltip = template.Identity.Tooltip;
if (template.UnitMotion)
ret.speed = {
"walk": +template.UnitMotion.WalkSpeed,
if (template.UnitMotion.Run) ret.speed.run = +template.UnitMotion.Run.Speed;
return ret;
GuiInterface.prototype.PushNotification = function(notification)
GuiInterface.prototype.GetNextNotification = function()
if (this.notifications.length)
return this.notifications.pop();
return "";
GuiInterface.prototype.CanMoveEntsIntoFormation = function(player, data)
return CanMoveEntsIntoFormation(data.ents, data.formationName);
GuiInterface.prototype.IsStanceSelected = function(player, data)
for each (var ent in data.ents)
var cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_UnitAI);
if (cmpUnitAI)
if (cmpUnitAI.GetStanceName() == data.stance)
return true;
return false;
GuiInterface.prototype.SetSelectionHighlight = function(player, cmd)
var cmpPlayerMan = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_PlayerManager);
var playerColours = {}; // cache of owner -> colour map
for each (var ent in cmd.entities)
var cmpSelectable = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Selectable);
if (!cmpSelectable)
if (cmd.alpha == 0)
cmpSelectable.SetSelectionHighlight({"r":0, "g":0, "b":0, "a":0});
// Find the entity's owner's colour:
var owner = -1;
var cmpOwnership = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Ownership);
if (cmpOwnership)
owner = cmpOwnership.GetOwner();
var colour = playerColours[owner];
if (!colour)
colour = {"r":1, "g":1, "b":1};
var cmpPlayer = Engine.QueryInterface(cmpPlayerMan.GetPlayerByID(owner), IID_Player);
if (cmpPlayer)
colour = cmpPlayer.GetColour();
playerColours[owner] = colour;
cmpSelectable.SetSelectionHighlight({"r":colour.r, "g":colour.g, "b":colour.b, "a":cmd.alpha});
GuiInterface.prototype.SetStatusBars = function(player, cmd)
for each (var ent in cmd.entities)
var cmpStatusBars = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_StatusBars);
if (cmpStatusBars)
* Displays the rally point of a building
GuiInterface.prototype.DisplayRallyPoint = function(player, cmd)
// If there are rally points already displayed, destroy them
for each (var ent in this.rallyPoints)
// Hide it first (the destruction won't be instantaneous)
var cmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Position);
this.rallyPoints = [];
var positions = [];
// DisplayRallyPoints is called passing a list of entities for which
// rally points must be displayed
for each (var ent in cmd.entities)
var cmpRallyPoint = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_RallyPoint);
if (!cmpRallyPoint)
// Verify the owner
var cmpOwnership = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Ownership);
if (!cmpOwnership || cmpOwnership.GetOwner() != player)
// If the command was passed an explicit position, use that and
// override the real rally point position; otherwise use the real position
var pos;
if (cmd.x && cmd.z)
pos = {"x": cmd.x, "z": cmd.z};
pos = cmpRallyPoint.GetPosition();
if (pos)
// TODO: it'd probably be nice if we could draw some kind of line
// between the building and pos, to make the marker easy to find even
// if it's a long way from the building
// Add rally point entity for each building
for each (var pos in positions)
var rallyPoint = Engine.AddLocalEntity("actor|props/special/common/waypoint_flag.xml");
var cmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(rallyPoint, IID_Position);
cmpPosition.JumpTo(pos.x, pos.z);
* Display the building placement preview.
* cmd.template is the name of the entity template, or "" to disable the preview.
* cmd.x, cmd.z, cmd.angle give the location.
* Returns true if the placement is okay (everything is valid and the entity is not obstructed by others).
GuiInterface.prototype.SetBuildingPlacementPreview = function(player, cmd)
// See if we're changing template
if (!this.placementEntity || this.placementEntity[0] != cmd.template)
// Destroy the old preview if there was one
if (this.placementEntity)
// Load the new template
if (cmd.template == "")
this.placementEntity = undefined;
this.placementEntity = [cmd.template, Engine.AddLocalEntity("preview|" + cmd.template)];
if (this.placementEntity)
var ent = this.placementEntity[1];
// Move the preview into the right location
var pos = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Position);
if (pos)
pos.JumpTo(cmd.x, cmd.z);
// Check whether it's in a visible or fogged region
// tell GetLosVisibility to force RetainInFog because preview entities set this to false,
// which would show them as hidden instead of fogged
var cmpRangeManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_RangeManager);
var visible = (cmpRangeManager && cmpRangeManager.GetLosVisibility(ent, player, true) != "hidden");
var validPlacement = false;
if (visible)
{ // Check whether it's obstructed by other entities or invalid terrain
var cmpBuildRestrictions = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_BuildRestrictions);
if (!cmpBuildRestrictions)
error("cmpBuildRestrictions not defined");
validPlacement = (cmpBuildRestrictions && cmpBuildRestrictions.CheckPlacement(player));
var ok = (visible && validPlacement);
// Set it to a red shade if this is an invalid location
var cmpVisual = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Visual);
if (cmpVisual)
if (!ok)
cmpVisual.SetShadingColour(1.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1);
cmpVisual.SetShadingColour(1, 1, 1, 1);
return ok;
return false;
GuiInterface.prototype.GetFoundationSnapData = function(player, data)
var cmpTemplateMgr = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager);
var template = cmpTemplateMgr.GetTemplate(data.template);
if (template.BuildRestrictions.Category == "Dock")
var cmpTerrain = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Terrain);
var cmpWaterManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_WaterManager);
if (!cmpTerrain || !cmpWaterManager)
return false;
// Get footprint size
var halfSize = 0;
if (template.Footprint.Square)
halfSize = Math.max(template.Footprint.Square["@depth"], template.Footprint.Square["@width"])/2;
else if (template.Footprint.Circle)
halfSize = template.Footprint.Circle["@radius"];
/* Find direction of most open water, algorithm:
* 1. Pick points in a circle around dock
* 2. If point is in water, add to array
2011-10-23 14:26:47 +02:00
* 3. Scan array looking for consecutive points
* 4. Find longest sequence of consecutive points
* 5. If sequence equals all points, no direction can be determined,
* expand search outward and try (1) again
* 6. Calculate angle using average of sequence
const numPoints = 16;
for (var dist = 0; dist < 4; ++dist)
var waterPoints = [];
for (var i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i)
var angle = (i/numPoints)*2*Math.PI;
var d = halfSize*(dist+1);
var nx = data.x - d*Math.sin(angle);
var nz = data.z + d*Math.cos(angle);
if (cmpTerrain.GetGroundLevel(nx, nz) < cmpWaterManager.GetWaterLevel(nx, nz))
var consec = [];
var length = waterPoints.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i)
var count = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < (length-1); ++j)
if (((waterPoints[(i + j) % length]+1) % numPoints) == waterPoints[(i + j + 1) % length])
consec[i] = count;
var start = 0;
var count = 0;
for (var c in consec)
if (consec[c] > count)
start = c;
count = consec[c];
// If we've found a shoreline, stop searching
if (count != numPoints-1)
return {"x": data.x, "z": data.z, "angle": -(((waterPoints[start] + consec[start]/2) % numPoints)/numPoints*2*Math.PI)};
return false;
GuiInterface.prototype.PlaySound = function(player, data)
// Ignore if no entity was passed
if (!data.entity)
PlaySound(data.name, data.entity);
function isIdleUnit(ent, idleClass)
var cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_UnitAI);
var cmpIdentity = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Identity);
// TODO: Do something with garrisoned idle units
return (cmpUnitAI && cmpIdentity && cmpUnitAI.IsIdle() && !cmpUnitAI.IsGarrisoned() && idleClass && cmpIdentity.HasClass(idleClass));
GuiInterface.prototype.FindIdleUnit = function(player, data)
var rangeMan = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_RangeManager);
var playerEntities = rangeMan.GetEntitiesByPlayer(player);
// Find the first matching entity that is after the previous selection,
// so that we cycle around in a predictable order
for each (var ent in playerEntities)
if (ent > data.prevUnit && isIdleUnit(ent, data.idleClass))
return ent;
// No idle entities left in the class
return 0;
GuiInterface.prototype.SetPathfinderDebugOverlay = function(player, enabled)
var cmpPathfinder = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Pathfinder);
GuiInterface.prototype.SetObstructionDebugOverlay = function(player, enabled)
var cmpObstructionManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_ObstructionManager);
GuiInterface.prototype.SetMotionDebugOverlay = function(player, data)
for each (var ent in data.entities)
var cmpUnitMotion = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_UnitMotion);
if (cmpUnitMotion)
GuiInterface.prototype.SetRangeDebugOverlay = function(player, enabled)
var cmpRangeManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_RangeManager);
GuiInterface.prototype.OnGlobalEntityRenamed = function(msg)
// List the GuiInterface functions that can be safely called by GUI scripts.
// (GUI scripts are non-deterministic and untrusted, so these functions must be
// appropriately careful. They are called with a first argument "player", which is
// trusted and indicates the player associated with the current client; no data should
// be returned unless this player is meant to be able to see it.)
var exposedFunctions = {
"GetSimulationState": 1,
"GetExtendedSimulationState": 1,
"GetRenamedEntities": 1,
"ClearRenamedEntities": 1,
"GetEntityState": 1,
"GetTemplateData": 1,
"GetNextNotification": 1,
"CanMoveEntsIntoFormation": 1,
"IsStanceSelected": 1,
"SetSelectionHighlight": 1,
"SetStatusBars": 1,
"DisplayRallyPoint": 1,
"SetBuildingPlacementPreview": 1,
"GetFoundationSnapData": 1,
"PlaySound": 1,
"FindIdleUnit": 1,
"SetPathfinderDebugOverlay": 1,
"SetObstructionDebugOverlay": 1,
"SetMotionDebugOverlay": 1,
"SetRangeDebugOverlay": 1,
GuiInterface.prototype.ScriptCall = function(player, name, args)
if (exposedFunctions[name])
return this[name](player, args);
throw new Error("Invalid GuiInterface Call name \""+name+"\"");
Engine.RegisterComponentType(IID_GuiInterface, "GuiInterface", GuiInterface);