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/* Copyright (C) 2021 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* @file
* Vertex-based algorithm for CCmpPathfinder.
* Computes paths around the corners of rectangular obstructions.
* Useful search term for this algorithm: "points of visibility".
* Since we sometimes want to use this for avoiding moving units, there is no
* pre-computation - the whole visibility graph is effectively regenerated for
* each path, and it does A* over that graph.
* This scales very poorly in the number of obstructions, so it should be used
* with a limited range and not exceedingly frequently.
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "VertexPathfinder.h"
#include "lib/timer.h"
#include "ps/Profile.h"
#include "renderer/Scene.h"
#include "simulation2/components/ICmpObstructionManager.h"
#include "simulation2/helpers/Grid.h"
#include "simulation2/helpers/PriorityQueue.h"
#include "simulation2/helpers/Render.h"
#include "simulation2/system/SimContext.h"
#include <mutex>
static std::mutex g_DebugMutex;
VertexPathfinderDebugOverlay g_VertexPathfinderDebugOverlay;
/* Quadrant optimisation:
* (loosely based on GPG2 "Optimizing Points-of-Visibility Pathfinding")
* Consider the vertex ("@") at a corner of an axis-aligned rectangle ("#"):
* TL : TR
* :
* ####@ - - -
* #####
* #####
* BL ## BR
* The area around the vertex is split into TopLeft, BottomRight etc quadrants.
* If the shortest path reaches this vertex, it cannot continue to a vertex in
* the BL quadrant (it would be blocked by the shape).
* Since the shortest path is wrapped tightly around the edges of obstacles,
* if the path approached this vertex from the TL quadrant,
* it cannot continue to the TL or TR quadrants (the path could be shorter if it
* skipped this vertex).
* Therefore it must continue to a vertex in the BR quadrant (so this vertex is in
* *that* vertex's TL quadrant).
* That lets us significantly reduce the search space by quickly discarding vertexes
* from the wrong quadrants.
* (This causes badness if the path starts from inside the shape, so we add some hacks
* for that case.)
* (For non-axis-aligned rectangles it's harder to do this computation, so we'll
* not bother doing any discarding for those.)
static const u8 QUADRANT_NONE = 0;
static const u8 QUADRANT_BL = 1;
static const u8 QUADRANT_TR = 2;
static const u8 QUADRANT_TL = 4;
static const u8 QUADRANT_BR = 8;
// When computing vertexes to insert into the search graph,
// add a small delta so that the vertexes of an edge don't get interpreted
// as crossing the edge (given minor numerical inaccuracies)
static const entity_pos_t EDGE_EXPAND_DELTA = entity_pos_t::FromInt(1)/16;
* Check whether a ray from 'a' to 'b' crosses any of the edges.
* (Edges are one-sided so it's only considered a cross if going from front to back.)
inline static bool CheckVisibility(const CFixedVector2D& a, const CFixedVector2D& b, const std::vector<Edge>& edges)
CFixedVector2D abn = (b - a).Perpendicular();
// Edges of general non-axis-aligned shapes
for (size_t i = 0; i < edges.size(); ++i)
CFixedVector2D p0 = edges[i].p0;
CFixedVector2D p1 = edges[i].p1;
CFixedVector2D d = (p1 - p0).Perpendicular();
// If 'a' is behind the edge, we can't cross
fixed q = (a - p0).Dot(d);
if (q < fixed::Zero())
// If 'b' is in front of the edge, we can't cross
fixed r = (b - p0).Dot(d);
if (r > fixed::Zero())
// The ray is crossing the infinitely-extended edge from in front to behind.
// Check the finite edge is crossing the infinitely-extended ray too.
// (Given the previous tests, it can only be crossing in one direction.)
fixed s = (p0 - a).Dot(abn);
if (s > fixed::Zero())
fixed t = (p1 - a).Dot(abn);
if (t < fixed::Zero())
return false;
return true;
// Handle the axis-aligned shape edges separately (for performance):
// (These are specialised versions of the general unaligned edge code.
// They assume the caller has already excluded edges for which 'a' is
// on the wrong side.)
inline static bool CheckVisibilityLeft(const CFixedVector2D& a, const CFixedVector2D& b, const std::vector<EdgeAA>& edges)
if (a.X >= b.X)
return true;
CFixedVector2D abn = (b - a).Perpendicular();
for (size_t i = 0; i < edges.size(); ++i)
if (b.X < edges[i].p0.X)
CFixedVector2D p0 (edges[i].p0.X, edges[i].c1);
fixed s = (p0 - a).Dot(abn);
if (s > fixed::Zero())
CFixedVector2D p1 (edges[i].p0.X, edges[i].p0.Y);
fixed t = (p1 - a).Dot(abn);
if (t < fixed::Zero())
return false;
return true;
inline static bool CheckVisibilityRight(const CFixedVector2D& a, const CFixedVector2D& b, const std::vector<EdgeAA>& edges)
if (a.X <= b.X)
return true;
CFixedVector2D abn = (b - a).Perpendicular();
for (size_t i = 0; i < edges.size(); ++i)
if (b.X > edges[i].p0.X)
CFixedVector2D p0 (edges[i].p0.X, edges[i].c1);
fixed s = (p0 - a).Dot(abn);
if (s > fixed::Zero())
CFixedVector2D p1 (edges[i].p0.X, edges[i].p0.Y);
fixed t = (p1 - a).Dot(abn);
if (t < fixed::Zero())
return false;
return true;
inline static bool CheckVisibilityBottom(const CFixedVector2D& a, const CFixedVector2D& b, const std::vector<EdgeAA>& edges)
if (a.Y >= b.Y)
return true;
CFixedVector2D abn = (b - a).Perpendicular();
for (size_t i = 0; i < edges.size(); ++i)
if (b.Y < edges[i].p0.Y)
CFixedVector2D p0 (edges[i].p0.X, edges[i].p0.Y);
fixed s = (p0 - a).Dot(abn);
if (s > fixed::Zero())
CFixedVector2D p1 (edges[i].c1, edges[i].p0.Y);
fixed t = (p1 - a).Dot(abn);
if (t < fixed::Zero())
return false;
return true;
inline static bool CheckVisibilityTop(const CFixedVector2D& a, const CFixedVector2D& b, const std::vector<EdgeAA>& edges)
if (a.Y <= b.Y)
return true;
CFixedVector2D abn = (b - a).Perpendicular();
for (size_t i = 0; i < edges.size(); ++i)
if (b.Y > edges[i].p0.Y)
CFixedVector2D p0 (edges[i].p0.X, edges[i].p0.Y);
fixed s = (p0 - a).Dot(abn);
if (s > fixed::Zero())
CFixedVector2D p1 (edges[i].c1, edges[i].p0.Y);
fixed t = (p1 - a).Dot(abn);
if (t < fixed::Zero())
return false;
return true;
typedef PriorityQueueHeap<u16, fixed, fixed> VertexPriorityQueue;
* Add edges and vertexes to represent the boundaries between passable and impassable
* navcells (for impassable terrain).
* Navcells i0 <= i <= i1, j0 <= j <= j1 will be considered.
static void AddTerrainEdges(std::vector<Edge>& edges, std::vector<Vertex>& vertexes,
int i0, int j0, int i1, int j1,
pass_class_t passClass, const Grid<NavcellData>& grid)
// Clamp the coordinates so we won't attempt to sample outside of the grid.
// (This assumes the outermost ring of navcells (which are always impassable)
// won't have a boundary with any passable navcells. TODO: is that definitely
// safe enough?)
i0 = Clamp(i0, 1, grid.m_W-2);
j0 = Clamp(j0, 1, grid.m_H-2);
i1 = Clamp(i1, 1, grid.m_W-2);
j1 = Clamp(j1, 1, grid.m_H-2);
for (int j = j0; j <= j1; ++j)
for (int i = i0; i <= i1; ++i)
if (IS_PASSABLE(grid.get(i, j), passClass))
if (IS_PASSABLE(grid.get(i+1, j), passClass) && IS_PASSABLE(grid.get(i, j+1), passClass) && IS_PASSABLE(grid.get(i+1, j+1), passClass))
Vertex vert;
vert.status = Vertex::UNEXPLORED;
vert.quadOutward = QUADRANT_ALL;
vert.quadInward = QUADRANT_BL;
vert.p = CFixedVector2D(fixed::FromInt(i+1)+EDGE_EXPAND_DELTA, fixed::FromInt(j+1)+EDGE_EXPAND_DELTA).Multiply(Pathfinding::NAVCELL_SIZE);
if (IS_PASSABLE(grid.get(i-1, j), passClass) && IS_PASSABLE(grid.get(i, j+1), passClass) && IS_PASSABLE(grid.get(i-1, j+1), passClass))
Vertex vert;
vert.status = Vertex::UNEXPLORED;
vert.quadOutward = QUADRANT_ALL;
vert.quadInward = QUADRANT_BR;
vert.p = CFixedVector2D(fixed::FromInt(i)-EDGE_EXPAND_DELTA, fixed::FromInt(j+1)+EDGE_EXPAND_DELTA).Multiply(Pathfinding::NAVCELL_SIZE);
if (IS_PASSABLE(grid.get(i+1, j), passClass) && IS_PASSABLE(grid.get(i, j-1), passClass) && IS_PASSABLE(grid.get(i+1, j-1), passClass))
Vertex vert;
vert.status = Vertex::UNEXPLORED;
vert.quadOutward = QUADRANT_ALL;
vert.quadInward = QUADRANT_TL;
vert.p = CFixedVector2D(fixed::FromInt(i+1)+EDGE_EXPAND_DELTA, fixed::FromInt(j)-EDGE_EXPAND_DELTA).Multiply(Pathfinding::NAVCELL_SIZE);
if (IS_PASSABLE(grid.get(i-1, j), passClass) && IS_PASSABLE(grid.get(i, j-1), passClass) && IS_PASSABLE(grid.get(i-1, j-1), passClass))
Vertex vert;
vert.status = Vertex::UNEXPLORED;
vert.quadOutward = QUADRANT_ALL;
vert.quadInward = QUADRANT_TR;
vert.p = CFixedVector2D(fixed::FromInt(i)-EDGE_EXPAND_DELTA, fixed::FromInt(j)-EDGE_EXPAND_DELTA).Multiply(Pathfinding::NAVCELL_SIZE);
// XXX rewrite this stuff
std::vector<u16> segmentsR;
std::vector<u16> segmentsL;
for (int j = j0; j < j1; ++j)
for (int i = i0; i <= i1; ++i)
bool a = IS_PASSABLE(grid.get(i, j+1), passClass);
bool b = IS_PASSABLE(grid.get(i, j), passClass);
if (a && !b)
if (b && !a)
if (!segmentsR.empty())
segmentsR.push_back(0); // sentinel value to simplify the loop
u16 ia = segmentsR[0];
u16 ib = ia + 1;
for (size_t n = 1; n < segmentsR.size(); ++n)
if (segmentsR[n] == ib)
CFixedVector2D v0 = CFixedVector2D(fixed::FromInt(ia), fixed::FromInt(j+1)).Multiply(Pathfinding::NAVCELL_SIZE);
CFixedVector2D v1 = CFixedVector2D(fixed::FromInt(ib), fixed::FromInt(j+1)).Multiply(Pathfinding::NAVCELL_SIZE);
edges.emplace_back(Edge{ v0, v1 });
ia = segmentsR[n];
ib = ia + 1;
if (!segmentsL.empty())
segmentsL.push_back(0); // sentinel value to simplify the loop
u16 ia = segmentsL[0];
u16 ib = ia + 1;
for (size_t n = 1; n < segmentsL.size(); ++n)
if (segmentsL[n] == ib)
CFixedVector2D v0 = CFixedVector2D(fixed::FromInt(ib), fixed::FromInt(j+1)).Multiply(Pathfinding::NAVCELL_SIZE);
CFixedVector2D v1 = CFixedVector2D(fixed::FromInt(ia), fixed::FromInt(j+1)).Multiply(Pathfinding::NAVCELL_SIZE);
edges.emplace_back(Edge{ v0, v1 });
ia = segmentsL[n];
ib = ia + 1;
std::vector<u16> segmentsU;
std::vector<u16> segmentsD;
for (int i = i0; i < i1; ++i)
for (int j = j0; j <= j1; ++j)
bool a = IS_PASSABLE(grid.get(i+1, j), passClass);
bool b = IS_PASSABLE(grid.get(i, j), passClass);
if (a && !b)
if (b && !a)
if (!segmentsU.empty())
segmentsU.push_back(0); // sentinel value to simplify the loop
u16 ja = segmentsU[0];
u16 jb = ja + 1;
for (size_t n = 1; n < segmentsU.size(); ++n)
if (segmentsU[n] == jb)
CFixedVector2D v0 = CFixedVector2D(fixed::FromInt(i+1), fixed::FromInt(ja)).Multiply(Pathfinding::NAVCELL_SIZE);
CFixedVector2D v1 = CFixedVector2D(fixed::FromInt(i+1), fixed::FromInt(jb)).Multiply(Pathfinding::NAVCELL_SIZE);
edges.emplace_back(Edge{ v0, v1 });
ja = segmentsU[n];
jb = ja + 1;
if (!segmentsD.empty())
segmentsD.push_back(0); // sentinel value to simplify the loop
u16 ja = segmentsD[0];
u16 jb = ja + 1;
for (size_t n = 1; n < segmentsD.size(); ++n)
if (segmentsD[n] == jb)
CFixedVector2D v0 = CFixedVector2D(fixed::FromInt(i+1), fixed::FromInt(jb)).Multiply(Pathfinding::NAVCELL_SIZE);
CFixedVector2D v1 = CFixedVector2D(fixed::FromInt(i+1), fixed::FromInt(ja)).Multiply(Pathfinding::NAVCELL_SIZE);
edges.emplace_back(Edge{ v0, v1 });
ja = segmentsD[n];
jb = ja + 1;
static void SplitAAEdges(const CFixedVector2D& a,
const std::vector<Edge>& edges,
const std::vector<Square>& squares,
std::vector<Edge>& edgesUnaligned,
std::vector<EdgeAA>& edgesLeft, std::vector<EdgeAA>& edgesRight,
std::vector<EdgeAA>& edgesBottom, std::vector<EdgeAA>& edgesTop)
for (const Square& square : squares)
if (a.X <= square.p0.X)
edgesLeft.emplace_back(EdgeAA{ square.p0, square.p1.Y });
if (a.X >= square.p1.X)
edgesRight.emplace_back(EdgeAA{ square.p1, square.p0.Y });
if (a.Y <= square.p0.Y)
edgesBottom.emplace_back(EdgeAA{ square.p0, square.p1.X });
if (a.Y >= square.p1.Y)
edgesTop.emplace_back(EdgeAA{ square.p1, square.p0.X });
for (const Edge& edge : edges)
if (edge.p0.X == edge.p1.X)
if (edge.p1.Y < edge.p0.Y)
if (!(a.X <= edge.p0.X))
edgesLeft.emplace_back(EdgeAA{ edge.p1, edge.p0.Y });
if (!(a.X >= edge.p0.X))
edgesRight.emplace_back(EdgeAA{ edge.p1, edge.p0.Y });
else if (edge.p0.Y == edge.p1.Y)
if (edge.p0.X < edge.p1.X)
if (!(a.Y <= edge.p0.Y))
edgesBottom.emplace_back(EdgeAA{ edge.p0, edge.p1.X });
if (!(a.Y >= edge.p0.Y))
edgesTop.emplace_back(EdgeAA{ edge.p0, edge.p1.X });
* Functor for sorting edge-squares by approximate proximity to a fixed point.
struct SquareSort
CFixedVector2D src;
SquareSort(CFixedVector2D src) : src(src) { }
bool operator()(const Square& a, const Square& b) const
if ((a.p0 - src).CompareLength(b.p0 - src) < 0)
return true;
return false;
WaypointPath VertexPathfinder::ComputeShortPath(const ShortPathRequest& request, CmpPtr<ICmpObstructionManager> cmpObstructionManager) const
g_VertexPathfinderDebugOverlay.DebugRenderGoal(cmpObstructionManager->GetSimContext(), request.goal);
// Create impassable edges at the max-range boundary, so we can't escape the region
// where we're meant to be searching
fixed rangeXMin = request.x0 - request.range;
fixed rangeXMax = request.x0 + request.range;
fixed rangeZMin = request.z0 - request.range;
fixed rangeZMax = request.z0 + request.range;
Improve UnitMotion behaviour when working around obstructions. This improves behaviour when units need to go around a concave obstacle. They would tend to clump inside the 'dead-end' before realising they needed to go around. This was rather easy to trigger on Acropolis. See included Unit Motion Integration Test. The cause is the logic that removed the next long waypoint when obstructed. While that behaviour is desirable, removing too many waypoints means the unit tries to short-path, using a small domain range, to a goal that's impassable, meaning they go as close as they can in Euclidian distance, i.e. towards the dead end. This changes that behaviour by only deleting waypoints within a certain distance from the entity, scaling with search-space range. It's tricky to find a good compromise between performance and behaviour here, but the values I've picked seem OK. However, the fact that the entity would ultimately remove all waypoints and thus trigger a full path recomputation was actually a feature, inherited from D2754 / 892f97743b. This diff therefore handles that explicitly, doing so on a more regular basis to behave better overall. As a further cleanup, "m_FailedPathComputations" is incremented in HandleObstructedMove, as it is quite possible to never increment it in PathResult despite not getting actionnable paths. This thus renames it to m_FailedMovements, and uses the opportunity to clean up PathResult(), by only having one path for both short and long-range paths. Further, PathResult now does not immediately request new paths, leaving that to Move(), to avoid requesting transient paths that aren't actionnable. This also makes it possible to revert 9e41ff39fc. It requires increasing the MAX_FAILED variable, or more units get stuck as they reach the max more often. The search-space expansion is slightly slowed, and with a little more delay, as a performance optimisation. From testing, this doesn't impact real movement much as units short paths tend to be invalidated by the next turn, as other units move, anyways. Clarify comment around the vertex-pathfinder search-space bounds hack, and ensure it isn't used for the very worst cases of units being stuck, as it could be a pessimisation then. Finally, this explicits a 2011 hack where if the long-pathfinder fails to return a valid path the goal's center is used directly. This happens when the goal is unreachable to the long-pathfinder, which may be because it is actually unreachable or because only the short-pathfinder can reach it. In those situations, the hack allows a last-ditch attempt at reaching it before failing to move entirely. Performance wise, this is faster overall for actually unreachable goals, since it skips all the intermediate steps. For reachable goals, it might be occasionally slower, but that case is quite rare (certainly rarer than unreachable goals). Reported By: Angen Fixes #5795 Differential Revision: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D3203 This was SVN commit r24429.
2020-12-19 11:45:07 +01:00
// If the goal is outside the bounds, move the center of the search-space towards it slightly,
// as the vertex pathfinder tends to be used to get around entities in front of us
// (this makes it possible to use smaller search ranges, but still find good paths).
// Don't do this for the largest ranges: it makes it harder to backtrack, and large search domains
// indicate a rather stuck unit, which means having to backtrack is probable.
// (keep this in sync, slightly below unitMotion's max-search range).
Improve UnitMotion behaviour when working around obstructions. This improves behaviour when units need to go around a concave obstacle. They would tend to clump inside the 'dead-end' before realising they needed to go around. This was rather easy to trigger on Acropolis. See included Unit Motion Integration Test. The cause is the logic that removed the next long waypoint when obstructed. While that behaviour is desirable, removing too many waypoints means the unit tries to short-path, using a small domain range, to a goal that's impassable, meaning they go as close as they can in Euclidian distance, i.e. towards the dead end. This changes that behaviour by only deleting waypoints within a certain distance from the entity, scaling with search-space range. It's tricky to find a good compromise between performance and behaviour here, but the values I've picked seem OK. However, the fact that the entity would ultimately remove all waypoints and thus trigger a full path recomputation was actually a feature, inherited from D2754 / 892f97743b. This diff therefore handles that explicitly, doing so on a more regular basis to behave better overall. As a further cleanup, "m_FailedPathComputations" is incremented in HandleObstructedMove, as it is quite possible to never increment it in PathResult despite not getting actionnable paths. This thus renames it to m_FailedMovements, and uses the opportunity to clean up PathResult(), by only having one path for both short and long-range paths. Further, PathResult now does not immediately request new paths, leaving that to Move(), to avoid requesting transient paths that aren't actionnable. This also makes it possible to revert 9e41ff39fc. It requires increasing the MAX_FAILED variable, or more units get stuck as they reach the max more often. The search-space expansion is slightly slowed, and with a little more delay, as a performance optimisation. From testing, this doesn't impact real movement much as units short paths tend to be invalidated by the next turn, as other units move, anyways. Clarify comment around the vertex-pathfinder search-space bounds hack, and ensure it isn't used for the very worst cases of units being stuck, as it could be a pessimisation then. Finally, this explicits a 2011 hack where if the long-pathfinder fails to return a valid path the goal's center is used directly. This happens when the goal is unreachable to the long-pathfinder, which may be because it is actually unreachable or because only the short-pathfinder can reach it. In those situations, the hack allows a last-ditch attempt at reaching it before failing to move entirely. Performance wise, this is faster overall for actually unreachable goals, since it skips all the intermediate steps. For reachable goals, it might be occasionally slower, but that case is quite rare (certainly rarer than unreachable goals). Reported By: Angen Fixes #5795 Differential Revision: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D3203 This was SVN commit r24429.
2020-12-19 11:45:07 +01:00
// (this also ensures symmetrical behaviour for goals inside/outside the max search range).
CFixedVector2D toGoal = CFixedVector2D(request.goal.x, request.goal.z) - CFixedVector2D(request.x0, request.z0);
if (toGoal.CompareLength(request.range) >= 0 && request.range < Pathfinding::NAVCELL_SIZE * 46)
fixed toGoalLength = toGoal.Length();
fixed inv = fixed::FromInt(1) / toGoalLength;
rangeXMin += (toGoal.Multiply(std::min(toGoalLength / 2, request.range * 3 / 5)).Multiply(inv)).X;
rangeXMax += (toGoal.Multiply(std::min(toGoalLength / 2, request.range * 3 / 5)).Multiply(inv)).X;
rangeZMin += (toGoal.Multiply(std::min(toGoalLength / 2, request.range * 3 / 5)).Multiply(inv)).Y;
rangeZMax += (toGoal.Multiply(std::min(toGoalLength / 2, request.range * 3 / 5)).Multiply(inv)).Y;
// Add domain edges
// (Inside-out square, so edges are in reverse from the usual direction.)
m_Edges.emplace_back(Edge{ CFixedVector2D(rangeXMin, rangeZMin), CFixedVector2D(rangeXMin, rangeZMax) });
m_Edges.emplace_back(Edge{ CFixedVector2D(rangeXMin, rangeZMax), CFixedVector2D(rangeXMax, rangeZMax) });
m_Edges.emplace_back(Edge{ CFixedVector2D(rangeXMax, rangeZMax), CFixedVector2D(rangeXMax, rangeZMin) });
m_Edges.emplace_back(Edge{ CFixedVector2D(rangeXMax, rangeZMin), CFixedVector2D(rangeXMin, rangeZMin) });
// Add the start point to the graph
CFixedVector2D posStart(request.x0, request.z0);
fixed hStart = (posStart - request.goal.NearestPointOnGoal(posStart)).Length();
Vertex start = { posStart, fixed::Zero(), hStart, 0, Vertex::OPEN, QUADRANT_NONE, QUADRANT_ALL };
const size_t START_VERTEX_ID = 0;
// Add the goal vertex to the graph.
// Since the goal isn't always a point, this a special magic virtual vertex which moves around - whenever
// we look at it from another vertex, it is moved to be the closest point on the goal shape to that vertex.
Vertex end = { CFixedVector2D(request.goal.x, request.goal.z), fixed::Zero(), fixed::Zero(), 0, Vertex::UNEXPLORED, QUADRANT_NONE, QUADRANT_ALL };
const size_t GOAL_VERTEX_ID = 1;
// Find all the obstruction squares that might affect us
std::vector<ICmpObstructionManager::ObstructionSquare> squares;
size_t staticShapesNb = 0;
ControlGroupMovementObstructionFilter filter(request.avoidMovingUnits, request.group);
cmpObstructionManager->GetStaticObstructionsInRange(filter, rangeXMin - request.clearance, rangeZMin - request.clearance, rangeXMax + request.clearance, rangeZMax + request.clearance, squares);
staticShapesNb = squares.size();
cmpObstructionManager->GetUnitObstructionsInRange(filter, rangeXMin - request.clearance, rangeZMin - request.clearance, rangeXMax + request.clearance, rangeZMax + request.clearance, squares);
// Change array capacities to reduce reallocations
m_Vertexes.reserve(m_Vertexes.size() + squares.size()*4);
m_EdgeSquares.reserve(m_EdgeSquares.size() + squares.size()); // (assume most squares are AA)
entity_pos_t pathfindClearance = request.clearance;
// Convert each obstruction square into collision edges and search graph vertexes
for (size_t i = 0; i < squares.size(); ++i)
CFixedVector2D center(squares[i].x, squares[i].z);
CFixedVector2D u = squares[i].u;
CFixedVector2D v = squares[i].v;
if (i >= staticShapesNb)
pathfindClearance = request.clearance - entity_pos_t::FromInt(1)/2;
// Expand the vertexes by the moving unit's collision radius, to find the
// closest we can get to it
CFixedVector2D hd0(squares[i].hw + pathfindClearance + EDGE_EXPAND_DELTA, squares[i].hh + pathfindClearance + EDGE_EXPAND_DELTA);
CFixedVector2D hd1(squares[i].hw + pathfindClearance + EDGE_EXPAND_DELTA, -(squares[i].hh + pathfindClearance + EDGE_EXPAND_DELTA));
// Check whether this is an axis-aligned square
bool aa = (u.X == fixed::FromInt(1) && u.Y == fixed::Zero() && v.X == fixed::Zero() && v.Y == fixed::FromInt(1));
Vertex vert;
vert.status = Vertex::UNEXPLORED;
vert.quadInward = QUADRANT_NONE;
vert.quadOutward = QUADRANT_ALL;
vert.p.X = center.X - hd0.Dot(u);
vert.p.Y = center.Y + hd0.Dot(v);
if (aa)
vert.quadInward = QUADRANT_BR;
vert.quadOutward = (~vert.quadInward) & 0xF;
if (vert.p.X >= rangeXMin && vert.p.Y >= rangeZMin && vert.p.X <= rangeXMax && vert.p.Y <= rangeZMax)
vert.p.X = center.X - hd1.Dot(u);
vert.p.Y = center.Y + hd1.Dot(v);
if (aa)
vert.quadInward = QUADRANT_TR;
vert.quadOutward = (~vert.quadInward) & 0xF;
if (vert.p.X >= rangeXMin && vert.p.Y >= rangeZMin && vert.p.X <= rangeXMax && vert.p.Y <= rangeZMax)
vert.p.X = center.X + hd0.Dot(u);
vert.p.Y = center.Y - hd0.Dot(v);
if (aa)
vert.quadInward = QUADRANT_TL;
vert.quadOutward = (~vert.quadInward) & 0xF;
if (vert.p.X >= rangeXMin && vert.p.Y >= rangeZMin && vert.p.X <= rangeXMax && vert.p.Y <= rangeZMax)
vert.p.X = center.X + hd1.Dot(u);
vert.p.Y = center.Y - hd1.Dot(v);
if (aa)
vert.quadInward = QUADRANT_BL;
vert.quadOutward = (~vert.quadInward) & 0xF;
if (vert.p.X >= rangeXMin && vert.p.Y >= rangeZMin && vert.p.X <= rangeXMax && vert.p.Y <= rangeZMax)
// Add the edges:
CFixedVector2D h0(squares[i].hw + pathfindClearance, squares[i].hh + pathfindClearance);
CFixedVector2D h1(squares[i].hw + pathfindClearance, -(squares[i].hh + pathfindClearance));
CFixedVector2D ev0(center.X - h0.Dot(u), center.Y + h0.Dot(v));
CFixedVector2D ev1(center.X - h1.Dot(u), center.Y + h1.Dot(v));
CFixedVector2D ev2(center.X + h0.Dot(u), center.Y - h0.Dot(v));
CFixedVector2D ev3(center.X + h1.Dot(u), center.Y - h1.Dot(v));
if (aa)
m_EdgeSquares.emplace_back(Square{ ev1, ev3 });
m_Edges.emplace_back(Edge{ ev0, ev1 });
m_Edges.emplace_back(Edge{ ev1, ev2 });
m_Edges.emplace_back(Edge{ ev2, ev3 });
m_Edges.emplace_back(Edge{ ev3, ev0 });
// Add terrain obstructions
u16 i0, j0, i1, j1;
Pathfinding::NearestNavcell(rangeXMin, rangeZMin, i0, j0, m_GridSize, m_GridSize);
Pathfinding::NearestNavcell(rangeXMax, rangeZMax, i1, j1, m_GridSize, m_GridSize);
AddTerrainEdges(m_Edges, m_Vertexes, i0, j0, i1, j1, request.passClass, *m_TerrainOnlyGrid);
// Clip out vertices that are inside an edgeSquare (i.e. trivially unreachable)
for (size_t i = 2; i < m_EdgeSquares.size(); ++i)
// If the start point is inside the square, ignore it
if (start.p.X >= m_EdgeSquares[i].p0.X &&
start.p.Y >= m_EdgeSquares[i].p0.Y &&
start.p.X <= m_EdgeSquares[i].p1.X &&
start.p.Y <= m_EdgeSquares[i].p1.Y)
// Remove every non-start/goal vertex that is inside an edgeSquare;
// since remove() would be inefficient, just mark it as closed instead.
for (size_t j = 2; j < m_Vertexes.size(); ++j)
if (m_Vertexes[j].p.X >= m_EdgeSquares[i].p0.X &&
m_Vertexes[j].p.Y >= m_EdgeSquares[i].p0.Y &&
m_Vertexes[j].p.X <= m_EdgeSquares[i].p1.X &&
m_Vertexes[j].p.Y <= m_EdgeSquares[i].p1.Y)
m_Vertexes[j].status = Vertex::CLOSED;
ENSURE(m_Vertexes.size() < 65536); // We store array indexes as u16.
g_VertexPathfinderDebugOverlay.DebugRenderGraph(cmpObstructionManager->GetSimContext(), m_Vertexes, m_Edges, m_EdgeSquares);
// Do an A* search over the vertex/visibility graph:
// Since we are just measuring Euclidean distance the heuristic is admissible,
// so we never have to re-examine a node once it's been moved to the closed set.
// To save time in common cases, we don't precompute a graph of valid edges between vertexes;
// we do it lazily instead. When the search algorithm reaches a vertex, we examine every other
// vertex and see if we can reach it without hitting any collision edges, and ignore the ones
// we can't reach. Since the algorithm can only reach a vertex once (and then it'll be marked
// as closed), we won't be doing any redundant visibility computations.
VertexPriorityQueue open;
VertexPriorityQueue::Item qiStart = { START_VERTEX_ID, start.h, start.h };
u16 idBest = START_VERTEX_ID;
fixed hBest = start.h;
while (!open.empty())
// Move best tile from open to closed
VertexPriorityQueue::Item curr = open.pop();
m_Vertexes[curr.id].status = Vertex::CLOSED;
// If we've reached the destination, stop
if (curr.id == GOAL_VERTEX_ID)
idBest = curr.id;
// Sort the edges by distance in order to check those first that have a high probability of blocking a ray.
// The heuristic based on distance is very rough, especially for squares that are further away;
// we're also only really interested in the closest squares since they are the only ones that block a lot of rays.
// Thus we only do a partial sort; the threshold is just a somewhat reasonable value.
if (m_EdgeSquares.size() > 8)
std::partial_sort(m_EdgeSquares.begin(), m_EdgeSquares.begin() + 8, m_EdgeSquares.end(), SquareSort(m_Vertexes[curr.id].p));
SplitAAEdges(m_Vertexes[curr.id].p, m_Edges, m_EdgeSquares, m_EdgesUnaligned, m_EdgesLeft, m_EdgesRight, m_EdgesBottom, m_EdgesTop);
// Check the lines to every other vertex
for (size_t n = 0; n < m_Vertexes.size(); ++n)
if (m_Vertexes[n].status == Vertex::CLOSED)
// If this is the magical goal vertex, move it to near the current vertex
CFixedVector2D npos;
if (n == GOAL_VERTEX_ID)
npos = request.goal.NearestPointOnGoal(m_Vertexes[curr.id].p);
// To prevent integer overflows later on, we need to ensure all vertexes are
// 'close' to the source. The goal might be far away (not a good idea but
// sometimes it happens), so clamp it to the current search range
npos.X = Clamp(npos.X, rangeXMin + EDGE_EXPAND_DELTA, rangeXMax - EDGE_EXPAND_DELTA);
npos.Y = Clamp(npos.Y, rangeZMin + EDGE_EXPAND_DELTA, rangeZMax - EDGE_EXPAND_DELTA);
npos = m_Vertexes[n].p;
// Work out which quadrant(s) we're approaching the new vertex from
u8 quad = 0;
if (m_Vertexes[curr.id].p.X <= npos.X && m_Vertexes[curr.id].p.Y <= npos.Y) quad |= QUADRANT_BL;
if (m_Vertexes[curr.id].p.X >= npos.X && m_Vertexes[curr.id].p.Y >= npos.Y) quad |= QUADRANT_TR;
if (m_Vertexes[curr.id].p.X <= npos.X && m_Vertexes[curr.id].p.Y >= npos.Y) quad |= QUADRANT_TL;
if (m_Vertexes[curr.id].p.X >= npos.X && m_Vertexes[curr.id].p.Y <= npos.Y) quad |= QUADRANT_BR;
// Check that the new vertex is in the right quadrant for the old vertex
if (!(m_Vertexes[curr.id].quadOutward & quad) && curr.id != START_VERTEX_ID)
// Hack: Always head towards the goal if possible, to avoid missing it if it's
// inside another unit
if (n != GOAL_VERTEX_ID)
bool visible =
CheckVisibilityLeft(m_Vertexes[curr.id].p, npos, m_EdgesLeft) &&
CheckVisibilityRight(m_Vertexes[curr.id].p, npos, m_EdgesRight) &&
CheckVisibilityBottom(m_Vertexes[curr.id].p, npos, m_EdgesBottom) &&
CheckVisibilityTop(m_Vertexes[curr.id].p, npos, m_EdgesTop) &&
CheckVisibility(m_Vertexes[curr.id].p, npos, m_EdgesUnaligned);
// Render the edges that we examine.
g_VertexPathfinderDebugOverlay.DebugRenderEdges(cmpObstructionManager->GetSimContext(), visible, m_Vertexes[curr.id].p, npos);
if (visible)
fixed g = m_Vertexes[curr.id].g + (m_Vertexes[curr.id].p - npos).Length();
// If this is a new tile, compute the heuristic distance
if (m_Vertexes[n].status == Vertex::UNEXPLORED)
// Add it to the open list:
m_Vertexes[n].status = Vertex::OPEN;
m_Vertexes[n].g = g;
m_Vertexes[n].h = request.goal.DistanceToPoint(npos);
m_Vertexes[n].pred = curr.id;
if (n == GOAL_VERTEX_ID)
m_Vertexes[n].p = npos; // remember the new best goal position
VertexPriorityQueue::Item t = { (u16)n, g + m_Vertexes[n].h, m_Vertexes[n].h };
// Remember the heuristically best vertex we've seen so far, in case we never actually reach the target
if (m_Vertexes[n].h < hBest)
idBest = (u16)n;
hBest = m_Vertexes[n].h;
else // must be OPEN
// If we've already seen this tile, and the new path to this tile does not have a
// better cost, then stop now
if (g >= m_Vertexes[n].g)
// Otherwise, we have a better path, so replace the old one with the new cost/parent
fixed gprev = m_Vertexes[n].g;
m_Vertexes[n].g = g;
m_Vertexes[n].pred = curr.id;
if (n == GOAL_VERTEX_ID)
m_Vertexes[n].p = npos; // remember the new best goal position
open.promote((u16)n, gprev + m_Vertexes[n].h, g + m_Vertexes[n].h, m_Vertexes[n].h);
// Reconstruct the path (in reverse)
WaypointPath path;
for (u16 id = idBest; id != START_VERTEX_ID; id = m_Vertexes[id].pred)
path.m_Waypoints.emplace_back(Waypoint{ m_Vertexes[id].p.X, m_Vertexes[id].p.Y });
return path;
void VertexPathfinderDebugOverlay::DebugRenderGoal(const CSimContext& simContext, const PathGoal& goal)
if (!m_DebugOverlay)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(g_DebugMutex);
// Render the goal shape
m_DebugOverlayShortPathLines.back().m_Color = CColor(1, 0, 0, 1);
switch (goal.type)
case PathGoal::POINT:
SimRender::ConstructCircleOnGround(simContext, goal.x.ToFloat(), goal.z.ToFloat(), 0.2f, m_DebugOverlayShortPathLines.back(), true);
case PathGoal::CIRCLE:
SimRender::ConstructCircleOnGround(simContext, goal.x.ToFloat(), goal.z.ToFloat(), goal.hw.ToFloat(), m_DebugOverlayShortPathLines.back(), true);
case PathGoal::SQUARE:
float a = atan2f(goal.v.X.ToFloat(), goal.v.Y.ToFloat());
SimRender::ConstructSquareOnGround(simContext, goal.x.ToFloat(), goal.z.ToFloat(), goal.hw.ToFloat()*2, goal.hh.ToFloat()*2, a, m_DebugOverlayShortPathLines.back(), true);
void VertexPathfinderDebugOverlay::DebugRenderGraph(const CSimContext& simContext, const std::vector<Vertex>& vertexes, const std::vector<Edge>& edges, const std::vector<Square>& edgeSquares)
if (!m_DebugOverlay)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(g_DebugMutex);
#define PUSH_POINT(p) STMT(xz.push_back(p.X.ToFloat()); xz.push_back(p.Y.ToFloat()))
// Render the vertexes as little Pac-Man shapes to indicate quadrant direction
for (size_t i = 0; i < vertexes.size(); ++i)
m_DebugOverlayShortPathLines.back().m_Color = CColor(1, 1, 0, 1);
float x = vertexes[i].p.X.ToFloat();
float z = vertexes[i].p.Y.ToFloat();
float a0 = 0, a1 = 0;
// Get arc start/end angles depending on quadrant (if any)
if (vertexes[i].quadInward == QUADRANT_BL) { a0 = -0.25f; a1 = 0.50f; }
else if (vertexes[i].quadInward == QUADRANT_TR) { a0 = 0.25f; a1 = 1.00f; }
else if (vertexes[i].quadInward == QUADRANT_TL) { a0 = -0.50f; a1 = 0.25f; }
else if (vertexes[i].quadInward == QUADRANT_BR) { a0 = 0.00f; a1 = 0.75f; }
if (a0 == a1)
SimRender::ConstructCircleOnGround(simContext, x, z, 0.5f,
m_DebugOverlayShortPathLines.back(), true);
SimRender::ConstructClosedArcOnGround(simContext, x, z, 0.5f,
a0 * ((float)M_PI*2.0f), a1 * ((float)M_PI*2.0f),
m_DebugOverlayShortPathLines.back(), true);
// Render the edges
for (size_t i = 0; i < edges.size(); ++i)
m_DebugOverlayShortPathLines.back().m_Color = CColor(0, 1, 1, 1);
std::vector<float> xz;
// Add an arrowhead to indicate the direction
CFixedVector2D d = edges[i].p1 - edges[i].p0;
CFixedVector2D p2 = edges[i].p1 - d*2;
CFixedVector2D p3 = p2 + d.Perpendicular();
CFixedVector2D p4 = p2 - d.Perpendicular();
SimRender::ConstructLineOnGround(simContext, xz, m_DebugOverlayShortPathLines.back(), true);
// Render the axis-aligned squares
for (size_t i = 0; i < edgeSquares.size(); ++i)
m_DebugOverlayShortPathLines.back().m_Color = CColor(0, 1, 1, 1);
std::vector<float> xz;
Square s = edgeSquares[i];
SimRender::ConstructLineOnGround(simContext, xz, m_DebugOverlayShortPathLines.back(), true);
void VertexPathfinderDebugOverlay::DebugRenderEdges(const CSimContext& UNUSED(simContext), bool UNUSED(visible), CFixedVector2D UNUSED(curr), CFixedVector2D UNUSED(npos))
if (!m_DebugOverlay)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(g_DebugMutex);
// Disabled by default.
m_DebugOverlayShortPathLines.back().m_Color = visible ? CColor(0, 1, 0, 0.5) : CColor(1, 0, 0, 0.5);
m_DebugOverlayShortPathLines.back().m_Color = visible ? CColor(0, 1, 0, 0.5) : CColor(1, 0, 0, 0.5);
std::vector<float> xz;
SimRender::ConstructLineOnGround(simContext, xz, m_DebugOverlayShortPathLines.back(), false);
SimRender::ConstructLineOnGround(simContext, xz, m_DebugOverlayShortPathLines.back(), false);
void VertexPathfinderDebugOverlay::RenderSubmit(SceneCollector& collector)
if (!m_DebugOverlay)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(g_DebugMutex);
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_DebugOverlayShortPathLinesSubmitted.size(); ++i)