forked from 0ad/0ad
phosit 4bcbc72274 Don't use std::shared_ptr to store m_ScriptContext and m_ScriptInterface in the CGUIManager
`std::shared_ptr` is intrusive. When a function expects a
`std::shared_ptr` the caller has to use it too and can't store the
element on the stack for example.

Comments by: @vladislavbelov
Differential Revision: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D5221
This was SVN commit r28131.
2024-06-27 19:09:30 +00:00

366 lines
13 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2024 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "lib/self_test.h"
#include "graphics/FontManager.h"
#include "graphics/FontMetrics.h"
#include "gui/CGUI.h"
#include "gui/CGUIText.h"
#include "gui/SettingTypes/CGUIString.h"
#include "ps/CLogger.h"
#include "ps/ConfigDB.h"
#include "ps/Filesystem.h"
#include "ps/ProfileViewer.h"
#include "ps/VideoMode.h"
#include "renderer/Renderer.h"
#include "scriptinterface/ScriptInterface.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
class TestCGUIText : public CxxTest::TestSuite
CProfileViewer* m_Viewer = nullptr;
CRenderer* m_Renderer = nullptr;
void setUp()
g_VFS = CreateVfs();
TS_ASSERT_OK(g_VFS->Mount(L"", DataDir() / "mods" / "_test.minimal" / "", VFS_MOUNT_MUST_EXIST));
TS_ASSERT_OK(g_VFS->Mount(L"cache", DataDir() / "_testcache" / "", 0, VFS_MAX_PRIORITY));
// The renderer spews messages.
TestLogger logger;
// We need to initialise the renderer to initialise the font manager.
// TODO: decouple this.
CConfigDB::Instance()->SetValueString(CFG_SYSTEM, "rendererbackend", "dummy");
m_Viewer = new CProfileViewer;
m_Renderer = new CRenderer(g_VideoMode.GetBackendDevice());
void tearDown()
delete m_Renderer;
delete m_Viewer;
DeleteDirectory(DataDir() / "_testcache");
void test_empty()
CGUI gui{*g_ScriptContext};
CGUIText empty;
void test_wrapping()
CGUI gui{*g_ScriptContext};
const CStrW font = L"console";
// Make sure this matches the value of the file.
// TODO: load dynamically.
const float lineHeight = 12.f;
const float lineSpacing = 15.f;
CGUIString string;
CGUIText text;
float width = 0.f;
float renderedWidth = 0.f;
float padding = 0.f;
EAlign align = EAlign::LEFT;
// Thing to note: the space before the newline should collapse in right-alignment.
string.SetValue(L"Some long text that will wrap-around. \n New line.");
text = CGUIText(gui, string, font, width, padding, align, nullptr);
// Width 0 means no wrapping, so we should be getting one render call & one line.
// TODO: is it wanted that \n doesn't wrap in that case?
// We have 11 calls: the 9 words (wrap-around is split in two), the space after the newline, and the newline itself.
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(text.GetTextCalls().size(), 11);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(text.GetSize().Height, lineHeight);
width = 100.f;
padding = 2.0f;
align = EAlign::LEFT;
text = CGUIText(gui, string, font, width, padding, align, nullptr);
renderedWidth = text.GetSize().Width;
// We have 10 calls: the 9 words (wrap-around is split in two), the space after the newline.
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(text.GetTextCalls().size(), 10);
TS_ASSERT_LESS_THAN(text.GetSize().Width, width);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(text.GetSize().Height, padding * 2 + lineHeight + lineSpacing * 4);
align = EAlign::RIGHT;
text = CGUIText(gui, string, font, width, padding, align, nullptr);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(text.GetTextCalls().size(), 10);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(text.GetSize().Width, renderedWidth); // Should be the same width as the left-case.
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(text.GetSize().Height, padding * 2 + lineHeight + lineSpacing * 4);
width = 400.f;
padding = 3.0f;
align = EAlign::LEFT;
text = CGUIText(gui, string, font, width, padding, align, nullptr);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(text.GetTextCalls().size(), 10);
TS_ASSERT_LESS_THAN(text.GetSize().Width, width);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(text.GetSize().Height, padding * 2 + lineHeight + lineSpacing);
width = 400.f;
padding = 5.0f;
align = EAlign::CENTER;
text = CGUIText(gui, string, font, width, padding, align, nullptr);
renderedWidth = text.GetSize().Width;
TS_ASSERT_LESS_THAN(text.GetSize().Width, width);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(text.GetSize().Height, padding * 2 + lineHeight + lineSpacing);
align = EAlign::RIGHT;
text = CGUIText(gui, string, font, width, padding, align, nullptr);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(text.GetSize().Width, renderedWidth); // Should be the same width as the center-case.
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(text.GetSize().Height, padding * 2 + lineHeight + lineSpacing);
align = EAlign::LEFT;
text = CGUIText(gui, string, font, width, padding, align, nullptr);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(text.GetSize().Width, renderedWidth); // Should be the same width as the center-case.
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(text.GetSize().Height, padding * 2 + lineHeight + lineSpacing);
width = 400.f;
padding = 100.0f;
align = EAlign::LEFT;
text = CGUIText(gui, string, font, width, padding, align, nullptr);
renderedWidth = text.GetSize().Width;
TS_ASSERT_LESS_THAN(text.GetSize().Width, width);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(text.GetSize().Height, padding * 2 + lineHeight + lineSpacing * 2);
align = EAlign::RIGHT;
text = CGUIText(gui, string, font, width, padding, align, nullptr);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(text.GetSize().Width, renderedWidth); // Should be the same width as the left-case.
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(text.GetSize().Height, padding * 2 + lineHeight + lineSpacing * 2);
void test_layout_wrapping_center()
// The short word should be layouted the same as when there is no
// second word, because it's the only one word in the first line until
// the width is enough to fit both. So we need to check that for
// increasing width X positions of both words are also increasing until
// they fit into a single line.
// Width is too small for both:
// +--------------------+
// | Shortword |
// | (Veryverylongword) |
// +--------------------+
// Right before the big enough width:
// +---------------------------+
// | Shortword |
// | (Veryverylongword) |
// +---------------------------+
// Width is enough to fit both:
// +------------------------------+
// | Shortword (Veryverylongword) |
// +------------------------------+
CGUI gui{*g_ScriptContext};
const CStrW firstWord = L"Shortword";
const CStrW secondWord = L"(Veryverylongword)";
const CStrW text = firstWord + L" " + secondWord;
CGUIString string;
const CStrW font = L"console";
CFontMetrics fontMetrics{CStrIntern(font.ToUTF8())};
int firstWordWidth = 0, firstWordHeight = 0;
fontMetrics.CalculateStringSize(firstWord.c_str(), firstWordWidth, firstWordHeight);
TS_ASSERT(firstWordWidth > 0);
int secondWordWidth = 0, secondWordHeight = 0;
fontMetrics.CalculateStringSize(secondWord.c_str(), secondWordWidth, secondWordHeight);
TS_ASSERT(secondWordWidth > 0);
TS_ASSERT(firstWordWidth < secondWordWidth);
const float spaceWidth = fontMetrics.GetCharacterWidth(L' ');
const float lineHeight = fontMetrics.GetHeight();
const float lineSpacing = fontMetrics.GetLineSpacing();
auto layoutText = [&gui, &string, &font, lineHeight, firstWordWidth](const float width)
const float padding = 0.0f;
const CGUIText text(gui, string, font, width, padding, EAlign::CENTER, nullptr);
std::array<CVector2D, 2> positions;
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(text.GetTextCalls().size(), positions.size());
// If the second word is on the next line then the first word should be
// centered alone.
if (text.GetTextCalls()[0].m_Pos.Y + lineHeight <= text.GetTextCalls()[1].m_Pos.Y)
const float expectedX = (width - firstWordWidth) / 2.0f;
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(text.GetTextCalls()[0].m_Pos.X, expectedX);
text.GetTextCalls().begin(), text.GetTextCalls().end(), positions.begin(),
[](const CGUIText::STextCall& textCall) { return textCall.m_Pos; });
return positions;
const float testPadding = 2;
const float beginWidth = firstWordWidth - testPadding;
const float endWidth = firstWordWidth + spaceWidth + secondWordWidth + testPadding;
std::array<CVector2D, 2> previousPositions = layoutText(beginWidth);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(std::get<0>(previousPositions).Y, lineHeight);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(std::get<1>(previousPositions).Y, lineHeight + lineSpacing);
bool firstFit = false;
for (float width = beginWidth; width <= endWidth; width += 1.0f)
std::array<CVector2D, 2> positions = layoutText(width);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(std::get<0>(positions).Y, lineHeight);
if (std::get<0>(positions).X >= std::get<0>(previousPositions).X)
if (firstFit)
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(std::get<0>(positions).Y, std::get<1>(positions).Y);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(std::get<1>(positions).Y, lineHeight + lineSpacing);
TS_ASSERT(std::get<1>(positions).X >= std::get<1>(previousPositions).X);
firstFit = true;
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(std::get<0>(positions).Y, std::get<1>(positions).Y);
TS_ASSERT(std::get<0>(positions).X < std::get<1>(positions).X);
previousPositions = positions;
void test_overflow()
CGUI gui{*g_ScriptContext};
const CStrW font = L"console";
// Make sure this matches the value of the file.
// TODO: load dynamically.
const float lineHeight = 12.f;
const float lineSpacing = 15.f;
float renderedWidth = 0.f;
const float width = 200.f;
const float padding = 20.f;
CGUIString string;
CGUIText text;
string.SetValue(L"wordthatisverylonganddefinitelywontfitinaline and other words");
text = CGUIText(gui, string, font, width, padding, EAlign::LEFT, nullptr);
renderedWidth = text.GetSize().Width;
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(text.GetSize().Height, lineHeight + lineSpacing * 1 + padding * 2);
text = CGUIText(gui, string, font, width, padding, EAlign::CENTER, nullptr);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(renderedWidth, text.GetSize().Width);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(text.GetSize().Height, lineHeight + lineSpacing * 1 + padding * 2);
text = CGUIText(gui, string, font, width, padding, EAlign::RIGHT, nullptr);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(renderedWidth, text.GetSize().Width);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(text.GetSize().Height, lineHeight + lineSpacing * 1 + padding * 2);
string.SetValue(L"other words and wordthatisverylonganddefinitelywontfitinaline");
text = CGUIText(gui, string, font, width, padding, EAlign::LEFT, nullptr);
renderedWidth = text.GetSize().Width;
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(text.GetSize().Height, lineHeight + lineSpacing * 1 + padding * 2);
text = CGUIText(gui, string, font, width, padding, EAlign::CENTER, nullptr);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(renderedWidth, text.GetSize().Width);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(text.GetSize().Height, lineHeight + lineSpacing * 1 + padding * 2);
text = CGUIText(gui, string, font, width, padding, EAlign::RIGHT, nullptr);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(renderedWidth, text.GetSize().Width);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(text.GetSize().Height, lineHeight + lineSpacing * 1 + padding * 2);
text = CGUIText(gui, string, font, width, padding, EAlign::LEFT, nullptr);
renderedWidth = text.GetSize().Width;
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(text.GetSize().Height, lineHeight + padding * 2);
text = CGUIText(gui, string, font, width, padding, EAlign::CENTER, nullptr);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(renderedWidth, text.GetSize().Width);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(text.GetSize().Height, lineHeight + padding * 2);
text = CGUIText(gui, string, font, width, padding, EAlign::RIGHT, nullptr);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(renderedWidth, text.GetSize().Width);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(text.GetSize().Height, lineHeight + padding * 2);
void test_regression_rP26522()
TS_ASSERT_OK(g_VFS->Mount(L"", DataDir() / "mods" / "mod" / "", VFS_MOUNT_MUST_EXIST));
CGUI gui{*g_ScriptContext};
const CStrW font = L"sans-bold-13";
CGUIString string;
CGUIText text;
// rP26522 introduced a bug that triggered in rare cases with word-wrapping.
string.SetValue(L"90–120 min");
text = CGUIText(gui, string, L"sans-bold-13", 53, 8.f, EAlign::LEFT, nullptr);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(text.GetTextCalls().size(), 2);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(text.GetSize().Height, 14 + 9 + 8 * 2);
void test_multiple_blank_spaces()
CGUI gui{*g_ScriptContext};
const CStrW font = L"console";
// Make sure this matches the value of the file.
// TODO: load dynamically.
const float lineHeight = 12.f;
const float lineSpacing = 15.f;
CGUIString string;
CGUIText text;
float width = 100.f;
float renderedWidth = 0.f;
float padding = 0.f;
EAlign align = EAlign::LEFT;
string.SetValue(L" word another \n spaces \n \n word ");
text = CGUIText(gui, string, font, width, padding, align, nullptr);
// Blank spaces are treated as a word.
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(text.GetTextCalls().size(), 26);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(text.GetSize().Height, lineHeight + lineSpacing * 4);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(text.GetSize().Width, 89.f);
renderedWidth = text.GetSize().Width;
align = EAlign::RIGHT;
text = CGUIText(gui, string, font, width, padding, align, nullptr);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(text.GetSize().Width, renderedWidth);