forked from 0ad/0ad
Ykkrosh 23c92b7fe3 Fix actor viewer animation offsetting.
Fix attack animation drifts.

This was SVN commit r7612.
2010-06-05 22:23:28 +00:00

452 lines
13 KiB

This is currently just a very simplistic state machine that lets units be commanded around
and then autonomously carry out the orders. It might need to be entirely redesigned.
const STATE_IDLE = 0;
const STATE_WALKING = 1;
/* Attack process:
* When starting attack:
* Activate attack animation (with appropriate repeat speed and offset)
* Set this.attackTimer to run at maximum of:
* GetTimers().prepare msec from now
* this.attackRechargeTime
* Loop:
* Wait for the timer
* Perform the attack
* Set this.attackRechargeTime to now plus GetTimers().recharge
* Set this.attackTimer to run after GetTimers().repeat
* At any point it's safe to cancel the attack and switch to a different action
* (The rechargeTime is to prevent people spamming the attack command and getting
* faster-than-normal attacks)
/* Repeat/Gather process is about the same, except with less synchronisation - the action
* is just performed 1sec after initiated, and then repeated every 1sec.
* (TODO: it'd be nice to avoid most of the duplication between Attack and Repeat and Gather code)
function UnitAI() {}
UnitAI.prototype.Schema =
"<a:help>Controls the unit's movement, attacks, etc, in response to commands from the player.</a:help>" +
"<a:example/>" +
"<element name='NaturalBehaviour' a:help='Behaviour of the unit in the absence of player commands (intended for animals)'>" + // TODO: implement this
"<choice>" +
"<value a:help='Will actively attack any unit it encounters, even if not threatened'>violent</value>" +
"<value a:help='Will attack nearby units if it feels threatened (if they linger within LOS for too long)'>aggressive</value>" +
"<value a:help='Will attack nearby units if attacked'>defensive</value>" +
"<value a:help='Will never attack units'>passive</value>" +
"<value a:help='Will never attack units. Will typically attempt to flee for short distances when units approach'>skittish</value>" +
"</choice>" +
UnitAI.prototype.Init = function()
this.state = STATE_IDLE;
// The earliest time at which we'll have 'recovered' from the previous attack, and
// can start preparing a new attack
this.attackRechargeTime = 0;
// Timer for AttackTimeout
this.attackTimer = undefined;
// Current attack type
this.attackType = undefined;
// Current target entity ID
this.attackTarget = undefined;
// Timer for RepairTimeout
this.repairTimer = undefined;
// Current target entity ID
this.repairTarget = undefined;
// Timer for GatherTimeout
this.gatherTimer = undefined;
// Current target entity ID
this.gatherTarget = undefined;
//// Interface functions ////
UnitAI.prototype.Walk = function(x, z)
var cmpMotion = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_UnitMotion);
if (!cmpMotion)
if (cmpMotion.MoveToPoint(x, z))
this.state = STATE_WALKING;
PlaySound("walk", this.entity);
this.state = STATE_IDLE;
UnitAI.prototype.Attack = function(target)
// Verify that we're able to respond to Attack commands
var cmpAttack = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Attack);
if (!cmpAttack)
// TODO: verify that this is a valid target
var type = cmpAttack.GetBestAttack();
if (!type)
// Stop any previous action timers
// Remember the target, and start moving towards it
this.attackType = type;
this.attackTarget = target;
this.state = STATE_ATTACKING;
if (!this.MoveToTarget(target, cmpAttack.GetRange(type)))
// We're in range already, do the attack
// (TODO: this could also happen if we couldn't move anywhere)
// else we've started moving and the attack will start in OnMotionChanged
UnitAI.prototype.Repair = function(target)
// Verify that we're able to respond to Repair commands
var cmpBuilder = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Builder);
if (!cmpBuilder)
// TODO: verify that this is a valid target
// Stop any previous action timers
// Remember the target, and start moving towards it
this.repairTarget = target;
this.state = STATE_REPAIRING;
if (!this.MoveToTarget(target, cmpBuilder.GetRange()))
// We're in range already, do the repairing
// (TODO: this could also happen if we couldn't move anywhere)
// else we've started moving and the repair will start in OnMotionChanged
UnitAI.prototype.Gather = function(target)
// Verify that we're able to respond to Gather commands
var cmpResourceGatherer = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_ResourceGatherer);
if (!cmpResourceGatherer)
// TODO: verify that this is a valid target
// Stop any previous action timers
// Remember the target, and start moving towards it
this.gatherTarget = target;
this.state = STATE_GATHERING;
if (!this.MoveToTarget(target, cmpResourceGatherer.GetRange()))
// We're in range already, do the gathering
// (TODO: this could also happen if we couldn't move anywhere)
// else we've started moving and the gather will start in OnMotionChanged
//// Message handlers ////
UnitAI.prototype.OnDestroy = function()
// Clean up any timers that are now obsolete
UnitAI.prototype.OnMotionChanged = function(msg)
if (msg.speed)
// Started moving
// => play the appropriate animation
this.SelectAnimation("walk", false, msg.speed);
if (this.state == STATE_WALKING)
// Stopped walking
this.state = STATE_IDLE;
else if (this.state == STATE_ATTACKING)
// We were attacking, and have stopped moving
// => check if we can still reach the target now
if (this.MoveIntoRange(IID_Attack, this.attackTarget, this.attackType))
// In range, so perform the attack
else if (this.state == STATE_REPAIRING)
// We were repairing, and have stopped moving
// => check if we can still reach the target now
if (this.MoveIntoRange(IID_Builder, this.repairTarget))
// In range, so perform the repairing
else if (this.state == STATE_GATHERING)
// We were gathering, and have stopped moving
// => check if we can still reach the target now
if (this.MoveIntoRange(IID_ResourceGatherer, this.gatherTarget))
// In range, so perform the gathering
//// Private functions ////
UnitAI.prototype.StartAttack = function()
// Perform the attack after the prepare time but not before the previous attack's recharge
var cmpAttack = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Attack);
var cmpTimer = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Timer);
var timers = cmpAttack.GetTimers(this.attackType);
var time = Math.max(timers.prepare, this.attackRechargeTime - cmpTimer.GetTime());
this.attackTimer = cmpTimer.SetTimeout(this.entity, IID_UnitAI, "AttackTimeout", time, {});
// Start the attack animation and sound, but synced to the timers
this.SelectAnimation("melee", false, 1.0, "attack");
this.SetAnimationSync(time, timers.repeat);
// TODO: this drifts since the sim is quantised to sim turns and these timers aren't
// TODO: we should probably only bother syncing projectile attacks, not melee
UnitAI.prototype.StartRepair = function()
var cmpTimer = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Timer);
this.repairTimer = cmpTimer.SetTimeout(this.entity, IID_UnitAI, "RepairTimeout", 1000, {});
// Start the repair/build animation and sound
this.SelectAnimation("build", false, 1.0, "build");
UnitAI.prototype.StartGather = function()
var cmpResourceSupply = Engine.QueryInterface(this.gatherTarget, IID_ResourceSupply);
var cmpTimer = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Timer);
// Get the animation/sound type name
var type = cmpResourceSupply.GetType();
var typename = "gather_" + (type.specific || type.generic);
this.gatherTimer = cmpTimer.SetTimeout(this.entity, IID_UnitAI, "GatherTimeout", 1000, {"typename": typename});
// Start the gather animation and sound
this.SelectAnimation(typename, false, 1.0, typename);
UnitAI.prototype.CancelTimers = function()
if (this.attackTimer)
var cmpTimer = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Timer);
this.attackTimer = undefined;
if (this.repairTimer)
var cmpTimer = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Timer);
this.repairTimer = undefined;
if (this.gatherTimer)
var cmpTimer = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Timer);
this.gatherTimer = undefined;
* Tries to move into range of the target.
* Returns true if the unit has started walking or on pathing failure, false if already in range.
UnitAI.prototype.MoveIntoRange = function(iid, target, type)
var cmpRanged = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, iid);
var range = cmpRanged.GetRange(type);
var cmpMotion = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_UnitMotion);
if (cmpMotion.IsInAttackRange(target, range.min, range.max))
return false;
// Out of range => need to move closer
// (The target has probably moved while we were chasing it)
if (this.MoveToTarget(target, range))
return true;
// If it's impossible to reach the target, give up
// and switch back to idle
this.state = STATE_IDLE;
return true;
UnitAI.prototype.SelectAnimation = function(name, once, speed, sound)
var cmpVisual = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Visual);
if (!cmpVisual)
var soundgroup;
if (sound)
var cmpSound = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Sound);
if (cmpSound)
soundgroup = cmpSound.GetSoundGroup(sound);
// Set default values if unspecified
if (typeof once == "undefined")
once = false;
if (typeof speed == "undefined")
speed = 1.0;
if (typeof soundgroup == "undefined")
soundgroup = "";
cmpVisual.SelectAnimation(name, once, speed, soundgroup);
UnitAI.prototype.SetAnimationSync = function(actiontime, repeattime)
var cmpVisual = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Visual);
if (!cmpVisual)
* Tries to move to the specified range of the target.
* This might synchronously trigger a MotionChanged message.
* Returns true if the unit has started walking, false on error or if already in range.
UnitAI.prototype.MoveToTarget = function(target, range)
var cmpMotion = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_UnitMotion);
return cmpMotion.MoveToAttackRange(target, range.min, range.max);
UnitAI.prototype.AttackTimeout = function(data, lateness)
// If we stopped attacking before this timeout, then don't do any processing here
if (this.state != STATE_ATTACKING)
// Check if we can still reach the target
if (this.MoveIntoRange(IID_Attack, this.attackTarget, this.attackType))
var cmpAttack = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Attack);
// Hit the target
cmpAttack.PerformAttack(this.attackType, this.attackTarget);
// Set a timer to hit the target again
var cmpTimer = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Timer);
var timers = cmpAttack.GetTimers(this.attackType);
this.attackRechargeTime = cmpTimer.GetTime() + timers.recharge;
this.attackTimer = cmpTimer.SetTimeout(this.entity, IID_UnitAI, "AttackTimeout", timers.repeat - lateness, data);
UnitAI.prototype.RepairTimeout = function(data, lateness)
// If we stopped repairing before this timeout, then don't do any processing here
if (this.state != STATE_REPAIRING)
// Check if we can still reach the target
if (this.MoveIntoRange(IID_Builder, this.repairTarget))
var cmpBuilder = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Builder);
// Repair/build the target
var status = cmpBuilder.PerformBuilding(this.repairTarget);
// If the target is fully built and repaired, then stop and go back to idle
if (status.finished)
this.state = STATE_IDLE;
// Set a timer to gather again
var cmpTimer = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Timer);
this.repairTimer = cmpTimer.SetTimeout(this.entity, IID_UnitAI, "RepairTimeout", 1000 - lateness, data);
UnitAI.prototype.GatherTimeout = function(data, lateness)
// If we stopped gathering before this timeout, then don't do any processing here
if (this.state != STATE_GATHERING)
// Check if we can still reach the target
if (this.MoveIntoRange(IID_ResourceGatherer, this.gatherTarget))
var cmpResourceGatherer = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_ResourceGatherer);
// Gather from the target
var status = cmpResourceGatherer.PerformGather(this.gatherTarget);
// If the resource is exhausted, then stop and go back to idle
if (status.exhausted)
this.state = STATE_IDLE;
// Set a timer to gather again
var cmpTimer = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Timer);
this.gatherTimer = cmpTimer.SetTimeout(this.entity, IID_UnitAI, "GatherTimeout", 1000 - lateness, data);
Engine.RegisterComponentType(IID_UnitAI, "UnitAI", UnitAI);