forked from 0ad/0ad

732 lines
20 KiB

* =========================================================================
* File : vfs_optimizer.cpp
* Project : 0 A.D.
* Description : automatically bundles files into archives in order of
* : access to optimize I/O.
* =========================================================================
// license: GPL; see lib/license.txt
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "vfs_optimizer.h"
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <ctime>
#include "file_internal.h"
// enough for 64K unique files - ought to suffice.
typedef u16 FileId;
static const FileId NULL_ID = 0;
static const size_t MAX_IDS = 0x10000 -1; // -1 due to NULL_ID
struct FileNode
const char* atom_fn;
FileId prev_id;
FileId next_id;
u32 visited : 1;
u32 output : 1;
FileNode(const char* atom_fn_)
atom_fn = atom_fn_;
prev_id = next_id = NULL_ID;
visited = output = 0;
typedef std::vector<FileNode> FileNodes;
// check if the file is supposed to be added to archive.
// this avoids adding e.g. screenshots (wasteful because they're never used)
// or config (bad because they are written to and that's not supported for
// archived files).
static bool is_archivable(const TFile* tf)
const Mount* m = tfile_get_mount(tf);
return mount_is_archivable(m);
class IdMgr
FileId cur;
typedef std::map<const char*, FileId> Map;
Map map;
FileNodes* nodes;
// dummy return value so this can be called via for_each/mem_fun_ref
void associate_node_with_fn(const FileNode& node)
FileId id = id_from_node(&node);
const Map::value_type item = std::make_pair(node.atom_fn, id);
std::pair<Map::iterator, bool> ret = map.insert(item);
debug_warn("atom_fn already associated with node");
FileId id_from_node(const FileNode* node) const
// +1 to skip NULL_ID value
FileId id = node - &((*nodes)[0]) +1;
debug_assert(id <= nodes->size());
return id;
FileNode* node_from_id(FileId id) const
debug_assert(id != NULL_ID);
return &(*nodes)[id-1];
FileId id_from_fn(const char* atom_fn) const
Map::const_iterator cit = map.find(atom_fn);
if(cit == map.end())
debug_warn("id_from_fn: not found");
return NULL_ID;
return cit->second;
void init(FileNodes* nodes_)
cur = NULL_ID+1;
nodes = nodes_;
// can't use for_each (mem_fun requires const function and
// non-reference-type argument)
for(FileNodes::const_iterator cit = nodes->begin(); cit != nodes->end(); ++cit)
const FileNode& node = *cit;
static IdMgr id_mgr;
// build list of FileNode - exactly one per file in VFS.
// time cost: 13ms for 5500 files; we therefore do not bother with
// optimizations like reading from vfs_tree container directly.
class FileGatherer
static void EntCb(const char* path, const DirEnt* ent, uintptr_t cbData)
FileNodes* file_nodes = (FileNodes*)cbData;
// we only want files
const char* atom_fn = file_make_unique_fn_copy(path);
FileGatherer(FileNodes& file_nodes)
// jump-start allocation (avoids frequent initial reallocs)
// TODO: only add entries from mount points that have
// VFS_MOUNT_ARCHIVE flag set (avoids adding screenshots etc.)
vfs_dir_enum("", VFS_DIR_RECURSIVE, 0, EntCb, (uintptr_t)&file_nodes);
// MAX_IDS is a rather large limit on number of files, but must not
// be exceeded (otherwise FileId overflows).
// check for this here and not in EntCb because it's not
// expected to happen.
if(file_nodes.size() > MAX_IDS)
// note: use this instead of resize because FileNode doesn't have
// a default ctor. NB: this is how resize is implemented anyway.
file_nodes.erase(file_nodes.begin() + MAX_IDS, file_nodes.end());
typedef u32 ConnectionId;
cassert(sizeof(FileId)*2 <= sizeof(ConnectionId));
static ConnectionId cid_make(FileId first, FileId second)
return u32_from_u16(first, second);
static FileId cid_first(ConnectionId id)
return u32_hi(id);
static FileId cid_second(ConnectionId id)
return u32_lo(id);
struct Connection
ConnectionId id;
// repeated edges ("connections") are reflected in
// the 'occurrences' count; we optimize the ordering so that
// files with frequent connections are nearby.
uint occurrences;
Connection(ConnectionId id_)
: id(id_), occurrences(1) {}
typedef std::vector<Connection> Connections;
// builds a list of Connection-s (basically edges in the FileNode graph)
// defined by the trace.
// time cost: 70ms for 1000 trace entries. this is rather heavy;
// the main culprit is simulating file_cache to see if an IO would result.
class ConnectionBuilder
// functor: on every call except the first, adds a connection between
// the previous file (remembered here) and the current file.
// if the connection already exists, its occurrence count is incremented.
class ConnectionAdder
// speeds up "already exists" overhead from n*n to n*log(n).
typedef std::map<ConnectionId, Connection*> Map;
typedef std::pair<ConnectionId, Connection*> MapItem;
typedef Map::const_iterator MapCIt;
Map map;
FileId prev_id;
ConnectionAdder() : prev_id(NULL_ID) {}
void operator()(Connections& connections, const char* new_fn)
const bool was_first_call = (prev_id == NULL_ID);
FileId id = id_mgr.id_from_fn(new_fn);
const ConnectionId c_id = cid_make(prev_id, id);
prev_id = id;
return; // bail after setting prev_id
// note: always insert-ing and checking return value would be
// more efficient (saves 1 iteration over map), but would not
// be safe: VC8's STL disallows &vector[0] if empty
// (even though memory has been reserved).
// it doesn't matter much anyway (decently fast and offline task).
MapCIt it = map.find(c_id);
const bool already_exists = (it != map.end());
Connection* c = it->second; // Map "payload"
// seen this connection for the first time: add to map and list.
const MapItem item = std::make_pair(c_id, &connections.back());
void add_connections_from_runs(const Trace& t, Connections& connections)
// (note: lifetime = entire connection build process; if re-created
// in between, entries in Connections will no longer be unique,
// which may break TourBuilder)
ConnectionAdder add_connection;
// extract accesses from each run (starting with most recent
// first. this isn't critical, but may help a bit since
// files that are equally strongly 'connected' are ordered
// according to position in file_nodes. that means files from
// more recent traces tend to go first, which is good.)
for(size_t r = 0; r < t.num_runs; r++)
const TraceRun& run = t.runs[r];
for(uint i = 0; i < run.num_ents; i++)
const TraceEntry* te = &run.ents[i];
// improvement: postprocess the trace and remove all IOs that would be
// satisfied by our cache. often repeated IOs would otherwise potentially
// be arranged badly.
// only add connection if this file exists and is in
// file_nodes list. otherwise, ConnectionAdder's
// id_from_fn call will fail.
// note: this happens when trace contains by now
// deleted or unarchivable files.
TFile* tf;
if(tree_lookup(te->atom_fn, &tf) == INFO::OK)
add_connection(connections, te->atom_fn);
LibError run(const char* trace_filename, Connections& connections)
Trace t;
RETURN_ERR(trace_read_from_file(trace_filename, &t));
// reserve memory for worst-case amount of connections (happens if
// all accesses are unique). this is necessary because we store
// pointers to Connection in the map, which would be invalidated if
// connections[] ever expands.
// may waste up to ~3x the memory (about 1mb) for a short time,
// which is ok.
add_connections_from_runs(t, connections);
return INFO::OK;
// given graph and known edges, stitch together FileNodes so that
// Hamilton tour (TSP solution) length of the graph is minimized.
// heuristic is greedy adding edges sorted by decreasing 'occurrences'.
// time cost: 7ms for 1000 connections; quite fast despite DFS.
// could be improved (if there are lots of files) by storing in each node
// a pointer to end of list; if adding a new edge, check if end.endoflist
// is the start of edge.
class TourBuilder
// sort by decreasing occurrence
struct Occurrence_greater: public std::binary_function<const Connection&, const Connection&, bool>
bool operator()(const Connection& c1, const Connection& c2) const
return (c1.occurrences > c2.occurrences);
bool has_cycle;
void detect_cycleR(FileId id)
FileNode* pnode = id_mgr.node_from_id(id);
pnode->visited = 1;
FileId next_id = pnode->next_id;
if(next_id != NULL_ID)
FileNode* pnext = id_mgr.node_from_id(next_id);
has_cycle = true;
bool is_cycle_at(FileNodes& file_nodes, FileId node)
has_cycle = false;
for(FileNodes::iterator it = file_nodes.begin(); it != file_nodes.end(); ++it)
it->visited = 0;
return has_cycle;
void try_add_edge(FileNodes& file_nodes, const Connection& c)
FileId first_id = cid_first(c.id);
FileId second_id = cid_second(c.id);
FileNode* first = id_mgr.node_from_id(first_id);
FileNode* second = id_mgr.node_from_id(second_id);
// one of them has already been hooked up - bail
if(first->next_id != NULL_ID || second->prev_id != NULL_ID)
first->next_id = second_id;
second->prev_id = first_id;
const bool introduced_cycle = is_cycle_at(file_nodes, second_id);
#ifndef NDEBUG
debug_assert(introduced_cycle == is_cycle_at(file_nodes, first_id));
// undo
first->next_id = second->prev_id = NULL_ID;
void output_chain(FileNode& node, std::vector<const char*>& fn_vector)
// early out: if this access was already visited, so must the entire
// chain of which it is a part. bail to save lots of time.
// follow prev links starting with c until no more are left;
// start ends up the beginning of the chain including <c>.
FileNode* start = &node;
while(start->prev_id != NULL_ID)
start = id_mgr.node_from_id(start->prev_id);
// iterate over the chain - add to Filenames list and mark as visited
FileNode* cur = start;
cur->output = 1;
if(cur->next_id == NULL_ID)
cur = id_mgr.node_from_id(cur->next_id);
TourBuilder(FileNodes& file_nodes, Connections& connections, std::vector<const char*>& fn_vector)
std::stable_sort(connections.begin(), connections.end(), Occurrence_greater());
for(Connections::iterator it = connections.begin(); it != connections.end(); ++it)
try_add_edge(file_nodes, *it);
for(FileNodes::iterator it = file_nodes.begin(); it != file_nodes.end(); ++it)
output_chain(*it, fn_vector);
// autobuild logic: decides when to (re)build an archive.
// for each loose or archived file encountered during mounting: add to a
// std::set; if there are more than *_THRESHOLD non-archived files, rebuild.
// this ends up costing 50ms for 5000 files, so disable it in final release.
// rebuild if the archive is much older than most recent VFS timestamp.
// this makes sense during development: the archive will periodically be
// rebuilt with the newest trace. however, it would be annoying in the
// final release, where users will frequently mod things, which should not
// end up rebuilding the main archive.
static const ssize_t REBUILD_MAIN_ARCHIVE_THRESHOLD = 50;
static const ssize_t BUILD_MINI_ARCHIVE_THRESHOLD = 20;
typedef std::set<const char*> FnSet;
static FnSet loose_files;
static FnSet archived_files;
void vfs_opt_notify_loose_file(const char* atom_fn)
// note: files are added before archives, so we can't stop adding to
// set after one of the above thresholds are reached.
void vfs_opt_notify_non_loose_file(const char* atom_fn)
static bool should_rebuild_main_archive(const char* trace_filename,
DirEnts& existing_archives)
// if there's no trace file, no point in building a main archive.
// (we wouldn't know how to order the files)
return false;
// too many (eligible for archiving!) loose files not in archive: rebuild.
const ssize_t loose_files_only = (ssize_t)loose_files.size() - (ssize_t)archived_files.size();
if(loose_files_only >= REBUILD_MAIN_ARCHIVE_THRESHOLD)
return true;
// scan dir and see what archives are already present..
time_t most_recent_archive_mtime = 0;
// note: a loop is more convenient than std::for_each, which would
// require referencing the returned functor (since param is a copy).
for(DirEnts::const_iterator it = existing_archives.begin(); it != existing_archives.end(); ++it)
most_recent_archive_mtime = std::max(it->mtime, most_recent_archive_mtime);
// .. no archive yet OR 'lots' of them: rebuild so that they'll be
// merged into one archive and the rest deleted.
if(existing_archives.empty() || existing_archives.size() >= 4)
return true;
// .. archive is much older than most recent data: rebuild.
const double max_diff = 14*86400; // 14 days
if(difftime(tree_most_recent_mtime(), most_recent_archive_mtime) > max_diff)
return true;
return false;
static char archive_fn[PATH_MAX];
static ArchiveBuildState ab;
static std::vector<const char*> fn_vector;
static DirEnts existing_archives; // and possibly other entries
class IsArchive
const char* archive_ext;
IsArchive(const char* archive_fn)
archive_ext = path_extension(archive_fn);
bool operator()(DirEnt& ent) const
// remove if not file
return true;
// remove if not same extension
const char* ext = path_extension(ent.name);
if(strcasecmp(archive_ext, ext) != 0)
return true;
// keep
return false;
static LibError vfs_opt_init(const char* trace_filename, const char* archive_fn_fmt, bool force_build)
// get next not-yet-existing archive filename.
static NextNumberedFilenameInfo archive_nfi;
bool use_vfs = false; // can't use VFS for archive files
next_numbered_filename(archive_fn_fmt, &archive_nfi, archive_fn, use_vfs);
// get list of existing archives in root dir.
// note: this is needed by should_rebuild_main_archive and later in
// vfs_opt_continue; must be done here instead of inside the former
// because that is not called when force_build == true.
char dir[PATH_MAX];
path_dir_only(archive_fn_fmt, dir);
RETURN_ERR(file_get_sorted_dirents(dir, existing_archives));
DirEntIt new_end = std::remove_if(existing_archives.begin(), existing_archives.end(), IsArchive(archive_fn));
existing_archives.erase(new_end, existing_archives.end());
// bail if we shouldn't rebuild the archive.
if(!force_build && !should_rebuild_main_archive(trace_filename, existing_archives))
// build 'graph' (nodes only) of all files that must be added.
FileNodes file_nodes;
FileGatherer gatherer(file_nodes);
// scan nodes and add them to filename->FileId mapping.
// build list of edges between FileNodes (referenced via FileId) that
// are defined by trace entries.
Connections connections;
ConnectionBuilder cbuilder;
RETURN_ERR(cbuilder.run(trace_filename, connections));
// create output filename list by first adding the above edges (most
// frequent first) and then adding the rest sequentially.
TourBuilder builder(file_nodes, connections, fn_vector);
fn_vector.push_back(0); // 0-terminate for use as Filenames
Filenames V_fns = &fn_vector[0];
RETURN_ERR(archive_build_init(archive_fn, V_fns, &ab));
return INFO::OK;
static int vfs_opt_continue()
int ret = archive_build_continue(&ab);
if(ret == INFO::OK)
// do NOT delete source files! some apps might want to
// keep them (e.g. for source control), or name them differently.
// delete old archives
PathPackage pp; // need path to each existing_archive, not only name
char archive_dir[PATH_MAX];
path_dir_only(archive_fn, archive_dir);
(void)path_package_set_dir(&pp, archive_dir);
for(DirEntCIt it = existing_archives.begin(); it != existing_archives.end(); ++it)
(void)path_package_append_file(&pp, it->name);
// rebuild is required due to mount_release_all_archives.
// the dir watcher may already have rebuilt the VFS once,
// which is a waste of time here.
// it is believed that wiping out the file cache is not necessary.
// building archive doesn't change the game data files, and any
// cached contents of the previous archives are irrelevant.
return ret;
static bool should_build_mini_archive(const char* UNUSED(mini_archive_fn_fmt))
// too many (eligible for archiving!) loose files not in archive
const ssize_t loose_files_only = (ssize_t)loose_files.size() - (ssize_t)archived_files.size();
if(loose_files_only >= BUILD_MINI_ARCHIVE_THRESHOLD)
return true;
return false;
static LibError build_mini_archive(const char* mini_archive_fn_fmt)
Filenames V_fns = new const char*[loose_files.size()+1];
std::copy(loose_files.begin(), loose_files.end(), &V_fns[0]);
V_fns[loose_files.size()] = 0; // terminator
// get new unused mini archive name at P_dst_path
char mini_archive_fn[PATH_MAX];
static NextNumberedFilenameInfo nfi;
bool use_vfs = false; // can't use VFS for archive files
next_numbered_filename(mini_archive_fn_fmt, &nfi, mini_archive_fn, use_vfs);
RETURN_ERR(archive_build(mini_archive_fn, V_fns));
delete[] V_fns;
return INFO::OK;
static enum
void vfs_opt_auto_build_cancel()
state = NOP;
int vfs_opt_auto_build(const char* trace_filename,
const char* archive_fn_fmt, const char* mini_archive_fn_fmt, bool force_build)
if(state == NOP)
if(state == DECIDE_IF_BUILD)
if(vfs_opt_init(trace_filename, archive_fn_fmt, force_build) != INFO::SKIPPED)
state = IN_PROGRESS;
// create mini-archive (if needed)
state = NOP;
return INFO::OK; // "finished"
if(state == IN_PROGRESS)
int ret = vfs_opt_continue();
// just finished
if(ret == INFO::OK)
state = NOP;
return ret;
LibError vfs_opt_rebuild_main_archive(const char* trace_filename, const char* archive_fn_fmt)
int ret = vfs_opt_auto_build(trace_filename, archive_fn_fmt, 0, true);
if(ret == INFO::OK)
return INFO::OK;