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2010-04-14 17:22:32 +00:00

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/* Copyright (C) 2010 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "ComponentManager.h"
#include "IComponent.h"
#include "ParamNode.h"
#include "SimContext.h"
#include "simulation2/components/ICmpTemplateManager.h"
#include "simulation2/MessageTypes.h"
#include "ps/CLogger.h"
#include "ps/Filesystem.h"
CComponentManager::CComponentManager(CSimContext& context, bool skipScriptFunctions) :
m_NextScriptComponentTypeId(CID__LastNative), m_ScriptInterface("Engine"), m_SimContext(context), m_CurrentlyHotloading(false)
m_ScriptInterface.SetCallbackData(static_cast<void*> (this));
// For component script tests, the test system sets up its own scripted implementation of
// these functions, so we skip registering them here in those cases
if (!skipScriptFunctions)
m_ScriptInterface.RegisterFunction<void, int, std::string, CScriptVal, CComponentManager::Script_RegisterComponentType> ("RegisterComponentType");
m_ScriptInterface.RegisterFunction<void, std::string, CComponentManager::Script_RegisterInterface> ("RegisterInterface");
m_ScriptInterface.RegisterFunction<void, std::string, CScriptVal, CComponentManager::Script_RegisterGlobal> ("RegisterGlobal");
m_ScriptInterface.RegisterFunction<IComponent*, int, int, CComponentManager::Script_QueryInterface> ("QueryInterface");
m_ScriptInterface.RegisterFunction<void, int, int, CScriptVal, CComponentManager::Script_PostMessage> ("PostMessage");
m_ScriptInterface.RegisterFunction<void, int, CScriptVal, CComponentManager::Script_BroadcastMessage> ("BroadcastMessage");
m_ScriptInterface.RegisterFunction<int, std::string, CComponentManager::Script_AddEntity> ("AddEntity");
m_ScriptInterface.RegisterFunction<int, std::string, CComponentManager::Script_AddLocalEntity> ("AddLocalEntity");
m_ScriptInterface.RegisterFunction<void, int, CComponentManager::Script_DestroyEntity> ("DestroyEntity");
// Define MT_*, IID_* as script globals, and store their names
#define MESSAGE(name) m_ScriptInterface.SetGlobal("MT_" #name, (int)MT_##name);
#define INTERFACE(name) \
m_ScriptInterface.SetGlobal("IID_" #name, (int)IID_##name); \
m_InterfaceIdsByName[#name] = IID_##name;
#define COMPONENT(name)
#include "simulation2/TypeList.h"
#undef MESSAGE
m_ScriptInterface.SetGlobal("SYSTEM_ENTITY", (int)SYSTEM_ENTITY);
// Release GC roots
std::map<ComponentTypeId, ComponentType>::iterator it = m_ComponentTypesById.begin();
for (; it != m_ComponentTypesById.end(); ++it)
if (it->second.type == CT_Script)
void CComponentManager::LoadComponentTypes()
#define MESSAGE(name) \
RegisterMessageType(MT_##name, #name);
#define INTERFACE(name) \
extern void RegisterComponentInterface_##name(ScriptInterface&); \
#define COMPONENT(name) \
extern void RegisterComponentType_##name(CComponentManager&); \
m_CurrentComponent = CID_##name; \
#include "simulation2/TypeList.h"
m_CurrentComponent = CID__Invalid;
#undef MESSAGE
bool CComponentManager::LoadScript(const std::wstring& filename, bool hotload)
m_CurrentlyHotloading = hotload;
CVFSFile file;
PSRETURN loadOk = file.Load(filename);
debug_assert(loadOk == PSRETURN_OK); // TODO
std::wstring content(file.GetBuffer(), file.GetBuffer() + file.GetBufferSize()); // TODO: encodings etc
bool ok = m_ScriptInterface.LoadScript(filename, content);
return ok;
void CComponentManager::Script_RegisterComponentType(void* cbdata, int iid, std::string cname, CScriptVal ctor)
CComponentManager* componentManager = static_cast<CComponentManager*> (cbdata);
// Find the C++ component that wraps the interface
int cidWrapper = componentManager->GetScriptWrapper(iid);
if (cidWrapper == CID__Invalid)
componentManager->m_ScriptInterface.ReportError("Invalid interface id");
const ComponentType& ctWrapper = componentManager->m_ComponentTypesById[cidWrapper];
bool mustReloadComponents = false; // for hotloading
ComponentTypeId cid = componentManager->LookupCID(cname);
if (cid == CID__Invalid)
// Allocate a new cid number
cid = componentManager->m_NextScriptComponentTypeId++;
componentManager->m_ComponentTypeIdsByName[cname] = cid;
// Component type is already loaded, so do hotloading:
if (!componentManager->m_CurrentlyHotloading)
componentManager->m_ScriptInterface.ReportError("Registering component type with already-registered name"); // TODO: report the actual name
const ComponentType& ctPrevious = componentManager->m_ComponentTypesById[cid];
// We can only replace scripted component types, not native ones
if (ctPrevious.type != CT_Script)
componentManager->m_ScriptInterface.ReportError("Hotloading script component type with same name as native component");
// We don't support changing the IID of a component type (it would require fiddling
// around with m_ComponentsByInterface and being careful to guarantee uniqueness per entity)
if (ctPrevious.iid != iid)
// ...though it only matters if any components exist with this type
if (!componentManager->m_ComponentsByTypeId[cid].empty())
componentManager->m_ScriptInterface.ReportError("Hotloading script component type mustn't change interface ID");
// Clean up the old component type
// Remove its old message subscriptions
std::map<MessageTypeId, std::vector<ComponentTypeId> >::iterator it;
for (it = componentManager->m_LocalMessageSubscriptions.begin(); it != componentManager->m_LocalMessageSubscriptions.end(); ++it)
std::vector<ComponentTypeId>& types = it->second;
std::vector<ComponentTypeId>::iterator ctit = find(types.begin(), types.end(), cid);
if (ctit != types.end())
for (it = componentManager->m_GlobalMessageSubscriptions.begin(); it != componentManager->m_GlobalMessageSubscriptions.end(); ++it)
std::vector<ComponentTypeId>& types = it->second;
std::vector<ComponentTypeId>::iterator ctit = find(types.begin(), types.end(), cid);
if (ctit != types.end())
mustReloadComponents = true;
std::string schema = "<empty/>";
CScriptValRooted prototype;
if (componentManager->m_ScriptInterface.GetProperty(ctor.get(), "prototype", prototype) &&
componentManager->m_ScriptInterface.HasProperty(prototype.get(), "Schema"))
componentManager->m_ScriptInterface.GetProperty(prototype.get(), "Schema", schema);
// Construct a new ComponentType, using the wrapper's alloc functions
ComponentType ct = { CT_Script, iid, ctWrapper.alloc, ctWrapper.dealloc, cname, schema, ctor.get() };
componentManager->m_ComponentTypesById[cid] = ct;
componentManager->m_CurrentComponent = cid; // needed by Subscribe
// Stop the ctor getting GCed
componentManager->m_ScriptInterface.AddRoot(&componentManager->m_ComponentTypesById[cid].ctor, "ComponentType ctor");
// TODO: check carefully that roots will never get leaked etc
// Find all the ctor prototype's On* methods, and subscribe to the appropriate messages:
CScriptVal proto;
if (!componentManager->m_ScriptInterface.GetProperty(ctor.get(), "prototype", proto))
return; // error
std::vector<std::string> methods;
if (!componentManager->m_ScriptInterface.EnumeratePropertyNamesWithPrefix(proto.get(), "On", methods))
return; // error
for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = methods.begin(); it != methods.end(); ++it)
std::string name = (*it).substr(2); // strip the "On" prefix
// Handle "OnGlobalFoo" functions specially
bool isGlobal = false;
if (name.substr(0, 6) == "Global")
isGlobal = true;
name = name.substr(6);
std::map<std::string, MessageTypeId>::const_iterator mit = componentManager->m_MessageTypeIdsByName.find(name);
if (mit == componentManager->m_MessageTypeIdsByName.end())
std::string msg = "Registered component has unrecognised '" + *it + "' message handler method";
if (isGlobal)
componentManager->m_CurrentComponent = CID__Invalid;
if (mustReloadComponents)
// For every script component with this cid, we need to switch its
// prototype from the old constructor's prototype property to the new one's
const std::map<entity_id_t, IComponent*>& comps = componentManager->m_ComponentsByTypeId[cid];
std::map<entity_id_t, IComponent*>::const_iterator eit = comps.begin();
for (; eit != comps.end(); ++eit)
jsval instance = eit->second->GetJSInstance();
if (instance)
componentManager->m_ScriptInterface.SetPrototype(instance, proto.get());
void CComponentManager::Script_RegisterInterface(void* cbdata, std::string name)
CComponentManager* componentManager = static_cast<CComponentManager*> (cbdata);
std::map<std::string, InterfaceId>::iterator it = componentManager->m_InterfaceIdsByName.find(name);
if (it != componentManager->m_InterfaceIdsByName.end())
// Redefinitions are fine (and just get ignored) when hotloading; otherwise
// they're probably unintentional and should be reported
if (!componentManager->m_CurrentlyHotloading)
componentManager->m_ScriptInterface.ReportError("Registering interface with already-registered name"); // TODO: report the actual name
// IIDs start at 1, so size+1 is the next unused one
size_t id = componentManager->m_InterfaceIdsByName.size() + 1;
componentManager->m_InterfaceIdsByName[name] = id;
componentManager->m_ScriptInterface.SetGlobal(("IID_" + name).c_str(), (int )id);
void CComponentManager::Script_RegisterGlobal(void* cbdata, std::string name, CScriptVal value)
CComponentManager* componentManager = static_cast<CComponentManager*> (cbdata);
// Set the value, and accept duplicates only if hotloading (otherwise it's an error,
// in order to detect accidental duplicate definitions of globals)
componentManager->m_ScriptInterface.SetGlobal(name.c_str(), value, componentManager->m_CurrentlyHotloading);
IComponent* CComponentManager::Script_QueryInterface(void* cbdata, int ent, int iid)
CComponentManager* componentManager = static_cast<CComponentManager*> (cbdata);
IComponent* component = componentManager->QueryInterface((entity_id_t)ent, iid);
return component;
void CComponentManager::Script_PostMessage(void* cbdata, int ent, int mtid, CScriptVal data)
CComponentManager* componentManager = static_cast<CComponentManager*> (cbdata);
CMessage* msg = CMessageFromJSVal(mtid, componentManager->m_ScriptInterface, data.get());
if (!msg)
return; // error
componentManager->PostMessage(ent, *msg);
delete msg;
void CComponentManager::Script_BroadcastMessage(void* cbdata, int mtid, CScriptVal data)
CComponentManager* componentManager = static_cast<CComponentManager*> (cbdata);
CMessage* msg = CMessageFromJSVal(mtid, componentManager->m_ScriptInterface, data.get());
if (!msg)
return; // error
delete msg;
int CComponentManager::Script_AddEntity(void* cbdata, std::string templateName)
CComponentManager* componentManager = static_cast<CComponentManager*> (cbdata);
std::wstring name(templateName.begin(), templateName.end());
// TODO: should validate the string to make sure it doesn't contain scary characters
// that will let it access non-component-template files
entity_id_t ent = componentManager->AddEntity(name, componentManager->AllocateNewEntity());
return (int)ent;
int CComponentManager::Script_AddLocalEntity(void* cbdata, std::string templateName)
CComponentManager* componentManager = static_cast<CComponentManager*> (cbdata);
std::wstring name(templateName.begin(), templateName.end());
// TODO: should validate the string to make sure it doesn't contain scary characters
// that will let it access non-component-template files
entity_id_t ent = componentManager->AddEntity(name, componentManager->AllocateNewLocalEntity());
return (int)ent;
void CComponentManager::Script_DestroyEntity(void* cbdata, int ent)
CComponentManager* componentManager = static_cast<CComponentManager*> (cbdata);
void CComponentManager::ResetState()
// Delete all IComponents
std::map<ComponentTypeId, std::map<entity_id_t, IComponent*> >::iterator iit = m_ComponentsByTypeId.begin();
for (; iit != m_ComponentsByTypeId.end(); ++iit)
std::map<entity_id_t, IComponent*>::iterator eit = iit->second.begin();
for (; eit != iit->second.end(); ++eit)
// Reset IDs
m_NextEntityId = SYSTEM_ENTITY + 1;
m_NextLocalEntityId = FIRST_LOCAL_ENTITY;
void CComponentManager::RegisterComponentType(InterfaceId iid, ComponentTypeId cid, AllocFunc alloc, DeallocFunc dealloc,
const char* name, const std::string& schema)
ComponentType c = { CT_Native, iid, alloc, dealloc, name, schema, 0 };
m_ComponentTypesById.insert(std::make_pair(cid, c));
m_ComponentTypeIdsByName[name] = cid;
void CComponentManager::RegisterComponentTypeScriptWrapper(InterfaceId iid, ComponentTypeId cid, AllocFunc alloc,
DeallocFunc dealloc, const char* name, const std::string& schema)
ComponentType c = { CT_ScriptWrapper, iid, alloc, dealloc, name, schema, 0 };
m_ComponentTypesById.insert(std::make_pair(cid, c));
m_ComponentTypeIdsByName[name] = cid;
// TODO: merge with RegisterComponentType
void CComponentManager::RegisterMessageType(MessageTypeId mtid, const char* name)
m_MessageTypeIdsByName[name] = mtid;
void CComponentManager::SubscribeToMessageType(MessageTypeId mtid)
// TODO: verify mtid
debug_assert(m_CurrentComponent != CID__Invalid);
std::vector<ComponentTypeId>& types = m_LocalMessageSubscriptions[mtid];
std::sort(types.begin(), types.end()); // TODO: just sort once at the end of LoadComponents
void CComponentManager::SubscribeGloballyToMessageType(MessageTypeId mtid)
// TODO: verify mtid
debug_assert(m_CurrentComponent != CID__Invalid);
std::vector<ComponentTypeId>& types = m_GlobalMessageSubscriptions[mtid];
std::sort(types.begin(), types.end()); // TODO: just sort once at the end of LoadComponents
CComponentManager::ComponentTypeId CComponentManager::LookupCID(const std::string& cname) const
std::map<std::string, ComponentTypeId>::const_iterator it = m_ComponentTypeIdsByName.find(cname);
if (it == m_ComponentTypeIdsByName.end())
return CID__Invalid;
return it->second;
std::string CComponentManager::LookupComponentTypeName(ComponentTypeId cid) const
std::map<ComponentTypeId, ComponentType>::const_iterator it = m_ComponentTypesById.find(cid);
if (it == m_ComponentTypesById.end())
return "";
return it->second.name;
CComponentManager::ComponentTypeId CComponentManager::GetScriptWrapper(InterfaceId iid)
if (iid >= IID__LastNative && iid <= (int)m_InterfaceIdsByName.size()) // use <= since IDs start at 1
return CID_UnknownScript;
std::map<ComponentTypeId, ComponentType>::const_iterator it = m_ComponentTypesById.begin();
for (; it != m_ComponentTypesById.end(); ++it)
if (it->second.iid == iid && it->second.type == CT_ScriptWrapper)
return it->first;
LOGERROR(L"No script wrapper found for interface id %d", iid); // TODO: report name (if iid is valid at all)
return CID__Invalid;
entity_id_t CComponentManager::AllocateNewEntity()
entity_id_t id = m_NextEntityId++;
// TODO: check for overflow
return id;
entity_id_t CComponentManager::AllocateNewLocalEntity()
entity_id_t id = m_NextLocalEntityId++;
// TODO: check for overflow
return id;
entity_id_t CComponentManager::AllocateNewEntity(entity_id_t preferredId)
// TODO: ensure this ID hasn't been allocated before
// (this might occur with broken map files)
entity_id_t id = preferredId;
// Ensure this ID won't be allocated again
if (id >= m_NextEntityId)
m_NextEntityId = id+1;
// TODO: check for overflow
return id;
bool CComponentManager::AddComponent(entity_id_t ent, ComponentTypeId cid, const CParamNode& paramNode)
IComponent* component = ConstructComponent(ent, cid);
if (!component)
return false;
component->Init(m_SimContext, paramNode);
return true;
IComponent* CComponentManager::ConstructComponent(entity_id_t ent, ComponentTypeId cid)
std::map<ComponentTypeId, ComponentType>::const_iterator it = m_ComponentTypesById.find(cid);
if (it == m_ComponentTypesById.end())
LOGERROR(L"Invalid component id %d", cid);
return NULL;
const ComponentType& ct = it->second;
std::map<entity_id_t, IComponent*>& emap1 = m_ComponentsByInterface[ct.iid];
if (emap1.find(ent) != emap1.end())
LOGERROR(L"Multiple components for interface %d", ct.iid);
return NULL;
std::map<entity_id_t, IComponent*>& emap2 = m_ComponentsByTypeId[cid];
// If this is a scripted component, construct the appropriate JS object first
jsval obj = 0;
if (ct.type == CT_Script)
obj = m_ScriptInterface.CallConstructor(ct.ctor);
if (!obj)
LOGERROR(L"Script component constructor failed");
return NULL;
// Construct the new component
IComponent* component = ct.alloc(m_ScriptInterface, obj);
// Store a reference to the new component
emap1.insert(std::make_pair(ent, component));
emap2.insert(std::make_pair(ent, component));
// TODO: We need to more careful about this - if an entity is constructed by a component
// while we're iterating over all components, this will invalidate the iterators and everything
// will break.
// We probably need some kind of delayed addition, so they get pushed onto a queue and then
// inserted into the world later on. (Be careful about immediation deletion in that case, too.)
return component;
void CComponentManager::AddMockComponent(entity_id_t ent, InterfaceId iid, IComponent& component)
// Just add it into the by-interface map, not the by-component-type map,
// so it won't be considered for messages or deletion etc
std::map<entity_id_t, IComponent*>& emap1 = m_ComponentsByInterface[iid];
if (emap1.find(ent) != emap1.end())
debug_warn(L"Multiple components for interface");
emap1.insert(std::make_pair(ent, &component));
entity_id_t CComponentManager::AddEntity(const std::wstring& templateName, entity_id_t ent)
ICmpTemplateManager *tempMan = static_cast<ICmpTemplateManager*> (QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager));
if (!tempMan)
debug_warn(L"No ICmpTemplateManager loaded");
// TODO: should assert that ent doesn't exist
const CParamNode* tmpl = tempMan->LoadTemplate(ent, templateName, -1);
if (!tmpl)
return INVALID_ENTITY; // LoadTemplate will have reported the error
// Construct a component for each child of the root element
const CParamNode::ChildrenMap& tmplChilds = tmpl->GetChildren();
for (CParamNode::ChildrenMap::const_iterator it = tmplChilds.begin(); it != tmplChilds.end(); ++it)
// Ignore attributes on the root element
if (it->first.length() && it->first[0] == '@')
CComponentManager::ComponentTypeId cid = LookupCID(it->first);
if (cid == CID__Invalid)
LOGERROR(L"Unrecognised component type name '%hs' in entity template '%ls'", it->first.c_str(), templateName.c_str());
if (!AddComponent(ent, cid, it->second))
LOGERROR(L"Failed to construct component type name '%hs' in entity template '%ls'", it->first.c_str(), templateName.c_str());
// TODO: maybe we should delete already-constructed components if one of them fails?
return ent;
void CComponentManager::DestroyComponentsSoon(entity_id_t ent)
void CComponentManager::FlushDestroyedComponents()
// Make a copy of the destruction queue, so that the iterators won't be invalidated if the
// CMessageDestroy handlers try to destroy more entities themselves
std::vector<entity_id_t> queue;
for (std::vector<entity_id_t>::iterator it = queue.begin(); it != queue.end(); ++it)
entity_id_t ent = *it;
CMessageDestroy msg(ent);
PostMessage(ent, msg);
// Destroy the components, and remove from m_ComponentsByTypeId:
std::map<ComponentTypeId, std::map<entity_id_t, IComponent*> >::iterator iit = m_ComponentsByTypeId.begin();
for (; iit != m_ComponentsByTypeId.end(); ++iit)
std::map<entity_id_t, IComponent*>::iterator eit = iit->second.find(ent);
if (eit != iit->second.end())
// Remove from m_ComponentsByInterface
std::map<InterfaceId, std::map<entity_id_t, IComponent*> >::iterator ifcit = m_ComponentsByInterface.begin();
for (; ifcit != m_ComponentsByInterface.end(); ++ifcit)
IComponent* CComponentManager::QueryInterface(entity_id_t ent, InterfaceId iid) const
std::map<InterfaceId, std::map<entity_id_t, IComponent*> >::const_iterator iit = m_ComponentsByInterface.find(iid);
if (iit == m_ComponentsByInterface.end())
// Invalid iid, or no entities implement this interface
return NULL;
std::map<entity_id_t, IComponent*>::const_iterator eit = iit->second.find(ent);
if (eit == iit->second.end())
// This entity doesn't implement this interface
return NULL;
return eit->second;
static std::map<entity_id_t, IComponent*> g_EmptyEntityMap;
const std::map<entity_id_t, IComponent*>& CComponentManager::GetEntitiesWithInterface(InterfaceId iid) const
std::map<InterfaceId, std::map<entity_id_t, IComponent*> >::const_iterator iit = m_ComponentsByInterface.find(iid);
if (iit == m_ComponentsByInterface.end())
// Invalid iid, or no entities implement this interface
return g_EmptyEntityMap;
return iit->second;
void CComponentManager::PostMessage(entity_id_t ent, const CMessage& msg) const
// Send the message to components of ent, that subscribed locally to this message
std::map<MessageTypeId, std::vector<ComponentTypeId> >::const_iterator it;
it = m_LocalMessageSubscriptions.find(msg.GetType());
if (it != m_LocalMessageSubscriptions.end())
std::vector<ComponentTypeId>::const_iterator ctit = it->second.begin();
for (; ctit != it->second.end(); ++ctit)
std::map<ComponentTypeId, std::map<entity_id_t, IComponent*> >::const_iterator emap = m_ComponentsByTypeId.find(*ctit);
if (emap == m_ComponentsByTypeId.end())
std::map<entity_id_t, IComponent*>::const_iterator eit = emap->second.find(ent);
if (eit != emap->second.end())
eit->second->HandleMessage(m_SimContext, msg, false);
void CComponentManager::BroadcastMessage(const CMessage& msg) const
// Send the message to components of all entities that subscribed locally to this message
std::map<MessageTypeId, std::vector<ComponentTypeId> >::const_iterator it;
it = m_LocalMessageSubscriptions.find(msg.GetType());
if (it != m_LocalMessageSubscriptions.end())
std::vector<ComponentTypeId>::const_iterator ctit = it->second.begin();
for (; ctit != it->second.end(); ++ctit)
std::map<ComponentTypeId, std::map<entity_id_t, IComponent*> >::const_iterator emap = m_ComponentsByTypeId.find(*ctit);
if (emap == m_ComponentsByTypeId.end())
std::map<entity_id_t, IComponent*>::const_iterator eit = emap->second.begin();
for (; eit != emap->second.end(); ++eit)
eit->second->HandleMessage(m_SimContext, msg, false);
void CComponentManager::SendGlobalMessage(const CMessage& msg) const
// (Common functionality for PostMessage and BroadcastMessage)
// Send the message to components of all entities that subscribed globally to this message
std::map<MessageTypeId, std::vector<ComponentTypeId> >::const_iterator it;
it = m_GlobalMessageSubscriptions.find(msg.GetType());
if (it != m_GlobalMessageSubscriptions.end())
std::vector<ComponentTypeId>::const_iterator ctit = it->second.begin();
for (; ctit != it->second.end(); ++ctit)
std::map<ComponentTypeId, std::map<entity_id_t, IComponent*> >::const_iterator emap = m_ComponentsByTypeId.find(*ctit);
if (emap == m_ComponentsByTypeId.end())
std::map<entity_id_t, IComponent*>::const_iterator eit = emap->second.begin();
for (; eit != emap->second.end(); ++eit)
eit->second->HandleMessage(m_SimContext, msg, true);
std::string CComponentManager::GenerateSchema()
std::string schema =
"<grammar xmlns='http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0' xmlns:a='http://ns.wildfiregames.com/entity' datatypeLibrary='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes'>"
"<define name='nonNegativeDecimal'>"
"<data type='decimal'><param name='minInclusive'>0</param></data>"
"<define name='positiveDecimal'>"
"<data type='decimal'><param name='minExclusive'>0</param></data>"
"<define name='anything'>"
"<ref name='anything'/>"
std::map<InterfaceId, std::vector<std::string> > interfaceComponentTypes;
for (std::map<ComponentTypeId, ComponentType>::const_iterator it = m_ComponentTypesById.begin(); it != m_ComponentTypesById.end(); ++it)
schema +=
"<define name='component." + it->second.name + "'>"
"<element name='" + it->second.name + "'>"
"<interleave>" + it->second.schema + "</interleave>"
for (std::map<std::string, InterfaceId>::const_iterator it = m_InterfaceIdsByName.begin(); it != m_InterfaceIdsByName.end(); ++it)
schema += "<define name='interface." + it->first + "'><choice>";
std::vector<std::string>& cts = interfaceComponentTypes[it->second];
for (size_t i = 0; i < cts.size(); ++i)
schema += "<ref name='component." + cts[i] + "'/>";
schema += "</choice></define>";
schema +=
"<element name='Entity'>"
"<optional><attribute name='parent'/></optional>"
for (std::map<std::string, InterfaceId>::const_iterator it = m_InterfaceIdsByName.begin(); it != m_InterfaceIdsByName.end(); ++it)
schema += "<optional><ref name='interface." + it->first + "'/></optional>";
schema +=
schema += "</grammar>";
// TODO: pretty-print
return schema;