forked from 0ad/0ad
2010-04-14 17:22:32 +00:00

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/* Copyright (C) 2010 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "Entity.h"
#include "Components.h"
#include "scriptinterface/ScriptInterface.h"
#include <map>
class IComponent;
class CParamNode;
class CMessage;
class CSimContext;
class CComponentManager
// We can't use EInterfaceId/etc directly, since scripts dynamically generate new IDs
// and casting arbitrary ints to enums is undefined behaviour, so use 'int' typedefs
typedef int InterfaceId;
typedef int ComponentTypeId;
typedef int MessageTypeId;
// Component allocation types
typedef IComponent* (*AllocFunc)(ScriptInterface& scriptInterface, jsval ctor);
typedef void (*DeallocFunc)(IComponent*);
// ComponentTypes come in three types:
// Native: normal C++ component
// ScriptWrapper: C++ component that wraps a JS component implementation
// Script: a ScriptWrapper linked to a specific JS component implementation
enum EComponentTypeType
// Representation of a component type, to be used when instantiating components
struct ComponentType
EComponentTypeType type;
InterfaceId iid;
AllocFunc alloc;
DeallocFunc dealloc;
std::string name;
std::string schema; // RelaxNG fragment
jsval ctor; // only valid if type == CT_Script
CComponentManager(CSimContext&, bool skipScriptFunctions = false);
void LoadComponentTypes();
* Load a script and execute it in a new function scope.
* @param filename VFS path to load
* @param hotload set to true if this script has been loaded before, and redefinitions of
* existing components should not be considered errors
bool LoadScript(const std::wstring& filename, bool hotload = false);
void RegisterMessageType(MessageTypeId mtid, const char* name);
void RegisterComponentType(InterfaceId, ComponentTypeId, AllocFunc, DeallocFunc, const char*, const std::string& schema);
void RegisterComponentTypeScriptWrapper(InterfaceId, ComponentTypeId, AllocFunc, DeallocFunc, const char*, const std::string& schema);
void SubscribeToMessageType(MessageTypeId);
void SubscribeGloballyToMessageType(MessageTypeId);
* @param cname Requested component type name (not including any "CID" or "CCmp" prefix)
* @return The component type id, or CID__Invalid if not found
ComponentTypeId LookupCID(const std::string& cname) const;
* @return The name of the given component type, or "" if not found
std::string LookupComponentTypeName(ComponentTypeId cid) const;
* Returns a new entity ID that has never been used before.
* This affects the simulation state so it must only be called in network-synchronised ways.
entity_id_t AllocateNewEntity();
* Returns a new local entity ID that has never been used before.
* This entity will not be synchronised over the network, stored in saved games, etc.
entity_id_t AllocateNewLocalEntity();
* Returns a new entity ID that has never been used before.
* If possible, returns preferredId, and ensures this ID won't be allocated again.
* This affects the simulation state so it must only be called in network-synchronised ways.
entity_id_t AllocateNewEntity(entity_id_t preferredId);
* Constructs a component of type 'cid', initialised with data 'paramNode',
* and attaches it to entity 'ent'.
* @return true on success; false on failure, and logs an error message
bool AddComponent(entity_id_t ent, ComponentTypeId cid, const CParamNode& paramNode);
* Adds an externally-created component, so that it is returned by QueryInterface
* but does not get destroyed and does not receive messages from the component manager.
* (This is intended for unit tests that need to add mock objects the tested components
* expect to exist.)
void AddMockComponent(entity_id_t ent, InterfaceId iid, IComponent& component);
* Allocates a component object of type 'cid', and attaches it to entity 'ent'.
* (The component's Init is not called here - either Init or Deserialize must be called
* before using the returned object.)
IComponent* ConstructComponent(entity_id_t ent, ComponentTypeId cid);
* Constructs an entity based on the given template, and adds it the world with
* entity ID @p ent. There should not be any existing components with that entity ID.
* @return ent, or INVALID_ENTITY on error
entity_id_t AddEntity(const std::wstring& templateName, entity_id_t ent);
* Destroys all the components belonging to the specified entity when FlushDestroyedComponents is called.
* Has no effect if the entity does not exist, or has already been added to the destruction queue.
void DestroyComponentsSoon(entity_id_t ent);
* Does the actual destruction of components from DestroyComponentsSoon.
* This must not be called if the component manager is on the call stack (since it
* will break internal iterators).
void FlushDestroyedComponents();
IComponent* QueryInterface(entity_id_t ent, InterfaceId iid) const;
const std::map<entity_id_t, IComponent*>& GetEntitiesWithInterface(InterfaceId iid) const;
* Send a message, targeted at a particular entity. The message will be received by any
* components of that entity which subscribed to the message type, and by any other components
* that subscribed globally to the message type.
void PostMessage(entity_id_t ent, const CMessage& msg) const;
* Send a message, not targeted at any particular entity. The message will be received by any
* components that subscribed (either globally or not) to the message type.
void BroadcastMessage(const CMessage& msg) const;
* Resets the dynamic simulation state (deletes all entities, resets entity ID counters;
* doesn't unload/reload component scripts).
void ResetState();
// Various state serialization functions:
bool ComputeStateHash(std::string& outHash);
bool DumpDebugState(std::ostream& stream);
// FlushDestroyedComponents must be called before SerializeState (since the destruction queue
// won't get serialized)
bool SerializeState(std::ostream& stream);
bool DeserializeState(std::istream& stream);
std::string GenerateSchema();
ScriptInterface& GetScriptInterface() { return m_ScriptInterface; }
// Implementations of functions exposed to scripts
static void Script_RegisterComponentType(void* cbdata, int iid, std::string cname, CScriptVal ctor);
static void Script_RegisterInterface(void* cbdata, std::string name);
static void Script_RegisterGlobal(void* cbdata, std::string name, CScriptVal value);
static IComponent* Script_QueryInterface(void* cbdata, int ent, int iid);
static void Script_PostMessage(void* cbdata, int ent, int mtid, CScriptVal data);
static void Script_BroadcastMessage(void* cbdata, int mtid, CScriptVal data);
static int Script_AddEntity(void* cbdata, std::string templateName);
static int Script_AddLocalEntity(void* cbdata, std::string templateName);
static void Script_DestroyEntity(void* cbdata, int ent);
void SendGlobalMessage(const CMessage& msg) const;
ComponentTypeId GetScriptWrapper(InterfaceId iid);
ScriptInterface m_ScriptInterface;
const CSimContext& m_SimContext;
ComponentTypeId m_CurrentComponent; // used when loading component types
bool m_CurrentlyHotloading;
// TODO: some of these should be vectors
std::map<ComponentTypeId, ComponentType> m_ComponentTypesById;
std::map<InterfaceId, std::map<entity_id_t, IComponent*> > m_ComponentsByInterface;
std::map<ComponentTypeId, std::map<entity_id_t, IComponent*> > m_ComponentsByTypeId;
std::map<MessageTypeId, std::vector<ComponentTypeId> > m_LocalMessageSubscriptions;
std::map<MessageTypeId, std::vector<ComponentTypeId> > m_GlobalMessageSubscriptions;
std::map<std::string, ComponentTypeId> m_ComponentTypeIdsByName;
std::map<std::string, MessageTypeId> m_MessageTypeIdsByName;
std::map<std::string, InterfaceId> m_InterfaceIdsByName;
// TODO: maintaining both ComponentsBy* is nasty; can we get rid of one,
// while keeping QueryInterface and PostMessage sufficiently efficient?
std::vector<entity_id_t> m_DestructionQueue;
ComponentTypeId m_NextScriptComponentTypeId;
entity_id_t m_NextEntityId;
entity_id_t m_NextLocalEntityId;
friend class TestComponentManager;