forked from 0ad/0ad
historic_bruno b4503bb61e Simplifies random map output, see #782.
Changes random maps to XZ coordinates, matching the engine.
More documentation for rmgen library.

This was SVN commit r9271.
2011-04-16 04:04:06 +00:00

148 lines
3.4 KiB

// Utility function used in both noises as an ease curve
function easeCurve(t)
return t*t*t*(t*(t*6-15)+10);
// Find mod of number but only positive values
function modPos(num, m)
var p = num % m;
if (p < 0)
p += m;
return p;
// Noise2D
// Class representing 2D noise with a given base frequency
function Noise2D(freq)
freq = Math.floor(freq);
this.freq = freq;
this.grads = new Array(freq);
for (var i=0; i < freq; ++i)
this.grads[i] = new Array(freq);
for (var j=0; j < freq; ++j)
var a = randFloat() * 2 * PI;
this.grads[i][j] = new Vector2D(Math.cos(a), Math.sin(a));
Noise2D.prototype.get = function(x, y)
x *= this.freq;
y *= this.freq;
var ix = modPos(Math.floor(x), this.freq);
var iy = modPos(Math.floor(y), this.freq);
var fx = x - ix;
var fy = y - iy;
var ix1 = (ix+1) % this.freq;
var iy1 = (iy+1) % this.freq;
var s = this.grads[ix][iy].dot(new Vector2D(fx, fy));
var t = this.grads[ix1][iy].dot(new Vector2D(fx-1, fy));
var u = this.grads[ix][iy1].dot(new Vector2D(fx, fy-1));
var v = this.grads[ix1][iy1].dot(new Vector2D(fx-1, fy-1));
var ex = easeCurve(fx);
var ey = easeCurve(fy);
var a = s + ex*(t-s);
var b = u + ex*(v-u);
return (a + ey*(b-a)) * 0.5 + 0.5;
// Noise3D
// Class representing 3D noise with given base frequencies
function Noise3D(freq, vfreq)
freq = Math.floor(freq);
vfreq = Math.floor(vfreq);
this.freq = freq;
this.vfreq = vfreq;
this.grads = new Array(freq);
for (var i=0; i < freq; ++i)
this.grads[i] = new Array(freq);
for (var j=0; j < freq; ++j)
this.grads[i][j] = new Array(vfreq);
for(var k=0; k < vfreq; ++k)
var v = new Vector3D();
v.set(2*randFloat()-1, 2*randFloat()-1, 2*randFloat()-1);
while(v.lengthSquared() > 1 || v.lengthSquared() < 0.1);
this.grads[i][j][k] = v;
Noise3D.prototype.get = function(x, y, z)
x *= this.freq;
y *= this.freq;
z *= this.vfreq;
var ix =modPos(Math.floor(x), this.freq);
var iy = modPos(Math.floor(y), this.freq);
var iz = modPos(Math.floor(z), this.vfreq);
var fx = x - ix;
var fy = y - iy;
var fz = z - iz;
var ix1 = (ix+1) % this.freq;
var iy1 = (iy+1) % this.freq;
var iz1 = (iz+1) % this.vfreq;
var s0 = this.grads[ix][iy][iz].dot(new Vector3D(fx, fy, fz));
var t0 = this.grads[ix1][iy][iz].dot(new Vector3D(fx-1, fy, fz));
var u0 = this.grads[ix][iy1][iz].dot(new Vector3D(fx, fy-1, fz));
var v0 = this.grads[ix1][iy1][iz].dot(new Vector3D(fx-1, fy-1, fz));
var s1 = this.grads[ix][iy][iz1].dot(new Vector3D(fx, fy, fz-1));
var t1 = this.grads[ix1][iy][iz1].dot(new Vector3D(fx-1, fy, fz-1));
var u1 = this.grads[ix][iy1][iz1].dot(new Vector3D(fx, fy-1, fz-1));
var v1 = this.grads[ix1][iy1][iz1].dot(new Vector3D(fx-1, fy-1, fz-1));
var ex = easeCurve(fx);
var ey = easeCurve(fy);
var ez = easeCurve(fz);
var a0 = s0 + ex*(t0-s0);
var b0 = u0 + ex*(v0-u0);
var c0 = a0 + ey*(b0-a0);
var a1 = s1 + ex*(t1-s1);
var b1 = u1 + ex*(v1-u1);
var c1 = a1 + ey*(b1-a1);
return (c0 + ez*(c1-c0)) * 0.5 + 0.5;