forked from 0ad/0ad
historic_bruno 66194deedc Fixes player setup to set all diplomacy values (including self as ally).
Removes unnecessary checks from CmpPlayer diplomacy functions.
Fixes some inconsistent formatting.

This was SVN commit r11935.
2012-06-04 00:24:08 +00:00

377 lines
7.9 KiB

function Player() {}
Player.prototype.Schema =
"<a:component type='system'/><empty/>";
Player.prototype.Init = function()
this.playerID = undefined;
this.name = undefined; // define defaults elsewhere (supporting other languages)
this.civ = undefined;
this.colour = { "r": 0.0, "g": 0.0, "b": 0.0, "a": 1.0 };
this.popUsed = 0; // population of units owned or trained by this player
this.popBonuses = 0; // sum of population bonuses of player's entities
this.maxPop = 300; // maximum population
this.trainingBlocked = false; // indicates whether any training queue is currently blocked
this.resourceCount = {
"food": 300,
"wood": 300,
"metal": 300,
"stone": 300
this.team = -1; // team number of the player, players on the same team will always have ally diplomatic status - also this is useful for team emblems, scoring, etc.
this.state = "active"; // game state - one of "active", "defeated", "won"
this.diplomacy = []; // array of diplomatic stances for this player with respect to other players (including gaia and self)
this.conquestCriticalEntitiesCount = 0; // number of owned units with ConquestCritical class
this.phase = "village";
this.formations = [];
this.startCam = undefined;
this.controlAllUnits = false;
this.isAI = false;
Player.prototype.SetPlayerID = function(id)
this.playerID = id;
Player.prototype.GetPlayerID = function()
return this.playerID;
Player.prototype.SetName = function(name)
this.name = name;
Player.prototype.GetName = function()
return this.name;
Player.prototype.SetCiv = function(civcode)
this.civ = civcode;
Player.prototype.GetCiv = function()
return this.civ;
Player.prototype.SetColour = function(r, g, b)
this.colour = { "r": r/255.0, "g": g/255.0, "b": b/255.0, "a": 1.0 };
Player.prototype.GetColour = function()
return this.colour;
Player.prototype.TryReservePopulationSlots = function(num)
if (num > (this.GetPopulationLimit() - this.GetPopulationCount()))
return false;
this.popUsed += num;
return true;
Player.prototype.UnReservePopulationSlots = function(num)
this.popUsed -= num;
Player.prototype.GetPopulationCount = function()
return this.popUsed;
Player.prototype.GetPopulationLimit = function()
return Math.min(this.maxPop, this.popBonuses);
Player.prototype.SetMaxPopulation = function(max)
this.maxPop = max;
Player.prototype.GetMaxPopulation = function()
return this.maxPop;
Player.prototype.IsTrainingBlocked = function()
return this.trainingBlocked;
Player.prototype.BlockTraining = function()
this.trainingBlocked = true;
Player.prototype.UnBlockTraining = function()
this.trainingBlocked = false;
Player.prototype.SetResourceCounts = function(resources)
if (resources.food !== undefined)
this.resourceCount.food = resources.food;
if (resources.wood !== undefined)
this.resourceCount.wood = resources.wood;
if (resources.stone !== undefined)
this.resourceCount.stone = resources.stone;
if (resources.metal !== undefined)
this.resourceCount.metal = resources.metal;
Player.prototype.GetResourceCounts = function()
return this.resourceCount;
* Add resource of specified type to player
* @param type Generic type of resource (string)
* @param amount Amount of resource, whick should be added (integer)
Player.prototype.AddResource = function(type, amount)
this.resourceCount[type] += (+amount);
* Add resources to player
Player.prototype.AddResources = function(amounts)
for (var type in amounts)
this.resourceCount[type] += (+amounts[type]);
Player.prototype.TrySubtractResources = function(amounts)
// Check if we can afford it all
var amountsNeeded = {};
for (var type in amounts)
if (amounts[type] > this.resourceCount[type])
amountsNeeded[type] = amounts[type] - this.resourceCount[type];
var formattedAmountsNeeded = [];
for (var type in amountsNeeded)
formattedAmountsNeeded.push(type + ": " + amountsNeeded[type]);
// If we don't have enough resources, send a notification to the player
if (formattedAmountsNeeded.length)
var notification = {"player": this.playerID, "message": "Insufficient resources - " + formattedAmountsNeeded.join(", ")};
var cmpGUIInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface);
return false;
// Subtract the resources
for (var type in amounts)
this.resourceCount[type] -= amounts[type];
return true;
Player.prototype.GetState = function()
return this.state;
Player.prototype.SetState = function(newState)
this.state = newState;
Player.prototype.GetConquestCriticalEntitiesCount = function()
return this.conquestCriticalEntitiesCount;
Player.prototype.GetTeam = function()
return this.team;
Player.prototype.SetTeam = function(team)
this.team = team;
Player.prototype.GetDiplomacy = function()
return this.diplomacy;
Player.prototype.SetDiplomacy = function(dipl)
this.diplomacy = dipl;
Player.prototype.GetFormations = function()
return this.formations;
Player.prototype.SetFormations = function(formations)
this.formations = formations;
Player.prototype.GetStartingCameraPos = function()
return this.startCam.position;
Player.prototype.GetStartingCameraRot = function()
return this.startCam.rotation;
Player.prototype.SetStartingCamera = function(pos, rot)
this.startCam = {"position": pos, "rotation": rot};
Player.prototype.HasStartingCamera = function()
return (this.startCam !== undefined);
Player.prototype.SetControlAllUnits = function(c)
this.controlAllUnits = c;
Player.prototype.CanControlAllUnits = function()
return this.controlAllUnits;
Player.prototype.SetAI = function(flag)
this.isAI = flag;
Player.prototype.IsAI = function()
return this.isAI;
Player.prototype.SetAlly = function(id)
this.diplomacy[id] = 1;
* Check if given player is our ally
Player.prototype.IsAlly = function(id)
return this.diplomacy[id] > 0;
Player.prototype.SetEnemy = function(id)
this.diplomacy[id] = -1;
* Check if given player is our enemy
Player.prototype.IsEnemy = function(id)
return this.diplomacy[id] < 0;
Player.prototype.SetNeutral = function(id)
this.diplomacy[id] = 0;
* Check if given player is neutral
Player.prototype.IsNeutral = function(id)
return this.diplomacy[id] == 0;
* Keep track of population effects of all entities that
* become owned or unowned by this player
Player.prototype.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged = function(msg)
var isConquestCritical = false;
// Load class list only if we're going to need it
if (msg.from == this.playerID || msg.to == this.playerID)
var cmpIdentity = Engine.QueryInterface(msg.entity, IID_Identity);
if (cmpIdentity)
var classes = cmpIdentity.GetClassesList();
isConquestCritical = classes.indexOf("ConquestCritical") != -1;
if (msg.from == this.playerID)
if (isConquestCritical)
var cost = Engine.QueryInterface(msg.entity, IID_Cost);
if (cost)
this.popUsed -= cost.GetPopCost();
this.popBonuses -= cost.GetPopBonus();
if (msg.to == this.playerID)
if (isConquestCritical)
var cost = Engine.QueryInterface(msg.entity, IID_Cost);
if (cost)
this.popUsed += cost.GetPopCost();
this.popBonuses += cost.GetPopBonus();
Player.prototype.OnPlayerDefeated = function()
this.state = "defeated";
// Reassign all player's entities to Gaia
var cmpRangeManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_RangeManager);
var entities = cmpRangeManager.GetEntitiesByPlayer(this.playerID);
for each (var entity in entities)
// Note: maybe we need to reassign units and buildings only?
var cmpOwnership = Engine.QueryInterface(entity, IID_Ownership);
Engine.RegisterComponentType(IID_Player, "Player", Player);