forked from 0ad/0ad
Ykkrosh a9feadc3ea # Improved COLLADA skeletal animation support.
Moved skeleton definitions into XML format, to support multiple
different structures. (Not quite finished yet.)
Added support for rescaled models in XSI.
Minor refactoring.

This was SVN commit r4959.
2007-03-16 18:00:58 +00:00

445 lines
14 KiB

#include "precompiled.h"
#include "CommonConvert.h"
#include "StdSkeletons.h"
#include "FCollada.h"
#include "FCDocument/FCDSceneNode.h"
#include "FCDocument/FCDSkinController.h"
#include "FUtils/FUDaeSyntax.h"
#include "FUtils/FUFileManager.h"
#include "FUtils/FUXmlParser.h"
#include <cassert>
void require_(int line, bool value, const char* type, const char* message)
if (value) return;
char linestr[16];
sprintf(linestr, "%d", line);
throw ColladaException(std::string(type) + " (line " + linestr + "): " + message);
/** Error handler for libxml2 */
void errorHandler(void* ctx, const char* msg, ...)
char buffer[1024];
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, msg);
vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), msg, ap);
buffer[sizeof(buffer)-1] = '\0';
*((std::string*)ctx) += buffer;
FColladaErrorHandler::FColladaErrorHandler(std::string& xmlErrors_)
: xmlErrors(xmlErrors_)
// Grab all the error output from libxml2, for useful error reporting
xmlSetGenericErrorFunc(&xmlErrors, &errorHandler);
FUError::SetErrorCallback(FUError::DEBUG, new FUFunctor3<FColladaErrorHandler, FUError::Level, uint32, uint32, void>(this, &FColladaErrorHandler::OnError));
FUError::SetErrorCallback(FUError::WARNING, new FUFunctor3<FColladaErrorHandler, FUError::Level, uint32, uint32, void>(this, &FColladaErrorHandler::OnError));
FUError::SetErrorCallback(FUError::ERROR, new FUFunctor3<FColladaErrorHandler, FUError::Level, uint32, uint32, void>(this, &FColladaErrorHandler::OnError));
xmlSetGenericErrorFunc(NULL, NULL);
FUError::SetErrorCallback(FUError::DEBUG, NULL);
FUError::SetErrorCallback(FUError::WARNING, NULL);
FUError::SetErrorCallback(FUError::ERROR, NULL);
void FColladaErrorHandler::OnError(FUError::Level errorLevel, uint32 errorCode, uint32 UNUSED(lineNumber))
const char* errorString = FUError::GetErrorString((FUError::Code) errorCode);
if (! errorString)
errorString = "Unknown error code";
if (errorLevel == FUError::DEBUG)
Log(LOG_INFO, "FCollada message %d: %s", errorCode, errorString);
else if (errorLevel == FUError::WARNING)
Log(LOG_WARNING, "FCollada error %d: %s", errorCode, errorString);
throw ColladaException(errorString);
void FColladaDocument::LoadFromText(const char *text)
FUFileManager* fileManager = document->GetFileManager();
const char* basePath = "";
// Mostly copied from FCDocument::LoadFromText
bool status = true;
// Push the given path unto the file manager's stack
// Parse the document into a XML tree
xmlDoc* daeDocument = xmlParseDoc((const xmlChar*)text);
if (daeDocument != NULL)
xmlNode *rootNode = xmlDocGetRootElement(daeDocument);
// Read in the whole document from the root node
status &= (document->LoadDocumentFromXML(rootNode));
// HACK (sort of): read in <extra> from the root, because FCollada
// doesn't let us do that
// Free the XML document
status = false;
// Clean-up the XML reader
// Restore the original OS current folder
if (status)
void FColladaDocument::ReadExtras(xmlNode* colladaNode)
if (! IsEquivalent(colladaNode->name, DAE_COLLADA_ELEMENT))
extra.reset(new FCDExtra(document.get()));
xmlNodeList extraNodes;
FUXmlParser::FindChildrenByType(colladaNode, DAE_EXTRA_ELEMENT, extraNodes);
for (xmlNodeList::iterator it = extraNodes.begin(); it != extraNodes.end(); ++it)
xmlNode* extraNode = (*it);
CommonConvert::CommonConvert(const char* text, std::string& xmlErrors)
: m_Err(xmlErrors)
FCDSceneNode* root = m_Doc.GetDocument()->GetVisualSceneRoot();
REQUIRE(root != NULL, "has root object");
// Find the instance to convert
if (! FindSingleInstance(root, m_Instance, m_EntityTransform))
throw ColladaException("Couldn't find object to convert");
Log(LOG_INFO, "Converting '%s'", m_Instance->GetEntity()->GetName().c_str());
m_IsXSI = false;
FCDAsset* asset = m_Doc.GetDocument()->GetAsset();
if (asset && asset->GetContributorCount() >= 1)
std::string tool = asset->GetContributor(0)->GetAuthoringTool();
if (tool.find("XSI") != tool.npos)
m_IsXSI = true;
FMVector3 upAxis = m_Doc.GetDocument()->GetAsset()->GetUpAxis();
m_YUp = (upAxis.y != 0); // assume either Y_UP or Z_UP (TODO: does anyone ever do X_UP?)
// HACK: These don't get exported properly from FCollada (3.02, DLL), so define
// them here instead of fixing it correctly.
const FMVector3 FMVector3::XAxis(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
static float identity[] = { 1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1 };
FMMatrix44 FMMatrix44::Identity(identity);
struct FoundInstance
FCDEntityInstance* instance;
FMMatrix44 transform;
static bool IsVisible_XSI(FCDSceneNode* node, bool& visible)
// Look for <extra><technique profile="XSI"><SI_Visibility><xsi_param sid="visibility">
FCDExtra* extra = node->GetExtra();
if (! extra) return false;
FCDEType* type = extra->GetDefaultType();
if (! type) return false;
FCDETechnique* technique = type->FindTechnique("XSI");
if (! technique) return false;
FCDENode* visibility1 = technique->FindChildNode("SI_Visibility");
if (! visibility1) return false;
FCDENode* visibility2 = visibility1->FindChildNode("xsi_param");
if (! visibility2) return false;
if (IsEquivalent(visibility2->GetContent(), "TRUE"))
visible = true;
else if (IsEquivalent(visibility2->GetContent(), "FALSE"))
visible = false;
return true;
static bool IsVisible(FCDSceneNode* node)
bool visible;
// Try the XSI visibility property
if (IsVisible_XSI(node, visible))
return visible;
// Else fall back to the FCollada-specific setting
visible = (node->GetVisibility() != 0.0);
return visible;
* Recursively finds all entities under the current node. If onlyMarked is
* set, only matches entities where the user-defined property was set to
* "export" in the modelling program.
* @param node root of subtree to search
* @param instances output - appends matching entities
* @param transform transform matrix of current subtree
* @param onlyMarked only match entities with "export" property
static void FindInstances(FCDSceneNode* node, std::vector<FoundInstance>& instances, const FMMatrix44& transform, bool onlyMarked)
for (size_t i = 0; i < node->GetChildrenCount(); ++i)
FCDSceneNode* child = node->GetChild(i);
FindInstances(child, instances, transform * node->ToMatrix(), onlyMarked);
for (size_t i = 0; i < node->GetInstanceCount(); ++i)
if (onlyMarked)
if (node->GetNote() != "export")
// Only accept instances of appropriate types, and not e.g. lights
FCDEntity::Type type = node->GetInstance(i)->GetEntityType();
if (! (type == FCDEntity::GEOMETRY || type == FCDEntity::CONTROLLER))
// Ignore invisible objects, because presumably nobody wanted to export them
if (! IsVisible(node))
FoundInstance f;
f.transform = transform * node->ToMatrix();
f.instance = node->GetInstance(i);
Log(LOG_INFO, "Found convertible object '%s'", node->GetName().c_str());
bool FindSingleInstance(FCDSceneNode* node, FCDEntityInstance*& instance, FMMatrix44& transform)
std::vector<FoundInstance> instances;
FindInstances(node, instances, FMMatrix44::Identity, true);
if (instances.size() > 1)
Log(LOG_ERROR, "Found too many export-marked objects");
return false;
if (instances.empty())
FindInstances(node, instances, FMMatrix44::Identity, false);
if (instances.size() > 1)
Log(LOG_ERROR, "Found too many possible objects to convert - try adding the 'export' property to disambiguate one");
return false;
if (instances.empty())
Log(LOG_ERROR, "Didn't find any objects in the scene");
return false;
assert(instances.size() == 1); // if we got this far
instance = instances[0].instance;
transform = instances[0].transform;
return true;
static bool ReverseSortWeight(const FCDJointWeightPair& a, const FCDJointWeightPair& b)
return (a.weight > b.weight);
void SkinReduceInfluences(FCDSkinController* skin, size_t maxInfluenceCount, float minimumWeight)
FCDWeightedMatches& weightedMatches = skin->GetWeightedMatches();
for (FCDWeightedMatches::iterator itM = weightedMatches.begin(); itM != weightedMatches.end(); ++itM)
FCDJointWeightPairList& weights = (*itM);
FCDJointWeightPairList newWeights;
for (FCDJointWeightPairList::iterator itW = weights.begin(); itW != weights.end(); ++itW)
// If this joint already has an influence, just add the weight
// instead of adding a new influence
bool done = false;
for (FCDJointWeightPairList::iterator itNW = newWeights.begin(); itNW != newWeights.end(); ++itNW)
if (itW->jointIndex == itNW->jointIndex)
itNW->weight += itW->weight;
done = true;
if (done)
// Not had this joint before, so add it
// Put highest-weighted influences at the front of the list
sort(newWeights.begin(), newWeights.end(), ReverseSortWeight);
// Limit the maximum number of influences
if (newWeights.size() > maxInfluenceCount)
// Enforce the minimum weight per influence
// (This is done here rather than in the earlier loop, because several
// small weights for the same bone might add up to a value above the
// threshold)
while (!newWeights.empty() && newWeights.back().weight < minimumWeight)
// Renormalise, so sum(weights)=1
float totalWeight = 0;
for (FCDJointWeightPairList::iterator itNW = newWeights.begin(); itNW != newWeights.end(); ++itNW)
totalWeight += itNW->weight;
for (FCDJointWeightPairList::iterator itNW = newWeights.begin(); itNW != newWeights.end(); ++itNW)
itNW->weight /= totalWeight;
// Copy new weights into the skin
weights = newWeights;
void FixSkeletonRoots(FCDControllerInstance& controllerInstance)
// HACK: The XSI exporter doesn't do a <skeleton> and FCollada doesn't
// seem to know where else to look, so just guess that it's somewhere
// under Scene_Root
if (controllerInstance.GetSkeletonRoots().empty())
// HACK (evil): SetSkeletonRoot is declared but not defined, and there's
// no other proper way to modify the skeleton-roots list, so cheat horribly
FUUriList& uriList = const_cast<FUUriList&>(controllerInstance.GetSkeletonRoots());
const Skeleton& FindSkeleton(const FCDControllerInstance& controllerInstance)
// I can't see any proper way to determine the real root of the skeleton,
// so just choose an arbitrary bone and search upwards until we find a
// recognised ancestor (or until we fall off the top of the tree)
const Skeleton* skeleton = NULL;
const FCDSceneNode* joint = controllerInstance.GetJoint(0);
while (joint && (skeleton = Skeleton::FindSkeleton(joint->GetName())) == NULL)
joint = joint->GetParent();
REQUIRE(skeleton != NULL, "recognised skeleton structure");
return *skeleton;
void TransformBones(std::vector<BoneTransform>& bones, const FMMatrix44& scaleTransform, bool yUp)
for (size_t i = 0; i < bones.size(); ++i)
// Apply the desired transformation to the bone coordinates
FMVector3 trans(bones[i].translation, 0);
trans = scaleTransform.TransformCoordinate(trans);
bones[i].translation[0] = trans.x;
bones[i].translation[1] = trans.y;
bones[i].translation[2] = trans.z;
// DON'T apply the transformation to orientation, because I can't get
// that kind of thing to work in practice (interacting nicely between
// the models and animations), so this function assumes the transform
// just does scaling, so there's no need to rotate anything. (But I think
// this code would work for rotation, though not very efficiently.)
FMMatrix44 m = FMQuaternion(bones[i].orientation[0], bones[i].orientation[1], bones[i].orientation[2], bones[i].orientation[3]).ToMatrix();
m *= scaleTransform;
HMatrix matrix;
memcpy(matrix, m.Transposed().m, sizeof(matrix));
AffineParts parts;
decomp_affine(matrix, &parts);
bones[i].orientation[0] = parts.q.x;
bones[i].orientation[1] = parts.q.y;
bones[i].orientation[2] = parts.q.z;
bones[i].orientation[3] = parts.q.w;
if (yUp)
// TODO: this is all just guesses which seem to work for data
// exported from XSI, rather than having been properly thought
// through
bones[i].translation[2] = -bones[i].translation[2];
bones[i].orientation[2] = -bones[i].orientation[2];
bones[i].orientation[3] = -bones[i].orientation[3];
// Convert bone translations from xyz into xzy axes:
std::swap(bones[i].translation[1], bones[i].translation[2]);
// To convert the quaternions: imagine you're using the axis/angle
// representation, then swap the y,z basis vectors and change the
// direction of rotation by negating the angle ( => negating sin(angle)
// => negating x,y,z => changing (x,y,z,w) to (-x,-z,-y,w)
// but then (-x,-z,-y,w) == (x,z,y,-w) so do that instead)
std::swap(bones[i].orientation[1], bones[i].orientation[2]);
bones[i].orientation[3] = -bones[i].orientation[3];