forked from 0ad/0ad
janwas c4e3037e60 adts: add LL_OPT_* defines that enable optimizations (some only make sense if there are tons of files, and need to be able to disable them for thesis). realized this would be perfect application of policy template classes, which will replace this.
fix crashdumps: was failing to write out to file (underlying cause:
current directory no longer being set)
app_hooks: add get_log_dir; used by debug and wdbg_sym

minor improvements/documentation in archive+compression+file_cache+zip

main: remove dead ScEd code

This was SVN commit r3498.
2006-02-11 22:49:09 +00:00

756 lines
20 KiB

#include "precompiled.h"
#include "lib/timer.h"
#include "lib/allocators.h"
#include "lib/res/res.h"
#include "file_internal.h"
// components:
// - za_*: Zip archive handling
// passes the list of files in an archive to lookup.
// - lookup_*: file lookup
// per archive: return file info (e.g. offset, size), given filename.
// - Archive_*: Handle-based container for archive info
// owns archive file and its lookup mechanism.
// - inf_*: in-memory inflate routines (zlib wrapper)
// decompresses blocks from file_io callback.
// - afile_*: file from Zip archive
// uses lookup to get file information; holds inflate state.
// - sync and async I/O
// uses file_* and inf_*.
// - file mapping
// lookup_*: file lookup
// per archive: return file info (e.g. offset, size), given filename.
// rationale:
// - we don't export a "key" (currently array index) that would allow faster
// file lookup. this would only be useful if higher-level code were to
// store the key and use it more than once. also, lookup is currently fast
// enough. finally, this would also make our file enumerate callback
// incompatible with the others (due to the extra key param).
// - we don't bother with a directory tree to speed up lookup. the above
// is fast enough: O(1) if accessed sequentially, otherwise O(log(files)).
// Archive_*: Handle-based container for archive info
// owns archive file and its lookup mechanism.
struct Archive
File f;
ArchiveEntry* ents;
// number of valid entries in above array (see lookup_add_file_cb)
uint num_files;
// note: we need to keep track of what resources reload() allocated,
// so the dtor can free everything correctly.
uint is_open : 1;
uint is_loaded : 1;
static void Archive_init(Archive*, va_list)
static void Archive_dtor(Archive* a)
a->is_loaded = 0;
a->is_open = 0;
static LibError Archive_reload(Archive* a, const char* fn, Handle)
// (note: don't warn on failure - this happens when
// vfs_mount blindly archive_open-s a dir)
RETURN_ERR(file_open(fn, FILE_CACHE_BLOCK, &a->f));
a->is_open = 1;
RETURN_ERR(zip_populate_archive(&a->f, a));
a->is_loaded = 1;
return ERR_OK;
static LibError Archive_validate(const Archive* a)
return ERR_1;
return ERR_OK;
static LibError Archive_to_string(const Archive* a, char* buf)
snprintf(buf, H_STRING_LEN, "(%u files)", a->num_files);
return ERR_OK;
// open and return a handle to the archive indicated by <fn>.
// somewhat slow - each file is added to an internal index.
Handle archive_open(const char* fn)
return h_alloc(H_Archive, fn);
// close the archive <ha> and set ha to 0
LibError archive_close(Handle& ha)
return h_free(ha, H_Archive);
// look up ArchiveEntry, given filename (untrusted!).
static LibError archive_get_file_info(Archive* a, const char* fn, uintptr_t memento, ArchiveEntry*& ent)
ent = (ArchiveEntry*)memento;
return ERR_OK;
const char* atom_fn = file_make_unique_fn_copy(fn);
for(uint i = 0; i < a->num_files; i++)
if(a->ents[i].atom_fn == atom_fn)
ent = &a->ents[i];
return ERR_OK;
// successively call <cb> for each valid file in the archive <ha>,
// passing the complete path and <user>.
// if it returns a nonzero value, abort and return that, otherwise 0.
LibError archive_enum(const Handle ha, const FileCB cb, const uintptr_t user)
H_DEREF(ha, Archive, a);
struct stat s;
memset(&s, 0, sizeof(s));
for(uint i = 0; i < a->num_files; i++)
const ArchiveEntry* ent = &a->ents[i];
s.st_mode = S_IFREG;
s.st_size = (off_t)ent->ucsize;
s.st_mtime = ent->mtime;
const uintptr_t memento = (uintptr_t)ent;
LibError ret = cb(ent->atom_fn, &s, memento, user);
return ret;
return ERR_OK;
LibError archive_allocate_entries(Archive* a, size_t num_entries)
debug_assert(num_entries != 0); // =0 makes no sense but wouldn't be fatal
debug_assert(a->ents == 0); // must not have been allocated yet
a->ents = (ArchiveEntry*)mem_alloc(num_entries * sizeof(ArchiveEntry), 32);
return ERR_OK;
// add file <fn> to the lookup data structure.
// called from za_enum_files in order (0 <= idx < num_entries).
// the first call notifies us of # entries, so we can allocate memory.
// note: ent is only valid during the callback! must be copied or saved.
LibError archive_add_file(Archive* a, const ArchiveEntry* ent)
a->ents[a->num_files++] = *ent;
return ERR_OK;
// afile_*: file from Zip archive
// uses lookup to get file information; holds inflate state.
// convenience function, allows implementation change in AFile.
// note that size == ucsize isn't foolproof, and adding a flag to
// ofs or size is ugly and error-prone.
// no error checking - always called from functions that check af.
static inline bool is_compressed(AFile* af)
return af->method != CM_NONE;
// get file status (size, mtime). output param is zeroed on error.
LibError afile_stat(Handle ha, const char* fn, struct stat* s)
// zero output param in case we fail below.
memset(s, 0, sizeof(struct stat));
H_DEREF(ha, Archive, a);
ArchiveEntry* ent;
CHECK_ERR(archive_get_file_info(a, fn, 0, ent));
s->st_size = ent->ucsize;
s->st_mtime = ent->mtime;
return ERR_OK;
LibError afile_validate(const AFile* af)
// note: don't check af->ha - it may be freed at shutdown before
// its files. TODO: revisit once dependency support is added.
return ERR_1;
// note: af->ctx is 0 if file is not compressed.
return ERR_OK;
#define CHECK_AFILE(af) CHECK_ERR(afile_validate(af))
// open file, and fill *af with information about it.
// return < 0 on error (output param zeroed).
LibError afile_open(const Handle ha, const char* fn, uintptr_t memento, int flags, AFile* af)
// zero output param in case we fail below.
memset(af, 0, sizeof(*af));
H_DEREF(ha, Archive, a);
// this is needed for AFile below. optimization: archive_get_file_info
// wants the original filename, but by passing the unique copy
// we avoid work there (its file_make_unique_fn_copy returns immediately)
const char* atom_fn = file_make_unique_fn_copy(fn);
ArchiveEntry* ent;
// don't want AFile to contain a ArchiveEntry struct -
// its ucsize member must be 'loose' for compatibility with File.
// => need to copy ArchiveEntry fields into AFile.
RETURN_ERR(archive_get_file_info(a, atom_fn, memento, ent));
zip_fixup_lfh(&a->f, ent);
uintptr_t ctx = 0;
// slight optimization: do not allocate context if not compressed
if(ent->method != CM_NONE)
ctx = comp_alloc(CT_DECOMPRESSION, ent->method);
return ERR_NO_MEM;
af->fc.flags = flags;
af->fc.size = ent->ucsize;
af->fc.atom_fn = atom_fn;
af->ofs = ent->ofs;
af->csize = ent->csize;
af->method = ent->method;
af->ha = ha;
af->ctx = ctx;
af->is_mapped = 0;
return ERR_OK;
// close file.
LibError afile_close(AFile* af)
// other AFile fields don't need to be freed/cleared
af->ctx = 0;
return ERR_OK;
// sync and async I/O
// uses file_* and inf_*.
static const size_t CHUNK_SIZE = 16*KiB;
// begin transferring <size> bytes, starting at <ofs>. get result
// with afile_io_wait; when no longer needed, free via afile_io_discard.
LibError afile_io_issue(AFile* af, off_t user_ofs, size_t max_output_size, void* user_buf, AFileIo* io)
// zero output param in case we fail below.
memset(io, 0, sizeof(AFileIo));
H_DEREF(af->ha, Archive, a);
// not compressed; we'll just read directly from the archive file.
// no need to clamp to EOF - that's done already by the VFS.
// io->ctx is 0 (due to memset)
const off_t ofs = af->ofs+user_ofs;
return file_io_issue(&a->f, ofs, max_output_size, user_buf, &io->io);
io->ctx = af->ctx;
io->max_output_size = max_output_size;
io->user_buf = user_buf;
const off_t cofs = af->ofs + af->last_cofs; // needed to determine csize
// read up to next chunk (so that the next read is aligned -
// less work for aio) or up to EOF.
const ssize_t left_in_chunk = CHUNK_SIZE - (cofs % CHUNK_SIZE);
const ssize_t left_in_file = af->csize - cofs;
const size_t csize = MIN(left_in_chunk, left_in_file);
void* cbuf = mem_alloc(csize, 4*KiB);
return ERR_NO_MEM;
CHECK_ERR(file_io_issue(&a->f, cofs, csize, cbuf, &io->io));
af->last_cofs += (off_t)csize;
return ERR_OK;
// indicates if the IO referenced by <io> has completed.
// return value: 0 if pending, 1 if complete, < 0 on error.
int afile_io_has_completed(AFileIo* io)
return file_io_has_completed(&io->io);
// wait until the transfer <io> completes, and return its buffer.
// output parameters are zeroed on error.
LibError afile_io_wait(AFileIo* io, void*& buf, size_t& size)
buf = 0;
size = 0;
void* raw_buf;
size_t raw_size;
CHECK_ERR(file_io_wait(&io->io, raw_buf, raw_size));
// file is compressed and we need to decompress
comp_set_output(io->ctx, (void*)io->user_buf, io->max_output_size);
ssize_t ucbytes_output = comp_feed(io->ctx, raw_buf, raw_size);
buf = io->user_buf;
size = ucbytes_output;
buf = raw_buf;
size = raw_size;
return ERR_OK;
// finished with transfer <io> - free its buffer (returned by afile_io_wait)
LibError afile_io_discard(AFileIo* io)
return file_io_discard(&io->io);
LibError afile_io_validate(const AFileIo* io)
return ERR_1;
// <ctx> and <max_output_size> have no invariants we could check.
return ERR_OK;
class Decompressor
Decompressor(uintptr_t comp_ctx_, size_t ucsize_max, bool use_temp_buf_, FileIOCB cb, uintptr_t cb_ctx)
comp_ctx = comp_ctx_;
csize_total = 0;
ucsize_left = ucsize_max;
use_temp_buf = use_temp_buf_;
user_cb = cb;
user_cb_ctx = cb_ctx;
LibError feed(const void* cblock, size_t csize, size_t* bytes_processed)
RETURN_ERR(comp_alloc_output(comp_ctx, csize));
void* ucblock = comp_get_output(comp_ctx);
const size_t ucsize = comp_feed(comp_ctx, cblock, csize);
*bytes_processed = ucsize;
debug_assert(ucsize <= ucsize_left);
ucsize_left -= ucsize;
LibError ret = INFO_CB_CONTINUE;
ret = user_cb(user_cb_ctx, ucblock, ucsize, bytes_processed);
if(ucsize_left == 0)
ret = ERR_OK;
return ret;
size_t total_csize_fed() const { return csize_total; }
uintptr_t comp_ctx;
size_t csize_total;
size_t ucsize_left;
bool use_temp_buf;
// allow user-specified callbacks: "chain" them, because file_io's
// callback mechanism is already used to return blocks.
FileIOCB user_cb;
uintptr_t user_cb_ctx;
static LibError decompressor_feed_cb(uintptr_t cb_ctx,
const void* cblock, size_t csize, size_t* bytes_processed)
Decompressor* d = (Decompressor*)cb_ctx;
return d->feed(cblock, csize, bytes_processed);
// read from the (possibly compressed) file <af> as if it were a normal file.
// starting at the beginning of the logical (decompressed) file,
// skip <ofs> bytes of data; read the next <size> bytes into <*pbuf>.
// if non-NULL, <cb> is called for each block read, passing <ctx>.
// if it returns a negative error code,
// the read is aborted and that value is returned.
// the callback mechanism is useful for user progress notification or
// processing data while waiting for the next I/O to complete
// (quasi-parallel, without the complexity of threads).
// return bytes read, or a negative error code.
ssize_t afile_read(AFile* af, off_t ofs, size_t size, FileIOBuf* pbuf, FileIOCB cb, uintptr_t cb_ctx)
H_DEREF(af->ha, Archive, a);
bool we_allocated = (pbuf != FILE_BUF_TEMP) && (*pbuf == FILE_BUF_ALLOC);
// no need to set last_cofs - only checked if compressed.
ssize_t bytes_read = file_io(&a->f, af->ofs+ofs, size, pbuf, cb, cb_ctx);
(void)file_buf_set_real_fn(*pbuf, af->fc.atom_fn);
return bytes_read;
debug_assert(af->ctx != 0);
RETURN_ERR(file_buf_get(pbuf, size, af->fc.atom_fn, af->fc.flags, cb));
const bool use_temp_buf = (pbuf == FILE_BUF_TEMP);
comp_set_output(af->ctx, (void*)*pbuf, size);
const off_t cofs = af->ofs+af->last_cofs;
// remaining bytes in file. callback will cause IOs to stop when
// enough ucdata has been produced.
const size_t csize_max = af->csize - af->last_cofs;
Decompressor d(af->ctx, size, use_temp_buf, cb, cb_ctx);
ssize_t uc_transferred = file_io(&a->f, cofs, csize_max, FILE_BUF_TEMP, decompressor_feed_cb, (uintptr_t)&d);
af->last_cofs += (off_t)d.total_csize_fed();
return uc_transferred;
// file mapping
// map the entire file <af> into memory. mapping compressed files
// isn't allowed, since the compression algorithm is unspecified.
// output parameters are zeroed on failure.
// the mapping will be removed (if still open) when its file is closed.
// however, map/unmap calls should still be paired so that the mapping
// may be removed when no longer needed.
LibError afile_map(AFile* af, void*& p, size_t& size)
p = 0;
size = 0;
// mapping compressed files doesn't make sense because the
// compression algorithm is unspecified - disallow it.
// note: we mapped the archive in archive_open, but unmapped it
// in the meantime to save memory in case it wasn't going to be mapped.
// now we do so again; it's unmapped in afile_unmap (refcounted).
H_DEREF(af->ha, Archive, a);
void* archive_p;
size_t archive_size;
CHECK_ERR(file_map(&a->f, archive_p, archive_size));
p = (char*)archive_p + af->ofs;
size = af->fc.size;
af->is_mapped = 1;
return ERR_OK;
// remove the mapping of file <af>; fail if not mapped.
// the mapping will be removed (if still open) when its archive is closed.
// however, map/unmap calls should be paired so that the archive mapping
// may be removed when no longer needed.
LibError afile_unmap(AFile* af)
// make sure archive mapping refcount remains balanced:
// don't allow multiple|"false" unmaps.
return ERR_FAIL;
af->is_mapped = 0;
H_DEREF(af->ha, Archive, a);
return file_unmap(&a->f);
// archive builder
static inline bool file_type_is_uncompressible(const char* fn)
const char* ext = strrchr(fn, '.');
// no extension? bail; assume compressible
return true;
// this is a selection of file types that are certainly not
// further compressible. we need not include every type under the sun -
// this is only a slight optimization that avoids wasting time
// compressing files. the real decision as to cmethod is made based
// on attained compression ratio.
static const char* uncompressible_exts[] =
"zip", "rar",
"jpg", "jpeg", "png",
"ogg", "mp3"
for(uint i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(uncompressible_exts); i++)
if(!stricmp(ext+1, uncompressible_exts[i]))
return true;
return false;
struct CompressParams
bool attempt_compress;
uintptr_t ctx;
u32 crc;
#include <zlib.h>
static LibError compress_cb(uintptr_t cb_ctx, const void* block, size_t size, size_t* bytes_processed)
CompressParams* p = (CompressParams*)cb_ctx;
// comp_feed already makes note of total #bytes fed, and we need
// vfs_io to return the uc size (to check if all data was read).
*bytes_processed = size;
// update checksum
p->crc = crc32(p->crc, (const Bytef*)block, (uInt)size);
(void)comp_feed(p->ctx, block, size);
static LibError read_and_compress_file(const char* atom_fn, uintptr_t ctx,
ArchiveEntry& ent, void*& file_contents, FileIOBuf& buf) // out
struct stat s;
RETURN_ERR(vfs_stat(atom_fn, &s));
const size_t ucsize = s.st_size;
const bool attempt_compress = !file_type_is_uncompressible(atom_fn);
RETURN_ERR(comp_alloc_output(ctx, ucsize));
// read file into newly allocated buffer. if attempt_compress, also
// compress the file into another buffer while waiting for IOs.
Handle hf = vfs_open(atom_fn, 0);
CompressParams params = { attempt_compress, ctx, 0 };
ssize_t ucsize_read = vfs_io(hf, ucsize, &buf, compress_cb, (uintptr_t)&params);
debug_assert(ucsize_read == (ssize_t)ucsize);
// if we compressed the file trial-wise, check results and
// decide whether to store as such or not (based on compression ratio)
bool store_compressed = false;
void* cdata = 0; size_t csize = 0;
RETURN_ERR(comp_finish(ctx, &cdata, &csize));
const float ratio = (float)ucsize / csize;
const ssize_t bytes_saved = (ssize_t)ucsize - (ssize_t)csize;
if(ratio > 1.05f && bytes_saved > 200)
store_compressed = true;
// store file info
ent.ucsize = (off_t)ucsize;
ent.mtime = s.st_mtime;
// .. ent.ofs is set by zip_archive_add_file
ent.flags = 0;
ent.atom_fn = atom_fn;
ent.crc32 = params.crc;
ent.method = CM_DEFLATE;
ent.csize = (off_t)csize;
file_contents = cdata;
ent.method = CM_NONE;
ent.csize = (off_t)ucsize;
file_contents = (void*)buf;
// note: no need to free cdata - it is owned by the
// compression context and can be reused.
return ERR_OK;
LibError archive_build(const char* P_archive_filename, Filenames V_fl)
ZipArchive* za;
RETURN_ERR(zip_archive_create(P_archive_filename, &za));
uintptr_t ctx = comp_alloc(CT_COMPRESSION, CM_DEFLATE);
for(size_t i = 0; V_fl[i]; i++)
ArchiveEntry ent; void* file_contents; FileIOBuf buf;
if(read_and_compress_file(V_fl[i], ctx, ent, file_contents, buf) == ERR_OK)
(void)zip_archive_add_file(za, &ent, file_contents);
// note: this is currently known to fail if there are no files in the list
// - zlib.h says: Z_DATA_ERROR is returned if freed prematurely.
// safe to ignore.
return ERR_OK;