forked from 0ad/0ad
Ykkrosh 04c63a4093 Clean up some text rendering to avoid relying on deprecated GL matrix state.
Use scissor instead of deprecated clip planes for GUI text.
Remove unused support for generic font names.

This was SVN commit r10985.
2012-01-29 20:04:21 +00:00

380 lines
10 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2009 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
GUI util
Contains help class GUI<>, which gives us templated
parameter to all functions within GUI.
--More info--
Check GUI.h
// Includes / Compiler directives
#include "GUIbase.h"
#include "ps/Parser.h"
// TODO Gee: New
#include "ps/Overlay.h"
#include "CGUI.h"
#include "CGUISprite.h"
#include "IGUIObject.h"
// Help Classes/Structs for the GUI
class CClientArea;
class CGUIString;
class CMatrix3D;
template <typename T>
bool __ParseString(const CStrW& Value, T &tOutput);
// Matrix with (0,0) in top-left of screen
CMatrix3D GetDefaultGuiMatrix();
// Forward declarations
struct SGUIMessage;
* Base class to only the class GUI. This superclass is
* kind of a templateless extention of the class GUI.
* Used for other functions to friend with, because it
* can't friend with GUI since it's templated (at least
* not on all compilers we're using).
class CInternalCGUIAccessorBase
/// Get object pointer
static IGUIObject * GetObjectPointer(CGUI &GUIinstance, const CStr& Object);
/// const version
static const IGUIObject * GetObjectPointer(const CGUI &GUIinstance, const CStr& Object);
/// Wrapper for ResetStates
static void QueryResetting(IGUIObject *pObject);
static void HandleMessage(IGUIObject *pObject, SGUIMessage &message);
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Used to ensure type-safety, sort of
template<typename T> void CheckType(const IGUIObject* obj, const CStr& setting);
* Includes static functions that needs one template
* argument.
* int is only to please functions that doesn't even use T
* and are only within this class because it's convenient
template <typename T=int>
class GUI : public CInternalCGUIAccessorBase
// Private functions further ahead
friend class CGUI;
friend class IGUIObject;
friend class CInternalCGUIAccessorBase;
// Like GetSetting (below), but doesn't make a copy of the value
// (so it can be modified later)
static PSRETURN GetSettingPointer(const IGUIObject *pObject, const CStr& Setting, T* &Value);
* Retrieves a setting by name from object pointer
* @param pObject Object pointer
* @param Setting Setting by name
* @param Value Stores value here, note type T!
static PSRETURN GetSetting(const IGUIObject *pObject, const CStr& Setting, T &Value);
* Sets a value by name using a real datatype as input.
* This is the official way of setting a setting, no other
* way should only cautiously be used!
* @param pObject Object pointer
* @param Setting Setting by name
* @param Value Sets value to this, note type T!
* @param SkipMessage Does not send a GUIM_SETTINGS_UPDATED if true
static PSRETURN SetSetting(IGUIObject *pObject, const CStr& Setting,
const T &Value, const bool &SkipMessage=false);
* Retrieves a setting by settings name and object name
* @param GUIinstance GUI Object const ref
* @param Object Object name
* @param Setting Setting by name
* @param Value Stores value here, note type T!
static PSRETURN GetSetting(
const CGUI &GUIinstance, const CStr& Object,
const CStr& Setting, T &Value)
if (!GUIinstance.ObjectExists(Object))
return PSRETURN_GUI_NullObjectProvided;
// Retrieve pointer and call sibling function
const IGUIObject *pObject = GetObjectPointer(GUIinstance, Object);
return GetSetting(pObject, Setting, Value);
* Sets a value by setting and object name using a real
* datatype as input
* This is just a wrapper so that we can type the object name
* and not input the actual pointer.
* @param GUIinstance GUI Object, reference since we'll be changing values
* @param Object Object name
* @param Setting Setting by name
* @param Value Sets value to this, note type T!
* @param SkipMessage Does not send a GUIM_SETTINGS_UPDATED if true
static PSRETURN SetSetting(
CGUI &GUIinstance, const CStr& Object,
const CStr& Setting, const T &Value,
const bool& SkipMessage=false)
if (!GUIinstance.ObjectExists(Object))
return PSRETURN_GUI_NullObjectProvided;
// Retrieve pointer and call sibling function
// Important, we don't want to use this T, we want
// to use the standard T, since that will be the
// one with the friend relationship
IGUIObject *pObject = GetObjectPointer(GUIinstance, Object);
return SetSetting(pObject, Setting, Value, SkipMessage);
* This will return the value of the first sprite if it's not null,
* if it is null, it will return the value of the second sprite, if
* that one is null, then null it is.
* @param prim Primary sprite that should be used
* @param sec Secondary sprite if Primary should fail
* @return Resulting string
static const CGUISpriteInstance& FallBackSprite(
const CGUISpriteInstance& prim,
const CGUISpriteInstance& sec)
return (prim.IsEmpty() ? sec : prim);
* Same principle as FallBackSprite
* @param prim Primary color that should be used
* @param sec Secondary color if Primary should fail
* @return Resulting color
* @see FallBackSprite
static CColor FallBackColor(const CColor &prim, const CColor &sec)
// CColor() == null.
return ((prim!=CColor())?(prim):(sec));
* Sets a value by setting and object name using a real
* datatype as input.
* This is just a wrapper for __ParseString() which really
* works the magic.
* @param Value The value in string form, like "0 0 100% 100%"
* @param tOutput Parsed value of type T
* @return True at success.
* @see __ParseString()
static bool ParseString(const CStrW& Value, T &tOutput)
return __ParseString<T>(Value, tOutput);
static bool ParseColor(const CStrW& Value, CColor &tOutput, float DefaultAlpha);
// templated typedef of function pointer
typedef void (IGUIObject::*void_Object_pFunction_argT)(const T &arg);
typedef void (IGUIObject::*void_Object_pFunction_argRefT)(T &arg);
typedef void (IGUIObject::*void_Object_pFunction)();
* If you want to call a IGUIObject-function
* on not just an object, but also on ALL of their children
* you want to use this recursion system.
* It recurses an object calling a function on itself
* and all children (and so forth).
* <b>Restrictions:</b>\n
* You can also set restrictions, so that if the recursion
* reaches an objects with certain setup, it just doesn't
* call the function on the object, nor it's children for
* that matter. i.e. it cuts that object off from the
* recursion tree. What setups that can cause restrictions
* are hardcoded and specific. Check out the defines
* GUIRR_* for all different setups.
* Error reports are either logged or thrown out of RecurseObject.
* Always use it with try/catch!
* @param RR Recurse Restrictions, set to 0 if no restrictions
* @param pObject Top object, this is where the iteration starts
* @param pFunc Function to recurse
* @param Argument Argument for pFunc of type T
* @throws PSERROR Depends on what pFunc might throw. PSERROR is standard.
* Itself doesn't throw anything.
static void RecurseObject(int RR, IGUIObject *pObject, void_Object_pFunction_argT pFunc, const T &Argument)
// TODO Gee: Don't run this for the base object.
if (CheckIfRestricted(RR, pObject))
// Iterate children
vector_pObjects::iterator it;
for (it = pObject->ChildrenItBegin(); it != pObject->ChildrenItEnd(); ++it)
RecurseObject(RR, *it, pFunc, Argument);
* Argument is reference.
* @see RecurseObject()
static void RecurseObject(int RR, IGUIObject *pObject, void_Object_pFunction_argRefT pFunc, T &Argument)
if (CheckIfRestricted(RR, pObject))
// Iterate children
vector_pObjects::iterator it;
for (it = pObject->ChildrenItBegin(); it != pObject->ChildrenItEnd(); ++it)
RecurseObject(RR, *it, pFunc, Argument);
* With no argument.
* @see RecurseObject()
static void RecurseObject(int RR, IGUIObject *pObject, void_Object_pFunction pFunc)
if (CheckIfRestricted(RR, pObject))
// Iterate children
vector_pObjects::iterator it;
for (it = pObject->ChildrenItBegin(); it != pObject->ChildrenItEnd(); ++it)
RecurseObject(RR, *it, pFunc);
* Checks restrictions for the iteration, for instance if
* you tell the recursor to avoid all hidden objects, it
* will, and this function checks a certain object's
* restriction values.
* @param RR What kind of restriction, for instance hidden or disabled
* @param pObject Object
* @return true if restricted
static bool CheckIfRestricted(int RR, IGUIObject *pObject)
// Statically initialise some strings, so we don't have to do
// lots of allocation every time this function is called
static CStr strHidden("hidden");
static CStr strEnabled("enabled");
static CStr strGhost("ghost");
bool hidden = true;
GUI<bool>::GetSetting(pObject, strHidden, hidden);
if (hidden)
return true;
bool enabled = false;
GUI<bool>::GetSetting(pObject, strEnabled, enabled);
if (!enabled)
return true;
bool ghost = true;
GUI<bool>::GetSetting(pObject, strGhost, ghost);
if (ghost)
return true;
// false means not restricted
return false;