forked from 0ad/0ad
2012-06-27 10:44:25 +00:00

1 line
53 KiB

//random terrain textures
var rt = randomizeBiome();
var tGrass = rBiomeT1();
var tGrassPForest = rBiomeT2();
var tGrassDForest = rBiomeT3();
var tCliff = rBiomeT4();
var tGrassA = rBiomeT5();
var tGrassB = rBiomeT6();
var tGrassC = rBiomeT7();
var tHill = rBiomeT1();
var tDirt = rBiomeT9();
var tRoad = rBiomeT10();
var tRoadWild = rBiomeT11();
var tGrassPatch = rBiomeT12();
var tShoreBlend = rBiomeT13();
var tShore = rBiomeT14();
var tWater = rBiomeT15();
// gaia entities
var oOak = rBiomeE1();
var oOakLarge = rBiomeE2();
var oApple = rBiomeE3();
var oPine = rBiomeE4();
var oAleppoPine = rBiomeE5();
var oBerryBush = rBiomeE6();
var oChicken = rBiomeE7();
var oDeer = rBiomeE8();
var oFish = rBiomeE9();
var oSheep = rBiomeE10();
var oStoneLarge = rBiomeE11();
var oStoneSmall = rBiomeE12();
var oMetalLarge = rBiomeE13();
// decorative props
var aGrass = rBiomeA1();
var aGrassShort = rBiomeA2();
var aReeds = rBiomeA3();
var aLillies = rBiomeA4();
var aRockLarge = rBiomeA5();
var aRockMedium = rBiomeA6();
var aBushMedium = rBiomeA7();
var aBushSmall = rBiomeA8();
var pForestD = [tGrassDForest + TERRAIN_SEPARATOR + oOak, tGrassDForest + TERRAIN_SEPARATOR + oOakLarge, tGrassDForest];
var pForestP = [tGrassPForest + TERRAIN_SEPARATOR + oPine, tGrassPForest + TERRAIN_SEPARATOR + oAleppoPine, tGrassPForest];
const BUILDING_ANGlE = -PI/4;
// initialize map
log("Initializing map...");
var numPlayers = getNumPlayers();
var mapSize = getMapSize();
var mapArea = mapSize*mapSize;
// create tile classes
var clPlayer = createTileClass();
var clHill = createTileClass();
var clForest = createTileClass();
var clWater = createTileClass();
var clDirt = createTileClass();
var clRock = createTileClass();
var clMetal = createTileClass();
var clFood = createTileClass();
var clBaseResource = createTileClass();
var clSettlement = createTileClass();
var clLand = createTileClass();
//Paint the whole map
for (var ix = 0; ix < mapSize; ix++)
for (var iz = 0; iz < mapSize; iz++)
var x = ix / (mapSize + 1.0);
var z = iz / (mapSize + 1.0);
placeTerrain(ix, iz, tWater);
var radius = scaleByMapSize(15,30);
var cliffRadius = 2;
var elevation = 20;
// randomize player order
var playerIDs = [];
for (var i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++)
playerIDs = sortPlayers(playerIDs);
// place players
var playerX = new Array(numPlayers);
var playerZ = new Array(numPlayers);
var playerAngle = new Array(numPlayers);
var startAngle = randFloat(0, TWO_PI);
for (var i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++)
playerAngle[i] = startAngle + i*TWO_PI/numPlayers;
playerX[i] = 0.5 + 0.35*cos(playerAngle[i]);
playerZ[i] = 0.5 + 0.35*sin(playerAngle[i]);
// Creating other islands
var numIslands = 0;
//Tiny and Small Size
if ((mapSize == 128)||(mapSize == 192)){
if (numPlayers == 2){
numIslands = 4*numPlayers+1;
var IslandX = new Array(numIslands);
var IslandZ = new Array(numIslands);
var isConnected = new Array(numIslands);
for (var q=0; q <numIslands; q++)
isConnected[q]=new Array(numIslands);
for (var m = 0; m < numIslands; m++){
for (var n = 0; n < numIslands; n++){
isConnected[m][n] = 0;
var sX = 0;
var sZ = 0;
for (var l = 0; l < numPlayers; l++)
isConnected[4*numPlayers][l+2*numPlayers] = 1;
sX = sX + playerX[l];
sZ = sZ + playerZ[l];
var fx = fractionToTiles(sX/numPlayers);
var fz = fractionToTiles(sZ/numPlayers);
var ix = round(fx);
var iz = round(fz);
// calculate size based on the radius
var hillSize = floor(PI * radius * radius * 0.36);
// create the hill
var placer = new ClumpPlacer(hillSize, 0.95, 0.6, 10, ix, iz);
var terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[tCliff, tHill], // terrains
[cliffRadius] // widths
var elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(
elevation, // elevation
cliffRadius // blend radius
createArea(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clLand)], null);
//centeral island id numPlayers
for (var e = 0; e <numPlayers; e++)
isConnected[e+2*numPlayers][e] = 1;
if (e+2*numPlayers+1<numIslands-numPlayers-1)
isConnected[e+2*numPlayers][e+2*numPlayers+1] = 1;
isConnected[2*numPlayers][e+2*numPlayers] = 1;
var fx = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.16*cos(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers));
var fz = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.16*sin(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers));
var ix = round(fx);
var iz = round(fz);
// calculate size based on the radius
var hillSize = floor(PI * radius * radius * 0.81);
// create the hill
var placer = new ClumpPlacer(hillSize, 0.95, 0.6, 10, ix, iz);
var terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[tCliff, tHill], // terrains
[cliffRadius] // widths
var elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(
elevation, // elevation
cliffRadius // blend radius
createArea(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clLand)], null);
//Small Isles
isConnected[e+3*numPlayers][e+numPlayers] = 1;
var fx = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.27*cos(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers + TWO_PI/(2*numPlayers)));
var fz = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.27*sin(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers + TWO_PI/(2*numPlayers)));
var ix = round(fx);
var iz = round(fz);
// calculate size based on the radius
var hillSize = floor(PI * radius * radius * 0.49);
// create the hill
var placer = new ClumpPlacer(hillSize, 0.95, 0.6, 10, ix, iz);
var terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[tCliff, tHill], // terrains
[cliffRadius] // widths
var elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(
elevation, // elevation
cliffRadius // blend radius
createArea(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clLand)], null);
for (var e = 0; e <numPlayers; e++)
isConnected[e][e+numPlayers] = 1;
if (e+1<numPlayers)
isConnected[e + 1][e+numPlayers] = 1;
isConnected[0][e+numPlayers] = 1;
//second island id 4
var fx = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.41*cos(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers + TWO_PI/(2*numPlayers)));
var fz = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.41*sin(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers + TWO_PI/(2*numPlayers)));
var ix = round(fx);
var iz = round(fz);
// calculate size based on the radius
var hillSize = PI * radius * radius;
// create the hill
var placer = new ClumpPlacer(hillSize, 0.95, 0.6, 10, ix, iz);
var terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[tCliff, tHill], // terrains
[cliffRadius] // widths
var elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(
elevation, // elevation
cliffRadius // blend radius
createArea(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clLand)], null);
if (numPlayers == 3){
numIslands = 4*numPlayers+1;
var IslandX = new Array(numIslands);
var IslandZ = new Array(numIslands);
var isConnected = new Array(numIslands);
for (var q=0; q <numIslands; q++)
isConnected[q]=new Array(numIslands);
for (var m = 0; m < numIslands; m++){
for (var n = 0; n < numIslands; n++){
isConnected[m][n] = 0;
var sX = 0;
var sZ = 0;
for (var l = 0; l < numPlayers; l++)
isConnected[4*numPlayers][l+2*numPlayers] = 1;
sX = sX + playerX[l];
sZ = sZ + playerZ[l];
var fx = fractionToTiles(sX/numPlayers);
var fz = fractionToTiles(sZ/numPlayers);
var ix = round(fx);
var iz = round(fz);
// calculate size based on the radius
var hillSize = floor(PI * radius * radius * 0.36);
// create the hill
var placer = new ClumpPlacer(hillSize, 0.95, 0.6, 10, ix, iz);
var terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[tCliff, tHill], // terrains
[cliffRadius] // widths
var elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(
elevation, // elevation
cliffRadius // blend radius
createArea(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clLand)], null);
//centeral island id numPlayers
for (var e = 0; e <numPlayers; e++)
isConnected[e+2*numPlayers][e] = 1;
if (e+2*numPlayers+1<numIslands-numPlayers-1)
isConnected[e+2*numPlayers][e+2*numPlayers+1] = 1;
isConnected[2*numPlayers][e+2*numPlayers] = 1;
var fx = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.16*cos(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers));
var fz = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.16*sin(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers));
var ix = round(fx);
var iz = round(fz);
// calculate size based on the radius
var hillSize = floor(PI * radius * radius * 0.81);
// create the hill
var placer = new ClumpPlacer(hillSize, 0.95, 0.6, 10, ix, iz);
var terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[tCliff, tHill], // terrains
[cliffRadius] // widths
var elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(
elevation, // elevation
cliffRadius // blend radius
createArea(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clLand)], null);
//Small Isles
isConnected[e+3*numPlayers][e+numPlayers] = 1;
var fx = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.27*cos(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers + TWO_PI/(2*numPlayers)));
var fz = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.27*sin(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers + TWO_PI/(2*numPlayers)));
var ix = round(fx);
var iz = round(fz);
// calculate size based on the radius
var hillSize = floor(PI * radius * radius * 0.49);
// create the hill
var placer = new ClumpPlacer(hillSize, 0.95, 0.6, 10, ix, iz);
var terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[tCliff, tHill], // terrains
[cliffRadius] // widths
var elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(
elevation, // elevation
cliffRadius // blend radius
createArea(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clLand)], null);
for (var e = 0; e <numPlayers; e++)
isConnected[e][e+numPlayers] = 1;
if (e+1<numPlayers)
isConnected[e + 1][e+numPlayers] = 1;
isConnected[0][e+numPlayers] = 1;
//second island id 4
var fx = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.41*cos(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers + TWO_PI/(2*numPlayers)));
var fz = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.41*sin(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers + TWO_PI/(2*numPlayers)));
var ix = round(fx);
var iz = round(fz);
// calculate size based on the radius
var hillSize = PI * radius * radius;
// create the hill
var placer = new ClumpPlacer(hillSize, 0.95, 0.6, 10, ix, iz);
var terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[tCliff, tHill], // terrains
[cliffRadius] // widths
var elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(
elevation, // elevation
cliffRadius // blend radius
createArea(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clLand)], null);
if (numPlayers == 4){
numIslands = 4*numPlayers+1;
var IslandX = new Array(numIslands);
var IslandZ = new Array(numIslands);
var isConnected = new Array(numIslands);
for (var q=0; q <numIslands; q++)
isConnected[q]=new Array(numIslands);
for (var m = 0; m < numIslands; m++){
for (var n = 0; n < numIslands; n++){
isConnected[m][n] = 0;
var sX = 0;
var sZ = 0;
for (var l = 0; l < numPlayers; l++)
isConnected[4*numPlayers][l+2*numPlayers] = 1;
sX = sX + playerX[l];
sZ = sZ + playerZ[l];
var fx = fractionToTiles(sX/numPlayers);
var fz = fractionToTiles(sZ/numPlayers);
var ix = round(fx);
var iz = round(fz);
// calculate size based on the radius
var hillSize = floor(PI * radius * radius * 0.36);
// create the hill
var placer = new ClumpPlacer(hillSize, 0.95, 0.6, 10, ix, iz);
var terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[tCliff, tHill], // terrains
[cliffRadius] // widths
var elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(
elevation, // elevation
cliffRadius // blend radius
createArea(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clLand)], null);
//centeral island id numPlayers
for (var e = 0; e <numPlayers; e++)
isConnected[e+2*numPlayers][e] = 1;
if (e+2*numPlayers+1<numIslands-numPlayers-1)
isConnected[e+2*numPlayers][e+2*numPlayers+1] = 1;
isConnected[2*numPlayers][e+2*numPlayers] = 1;
var fx = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.16*cos(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers));
var fz = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.16*sin(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers));
var ix = round(fx);
var iz = round(fz);
// calculate size based on the radius
var hillSize = floor(PI * radius * radius * 0.81);
// create the hill
var placer = new ClumpPlacer(hillSize, 0.95, 0.6, 10, ix, iz);
var terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[tCliff, tHill], // terrains
[cliffRadius] // widths
var elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(
elevation, // elevation
cliffRadius // blend radius
createArea(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clLand)], null);
//Small Isles
isConnected[e+3*numPlayers][e+numPlayers] = 1;
var fx = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.41*cos(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers + TWO_PI/(2*numPlayers)));
var fz = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.41*sin(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers + TWO_PI/(2*numPlayers)));
var ix = round(fx);
var iz = round(fz);
// calculate size based on the radius
var hillSize = floor(PI * radius * radius * 0.49);
// create the hill
var placer = new ClumpPlacer(hillSize, 0.95, 0.6, 10, ix, iz);
var terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[tCliff, tHill], // terrains
[cliffRadius] // widths
var elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(
elevation, // elevation
cliffRadius // blend radius
createArea(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clLand)], null);
for (var e = 0; e <numPlayers; e++)
isConnected[e][e+numPlayers] = 1;
if (e+1<numPlayers)
isConnected[e + 1][e+numPlayers] = 1;
isConnected[0][e+numPlayers] = 1;
//second island id 4
var fx = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.27*cos(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers + TWO_PI/(2*numPlayers)));
var fz = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.27*sin(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers + TWO_PI/(2*numPlayers)));
var ix = round(fx);
var iz = round(fz);
// calculate size based on the radius
var hillSize = PI * radius * radius;
// create the hill
var placer = new ClumpPlacer(hillSize, 0.95, 0.6, 10, ix, iz);
var terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[tCliff, tHill], // terrains
[cliffRadius] // widths
var elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(
elevation, // elevation
cliffRadius // blend radius
createArea(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clLand)], null);
//More than 4 PLAYERS
if (numPlayers > 4){
numIslands = numPlayers + 1;
var IslandX = new Array(numIslands);
var IslandZ = new Array(numIslands);
var isConnected = new Array(numIslands);
for (var q=0; q <numIslands; q++)
isConnected[q]=new Array(numIslands);
for (var m = 0; m < numIslands; m++){
for (var n = 0; n < numIslands; n++){
isConnected[m][n] = 0;
var sX = 0;
var sZ = 0;
for (var l = 0; l < numPlayers; l++)
isConnected[l][numPlayers] = 1;
sX = sX + playerX[l];
sZ = sZ + playerZ[l];
//centeral island id numPlayers
var fx = fractionToTiles((sX)/numPlayers);
var fz = fractionToTiles((sZ)/numPlayers);
var ix = round(fx);
var iz = round(fz);
// calculate size based on the radius
var hillSize = PI * radius * radius;
// create the hill
var placer = new ClumpPlacer(hillSize, 0.95, 0.6, 10, ix, iz);
var terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[tCliff, tHill], // terrains
[cliffRadius] // widths
var elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(
elevation, // elevation
cliffRadius // blend radius
createArea(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clLand)], null);
//Medium Size
if (mapSize == 256){
//2,3,4 PLAYERS
if ((numPlayers == 2)||(numPlayers == 3)||(numPlayers == 4)){
numIslands = 4*numPlayers+1;
var IslandX = new Array(numIslands);
var IslandZ = new Array(numIslands);
var isConnected = new Array(numIslands);
for (var q=0; q <numIslands; q++)
isConnected[q]=new Array(numIslands);
for (var m = 0; m < numIslands; m++){
for (var n = 0; n < numIslands; n++){
isConnected[m][n] = 0;
var sX = 0;
var sZ = 0;
for (var l = 0; l < numPlayers; l++)
isConnected[4*numPlayers][l+2*numPlayers] = 1;
sX = sX + playerX[l];
sZ = sZ + playerZ[l];
var fx = fractionToTiles(sX/numPlayers);
var fz = fractionToTiles(sZ/numPlayers);
var ix = round(fx);
var iz = round(fz);
// calculate size based on the radius
var hillSize = floor(PI * radius * radius * 0.36);
// create the hill
var placer = new ClumpPlacer(hillSize, 0.95, 0.6, 10, ix, iz);
var terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[tCliff, tHill], // terrains
[cliffRadius] // widths
var elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(
elevation, // elevation
cliffRadius // blend radius
createArea(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clLand)], null);
//centeral island id numPlayers
for (var e = 0; e <numPlayers; e++)
isConnected[e+2*numPlayers][e] = 1;
if (e+2*numPlayers+1<numIslands-numPlayers-1)
isConnected[e+2*numPlayers][e+2*numPlayers+1] = 1;
isConnected[2*numPlayers][e+2*numPlayers] = 1;
var fx = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.16*cos(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers));
var fz = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.16*sin(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers));
var ix = round(fx);
var iz = round(fz);
// calculate size based on the radius
var hillSize = floor(PI * radius * radius * 0.81);
// create the hill
var placer = new ClumpPlacer(hillSize, 0.95, 0.6, 10, ix, iz);
var terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[tCliff, tHill], // terrains
[cliffRadius] // widths
var elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(
elevation, // elevation
cliffRadius // blend radius
createArea(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clLand)], null);
//Small Isles
isConnected[e+3*numPlayers][e+numPlayers] = 1;
var fx = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.41*cos(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers + TWO_PI/(2*numPlayers)));
var fz = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.41*sin(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers + TWO_PI/(2*numPlayers)));
var ix = round(fx);
var iz = round(fz);
// calculate size based on the radius
var hillSize = floor(PI * radius * radius * 0.49);
// create the hill
var placer = new ClumpPlacer(hillSize, 0.95, 0.6, 10, ix, iz);
var terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[tCliff, tHill], // terrains
[cliffRadius] // widths
var elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(
elevation, // elevation
cliffRadius // blend radius
createArea(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clLand)], null);
for (var e = 0; e <numPlayers; e++)
isConnected[e][e+numPlayers] = 1;
if (e+1<numPlayers)
isConnected[e + 1][e+numPlayers] = 1;
isConnected[0][e+numPlayers] = 1;
//second island id 4
var fx = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.26*cos(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers + TWO_PI/(2*numPlayers)));
var fz = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.26*sin(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers + TWO_PI/(2*numPlayers)));
var ix = round(fx);
var iz = round(fz);
// calculate size based on the radius
var hillSize = PI * radius * radius;
// create the hill
var placer = new ClumpPlacer(hillSize, 0.95, 0.6, 10, ix, iz);
var terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[tCliff, tHill], // terrains
[cliffRadius] // widths
var elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(
elevation, // elevation
cliffRadius // blend radius
createArea(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clLand)], null);
//More than 4 PLAYERS
if (numPlayers > 4){
numIslands = 2*numPlayers;
var IslandX = new Array(numIslands);
var IslandZ = new Array(numIslands);
var isConnected = new Array(numIslands);
for (var q=0; q <numIslands; q++)
isConnected[q]=new Array(numIslands);
for (var m = 0; m < numIslands; m++){
for (var n = 0; n < numIslands; n++){
isConnected[m][n] = 0;
var sX = 0;
var sZ = 0;
//centeral island id numPlayers
for (var e = 0; e <numPlayers; e++)
if (e+1<numPlayers)
isConnected[e][e+1] = 1;
isConnected[0][e] = 1;
isConnected[e+numPlayers][e] = 1;
if (e+numPlayers+1<numIslands)
isConnected[e+numPlayers][e+numPlayers+1] = 1;
isConnected[e+numPlayers][numPlayers] = 1;
var fx = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.16*cos(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers));
var fz = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.16*sin(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers));
var ix = round(fx);
var iz = round(fz);
// calculate size based on the radius
var hillSize = floor(PI * radius * radius * 0.81);
// create the hill
var placer = new ClumpPlacer(hillSize, 0.95, 0.6, 10, ix, iz);
var terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[tCliff, tHill], // terrains
[cliffRadius] // widths
var elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(
elevation, // elevation
cliffRadius // blend radius
createArea(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clLand)], null);
//Normal Size
if (mapSize == 320){
//2,3,4,5 PLAYERS
if ((numPlayers == 2)||(numPlayers == 3)||(numPlayers == 4)||(numPlayers == 5)){
numIslands = 4*numPlayers+1;
var IslandX = new Array(numIslands);
var IslandZ = new Array(numIslands);
var isConnected = new Array(numIslands);
for (var q=0; q <numIslands; q++)
isConnected[q]=new Array(numIslands);
for (var m = 0; m < numIslands; m++){
for (var n = 0; n < numIslands; n++){
isConnected[m][n] = 0;
var sX = 0;
var sZ = 0;
for (var l = 0; l < numPlayers; l++)
isConnected[4*numPlayers][l+2*numPlayers] = 1;
sX = sX + playerX[l];
sZ = sZ + playerZ[l];
var fx = fractionToTiles(sX/numPlayers);
var fz = fractionToTiles(sZ/numPlayers);
var ix = round(fx);
var iz = round(fz);
// calculate size based on the radius
var hillSize = floor(PI * radius * radius * 0.36);
// create the hill
var placer = new ClumpPlacer(hillSize, 0.95, 0.6, 10, ix, iz);
var terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[tCliff, tHill], // terrains
[cliffRadius] // widths
var elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(
elevation, // elevation
cliffRadius // blend radius
createArea(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clLand)], null);
//centeral island id numPlayers
for (var e = 0; e <numPlayers; e++)
isConnected[e+2*numPlayers][e] = 1;
if (e+2*numPlayers+1<numIslands-numPlayers-1)
isConnected[e+2*numPlayers][e+2*numPlayers+1] = 1;
isConnected[2*numPlayers][e+2*numPlayers] = 1;
var fx = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.16*cos(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers));
var fz = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.16*sin(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers));
var ix = round(fx);
var iz = round(fz);
// calculate size based on the radius
var hillSize = floor(PI * radius * radius * 0.81);
// create the hill
var placer = new ClumpPlacer(hillSize, 0.95, 0.6, 10, ix, iz);
var terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[tCliff, tHill], // terrains
[cliffRadius] // widths
var elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(
elevation, // elevation
cliffRadius // blend radius
createArea(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clLand)], null);
//Small Isles
isConnected[e+3*numPlayers][e+numPlayers] = 1;
var fx = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.41*cos(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers + TWO_PI/(2*numPlayers)));
var fz = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.41*sin(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers + TWO_PI/(2*numPlayers)));
var ix = round(fx);
var iz = round(fz);
// calculate size based on the radius
var hillSize = floor(PI * radius * radius * 0.49);
// create the hill
var placer = new ClumpPlacer(hillSize, 0.95, 0.6, 10, ix, iz);
var terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[tCliff, tHill], // terrains
[cliffRadius] // widths
var elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(
elevation, // elevation
cliffRadius // blend radius
createArea(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clLand)], null);
for (var e = 0; e <numPlayers; e++)
isConnected[e][e+numPlayers] = 1;
if (e+1<numPlayers)
isConnected[e + 1][e+numPlayers] = 1;
isConnected[0][e+numPlayers] = 1;
//second island id 4
var fx = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.26*cos(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers + TWO_PI/(2*numPlayers)));
var fz = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.26*sin(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers + TWO_PI/(2*numPlayers)));
var ix = round(fx);
var iz = round(fz);
// calculate size based on the radius
var hillSize = PI * radius * radius;
// create the hill
var placer = new ClumpPlacer(hillSize, 0.95, 0.6, 10, ix, iz);
var terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[tCliff, tHill], // terrains
[cliffRadius] // widths
var elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(
elevation, // elevation
cliffRadius // blend radius
createArea(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clLand)], null);
if ((numPlayers == 6)||(numPlayers == 7)){
numIslands = 4*numPlayers+1;
var IslandX = new Array(numIslands);
var IslandZ = new Array(numIslands);
var isConnected = new Array(numIslands);
for (var q=0; q <numIslands; q++)
isConnected[q]=new Array(numIslands);
for (var m = 0; m < numIslands; m++){
for (var n = 0; n < numIslands; n++){
isConnected[m][n] = 0;
var sX = 0;
var sZ = 0;
for (var l = 0; l < numPlayers; l++)
isConnected[4*numPlayers][l+2*numPlayers] = 1;
sX = sX + playerX[l];
sZ = sZ + playerZ[l];
var fx = fractionToTiles(sX/numPlayers);
var fz = fractionToTiles(sZ/numPlayers);
var ix = round(fx);
var iz = round(fz);
// calculate size based on the radius
var hillSize = floor(PI * radius * radius * 0.36);
// create the hill
var placer = new ClumpPlacer(hillSize, 0.95, 0.6, 10, ix, iz);
var terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[tCliff, tHill], // terrains
[cliffRadius] // widths
var elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(
elevation, // elevation
cliffRadius // blend radius
createArea(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clLand)], null);
//centeral island id numPlayers
for (var e = 0; e <numPlayers; e++)
isConnected[e+2*numPlayers][e] = 1;
if (e+2*numPlayers+1<numIslands-numPlayers-1)
isConnected[e+2*numPlayers][e+2*numPlayers+1] = 1;
isConnected[2*numPlayers][e+2*numPlayers] = 1;
var fx = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.16*cos(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers));
var fz = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.16*sin(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers));
var ix = round(fx);
var iz = round(fz);
// calculate size based on the radius
var hillSize = floor(PI * radius * radius * 0.81);
// create the hill
var placer = new ClumpPlacer(hillSize, 0.95, 0.6, 10, ix, iz);
var terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[tCliff, tHill], // terrains
[cliffRadius] // widths
var elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(
elevation, // elevation
cliffRadius // blend radius
createArea(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clLand)], null);
//Small Isles
isConnected[e+3*numPlayers][e+numPlayers] = 1;
var fx = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.41*cos(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers + TWO_PI/(2*numPlayers)));
var fz = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.41*sin(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers + TWO_PI/(2*numPlayers)));
var ix = round(fx);
var iz = round(fz);
// calculate size based on the radius
var hillSize = floor(PI * radius * radius * 0.49);
// create the hill
var placer = new ClumpPlacer(hillSize, 0.95, 0.6, 10, ix, iz);
var terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[tCliff, tHill], // terrains
[cliffRadius] // widths
var elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(
elevation, // elevation
cliffRadius // blend radius
createArea(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clLand)], null);
for (var e = 0; e <numPlayers; e++)
isConnected[e][e+numPlayers] = 1;
if (e+1<numPlayers)
isConnected[e + 1][e+numPlayers] = 1;
isConnected[0][e+numPlayers] = 1;
//second island id 4
var fx = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.26*cos(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers + TWO_PI/(2*numPlayers)));
var fz = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.26*sin(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers + TWO_PI/(2*numPlayers)));
var ix = round(fx);
var iz = round(fz);
// calculate size based on the radius
var hillSize = PI * radius * radius;
// create the hill
var placer = new ClumpPlacer(hillSize, 0.95, 0.6, 10, ix, iz);
var terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[tCliff, tHill], // terrains
[cliffRadius] // widths
var elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(
elevation, // elevation
cliffRadius // blend radius
createArea(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clLand)], null);
if (numPlayers == 8){
numIslands = 2*numPlayers;
var IslandX = new Array(numIslands);
var IslandZ = new Array(numIslands);
var isConnected = new Array(numIslands);
for (var q=0; q <numIslands; q++)
isConnected[q]=new Array(numIslands);
for (var m = 0; m < numIslands; m++){
for (var n = 0; n < numIslands; n++){
isConnected[m][n] = 0;
var sX = 0;
var sZ = 0;
//centeral island id numPlayers
for (var e = 0; e <numPlayers; e++)
if (e+1<numPlayers)
isConnected[e][e+1] = 1;
isConnected[0][e] = 1;
isConnected[e+numPlayers][e] = 1;
if (e+numPlayers+1<numIslands)
isConnected[e+numPlayers][e+numPlayers+1] = 1;
isConnected[e+numPlayers][numPlayers] = 1;
var fx = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.16*cos(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers));
var fz = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.16*sin(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers));
var ix = round(fx);
var iz = round(fz);
// calculate size based on the radius
var hillSize = floor(PI * radius * radius * 0.81);
// create the hill
var placer = new ClumpPlacer(hillSize, 0.95, 0.6, 10, ix, iz);
var terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[tCliff, tHill], // terrains
[cliffRadius] // widths
var elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(
elevation, // elevation
cliffRadius // blend radius
createArea(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clLand)], null);
//Large and larger Sizes
if (mapSize > 383){
//2,3,4,5 PLAYERS
if ((numPlayers == 2)||(numPlayers == 3)||(numPlayers == 4)||(numPlayers == 5)){
numIslands = 4*numPlayers+1;
var IslandX = new Array(numIslands);
var IslandZ = new Array(numIslands);
var isConnected = new Array(numIslands);
for (var q=0; q <numIslands; q++)
isConnected[q]=new Array(numIslands);
for (var m = 0; m < numIslands; m++){
for (var n = 0; n < numIslands; n++){
isConnected[m][n] = 0;
var sX = 0;
var sZ = 0;
for (var l = 0; l < numPlayers; l++)
isConnected[4*numPlayers][l+2*numPlayers] = 1;
sX = sX + playerX[l];
sZ = sZ + playerZ[l];
var fx = fractionToTiles(sX/numPlayers);
var fz = fractionToTiles(sZ/numPlayers);
var ix = round(fx);
var iz = round(fz);
// calculate size based on the radius
var hillSize = floor(PI * radius * radius * 0.36);
// create the hill
var placer = new ClumpPlacer(hillSize, 0.95, 0.6, 10, ix, iz);
var terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[tCliff, tHill], // terrains
[cliffRadius] // widths
var elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(
elevation, // elevation
cliffRadius // blend radius
createArea(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clLand)], null);
//centeral island id numPlayers
for (var e = 0; e <numPlayers; e++)
isConnected[e+2*numPlayers][e] = 1;
if (e+2*numPlayers+1<numIslands-numPlayers-1)
isConnected[e+2*numPlayers][e+2*numPlayers+1] = 1;
isConnected[2*numPlayers][e+2*numPlayers] = 1;
var fx = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.16*cos(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers));
var fz = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.16*sin(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers));
var ix = round(fx);
var iz = round(fz);
// calculate size based on the radius
var hillSize = floor(PI * radius * radius * 0.81);
// create the hill
var placer = new ClumpPlacer(hillSize, 0.95, 0.6, 10, ix, iz);
var terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[tCliff, tHill], // terrains
[cliffRadius] // widths
var elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(
elevation, // elevation
cliffRadius // blend radius
createArea(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clLand)], null);
//Small Isles
isConnected[e+3*numPlayers][e+numPlayers] = 1;
var fx = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.41*cos(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers + TWO_PI/(2*numPlayers)));
var fz = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.41*sin(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers + TWO_PI/(2*numPlayers)));
var ix = round(fx);
var iz = round(fz);
// calculate size based on the radius
var hillSize = floor(PI * radius * radius * 0.49);
// create the hill
var placer = new ClumpPlacer(hillSize, 0.95, 0.6, 10, ix, iz);
var terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[tCliff, tHill], // terrains
[cliffRadius] // widths
var elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(
elevation, // elevation
cliffRadius // blend radius
createArea(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clLand)], null);
for (var e = 0; e <numPlayers; e++)
isConnected[e][e+numPlayers] = 1;
if (e+1<numPlayers)
isConnected[e + 1][e+numPlayers] = 1;
isConnected[0][e+numPlayers] = 1;
//second island id 4
var fx = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.24*cos(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers + TWO_PI/(2*numPlayers)));
var fz = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.24*sin(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers + TWO_PI/(2*numPlayers)));
var ix = round(fx);
var iz = round(fz);
// calculate size based on the radius
var hillSize = PI * radius * radius;
// create the hill
var placer = new ClumpPlacer(hillSize, 0.95, 0.6, 10, ix, iz);
var terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[tCliff, tHill], // terrains
[cliffRadius] // widths
var elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(
elevation, // elevation
cliffRadius // blend radius
createArea(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clLand)], null);
//6,7,8 PLAYERS
if ((numPlayers == 6)||(numPlayers == 7)||(numPlayers == 8)){
numIslands = 4*numPlayers+1;
var IslandX = new Array(numIslands);
var IslandZ = new Array(numIslands);
var isConnected = new Array(numIslands);
for (var q=0; q <numIslands; q++)
isConnected[q]=new Array(numIslands);
for (var m = 0; m < numIslands; m++){
for (var n = 0; n < numIslands; n++){
isConnected[m][n] = 0;
var sX = 0;
var sZ = 0;
for (var l = 0; l < numPlayers; l++)
isConnected[4*numPlayers][l+2*numPlayers] = 1;
sX = sX + playerX[l];
sZ = sZ + playerZ[l];
var fx = fractionToTiles(sX/numPlayers);
var fz = fractionToTiles(sZ/numPlayers);
var ix = round(fx);
var iz = round(fz);
// calculate size based on the radius
var hillSize = floor(PI * radius * radius * 0.36);
// create the hill
var placer = new ClumpPlacer(hillSize, 0.95, 0.6, 10, ix, iz);
var terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[tCliff, tHill], // terrains
[cliffRadius] // widths
var elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(
elevation, // elevation
cliffRadius // blend radius
createArea(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clLand)], null);
//centeral island id numPlayers
for (var e = 0; e <numPlayers; e++)
isConnected[e+2*numPlayers][e] = 1;
if (e+2*numPlayers+1<numIslands-numPlayers-1)
isConnected[e+2*numPlayers][e+2*numPlayers+1] = 1;
isConnected[2*numPlayers][e+2*numPlayers] = 1;
var fx = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.16*cos(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers));
var fz = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.16*sin(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers));
var ix = round(fx);
var iz = round(fz);
// calculate size based on the radius
var hillSize = floor(PI * radius * radius * 0.81);
// create the hill
var placer = new ClumpPlacer(hillSize, 0.95, 0.6, 10, ix, iz);
var terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[tCliff, tHill], // terrains
[cliffRadius] // widths
var elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(
elevation, // elevation
cliffRadius // blend radius
createArea(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clLand)], null);
//Small Isles
isConnected[e+3*numPlayers][e+numPlayers] = 1;
var fx = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.41*cos(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers + TWO_PI/(2*numPlayers)));
var fz = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.41*sin(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers + TWO_PI/(2*numPlayers)));
var ix = round(fx);
var iz = round(fz);
// calculate size based on the radius
var hillSize = floor(PI * radius * radius * 0.36);
// create the hill
var placer = new ClumpPlacer(hillSize, 0.95, 0.6, 10, ix, iz);
var terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[tCliff, tHill], // terrains
[cliffRadius] // widths
var elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(
elevation, // elevation
cliffRadius // blend radius
createArea(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clLand)], null);
for (var e = 0; e <numPlayers; e++)
isConnected[e][e+numPlayers] = 1;
if (e+1<numPlayers)
isConnected[e + 1][e+numPlayers] = 1;
isConnected[0][e+numPlayers] = 1;
//second island id 4
var fx = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.28*cos(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers + TWO_PI/(2*numPlayers)));
var fz = fractionToTiles(0.5 + 0.28*sin(startAngle + e*TWO_PI/numPlayers + TWO_PI/(2*numPlayers)));
var ix = round(fx);
var iz = round(fz);
// calculate size based on the radius
var hillSize = PI * radius * radius * 0.81;
// create the hill
var placer = new ClumpPlacer(hillSize, 0.95, 0.6, 10, ix, iz);
var terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[tCliff, tHill], // terrains
[cliffRadius] // widths
var elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(
elevation, // elevation
cliffRadius // blend radius
createArea(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clLand)], null);
for (m = 0; m < numIslands; m++){
for (n = 0; n < numIslands; n++){
if(isConnected[m][n] == 1){
isConnected[n][m] = 1;
for (var i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++)
var id = playerIDs[i];
log("Creating base for player " + id + "...");
// some constants
// get the x and z in tiles
var fx = fractionToTiles(playerX[i]);
var fz = fractionToTiles(playerZ[i]);
var ix = round(fx);
var iz = round(fz);
// calculate size based on the radius
var hillSize = PI * radius * radius;
// create the hill
var placer = new ClumpPlacer(hillSize, 0.95, 0.6, 10, ix, iz);
var terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[tCliff, tHill], // terrains
[cliffRadius] // widths
var elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(
elevation, // elevation
cliffRadius // blend radius
createArea(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clPlayer)], null);
// create the city patch
var cityRadius = radius/3;
placer = new ClumpPlacer(PI*cityRadius*cityRadius, 0.6, 0.3, 10, ix, iz);
var painter = new LayeredPainter([tRoadWild, tRoad], [1]);
createArea(placer, painter, null);
// create starting units
placeCivDefaultEntities(fx, fz, id, BUILDING_ANGlE, {'iberWall' : 'towers'});
// create animals
for (var j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
var aAngle = randFloat(0, TWO_PI);
var aDist = 7;
var aX = round(fx + aDist * cos(aAngle));
var aZ = round(fz + aDist * sin(aAngle));
var group = new SimpleGroup(
[new SimpleObject(oChicken, 5,5, 0,3)],
true, clBaseResource, aX, aZ
createObjectGroup(group, 0);
// create berry bushes
var bbAngle = randFloat(0, TWO_PI);
var bbDist = 10;
var bbX = round(fx + bbDist * cos(bbAngle));
var bbZ = round(fz + bbDist * sin(bbAngle));
group = new SimpleGroup(
[new SimpleObject(oBerryBush, 5,5, 0,3)],
true, clBaseResource, bbX, bbZ
createObjectGroup(group, 0);
// create metal mine
var mAngle = bbAngle;
while(abs(mAngle - bbAngle) < PI/3)
mAngle = randFloat(0, TWO_PI);
var mDist = radius - 4;
var mX = round(fx + mDist * cos(mAngle));
var mZ = round(fz + mDist * sin(mAngle));
group = new SimpleGroup(
[new SimpleObject(oMetalLarge, 1,1, 0,0)],
true, clBaseResource, mX, mZ
createObjectGroup(group, 0);
// create stone mines
mAngle += randFloat(PI/8, PI/4);
mX = round(fx + mDist * cos(mAngle));
mZ = round(fz + mDist * sin(mAngle));
group = new SimpleGroup(
[new SimpleObject(oStoneLarge, 1,1, 0,2)],
true, clBaseResource, mX, mZ
createObjectGroup(group, 0);
// create starting trees
var num = floor(hillSize / 60);
var tAngle = randFloat(-PI/3, 4*PI/3);
var tDist = 11;
var tX = round(fx + tDist * cos(tAngle));
var tZ = round(fz + tDist * sin(tAngle));
group = new SimpleGroup(
[new SimpleObject(oOak, num, num, 0,4)],
false, clBaseResource, tX, tZ
createObjectGroup(group, 0, [avoidClasses(clBaseResource,2), stayClasses(clPlayer, 3)]);
// create grass tufts
var num = hillSize / 250;
for (var j = 0; j < num; j++)
var gAngle = randFloat(0, TWO_PI);
var gDist = radius - (5 + randInt(7));
var gX = round(fx + gDist * cos(gAngle));
var gZ = round(fz + gDist * sin(gAngle));
group = new SimpleGroup(
[new SimpleObject(aGrassShort, 2,5, 0,1, -PI/8,PI/8)],
false, clBaseResource, gX, gZ
createObjectGroup(group, 0);
//Create connectors
for (var ix = 0; ix < mapSize; ix++)
for (var iz = 0; iz < mapSize; iz++)
for (m = 0; m < numIslands; m++)
for (n = 0; n < numIslands; n++)
if(isConnected[m][n] == 1)
var a = IslandZ[m]-IslandZ[n];
var b = IslandX[n]-IslandX[m];
var c = (IslandZ[m]*(IslandX[m]-IslandX[n]))-(IslandX[m]*(IslandZ[m]-IslandZ[n]));
var dis = abs(a*ix + b*iz + c)/sqrt(a*a + b*b);
var k = (a*ix + b*iz + c)/(a*a + b*b);
var y = iz-(b*k);
if((dis < 5)&&(y <= Math.max(IslandZ[m],IslandZ[n]))&&(y >= Math.min(IslandZ[m],IslandZ[n])))
if (dis < 3){
var h = 20;
if (dis < 2)
var t = tHill;
var t = tCliff;
addToClass(ix, iz, clLand);
var h = 50 - 10 * dis;
var t = tCliff;
addToClass(ix, iz, clLand);
if (getHeight(ix, iz)<h)
placeTerrain(ix, iz, t);
setHeight(ix, iz, h);
// calculate desired number of trees for map (based on size)
if (rt == 6)
var MIN_TREES = 200;
var MAX_TREES = 1250;
var P_FOREST = 0.02;
else if (rt == 7)
var MIN_TREES = 1000;
var MAX_TREES = 6000;
var P_FOREST = 0.6;
var MIN_TREES = 500;
var MAX_TREES = 3000;
var P_FOREST = 0.7;
var totalTrees = scaleByMapSize(MIN_TREES, MAX_TREES);
var numForest = totalTrees * P_FOREST;
var numStragglers = totalTrees * (1.0 - P_FOREST);
// create forests
log("Creating forests...");
var types = [
[[tGrassDForest, tGrass, pForestD], [tGrassDForest, pForestD]],
[[tGrassPForest, tGrass, pForestP], [tGrassPForest, pForestP]]
]; // some variation
if (rt == 6)
var size = numForest / (0.5 * scaleByMapSize(2,8) * numPlayers);
var size = numForest / (scaleByMapSize(2,8) * numPlayers);
var num = floor(size / types.length);
for (var i = 0; i < types.length; ++i)
placer = new ClumpPlacer(numForest / num, 0.1, 0.1, 1);
painter = new LayeredPainter(
types[i], // terrains
[2] // widths
[painter, paintClass(clForest)],
[avoidClasses(clPlayer, 6, clForest, 10, clHill, 0), stayClasses(clLand, 3)],
log("Creating stone mines...");
// create large stone quarries
group = new SimpleGroup([new SimpleObject(oStoneSmall, 0,2, 0,4), new SimpleObject(oStoneLarge, 1,1, 0,4)], true, clRock);
createObjectGroups(group, 0,
[avoidClasses(clForest, 1, clPlayer, 10, clRock, 10, clHill, 1), stayClasses(clLand, 5)],
5*scaleByMapSize(4,16), 100
// create small stone quarries
group = new SimpleGroup([new SimpleObject(oStoneSmall, 2,5, 1,3)], true, clRock);
createObjectGroups(group, 0,
[avoidClasses(clForest, 1, clPlayer, 10, clRock, 10, clHill, 1), stayClasses(clLand, 5)],
5*scaleByMapSize(4,16), 100
log("Creating metal mines...");
// create large metal quarries
group = new SimpleGroup([new SimpleObject(oMetalLarge, 1,1, 0,4)], true, clMetal);
createObjectGroups(group, 0,
[avoidClasses(clForest, 1, clPlayer, 10, clMetal, 10, clRock, 5, clHill, 1), stayClasses(clLand, 5)],
5*scaleByMapSize(4,16), 100
// create dirt patches
log("Creating dirt patches...");
var sizes = [scaleByMapSize(3, 48), scaleByMapSize(5, 84), scaleByMapSize(8, 128)];
for (var i = 0; i < sizes.length; i++)
placer = new ClumpPlacer(sizes[i], 0.3, 0.06, 0.5);
painter = new LayeredPainter(
[[tGrass,tGrassA],[tGrassA,tGrassB], [tGrassB,tGrassC]], // terrains
[1,1] // widths
[painter, paintClass(clDirt)],
[avoidClasses(clForest, 0, clHill, 0, clDirt, 5, clPlayer, 12), stayClasses(clLand, 5)],
scaleByMapSize(15, 45)
// create grass patches
log("Creating grass patches...");
var sizes = [scaleByMapSize(2, 32), scaleByMapSize(3, 48), scaleByMapSize(5, 80)];
for (var i = 0; i < sizes.length; i++)
placer = new ClumpPlacer(sizes[i], 0.3, 0.06, 0.5);
painter = new TerrainPainter(tGrassPatch);
[avoidClasses(clForest, 0, clHill, 0, clDirt, 5, clPlayer, 12), stayClasses(clLand, 5)],
scaleByMapSize(15, 45)
// create small decorative rocks
log("Creating small decorative rocks...");
group = new SimpleGroup(
[new SimpleObject(aRockMedium, 1,3, 0,1)],
group, 0,
[avoidClasses(clWater, 0, clForest, 0, clPlayer, 0, clHill, 0), stayClasses(clLand, 1)],
scaleByMapSize(16, 262), 50
// create large decorative rocks
log("Creating large decorative rocks...");
group = new SimpleGroup(
[new SimpleObject(aRockLarge, 1,2, 0,1), new SimpleObject(aRockMedium, 1,3, 0,2)],
group, 0,
[avoidClasses(clWater, 0, clForest, 0, clPlayer, 0, clHill, 0), stayClasses(clLand, 1)],
scaleByMapSize(8, 131), 50
// create deer
log("Creating deer...");
group = new SimpleGroup(
[new SimpleObject(oDeer, 5,7, 0,4)],
true, clFood
createObjectGroups(group, 0,
[avoidClasses(clWater, 0, clForest, 0, clPlayer, 10, clHill, 1, clFood, 20), stayClasses(clLand, 4)],
3 * numPlayers, 50
// create sheep
log("Creating sheep...");
group = new SimpleGroup(
[new SimpleObject(oSheep, 2,3, 0,2)],
true, clFood
createObjectGroups(group, 0,
[avoidClasses(clWater, 0, clForest, 0, clPlayer, 10, clHill, 1, clFood, 20), stayClasses(clLand, 4)],
3 * numPlayers, 50
// create straggler trees
log("Creating straggler trees...");
var types = [oOak, oOakLarge, oPine, oApple]; // some variation
var num = floor(numStragglers / types.length);
for (var i = 0; i < types.length; ++i)
group = new SimpleGroup(
[new SimpleObject(types[i], 1,1, 0,3)],
true, clForest
createObjectGroups(group, 0,
[avoidClasses(clWater, 1, clForest, 1, clHill, 1, clPlayer, 9, clMetal, 1, clRock, 1), stayClasses(clLand, 4)],
var planetm = 1;
if (rt==7)
planetm = 8;
//create small grass tufts
log("Creating small grass tufts...");
group = new SimpleGroup(
[new SimpleObject(aGrassShort, 1,2, 0,1, -PI/8,PI/8)]
createObjectGroups(group, 0,
[avoidClasses(clWater, 2, clHill, 2, clPlayer, 2, clDirt, 0), stayClasses(clLand, 2)],
planetm * scaleByMapSize(13, 200)
// create large grass tufts
log("Creating large grass tufts...");
group = new SimpleGroup(
[new SimpleObject(aGrass, 2,4, 0,1.8, -PI/8,PI/8), new SimpleObject(aGrassShort, 3,6, 1.2,2.5, -PI/8,PI/8)]
createObjectGroups(group, 0,
[avoidClasses(clWater, 3, clHill, 2, clPlayer, 2, clDirt, 1, clForest, 0), stayClasses(clLand, 2)],
planetm * scaleByMapSize(13, 200)
// create bushes
log("Creating bushes...");
group = new SimpleGroup(
[new SimpleObject(aBushMedium, 1,2, 0,2), new SimpleObject(aBushSmall, 2,4, 0,2)]
createObjectGroups(group, 0,
[avoidClasses(clWater, 1, clHill, 1, clPlayer, 1, clDirt, 1), stayClasses(clLand, 2)],
planetm * scaleByMapSize(13, 200), 50
rt = randInt(1,3)
if (rt==1){
else if (rt ==2){
else if (rt ==3){
setSunRotation(randFloat(0, TWO_PI));
setSunElevation(randFloat(PI/ 5, PI / 3));
setWaterTint(0.447, 0.412, 0.322); // muddy brown
setWaterReflectionTint(0.447, 0.412, 0.322); // muddy brown
// Export map data