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207 lines
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var AttackMoveToCC = function(gameState, militaryManager){
this.minAttackSize = 20;
this.maxAttackSize = 60;
this.previousTime = 0;
this.state = "unexecuted";
this.healthRecord = [];
// Returns true if the attack can be executed at the current time
AttackMoveToCC.prototype.canExecute = function(gameState, militaryManager){
var enemyStrength = militaryManager.measureEnemyStrength(gameState);
var enemyCount = militaryManager.measureEnemyCount(gameState);
// We require our army to be >= this strength
var targetStrength = enemyStrength * 1.5;
var availableCount = militaryManager.countAvailableUnits();
var availableStrength = militaryManager.measureAvailableStrength();
debug("Troops needed for attack: " + this.minAttackSize + " Have: " + availableCount);
debug("Troops strength for attack: " + targetStrength + " Have: " + availableStrength);
return ((availableStrength >= targetStrength && availableCount >= this.minAttackSize)
|| availableCount >= this.maxAttackSize);
// Executes the attack plan, after this is executed the update function will be run every turn
AttackMoveToCC.prototype.execute = function(gameState, militaryManager){
var availableCount = militaryManager.countAvailableUnits();
this.idList = militaryManager.getAvailableUnits(availableCount);
var pending = EntityCollectionFromIds(gameState, this.idList);
// Find the critical enemy buildings we could attack
var targets = militaryManager.getEnemyBuildings(gameState,"ConquestCritical");
// If there are no critical structures, attack anything else that's critical
if (targets.length == 0) {
targets = gameState.entities.filter(function(ent) {
return (gameState.isEntityEnemy(ent) && ent.hasClass("ConquestCritical") && ent.owner() !== 0);
// If there's nothing, attack anything else that's less critical
if (targets.length == 0) {
targets = militaryManager.getEnemyBuildings(gameState,"Town");
if (targets.length == 0) {
targets = militaryManager.getEnemyBuildings(gameState,"Village");
// If we have a target, move to it
if (targets.length) {
// Add an attack role so the economic manager doesn't try and use them
pending.forEach(function(ent) {
ent.setMetadata("role", "attack");
var curPos = pending.getCentrePosition();
var target = targets.toEntityArray()[0];
this.targetPos = target.position();
// Find possible distinct paths to the enemy
var pathFinder = new PathFinder(gameState);
var pathsToEnemy = pathFinder.getPaths(curPos, this.targetPos);
if (! pathsToEnemy){
pathsToEnemy = [this.targetPos];
var rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * pathsToEnemy.length);
this.path = pathsToEnemy[rand];
pending.move(this.path[0][0], this.path[0][1]);
} else if (targets.length == 0 ) {
gameState.ai.gameFinished = true;
this.state = "walking";
// Runs every turn after the attack is executed
// This removes idle units from the attack
AttackMoveToCC.prototype.update = function(gameState, militaryManager, events){
// keep the list of units in good order by pruning ids with no corresponding entities (i.e. dead units)
var removeList = [];
var totalHealth = 0;
for (var idKey in this.idList){
var id = this.idList[idKey];
var ent = militaryManager.entity(id);
if (ent === undefined){
if (ent.hitpoints()){
totalHealth += ent.hitpoints();
for (var i in removeList){
var units = EntityCollectionFromIds(gameState, this.idList);
if (this.path.length === 0){
var idleCount = 0;
var self = this;
if (ent.isIdle()){
if (ent.position() && VectorDistance(ent.position(), self.targetPos) > 30){
ent.move(self.targetPos[0], self.targetPos[1]);
var deltaHealth = 0;
var deltaTime = 1;
var time = gameState.getTimeElapsed();
this.healthRecord.push([totalHealth, time]);
if (this.healthRecord.length > 1){
for (var i = this.healthRecord.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
deltaHealth = totalHealth - this.healthRecord[i][0];
deltaTime = time - this.healthRecord[i][1];
if (this.healthRecord[i][1] < time - 5*1000){
var numUnits = this.idList.length;
if (numUnits < 1) return;
var damageRate = -deltaHealth / deltaTime * 1000;
var centrePos = units.getCentrePosition();
var idleCount = 0;
// Looks for idle units away from the formations centre
for (var idKey in this.idList){
var id = this.idList[idKey];
var ent = militaryManager.entity(id);
if (ent.isIdle()){
if (ent.position() && VectorDistance(ent.position(), centrePos) > 20){
var dist = VectorDistance(ent.position(), centrePos);
var vector = [centrePos[0] - ent.position()[0], centrePos[1] - ent.position()[1]];
vector[0] *= 10/dist;
vector[1] *= 10/dist;
ent.move(centrePos[0] + vector[0], centrePos[1] + vector[1]);
if ((damageRate / Math.sqrt(numUnits)) > 2){
if (this.state === "walking"){
var sumAttackerPos = [0,0];
var numAttackers = 0;
for (var key in events){
var e = events[key];
//{type:"Attacked", msg:{attacker:736, target:1133, type:"Melee"}}
if (e.type === "Attacked" && e.msg){
if (this.idList.indexOf(e.msg.target) !== -1){
var attacker = militaryManager.entity(e.msg.attacker);
if (attacker && attacker.position()){
sumAttackerPos[0] += attacker.position()[0];
sumAttackerPos[1] += attacker.position()[1];
numAttackers += 1;
if (numAttackers > 0){
var avgAttackerPos = [sumAttackerPos[0]/numAttackers, sumAttackerPos[1]/numAttackers];
// Stop moving
units.move(centrePos[0], centrePos[1]);
this.state = "attacking";
if (this.state === "attacking"){
units.move(this.path[0][0], this.path[0][1]);
this.state = "walking";
if (this.state === "walking"){
if (VectorDistance(centrePos, this.path[0]) < 20 || idleCount/numUnits > 0.8){
if (this.path.length > 0){
units.move(this.path[0][0], this.path[0][1]);
this.previousTime = time;
this.previousHealth = totalHealth;