janwas 32aca79221 allocator: add single_calloc (generalization of code previously in wposix for WDIR); add da_reserve; expand pool allocator to allow variable size entries
byte_order: add FOURCC_BE and _LE versions (needed for zip)
ogl: quick hack: prevent crash on laptop by providing a
pglDrawRangeElementsEXT stub
file, h_mgr: update pool_alloc call site

tex: fix incorrect indexing/stride for mipmap generation

vfs_mount: disable archives (zip code is WIP)
zip: heavy WIP. add support for writing archives (needed for thesis);
revised Zip read code. sped up archive open. further major changes

wposix: moved allocator code (see above)

This was SVN commit r3298.
2005-12-28 20:29:22 +00:00

330 lines
10 KiB

// suballocators
// Copyright (c) 2005 Jan Wassenberg
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// Contact info:
// Jan.Wassenberg@stud.uni-karlsruhe.de
// http://www.stud.uni-karlsruhe.de/~urkt/
#ifndef ALLOCATORS_H__
#define ALLOCATORS_H__
#include "lib/types.h"
#include "lib/posix.h" // PROT_* constants for da_set_prot
// allocator optimized for single instances
// intended for applications that frequently alloc/free a single
// fixed-size object. caller provides static storage and an in-use flag;
// we use that memory if available and otherwise fall back to the heap.
// if the application only has one object in use at a time, malloc is
// avoided; this is faster and avoids heap fragmentation.
// thread-safe.
extern void* single_calloc(void* storage, volatile uintptr_t* in_use_flag, size_t size);
extern void single_free(void* storage, volatile uintptr_t* in_use_flag, void* p);
// dynamic (expandable) array
// provides a memory range that can be expanded but doesn't waste
// physical memory or relocate itself. building block for other allocators.
struct DynArray
u8* base;
size_t max_size_pa; // reserved
size_t cur_size; // committed
int prot; // applied to newly committed pages
size_t pos;
// ready the DynArray object for use. preallocates max_size bytes
// (rounded up to the next page size multiple) of address space for the
// array; it can never grow beyond this.
// no virtual memory is actually committed until calls to da_set_size.
extern LibError da_alloc(DynArray* da, size_t max_size);
// free all memory (address space + physical) that constitutes the
// given array. use-after-free is impossible because the memory is
// marked not-present via MMU. also zeroes the contents of <da>.
extern LibError da_free(DynArray* da);
// expand or shrink the array: changes the amount of currently committed
// (i.e. usable) memory pages. pages are added/removed until
// new_size (rounded up to the next page size multiple) is met.
extern LibError da_set_size(DynArray* da, size_t new_size);
// make sure at least <size> bytes starting at <pos> are committed and
// ready for use.
extern LibError da_reserve(DynArray* da, size_t size);
// change access rights of the array memory; used to implement
// write-protection. affects the currently committed pages as well as
// all subsequently added pages.
// prot can be a combination of the PROT_* values used with mprotect.
extern LibError da_set_prot(DynArray* da, int prot);
// "wrap" (i.e. store information about) the given buffer in a
// DynArray object, preparing it for use with da_read or da_append.
// da_free should be called when the DynArray is no longer needed,
// even though it doesn't free this memory (but does zero the DynArray).
extern LibError da_wrap_fixed(DynArray* da, u8* p, size_t size);
// "read" from array, i.e. copy into the given buffer.
// starts at offset DynArray.pos and advances this.
extern LibError da_read(DynArray* da, void* data_dst, size_t size);
// "write" to array, i.e. copy from the given buffer.
// starts at offset DynArray.pos and advances this.
extern LibError da_append(DynArray* da, const void* data_src, size_t size);
// pool allocator
// design parameters:
// - O(1) alloc and free;
// - fixed XOR variable size blocks;
// - doesn't preallocate the entire pool;
// - returns sequential addresses.
// opaque! do not read/write any fields!
struct Pool
DynArray da;
// size of elements; see pool_create.
size_t el_size;
// all bytes in da up to this mark are in circulation or freelist.
size_t pos;
// pointer to freelist (opaque); see freelist_*.
// never used (remains 0) if elements are of variable size.
void* freelist;
// ready <p> for use. <max_size> is the upper limit [bytes] on
// pool size (this is how much address space is reserved).
// <el_size> can be 0 to allow variable-sized allocations
// (which cannot be freed individually);
// otherwise, it specifies the number of bytes that will be
// returned by pool_alloc (whose size parameter is then ignored).
// in the latter case, size must at least be enough for a pointer
// (due to freelist implementation).
extern LibError pool_create(Pool* p, size_t max_size, size_t el_size);
// free all memory that ensued from <p>. all elements are made unusable
// (it doesn't matter if they were "allocated" or in freelist or unused);
// future alloc and free calls on this pool will fail.
extern LibError pool_destroy(Pool* p);
// indicate whether <el> was allocated from the given pool.
// this is useful for callers that use several types of allocators.
extern bool pool_contains(Pool* p, void* el);
// return an entry from the pool, or 0 if it would have to be expanded and
// there isn't enough memory to do so.
// exhausts the freelist before returning new entries to improve locality.
// if the pool was set up with fixed-size elements, <size> is ignored;
// otherwise, <size> bytes are allocated.
extern void* pool_alloc(Pool* p, size_t size);
// make <el> available for reuse in the given pool.
// this is not allowed if the pool was set up for variable-size elements.
// (copying with fragmentation would defeat the point of a pool - simplicity)
// we could allow this, but instead warn and bail to make sure it
// never happens inadvertently (leaking memory in the pool).
extern void pool_free(Pool* p, void* el);
// "free" all allocations that ensued from the given Pool.
// this resets it as if freshly pool_create-d, but doesn't release the
// underlying memory.
extern void pool_free_all(Pool* p);
// bucket allocator
// design goals:
// - variable-size allocations;
// - no reuse of allocations, can only free all at once;
// - no init necessary;
// - never relocates;
// - no fixed limit.
// opaque! do not read/write any fields!
struct Bucket
// currently open bucket. must be initialized to 0.
u8* bucket;
// offset of free space at end of current bucket (i.e. # bytes in use).
// must be initialized to 0.
size_t pos;
// records # buckets allocated; used to check if the list of them
// isn't corrupted. must be initialized to 0.
uint num_buckets;
// allocate <size> bytes of memory from the given Bucket object.
// <b> must initially be zeroed (e.g. by defining it as static data).
extern void* bucket_alloc(Bucket* b, size_t size);
// free all allocations that ensued from the given Bucket.
extern void bucket_free_all(Bucket* b);
// matrix allocator
// takes care of the dirty work of allocating 2D matrices:
// - aligns data
// - only allocates one memory block, which is more efficient than
// malloc/new for each row.
// allocate a 2D cols x rows matrix of <el_size> byte cells.
// this must be freed via matrix_free. returns 0 if out of memory.
// the returned pointer should be cast to the target type (e.g. int**) and
// can then be accessed by matrix[col][row].
extern void** matrix_alloc(uint cols, uint rows, size_t el_size);
// free the given matrix (allocated by matrix_alloc). no-op if matrix == 0.
// callers will likely want to pass variables of a different type
// (e.g. int**); they must be cast to void**.
extern void matrix_free(void** matrix);
// overrun protection
// this class wraps an arbitrary object in DynArray memory and can detect
// inadvertent writes to it. this is useful for tracking down memory overruns.
// the basic idea is to require users to request access to the object and
// notify us when done; memory access permission is temporarily granted.
// (similar in principle to Software Transaction Memory).
// since this is quite slow, the protection is disabled unless
// CONFIG_OVERRUN_PROTECTION == 1; this avoids having to remove the
// wrapper code in release builds and re-write when looking for overruns.
// example usage:
// OverrunProtector<your_class> your_class_wrapper;
// ..
// your_class* yc = your_class_wrapper.get();
// if(!yc) abort(); // not enough memory to allocate a your_class instance
// // access/write to <yc>
// your_class_wrapper.lock(); // disallow further access
// ..
template<class T> class OverrunProtector
DynArray da;
T* cached_ptr;
uintptr_t initialized;
memset(&da, 0, sizeof(da));
cached_ptr = 0;
initialized = 0;
void lock()
da_set_prot(&da, PROT_NONE);
void unlock()
da_set_prot(&da, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE);
void init()
const size_t size = 4096;
cassert(sizeof(T) <= size);
if(da_alloc(&da, size) < 0)
goto fail;
if(da_set_size(&da, size) < 0)
goto fail;
#include "nommgr.h"
cached_ptr = new(da.base) T();
#include "mmgr.h"
return; // success
debug_warn("OverrunProtector mem alloc failed");
void shutdown()
if(!CAS(&initialized, 1, 2))
return; // never initialized or already shut down - abort
cached_ptr->~T(); // call dtor (since we used placement new)
cached_ptr = 0;
T* get()
// this could theoretically be done in the ctor, but we try to
// minimize non-trivial code at NLSO ctor time
// (avoids init order problems).
if(CAS(&initialized, 0, 1))
debug_assert(initialized != 2 && "OverrunProtector: used after dtor called:");
return cached_ptr;
#endif // #ifndef ALLOCATORS_H__