forked from 0ad/0ad

117 lines
2.5 KiB

#include "precompiled.h"
# include <string.h>
# include "sr_image.h"
//=========================== SrImage ============================
SrImage::SrImage ()
_w = _h = _tw = 0;
_data = 0;
SrImage::~SrImage ()
delete _data;
void SrImage::alloc ( int w, int h )
int newsize = w*h*3;
if ( newsize!=_tw*_h )
delete _data;
if ( w<=0 || h<=0 ) w=h=0;
if ( w )
_data = new srbyte [ newsize ]; // to hold rgb values
_data = 0;
_tw = 3*w;
_w = w;
_h = h;
void SrImage::vertical_mirror ()
int i, ie, mid;
mid = _h/2;
srbyte* buf = new srbyte [ _tw ];
for ( i=0,ie=_h-1; i<mid; i++,ie-- )
{ memcpy ( buf, line(i), _tw );
memcpy ( line(i), line(ie), _tw );
memcpy ( line(ie), buf, _tw );
delete buf;
# define PutInt(i) fwrite(&i,4/*bytes*/,1/*num items*/,f)
# define PutShort(s) fwrite(&s,2/*bytes*/,1/*num items*/,f)
bool SrImage::save_as_bmp ( const char* filename )
FILE* f = fopen ( filename, "wb" );
if ( !f ) return false;
int i = 0;
int offset = 14+40;
//int dw = 4-(_w%4); if ( dw==4 ) dw=0;
int dw = (_w%4);
int filesize = 14 /*header*/ + 40 /*info*/ + (_w*_h*3) +(_h*dw);
// 14 bytes of header:
fprintf ( f, "BM" ); // 2 bytes : signature
PutInt ( filesize ); // file size
PutInt ( i ); // reserved (zeros)
PutInt ( offset ); // offset to the data
// 40 bytes of info header:
int infosize = 40;
short planes = 1;
short bits = 24;
int compression = 0; // no compression
int compsize = 0; // no compression
int hres = 600;
int vres = 600;
int colors = 0;
int impcolors = 0; // important colors: all
PutInt ( infosize ); // size of info header
PutInt ( _w ); // width
PutInt ( _h ); // height
PutShort ( planes );
PutShort ( bits );
PutInt ( compression );
PutInt ( compsize );
PutInt ( hres );
PutInt ( vres );
PutInt ( colors );
PutInt ( impcolors );
int w, h;
srbyte* scanline;
for ( h=_h-1; h>=0; h-- )
{ scanline = line(h);
for ( w=0; w<_tw; w+=3 )
{ fputc ( scanline[w+2], f ); // B
fputc ( scanline[w+1], f ); // G
fputc ( scanline[w], f ); // R
for ( w=0; w<dw; w++ ) fputc ( 0, f );
fclose ( f );
return true;
//============================= end of file ==========================