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var AEGIS = (function() {
var m = {};
// "local" global variables for stuffs that will need a unique ID
// Note that since order of loading is alphabetic, this means this file must go before any other file using them.
m.playerGlobals = [];
m.AegisBot = function AegisBot(settings) {
API3.BaseAI.call(this, settings);
this.Config = new m.Config();
this.turn = 0;
this.playedTurn = 0;
this.priorities = this.Config.priorities;
// this.queues can only be modified by the queue manager or things will go awry.
this.queues = {};
for (i in this.priorities)
this.queues[i] = new m.Queue();
this.queueManager = new m.QueueManager(this.Config, this.queues, this.priorities);
this.HQ = new m.HQ(this.Config);
this.firstTime = true;
this.savedEvents = [];
this.defcon = 5;
this.defconChangeTime = -10000000;
m.AegisBot.prototype = new API3.BaseAI();
m.AegisBot.prototype.CustomInit = function(gameState, sharedScript) {
m.playerGlobals[PlayerID] = {};
m.playerGlobals[PlayerID].uniqueIDBOPlans = 0; // training/building/research plans
m.playerGlobals[PlayerID].uniqueIDBases = 1; // base manager ID. Starts at one because "0" means "no base" on the map
m.playerGlobals[PlayerID].uniqueIDTPlans = 1; // transport plans. starts at 1 because 0 might be used as none.
m.debug ("Initialized with the difficulty " + this.Config.difficulty);
var ents = gameState.getEntities().filter(API3.Filters.byOwner(this.player));
var myKeyEntities = ents.filter(function(ent) {
return ent.hasClass("CivCentre");
if (myKeyEntities.length == 0){
myKeyEntities = gameState.getEntities().filter(API3.Filters.byOwner(this.player));
var filter = API3.Filters.byClass("CivCentre");
var enemyKeyEntities = gameState.getEntities().filter(API3.Filters.not(API3.Filters.byOwner(this.player))).filter(filter);
if (enemyKeyEntities.length == 0){
enemyKeyEntities = gameState.getEntities().filter(API3.Filters.not(API3.Filters.byOwner(this.player)));
this.myIndex = this.accessibility.getAccessValue(myKeyEntities.toEntityArray()[0].position());
this.pathFinder = new API3.aStarPath(gameState, false, true);
this.pathsToMe = [];
this.pathInfo = { "angle" : 0, "needboat" : true, "mkeyPos" : myKeyEntities.toEntityArray()[0].position(), "ekeyPos" : enemyKeyEntities.toEntityArray()[0].position() };
// First path has a sampling of 3, which ensures we'll get at least one path even on Acropolis. The others are 6 so might fail.
var pos = [this.pathInfo.mkeyPos[0] + 150*Math.cos(this.pathInfo.angle),this.pathInfo.mkeyPos[1] + 150*Math.sin(this.pathInfo.angle)];
var path = this.pathFinder.getPath(this.pathInfo.ekeyPos, pos, 2, 2);// uncomment for debug:*/, 300000, gameState);
//Engine.DumpImage("initialPath" + this.player + ".png", this.pathFinder.TotorMap.map, this.pathFinder.TotorMap.width,this.pathFinder.TotorMap.height,255);
if (path !== undefined && path[1] !== undefined && path[1] == false) {
// path is viable and doesn't require boating.
// blackzone the last two waypoints.
this.pathInfo.needboat = false;
this.pathInfo.angle += Math.PI/3.0;
m.AegisBot.prototype.OnUpdate = function(sharedScript) {
if (this.gameFinished){
if (this.events.length > 0 && this.turn !== 0){
this.savedEvents = this.savedEvents.concat(this.events);
// Run the update every n turns, offset depending on player ID to balance the load
if ((this.turn + this.player) % 8 == 5) {
Engine.ProfileStart("Aegis bot (player " + this.player +")");
if (this.gameState.getOwnEntities().length === 0){
return; // With no entities to control the AI cannot do anything
if (this.pathInfo !== undefined)
var pos = [this.pathInfo.mkeyPos[0] + 150*Math.cos(this.pathInfo.angle),this.pathInfo.mkeyPos[1] + 150*Math.sin(this.pathInfo.angle)];
var path = this.pathFinder.getPath(this.pathInfo.ekeyPos, pos, 6, 5);// uncomment for debug:*/, 300000, this.gameState);
if (path !== undefined && path[1] !== undefined && path[1] == false) {
// path is viable and doesn't require boating.
// blackzone the last two waypoints.
this.pathInfo.needboat = false;
this.pathInfo.angle += Math.PI/3.0;
if (this.pathInfo.angle > Math.PI*2.0)
if (this.pathInfo.needboat)
m.debug ("Assuming this is a water map");
this.HQ.waterMap = true;
delete this.pathFinder;
delete this.pathInfo;
var townPhase = this.gameState.townPhase();
var cityPhase = this.gameState.cityPhase();
// try going up phases.
// TODO: softcode this.
if (this.gameState.canResearch(townPhase,true) && this.gameState.getTimeElapsed() > (this.Config.Economy.townPhase*1000) && this.gameState.getPopulation() > 40
&& this.gameState.findResearchers(townPhase,true).length != 0 && this.queues.majorTech.length() === 0
&& this.gameState.getOwnEntities().filter(API3.Filters.byClass("Village")).length > 5)
this.queueManager.pauseQueue("villager", true);
this.queueManager.pauseQueue("citizenSoldier", true);
this.queueManager.pauseQueue("house", true);
this.queues.majorTech.addItem(new m.ResearchPlan(this.gameState, townPhase,0,-1,true)); // we rush the town phase.
m.debug ("Trying to reach town phase");
else if (this.gameState.canResearch(cityPhase,true) && this.gameState.getTimeElapsed() > (this.Config.Economy.cityPhase*1000)
&& this.gameState.getOwnEntitiesByRole("worker").length > 85
&& this.gameState.findResearchers(cityPhase, true).length != 0 && this.queues.majorTech.length() === 0) {
m.debug ("Trying to reach city phase");
this.queues.majorTech.addItem(new m.ResearchPlan(this.gameState, cityPhase));
// defcon cooldown
if (this.defcon < 5 && this.gameState.timeSinceDefconChange() > 20000)
m.debug ("updefconing to " +this.defcon);
if (this.defcon >= 4 && this.HQ.hasGarrisonedFemales)
this.HQ.update(this.gameState, this.queues, this.savedEvents);
// Use this to debug informations about the metadata.
if (this.playedTurn % 10 === 0)
// some debug informations about units.
var units = this.gameState.getOwnEntities();
for (var i in units._entities)
var ent = units._entities[i];
if (!ent.isIdle())
warn ("Unit " + ent.id() + " is a " + ent._templateName);
if (sharedScript._entityMetadata[PlayerID][ent.id()])
var metadata = sharedScript._entityMetadata[PlayerID][ent.id()];
for (var j in metadata)
warn ("Metadata " + j);
if (typeof(metadata[j]) == "object")
warn ("Object");
else if (typeof(metadata[j]) == undefined)
warn ("Undefined");
//if (this.playedTurn % 5 === 0)
// this.queueManager.printQueues(this.gameState);
// Generate some entropy in the random numbers (against humans) until the engine gets random initialised numbers
// TODO: remove this when the engine gives a random seed
var n = this.savedEvents.length % 29;
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++){
delete this.savedEvents;
this.savedEvents = [];
m.AegisBot.prototype.chooseRandomStrategy = function()
// deactivated for now.
this.strategy = "normal";
// rarely and if we can assume it's not a water map.
if (!this.pathInfo.needboat && 0)//Math.random() < 0.2 && this.Config.difficulty == 2)
this.strategy = "rush";
// going to rush.
this.HQ.targetNumWorkers = 0;
this.Config.Economy.townPhase = 480;
this.Config.Economy.cityPhase = 900;
this.Config.Economy.farmsteadStartTime = 600;
this.Config.Economy.femaleRatio = 0; // raise it since we'll want to rush age 2.
/*m.AegisBot.prototype.Deserialize = function(data, sharedScript)
// Override the default serializer
AegisBot.prototype.Serialize = function()
return {};
// For the moment we just use the debugging flag and the debugging function from the API.
// Maybe it will make sense in the future to separate them.
m.DebugEnabled = function()
return API3.DebugEnabled;
m.debug = function(output)
return m;