2013-11-08 08:02:32 +00:00

681 lines
17 KiB

// ClumpPlacer
// Class for generating a roughly circular clump of points
// size: The average number of points in the clump
// coherence: How much the radius of the clump varies (1.0 = circle, 0.0 = very random)
// smoothness: How smooth the border of the clump is (1.0 = few "peaks", 0.0 = very jagged)
// failfraction: Percentage of place attempts allowed to fail (optional)
// x, z: Tile coordinates of placer center (optional)
function ClumpPlacer(size, coherence, smoothness, failFraction, x, z)
this.size = size;
this.coherence = coherence;
this.smoothness = smoothness;
this.failFraction = (failFraction !== undefined ? failFraction : 0);
this.x = (x !== undefined ? x : -1);
this.z = (z !== undefined ? z : -1);
ClumpPlacer.prototype.place = function(constraint)
// Preliminary bounds check
if (!g_Map.inMapBounds(this.x, this.z) || !constraint.allows(this.x, this.z))
return undefined;
var retVec = [];
var size = getMapSize();
var gotRet = new Array(size);
for (var i = 0; i < size; ++i)
gotRet[i] = new Uint8Array(size); // bool / uint8
var radius = sqrt(this.size / PI);
var perim = 4 * radius * 2 * PI;
var intPerim = ceil(perim);
var ctrlPts = 1 + Math.floor(1.0/Math.max(this.smoothness,1.0/intPerim));
if (ctrlPts > radius * 2 * PI)
ctrlPts = Math.floor(radius * 2 * PI) + 1;
var noise = new Float32Array(intPerim); //float32
var ctrlCoords = new Float32Array(ctrlPts+1); //float32
var ctrlVals = new Float32Array(ctrlPts+1); //float32
// Generate some interpolated noise
for (var i=0; i < ctrlPts; i++)
ctrlCoords[i] = i * perim / ctrlPts;
ctrlVals[i] = 2.0*randFloat();
var c = 0;
var looped = 0;
for (var i=0; i < intPerim; i++)
if (ctrlCoords[(c+1) % ctrlPts] < i && !looped)
c = (c+1) % ctrlPts;
if (c == ctrlPts-1)
looped = 1;
// Cubic interpolation of ctrlVals
var t = (i - ctrlCoords[c]) / ((looped ? perim : ctrlCoords[(c+1)%ctrlPts]) - ctrlCoords[c]);
var v0 = ctrlVals[(c+ctrlPts-1)%ctrlPts];
var v1 = ctrlVals[c];
var v2 = ctrlVals[(c+1)%ctrlPts];
var v3 = ctrlVals[(c+2)%ctrlPts];
var P = (v3 - v2) - (v0 - v1);
var Q = (v0 - v1) - P;
var R = v2 - v0;
var S = v1;
noise[i] = P*t*t*t + Q*t*t + R*t + S;
var failed = 0;
for (var p=0; p < intPerim; p++)
var th = 2 * PI * p / perim;
var r = radius * (1 + (1-this.coherence)*noise[p]);
var s = sin(th);
var c = cos(th);
var xx=this.x;
var yy=this.z;
for (var k=0; k < ceil(r); k++)
var i = Math.floor(xx);
var j = Math.floor(yy);
if (g_Map.inMapBounds(i, j) && constraint.allows(i, j))
if (!gotRet[i][j])
{ // Only include each point once
gotRet[i][j] = 1;
retVec.push(new PointXZ(i, j));
xx += s;
yy += c;
return ((failed > this.size*this.failFraction) ? undefined : retVec);
// Chain Placer
// Class for generating a more random clump of points it randomly creates circles around the edges of the current clump
// minRadius: minimum radius of the circles
// maxRadius: maximum radius of the circles
// numCircles: the number of the circles
// failfraction: Percentage of place attempts allowed to fail (optional)
// x, z: Tile coordinates of placer center (optional)
// fcc: Farthest circle center (optional)
// q: a list containing numbers. each time if the list still contains values, pops one from the end and uses it as the radius (optional)
function ChainPlacer(minRadius, maxRadius, numCircles, failFraction, x, z, fcc, q)
this.minRadius = minRadius;
this.maxRadius = maxRadius;
this.numCircles = numCircles
this.failFraction = (failFraction !== undefined ? failFraction : 0);
this.x = (x !== undefined ? x : -1);
this.z = (z !== undefined ? z : -1);
this.fcc = (fcc !== undefined ? fcc : 0);
this.q = (q !== undefined ? q : []);
ChainPlacer.prototype.place = function(constraint)
// Preliminary bounds check
if (!g_Map.inMapBounds(this.x, this.z) || !constraint.allows(this.x, this.z))
return undefined;
var retVec = [];
var size = getMapSize();
var failed = 0, count = 0;
var queueEmpty = (this.q.length ? false : true);
var gotRet = new Array(size);
for (var i = 0; i < size; ++i)
gotRet[i] = new Array(size);
for (var j = 0; j < size; ++j)
gotRet[i][j] = -1;
if (this.minRadius < 1) this.minRadius = 1;
if (this.minRadius > this.maxRadius) this.minRadius = this.maxRadius;
var edges = [[this.x, this.z]]
for (var i = 0; i < this.numCircles; ++i)
var point = edges[randInt(edges.length)];
var cx = point[0], cz = point[1];
if (queueEmpty)
var radius = randInt(this.minRadius, this.maxRadius);
var radius = this.q.pop();
queueEmpty = (this.q.length ? false : true);
//log (edges);
var sx = cx - radius, lx = cx + radius;
var sz = cz - radius, lz = cz + radius;
sx = (sx < 0 ? 0 : sx);
sz = (sz < 0 ? 0 : sz);
lx = (lx > size ? size : lx);
lz = (lz > size ? size : lz);
var radius2 = radius * radius;
var dx, dz;
//log (uneval([sx, sz, lx, lz]));
for (var ix = sx; ix <= lx; ++ix)
for (var iz = sz; iz <= lz; ++ iz)
dx = ix - cx;
dz = iz - cz;
if (dx * dx + dz * dz <= radius2)
if (g_Map.inMapBounds(ix, iz) && constraint.allows(ix, iz))
var state = gotRet[ix][iz];
if (state == -1)
retVec.push(new PointXZ(ix, iz));
gotRet[ix][iz] = -2;
else if (state >= 0)
//log (uneval(edges));
//log (state)
var s = edges.splice(state, 1);
//log (uneval(s));
//log (uneval(edges));
gotRet[ix][iz] = -2;
var edgesLength = edges.length;
for (var k = state; k < edges.length; ++k)
for (var ix = sx; ix <= lx; ++ix)
for (var iz = sz; iz <= lz; ++ iz)
if (this.fcc)
if ((this.x - ix) > this.fcc || (ix - this.x) > this.fcc || (this.z - iz) > this.fcc || (iz - this.z) > this.fcc)
if (gotRet[ix][iz] == -2)
if (ix > 0)
if (gotRet[ix-1][iz] == -1)
edges.push([ix, iz]);
gotRet[ix][iz] = edges.length - 1;
if (iz > 0)
if (gotRet[ix][iz-1] == -1)
edges.push([ix, iz]);
gotRet[ix][iz] = edges.length - 1;
if (ix < size)
if (gotRet[ix+1][iz] == -1)
edges.push([ix, iz]);
gotRet[ix][iz] = edges.length - 1;
if (iz < size)
if (gotRet[ix][iz+1] == -1)
edges.push([ix, iz]);
gotRet[ix][iz] = edges.length - 1;
return ((failed > count*this.failFraction) ? undefined : retVec);
// RectPlacer
// Class for generating a rectangular block of points
// x1,z1: Top left corner of block
// x2,z2: Bottom right corner of block
function RectPlacer(x1, z1, x2, z2)
this.x1 = x1;
this.z1 = z1;
this.x2 = x2;
this.z2 = z2;
if (x1 > x2 || z1 > z2)
throw("RectPlacer: incorrect bounds on rect");
RectPlacer.prototype.place = function(constraint)
// Preliminary bounds check
if (!g_Map.inMapBounds(this.x1, this.z1) || !constraint.allows(this.x1, this.z1) ||
!g_Map.inMapBounds(this.x2, this.z2) || !constraint.allows(this.x2, this.z2))
return undefined;
var ret = [];
var x2 = this.x2;
var z2 = this.z2;
for (var x=this.x1; x < x2; x++)
for (var z=this.z1; z < z2; z++)
if (g_Map.inMapBounds(x, z) && constraint.allows(x, z))
ret.push(new PointXZ(x, z));
return undefined;
return ret;
// ObjectGroupPlacer
function ObjectGroupPlacer() {}
// SimpleObject
// Class specifying a type of entity that can be placed on the map
// type: The entity's template name
// minCount,maxCount: The number of objects to place
// minDistance,maxDistance: The distance between placed objects
// minAngle,maxAngle: The variation in angle of placed objects (optional)
function SimpleObject(type, minCount, maxCount, minDistance, maxDistance, minAngle, maxAngle)
this.type = type;
this.minCount = minCount;
this.maxCount = maxCount;
this.minDistance = minDistance;
this.maxDistance = maxDistance;
this.minAngle = (minAngle !== undefined ? minAngle : 0);
this.maxAngle = (maxAngle !== undefined ? maxAngle : 2*PI);
if (minCount > maxCount)
warn("SimpleObject: minCount should be less than or equal to maxCount");
if (minDistance > maxDistance)
warn("SimpleObject: minDistance should be less than or equal to maxDistance");
if (minAngle > maxAngle)
warn("SimpleObject: minAngle should be less than or equal to maxAngle");
SimpleObject.prototype.place = function(cx, cz, player, avoidSelf, constraint)
var failCount = 0;
var count = randInt(this.minCount, this.maxCount);
var resultObjs = [];
for (var i=0; i < count; i++)
var distance = randFloat(this.minDistance, this.maxDistance);
var direction = randFloat(0, 2*PI);
var x = cx + 0.5 + distance*cos(direction);
var z = cz + 0.5 + distance*sin(direction);
var fail = false; // reset place failure flag
if (!g_Map.validT(x, z))
fail = true;
if (avoidSelf)
var length = resultObjs.length;
for (var i = 0; (i < length) && !fail; i++)
var dx = x - resultObjs[i].position.x;
var dy = z - resultObjs[i].position.z;
if ((dx*dx + dy*dy) < 1)
fail = true;
if (!fail)
if (!constraint.allows(Math.floor(x), Math.floor(z)))
fail = true;
{ // if we got here, we're good
var angle = randFloat(this.minAngle, this.maxAngle);
resultObjs.push(new Entity(this.type, player, x, z, angle));
if (fail)
if (failCount > 20) // TODO: Make this adjustable
return undefined;
return resultObjs;
// RandomObject
// Class specifying entities that can be placed on the map, selected randomly
// types: Array of entity template names
// minCount,maxCount: The number of objects to place
// minDistance,maxDistance: The distance between placed objects
// minAngle,maxAngle: The variation in angle of placed objects (optional)
function RandomObject(types, minCount, maxCount, minDistance, maxDistance, minAngle, maxAngle)
this.types = types;
this.minCount = minCount;
this.maxCount = maxCount;
this.minDistance = minDistance;
this.maxDistance = maxDistance;
this.minAngle = (minAngle !== undefined ? minAngle : 0);
this.maxAngle = (maxAngle !== undefined ? maxAngle : 2*PI);
if (minCount > maxCount)
warn("RandomObject: minCount should be less than or equal to maxCount");
if (minDistance > maxDistance)
warn("RandomObject: minDistance should be less than or equal to maxDistance");
if (minAngle > maxAngle)
warn("RandomObject: minAngle should be less than or equal to maxAngle");
RandomObject.prototype.place = function(cx, cz, player, avoidSelf, constraint)
var failCount = 0;
var count = randInt(this.minCount, this.maxCount);
var resultObjs = [];
for (var i=0; i < count; i++)
var distance = randFloat(this.minDistance, this.maxDistance);
var direction = randFloat(0, 2*PI);
var x = cx + 0.5 + distance*cos(direction);
var z = cz + 0.5 + distance*sin(direction);
var fail = false; // reset place failure flag
if (!g_Map.validT(x, z))
fail = true;
if (avoidSelf)
var length = resultObjs.length;
for (var i = 0; (i < length) && !fail; i++)
var dx = x - resultObjs[i].position.x;
var dy = z - resultObjs[i].position.z;
if ((dx*dx + dy*dy) < 1)
fail = true;
if (!fail)
if (!constraint.allows(Math.floor(x), Math.floor(z)))
fail = true;
{ // if we got here, we're good
var angle = randFloat(this.minAngle, this.maxAngle);
//Randomly select entity
var type = this.types[randInt(this.types.length)];
resultObjs.push(new Entity(type, player, x, z, angle));
if (fail)
if (failCount > 20) // TODO: Make this adjustable
return undefined;
return resultObjs;
// SimpleGroup
// Class for placing groups of different objects
// elements: Array of SimpleObjects
// avoidSelf: Objects will not overlap
// tileClass: Optional tile class to add with these objects
// x,z: Tile coordinates of center of placer
function SimpleGroup(elements, avoidSelf, tileClass, x, z)
this.elements = elements;
this.tileClass = (tileClass !== undefined ? getTileClass(tileClass) : undefined);
this.avoidSelf = (avoidSelf !== undefined ? avoidSelf : false);
this.x = (x !== undefined ? x : -1);
this.z = (z !== undefined ? z : -1);
SimpleGroup.prototype.place = function(player, constraint)
var resultObjs = [];
// Try placement of objects
var length = this.elements.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
var objs = this.elements[i].place(this.x, this.z, player, this.avoidSelf, constraint);
if (objs === undefined)
{ // Failure
return false;
for (var j = 0; j < objs.length; ++j)
// Add placed objects to map
length = resultObjs.length;
for (var i=0; i < length; i++)
if (this.tileClass !== undefined)
{ // Convert position to integer number of tiles
this.tileClass.add(Math.floor(resultObjs[i].position.x/CELL_SIZE), Math.floor(resultObjs[i].position.z/CELL_SIZE));
return true;
// RandomGroup
// Class for placing group of a random simple object
// elements: Array of SimpleObjects
// avoidSelf: Objects will not overlap
// tileClass: Optional tile class to add with these objects
// x,z: Tile coordinates of center of placer
function RandomGroup(elements, avoidSelf, tileClass, x, z)
this.elements = elements;
this.tileClass = (tileClass !== undefined ? getTileClass(tileClass) : undefined);
this.avoidSelf = (avoidSelf !== undefined ? avoidSelf : false);
this.x = (x !== undefined ? x : -1);
this.z = (z !== undefined ? z : -1);
RandomGroup.prototype.place = function(player, constraint)
var resultObjs = [];
// Pick one of the object placers at random
var placer = this.elements[randInt(this.elements.length)];
var objs = placer.place(this.x, this.z, player, this.avoidSelf, constraint);
if (objs === undefined)
{ // Failure
return false;
for (var j = 0; j < objs.length; ++j)
// Add placed objects to map
var length = resultObjs.length;
for (var i=0; i < length; i++)
if (this.tileClass !== undefined)
{ // Convert position to integer number of tiles
this.tileClass.add(Math.floor(resultObjs[i].position.x/CELL_SIZE), Math.floor(resultObjs[i].position.z/CELL_SIZE));
return true;