Ykkrosh 1840bb3507 Stop units walking outside the edges of circular maps.
Switch the GUI between square/circular minimap automatically.

This was SVN commit r8500.
2010-10-30 18:25:34 +00:00

949 lines
27 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2010 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "simulation2/system/Component.h"
#include "ICmpRangeManager.h"
#include "ICmpPosition.h"
#include "ICmpVision.h"
#include "simulation2/MessageTypes.h"
#include "simulation2/helpers/Render.h"
#include "simulation2/helpers/Spatial.h"
#include "graphics/Overlay.h"
#include "graphics/Terrain.h"
#include "lib/timer.h"
#include "maths/FixedVector2D.h"
#include "ps/CLogger.h"
#include "ps/Overlay.h"
#include "ps/Profile.h"
#include "renderer/Scene.h"
* Representation of a range query.
struct Query
bool enabled;
entity_id_t source;
entity_pos_t maxRange;
u32 ownersMask;
i32 interface;
std::vector<entity_id_t> lastMatch;
* Convert an owner ID (-1 = unowned, 0 = gaia, 1..30 = players)
* into a 32-bit mask for quick set-membership tests.
static u32 CalcOwnerMask(i32 owner)
if (owner >= -1 && owner < 31)
return 1 << (1+owner);
return 0; // owner was invalid
* Representation of an entity, with the data needed for queries.
struct EntityData
EntityData() : retainInFog(0), owner(-1), inWorld(0) { }
entity_pos_t x, z;
entity_pos_t visionRange;
u8 retainInFog; // boolean
i8 owner;
u8 inWorld; // boolean
cassert(sizeof(EntityData) == 16);
* Serialization helper template for Query
struct SerializeQuery
template<typename S>
void operator()(S& serialize, const char* UNUSED(name), Query& value)
serialize.Bool("enabled", value.enabled);
serialize.NumberU32_Unbounded("source", value.source);
serialize.NumberFixed_Unbounded("max range", value.maxRange);
serialize.NumberU32_Unbounded("owners mask", value.ownersMask);
serialize.NumberI32_Unbounded("interface", value.interface);
SerializeVector<SerializeU32_Unbounded>()(serialize, "last match", value.lastMatch);
* Serialization helper template for EntityData
struct SerializeEntityData
template<typename S>
void operator()(S& serialize, const char* UNUSED(name), EntityData& value)
serialize.NumberFixed_Unbounded("x", value.x);
serialize.NumberFixed_Unbounded("z", value.z);
serialize.NumberFixed_Unbounded("vision", value.visionRange);
serialize.NumberU8("retain in fog", value.retainInFog, 0, 1);
serialize.NumberI8_Unbounded("owner", value.owner);
serialize.NumberU8("in world", value.inWorld, 0, 1);
* Functor for sorting entities by distance from a source point.
* It must only be passed entities that are in 'entities'
* and are currently in the world.
struct EntityDistanceOrdering
EntityDistanceOrdering(const std::map<entity_id_t, EntityData>& entities, const CFixedVector2D& source) :
m_EntityData(entities), m_Source(source)
bool operator()(entity_id_t a, entity_id_t b)
const EntityData& da = m_EntityData.find(a)->second;
const EntityData& db = m_EntityData.find(b)->second;
CFixedVector2D vecA = CFixedVector2D(da.x, da.z) - m_Source;
CFixedVector2D vecB = CFixedVector2D(db.x, db.z) - m_Source;
return (vecA.CompareLength(vecB) < 0);
const std::map<entity_id_t, EntityData>& m_EntityData;
CFixedVector2D m_Source;
EntityDistanceOrdering& operator=(const EntityDistanceOrdering&);
* Range manager implementation.
* Maintains a list of all entities (and their positions and owners), which is used for
* queries.
* LOS implementation is based on the model described in GPG2.
* (TODO: would be nice to make it cleverer, so e.g. mountains and walls
* can block vision)
class CCmpRangeManager : public ICmpRangeManager
static void ClassInit(CComponentManager& componentManager)
componentManager.SubscribeToMessageType(MT_RenderSubmit); // for debug overlays
bool m_DebugOverlayEnabled;
bool m_DebugOverlayDirty;
std::vector<SOverlayLine> m_DebugOverlayLines;
// World bounds (entities are expected to be within this range)
entity_pos_t m_WorldX0;
entity_pos_t m_WorldZ0;
entity_pos_t m_WorldX1;
entity_pos_t m_WorldZ1;
// Range query state:
tag_t m_QueryNext; // next allocated id
std::map<tag_t, Query> m_Queries;
std::map<entity_id_t, EntityData> m_EntityData;
SpatialSubdivision<entity_id_t> m_Subdivision; // spatial index of m_EntityData
// LOS state:
bool m_LosRevealAll;
bool m_LosCircular;
i32 m_TerrainVerticesPerSide;
// Counts of units seeing vertex, per vertex, per player (starting with player 0).
// Use u16 to avoid overflows when we have very large (but not infeasibly large) numbers
// of units in a very small area.
// (Note we use vertexes, not tiles, to better match the renderer.)
// Lazily constructed when it's needed, to save memory in smaller games.
std::vector<std::vector<u16> > m_LosPlayerCounts;
// 2-bit ELosState per player, starting with player 1 (not 0!) up to player MAX_LOS_PLAYER_ID (inclusive)
std::vector<u32> m_LosState;
static const int MAX_LOS_PLAYER_ID = 16;
// Special static visibility data for the "reveal whole map" mode
// (TODO: this is usually a waste of memory)
std::vector<u32> m_LosStateRevealed;
static std::string GetSchema()
return "<a:component type='system'/><empty/>";
virtual void Init(const CSimContext& UNUSED(context), const CParamNode& UNUSED(paramNode))
m_QueryNext = 1;
m_DebugOverlayEnabled = false;
m_DebugOverlayDirty = true;
m_WorldX0 = m_WorldZ0 = m_WorldX1 = m_WorldZ1 = entity_pos_t::Zero();
// Initialise with bogus values (these will get replaced when
// SetBounds is called)
ResetSubdivisions(entity_pos_t::FromInt(1), entity_pos_t::FromInt(1));
m_LosRevealAll = false;
m_LosCircular = false;
m_TerrainVerticesPerSide = 0;
virtual void Deinit(const CSimContext& UNUSED(context))
template<typename S>
void SerializeCommon(S& serialize)
serialize.NumberFixed_Unbounded("world x0", m_WorldX0);
serialize.NumberFixed_Unbounded("world z0", m_WorldZ0);
serialize.NumberFixed_Unbounded("world x1", m_WorldX1);
serialize.NumberFixed_Unbounded("world z1", m_WorldZ1);
serialize.NumberU32_Unbounded("query next", m_QueryNext);
SerializeMap<SerializeU32_Unbounded, SerializeQuery>()(serialize, "queries", m_Queries);
SerializeMap<SerializeU32_Unbounded, SerializeEntityData>()(serialize, "entity data", m_EntityData);
serialize.Bool("los reveal all", m_LosRevealAll);
serialize.Bool("los circular", m_LosCircular);
serialize.NumberI32_Unbounded("terrain verts per side", m_TerrainVerticesPerSide);
// We don't serialize m_Subdivision, m_LosPlayerCounts, m_LosState
// since they can be recomputed from the entity data when deserializing
virtual void Serialize(ISerializer& serialize)
virtual void Deserialize(const CSimContext& context, const CParamNode& paramNode, IDeserializer& deserialize)
Init(context, paramNode);
// Reinitialise subdivisions and LOS data
virtual void HandleMessage(const CSimContext& UNUSED(context), const CMessage& msg, bool UNUSED(global))
switch (msg.GetType())
case MT_Create:
const CMessageCreate& msgData = static_cast<const CMessageCreate&> (msg);
entity_id_t ent = msgData.entity;
// Ignore local entities - we shouldn't let them influence anything
// Ignore non-positional entities
CmpPtr<ICmpPosition> cmpPosition(GetSimContext(), ent);
if (cmpPosition.null())
// The newly-created entity will have owner -1 and position out-of-world
// (any initialisation of those values will happen later), so we can just
// use the default-constructed EntityData here
EntityData entdata;
// Store the LOS data, if any
CmpPtr<ICmpVision> cmpVision(GetSimContext(), ent);
if (!cmpVision.null())
entdata.visionRange = cmpVision->GetRange();
entdata.retainInFog = (cmpVision->GetRetainInFog() ? 1 : 0);
// Remember this entity
m_EntityData.insert(std::make_pair(ent, entdata));
case MT_PositionChanged:
const CMessagePositionChanged& msgData = static_cast<const CMessagePositionChanged&> (msg);
entity_id_t ent = msgData.entity;
std::map<u32, EntityData>::iterator it = m_EntityData.find(ent);
// Ignore if we're not already tracking this entity
if (it == m_EntityData.end())
if (msgData.inWorld)
if (it->second.inWorld)
CFixedVector2D from(it->second.x, it->second.z);
CFixedVector2D to(msgData.x, msgData.z);
m_Subdivision.Move(ent, from, to);
LosMove(it->second.owner, it->second.visionRange, from, to);
CFixedVector2D to(msgData.x, msgData.z);
m_Subdivision.Add(ent, to);
LosAdd(it->second.owner, it->second.visionRange, to);
it->second.inWorld = 1;
it->second.x = msgData.x;
it->second.z = msgData.z;
if (it->second.inWorld)
CFixedVector2D from(it->second.x, it->second.z);
m_Subdivision.Remove(ent, from);
LosRemove(it->second.owner, it->second.visionRange, from);
it->second.inWorld = 0;
it->second.x = entity_pos_t::Zero();
it->second.z = entity_pos_t::Zero();
case MT_OwnershipChanged:
const CMessageOwnershipChanged& msgData = static_cast<const CMessageOwnershipChanged&> (msg);
entity_id_t ent = msgData.entity;
std::map<u32, EntityData>::iterator it = m_EntityData.find(ent);
// Ignore if we're not already tracking this entity
if (it == m_EntityData.end())
if (it->second.inWorld)
CFixedVector2D pos(it->second.x, it->second.z);
LosRemove(it->second.owner, it->second.visionRange, pos);
LosAdd(msgData.to, it->second.visionRange, pos);
it->second.owner = msgData.to;
case MT_Destroy:
const CMessageDestroy& msgData = static_cast<const CMessageDestroy&> (msg);
entity_id_t ent = msgData.entity;
std::map<u32, EntityData>::iterator it = m_EntityData.find(ent);
// Ignore if we're not already tracking this entity
if (it == m_EntityData.end())
if (it->second.inWorld)
m_Subdivision.Remove(ent, CFixedVector2D(it->second.x, it->second.z));
case MT_Update:
m_DebugOverlayDirty = true;
case MT_RenderSubmit:
const CMessageRenderSubmit& msgData = static_cast<const CMessageRenderSubmit&> (msg);
virtual void SetBounds(entity_pos_t x0, entity_pos_t z0, entity_pos_t x1, entity_pos_t z1, ssize_t vertices)
m_WorldX0 = x0;
m_WorldZ0 = z0;
m_WorldX1 = x1;
m_WorldZ1 = z1;
m_TerrainVerticesPerSide = vertices;
// Reinitialise subdivisions and LOS data, based on entity data
void ResetDerivedData()
debug_assert(m_WorldX0.IsZero() && m_WorldZ0.IsZero()); // don't bother implementing non-zero offsets yet
ResetSubdivisions(m_WorldX1, m_WorldZ1);
for (std::map<u32, EntityData>::iterator it = m_EntityData.begin(); it != m_EntityData.end(); ++it)
LosAdd(it->second.owner, it->second.visionRange, CFixedVector2D(it->second.x, it->second.z));
for (ssize_t j = 0; j < m_TerrainVerticesPerSide; ++j)
for (ssize_t i = 0; i < m_TerrainVerticesPerSide; ++i)
m_LosStateRevealed[i + j*m_TerrainVerticesPerSide] = LosIsOffWorld(i, j) ? 0 : 0xFFFFFFFFu;
void ResetSubdivisions(entity_pos_t x1, entity_pos_t z1)
// Use 8x8 tile subdivisions
// (TODO: find the optimal number instead of blindly guessing)
m_Subdivision.Reset(x1, z1, entity_pos_t::FromInt(8*CELL_SIZE));
for (std::map<entity_id_t, EntityData>::const_iterator it = m_EntityData.begin(); it != m_EntityData.end(); ++it)
if (it->second.inWorld)
m_Subdivision.Add(it->first, CFixedVector2D(it->second.x, it->second.z));
virtual tag_t CreateActiveQuery(entity_id_t source, entity_pos_t maxRange,
std::vector<int> owners, int requiredInterface)
size_t id = m_QueryNext++;
m_Queries[id] = ConstructQuery(source, maxRange, owners, requiredInterface);
return (tag_t)id;
virtual void DestroyActiveQuery(tag_t tag)
if (m_Queries.find(tag) == m_Queries.end())
LOGERROR(L"CCmpRangeManager: DestroyActiveQuery called with invalid tag %d", tag);
virtual void EnableActiveQuery(tag_t tag)
std::map<tag_t, Query>::iterator it = m_Queries.find(tag);
if (it == m_Queries.end())
LOGERROR(L"CCmpRangeManager: EnableActiveQuery called with invalid tag %d", tag);
Query& q = it->second;
q.enabled = true;
virtual void DisableActiveQuery(tag_t tag)
std::map<tag_t, Query>::iterator it = m_Queries.find(tag);
if (it == m_Queries.end())
LOGERROR(L"CCmpRangeManager: DisableActiveQuery called with invalid tag %d", tag);
Query& q = it->second;
q.enabled = false;
virtual std::vector<entity_id_t> ExecuteQuery(entity_id_t source, entity_pos_t maxRange,
std::vector<int> owners, int requiredInterface)
Query q = ConstructQuery(source, maxRange, owners, requiredInterface);
std::vector<entity_id_t> r;
CmpPtr<ICmpPosition> cmpSourcePosition(GetSimContext(), q.source);
if (cmpSourcePosition.null() || !cmpSourcePosition->IsInWorld())
// If the source doesn't have a position, then the result is just the empty list
return r;
PerformQuery(q, r);
// Return the list sorted by distance from the entity
CFixedVector2D pos = cmpSourcePosition->GetPosition2D();
std::stable_sort(r.begin(), r.end(), EntityDistanceOrdering(m_EntityData, pos));
return r;
virtual std::vector<entity_id_t> ResetActiveQuery(tag_t tag)
std::vector<entity_id_t> r;
std::map<tag_t, Query>::iterator it = m_Queries.find(tag);
if (it == m_Queries.end())
LOGERROR(L"CCmpRangeManager: ResetActiveQuery called with invalid tag %d", tag);
return r;
Query& q = it->second;
q.enabled = true;
CmpPtr<ICmpPosition> cmpSourcePosition(GetSimContext(), q.source);
if (cmpSourcePosition.null() || !cmpSourcePosition->IsInWorld())
// If the source doesn't have a position, then the result is just the empty list
q.lastMatch = r;
return r;
PerformQuery(q, r);
q.lastMatch = r;
// Return the list sorted by distance from the entity
CFixedVector2D pos = cmpSourcePosition->GetPosition2D();
std::stable_sort(r.begin(), r.end(), EntityDistanceOrdering(m_EntityData, pos));
return r;
virtual std::vector<entity_id_t> GetEntitiesByPlayer(int playerId)
std::vector<entity_id_t> entities;
u32 ownerMask = CalcOwnerMask(playerId);
for (std::map<entity_id_t, EntityData>::const_iterator it = m_EntityData.begin(); it != m_EntityData.end(); ++it)
// Check owner and add to list if it matches
if (CalcOwnerMask(it->second.owner) & ownerMask)
return entities;
virtual void SetDebugOverlay(bool enabled)
m_DebugOverlayEnabled = enabled;
m_DebugOverlayDirty = true;
if (!enabled)
* Update all currently-enabled active queries.
void ExecuteActiveQueries()
// Store a queue of all messages before sending any, so we can assume
// no entities will move until we've finished checking all the ranges
std::vector<std::pair<entity_id_t, CMessageRangeUpdate> > messages;
for (std::map<tag_t, Query>::iterator it = m_Queries.begin(); it != m_Queries.end(); ++it)
Query& q = it->second;
if (!q.enabled)
CmpPtr<ICmpPosition> cmpSourcePosition(GetSimContext(), q.source);
if (cmpSourcePosition.null() || !cmpSourcePosition->IsInWorld())
std::vector<entity_id_t> r;
PerformQuery(q, r);
// Compute the changes vs the last match
std::vector<entity_id_t> added;
std::vector<entity_id_t> removed;
std::set_difference(r.begin(), r.end(), q.lastMatch.begin(), q.lastMatch.end(), std::back_inserter(added));
std::set_difference(q.lastMatch.begin(), q.lastMatch.end(), r.begin(), r.end(), std::back_inserter(removed));
if (added.empty() && removed.empty())
// Return the 'added' list sorted by distance from the entity
// (Don't bother sorting 'removed' because they might not even have positions or exist any more)
CFixedVector2D pos = cmpSourcePosition->GetPosition2D();
std::stable_sort(added.begin(), added.end(), EntityDistanceOrdering(m_EntityData, pos));
messages.push_back(std::make_pair(q.source, CMessageRangeUpdate(it->first)));
for (size_t i = 0; i < messages.size(); ++i)
GetSimContext().GetComponentManager().PostMessage(messages[i].first, messages[i].second);
* Returns a list of distinct entity IDs that match the given query, sorted by ID.
void PerformQuery(const Query& q, std::vector<entity_id_t>& r)
CmpPtr<ICmpPosition> cmpSourcePosition(GetSimContext(), q.source);
if (cmpSourcePosition.null() || !cmpSourcePosition->IsInWorld())
CFixedVector2D pos = cmpSourcePosition->GetPosition2D();
// Get a quick list of entities that are potentially in range
std::vector<entity_id_t> ents = m_Subdivision.GetNear(pos, q.maxRange);
for (size_t i = 0; i < ents.size(); ++i)
std::map<entity_id_t, EntityData>::const_iterator it = m_EntityData.find(ents[i]);
debug_assert(it != m_EntityData.end());
// Quick filter to ignore entities with the wrong owner
if (!(CalcOwnerMask(it->second.owner) & q.ownersMask))
// Restrict based on precise location
if (!it->second.inWorld)
int distVsMax = (CFixedVector2D(it->second.x, it->second.z) - pos).CompareLength(q.maxRange);
if (distVsMax > 0)
// Ignore self
if (it->first == q.source)
// Ignore if it's missing the required interface
if (q.interface && !GetSimContext().GetComponentManager().QueryInterface(it->first, q.interface))
Query ConstructQuery(entity_id_t source, entity_pos_t maxRange, std::vector<int> owners, int requiredInterface)
Query q;
q.enabled = false;
q.source = source;
q.maxRange = maxRange;
q.ownersMask = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < owners.size(); ++i)
q.ownersMask |= CalcOwnerMask(owners[i]);
q.interface = requiredInterface;
return q;
void RenderSubmit(SceneCollector& collector)
if (!m_DebugOverlayEnabled)
CColor enabledRingColour(0, 1, 0, 1);
CColor disabledRingColour(1, 0, 0, 1);
CColor rayColour(1, 1, 0, 0.2f);
if (m_DebugOverlayDirty)
for (std::map<tag_t, Query>::iterator it = m_Queries.begin(); it != m_Queries.end(); ++it)
Query& q = it->second;
CmpPtr<ICmpPosition> cmpSourcePosition(GetSimContext(), q.source);
if (cmpSourcePosition.null() || !cmpSourcePosition->IsInWorld())
CFixedVector2D pos = cmpSourcePosition->GetPosition2D();
// Draw the range circle
m_DebugOverlayLines.back().m_Color = (q.enabled ? enabledRingColour : disabledRingColour);
SimRender::ConstructCircleOnGround(GetSimContext(), pos.X.ToFloat(), pos.Y.ToDouble(), q.maxRange.ToFloat(), m_DebugOverlayLines.back(), true);
// Draw a ray from the source to each matched entity
for (size_t i = 0; i < q.lastMatch.size(); ++i)
CmpPtr<ICmpPosition> cmpTargetPosition(GetSimContext(), q.lastMatch[i]);
if (cmpTargetPosition.null() || !cmpTargetPosition->IsInWorld())
CFixedVector2D targetPos = cmpTargetPosition->GetPosition2D();
std::vector<float> coords;
m_DebugOverlayLines.back().m_Color = rayColour;
SimRender::ConstructLineOnGround(GetSimContext(), coords, m_DebugOverlayLines.back(), true);
m_DebugOverlayDirty = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_DebugOverlayLines.size(); ++i)
// LOS implementation:
virtual CLosQuerier GetLosQuerier(int player)
if (m_LosRevealAll)
return CLosQuerier(player, m_LosStateRevealed, m_TerrainVerticesPerSide);
return CLosQuerier(player, m_LosState, m_TerrainVerticesPerSide);
virtual ELosVisibility GetLosVisibility(entity_id_t ent, int player)
// (We can't use m_EntityData since this needs to handle LOCAL entities too)
// Entities not with positions in the world are never visible
CmpPtr<ICmpPosition> cmpPosition(GetSimContext(), ent);
if (cmpPosition.null() || !cmpPosition->IsInWorld())
return VIS_HIDDEN;
CFixedVector2D pos = cmpPosition->GetPosition2D();
int i = (pos.X / (int)CELL_SIZE).ToInt_RoundToNearest();
int j = (pos.Y / (int)CELL_SIZE).ToInt_RoundToNearest();
// Global flag makes all positioned entities visible
if (m_LosRevealAll)
if (LosIsOffWorld(i, j))
return VIS_HIDDEN;
// Visible if within a visible region
CLosQuerier los(player, m_LosState, m_TerrainVerticesPerSide);
if (los.IsVisible(i, j))
// Fogged if the 'retain in fog' flag is set, and in a non-visible explored region
if (los.IsExplored(i, j))
CmpPtr<ICmpVision> cmpVision(GetSimContext(), ent);
if (!cmpVision.null() && cmpVision->GetRetainInFog())
return VIS_FOGGED;
// Otherwise not visible
return VIS_HIDDEN;
virtual void SetLosRevealAll(bool enabled)
// Eventually we might want this to be a per-player flag (which is why
// GetLosRevealAll takes a player argument), but currently it's just a
// global setting since I can't quite work out where per-player would be useful
m_LosRevealAll = enabled;
virtual bool GetLosRevealAll(int UNUSED(player))
return m_LosRevealAll;
virtual void SetLosCircular(bool enabled)
m_LosCircular = enabled;
virtual bool GetLosCircular()
return m_LosCircular;
* Returns whether the given vertex is outside the normal bounds of the world
* (i.e. outside the range of a circular map)
inline bool LosIsOffWorld(ssize_t i, ssize_t j)
if (m_LosCircular)
// With a circular map, vertex is off-world if hypot(i - size/2, j - size/2) >= size/2:
ssize_t dist2 = (i - m_TerrainVerticesPerSide/2)*(i - m_TerrainVerticesPerSide/2)
+ (j - m_TerrainVerticesPerSide/2)*(j - m_TerrainVerticesPerSide/2);
if (dist2 >= (m_TerrainVerticesPerSide/2)*(m_TerrainVerticesPerSide/2))
return true;
// With a square map, nothing is off-world
return false;
* Update the LOS state of tiles within a given horizontal strip (i0,j) to (i1,j) (inclusive).
* amount is +1 or -1.
inline void LosUpdateStripHelper(u8 owner, ssize_t i0, ssize_t i1, ssize_t j, int amount, std::vector<u16>& counts)
for (ssize_t i = i0; i <= i1; ++i)
ssize_t idx = j*m_TerrainVerticesPerSide + i;
// Increasing from zero to non-zero - move from unexplored/explored to visible+explored
if (counts[idx] == 0 && amount > 0)
if (!LosIsOffWorld(i, j))
m_LosState[idx] |= ((LOS_VISIBLE | LOS_EXPLORED) << (2*(owner-1)));
counts[idx] += amount;
// Decreasing from non-zero to zero - move from visible+explored to explored
if (counts[idx] == 0 && amount < 0)
// (If LosIsOffWorld then this is a no-op, so don't bother doing the check)
m_LosState[idx] &= ~(LOS_VISIBLE << (2*(owner-1)));
* Update the LOS state of tiles within a given circular range.
* Assumes owner is in the valid range.
inline void LosUpdateHelper(u8 owner, entity_pos_t visionRange, CFixedVector2D pos, int amount)
if (m_TerrainVerticesPerSide == 0) // do nothing if not initialised yet
std::vector<u16>& counts = m_LosPlayerCounts.at(owner);
// Lazy initialisation of counts:
if (counts.empty())
// Compute the circular region as a series of strips.
// Rather than quantise pos to vertexes, we do more precise sub-tile computations
// to get smoother behaviour as a unit moves rather than jumping a whole tile
// at once.
// Compute top/bottom coordinates, and clamp to exclude the 1-tile border around the map
// (so that we never render the sharp edge of the map)
i32 j0 = ((pos.Y - visionRange)/(int)CELL_SIZE).ToInt_RoundToInfinity();
i32 j1 = ((pos.Y + visionRange)/(int)CELL_SIZE).ToInt_RoundToNegInfinity();
i32 j0clamp = std::max(j0, 1);
i32 j1clamp = std::min(j1, m_TerrainVerticesPerSide-2);
entity_pos_t xscale = pos.X / (int)CELL_SIZE;
entity_pos_t yscale = pos.Y / (int)CELL_SIZE;
entity_pos_t rsquared = (visionRange / (int)CELL_SIZE).Square();
for (i32 j = j0clamp; j <= j1clamp; ++j)
// Compute values such that (i - x)^2 + (j - y)^2 <= r^2
// (TODO: is this sqrt slow? can we optimise it?)
entity_pos_t di = (rsquared - (entity_pos_t::FromInt(j) - yscale).Square()).Sqrt();
i32 i0 = (xscale - di).ToInt_RoundToInfinity();
i32 i1 = (xscale + di).ToInt_RoundToNegInfinity();
i32 i0clamp = std::max(i0, 1);
i32 i1clamp = std::min(i1, m_TerrainVerticesPerSide-2);
LosUpdateStripHelper(owner, i0clamp, i1clamp, j, amount, counts);
void LosAdd(i8 owner, entity_pos_t visionRange, CFixedVector2D pos)
if (visionRange.IsZero() || owner <= 0 || owner > MAX_LOS_PLAYER_ID)
LosUpdateHelper(owner, visionRange, pos, 1);
void LosRemove(i8 owner, entity_pos_t visionRange, CFixedVector2D pos)
if (visionRange.IsZero() || owner <= 0 || owner > MAX_LOS_PLAYER_ID)
LosUpdateHelper(owner, visionRange, pos, -1);
void LosMove(i8 owner, entity_pos_t visionRange, CFixedVector2D from, CFixedVector2D to)
if (visionRange.IsZero() || owner <= 0 || owner > MAX_LOS_PLAYER_ID)
// TODO: we could optimise this by only modifying tiles that changed
LosRemove(owner, visionRange, from);
LosAdd(owner, visionRange, to);